John Muise #fundie

[ A blurry photo of his "young fossil" ]

This is a fossil i found near my home in Nova Scotia, the Geology here is all igneous rock, so finding a fossil here is next to impossible. Unless fossils don't take long to form.

This fossil is of a leaf, actually to be more specific

A plant found here.

The biggest problem about this fossil is that its only a half fossil. Thats right only half of the leaf is fossilized, see the pieces missing ? i peeled them off with my finger, the other parts are solid rock, the parts peeled off look and feel like a dead leaf.

Millions of years i think not, in all truth, this fossil was "made" by me, i placed it in the perfect conditions and it fossilized in about 1 year.

This is more evidenace supporting a young earth.

[ How did you do it? ]

Around where i live we have many underground springs, pulling up minerals from the ground i simply placed a leaf on a rock and buried it near one of these springs piles on top of it heavy clay and forgot about it for a year, i dug it up a few weeks ago.

Its almost like that case abut the fossil acorns.



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