Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

The US Corporation really did go bankrupt earlier this month and what we have been watching on our so-called news is corporate theatrical performances. The evidence for this is clear.
Asian secret society sources explain the attempt to use Taiwanese and Thai royal gold to keep the US Corporation going has been stopped. That is why exports to the US have been stopped. They say they will restart trade if Donald Trump is made public president again. This has been promised before July 4th, but don’t believe it until you see it. We have heard this story before, so let us see if it really happens this time.
The “Trump indictment” is clearly part of a sophisticated campaign -by his Rothschild/Harriman backers- to take down the Rockefeller “Joe Biden” avatar. By creating a legal precedent with trump they can now go after “Biden”. That is why corporate media widely reported Congressional hearings about how Biden accepted “$5 million in bribes.”-simultaneously with the Trump indictment.
We talked to the creator of the Quantum Financial System who explained “An awful lot of people owe an awful lot of money and they want to kick the can down the road, The yield on the sovereign bonds is artificial. The T bills don’t have any value; they are money laundering. Everyone goes to the 18th floor [at BIS headquarters] in Basle [to get their fake money]. The cartel is the Rothschild family. This entire geopolitical landscape is all families refusing to give up their territory.”
Next, we notice King Charles has gone to Transylvania -the home of his ancestor Vlad the Impaler aka Dracula- “on a walking holiday” without his wife. This came immediately after he was caught forging documents to keep the KM show in Ukraine in business.

Another high-profile person to now officially vanish is George Soros. We know he has been gone for a long time but now the corporate media is acknowledging his son Alex has taken over.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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