Laura Loomer & Various commenters #wingnut #racist

(Laura Loomer)
24 days left till the Florida Republican primary!

I’m campaigning 18 hours a day to get to DC to FIGHT for all of you.

The feckless, cowardly Republican Party establishment has given my opponent thousands of dollars to use against me even though he supported the 2nd impeachment of Donald Trump, skipped the vote on the bill that would have federalized our elections, and he doesn’t believe the election was stolen.

We must unseat him. Please donate $25 or more to my campaign today so we can FINISH WITH VICTORY!


I will never vote for a Jew. Not after how they treat Whites. They are horrible people.

@lauraloomer just what Jewmerica needs, another kike in Congress.

@lauraloomer don't support this Jewish transgender.

@lauraloomer I used to defend you from Nazis but you got spotted with freemason will not survive your father....he lies to all including his own...Christ is your only chance.

@lauraloomer you're done kike...hit the showers with Milo for some ass play and have a nice long soak at the mikvah...tranny garbage.

Synagogue of satan this cunt is

@lauraloomer Democrat, Republican
you are ALL servants of Jews and you ALL need to be hanged

A transgender Jew - you are perfect fit with our current clown government 🤡

@lauraloomer no trannies. Period. And no jews either.

@lauraloomer sorry we don't need more jews in position of power in this country.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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