FOTY 2020 vote #announcement blog

And, it's that time again? No, not for the ice capades, but to vote for the Fundies of the Year 2020.

To vote, just copy the following list of categories, paste it into your comment field and fill in the blanks:

Religious fundie of the year:
Wingnut of the year:
Moonbat of the year:
Conspiracy theorist of the year:
Ableist of the year:
Racist of the year:
Sexist of the year:
Mammon-worshipper of the year:
Psycho of the year:
Homophobe/Transphobe of the year:
Pedo of the year:

COVIDiot quote of the year:
Funniest quote:
Jack Chick Memorial Award for worst artist:
One-liner of the year:
Magnetic crank award:

Website of the year:
Quote submitter of the year:
Troll of the year:
Commenter of the year:

And here are the nominees:

Religious fundie of the year:

- Apotheism: "By subversion of religion, sub-lunar forces (daemons) deceive souls so that they never reunite with the gods."
- Church of Cyprus: "blasphemy to think holy communion could spread viruses"
- Hausawa Filin Hockey upper-Sharia court, Inspector Aminu Yargoje, Idris Ibrahim and unnamed rioters: "A Nigerian Sharia court in Kano sentenced a 22-year-old gospel singer to death by hanging for alleged blasphemy in a song the singer wrote and circulated on WhatsApp."
- David J. Stewart: "I'm not some religious nut, I'm a normal person."

Wingnut of the year:

- Donald Trump
- Lieutenant Curt Hall: “the very first essential for success is a perpetually constant and regular employment of violence.”
- Based Frog: "Oppression of Most People is Actually Good"
- Jim Lacey: "I contend that Scrooge, before he became 'enlightened,' was already doing more to help his fellow man than any of the other main characters we meet in A Christmas Carol. Moreover, by giving away a substantial portion of his accumulated fortune, he drastically reduced his ability to do even more good in the world."
- Christian Lüth: "The worse it goes for Germany, the better for the AfD"
- Strong One: "Nothing is gonna get better, everything is gonna get worst. Stop coping with this Beta uprising nonsense."
- Attila Hildmann and followers: "Hitler was a blessing in comparison to Merkel the Communist"
- Ron Ewart: "We call this solution, the 'Bullets of Freedom' and we offer this solution with a heavy heart."
- Salustio: "Every sane man deserve a JB"
- TheIncelRepublic: "Anyone just want to live in a total utopia patriarchy?"
- CrackingYs: "[Serious] A new Nationalist Socialist Dictatorship will be the saviour of incels and of our decaying society"
- Mike Huckabee: "[Donald Trump] could personally suck the virus out of every one of the 60,000 people in the world and suck it out of their lungs, swim to the bottom of the ocean and spit it out, and he would be accused of pollution for messing up the ocean, if he did that. There is nothing this President can do that will ever satisfy the people who hate him more than they hate the coronavirus."
- diggerfortruth: "10 Reasons why Hitler was one of the Good Guys"
- EvolaDidNothingWrong: "If breathing air was a socialist policy then yes we would all have to stop breathing air."
- Miroslav Škoro: "I will fight for the sanctity of the Homeland War, which must be elevated to the holiest place in Croatian history."
- Fraternal Order of Police: "A now-viral video of the confrontation shows officers throw Young and the teenager to the ground and then grab the toddler from the back seat. The scene was captured by Aapril Rice, who watched it unfold from her rooftop and told the Philadelphia Inquirer that watching a police officer take the baby was 'surreal' and 'traumatic.'"

Moonbat of the year:

- Gary Yourofsky: "Herbivores are the ONLY evolved species on the planet."
- wisepoetry: "You see so many white kids at high school or college who are proud to be able to speak Spanish."
- Commie Wave: "Stalin committed evil dictatorship by tryingnto resign multiple times, being refused by the politburo and forced to stay in power, by having no money and only one pair of boots upon his death, and by turning the Soviet Union from an agricultural backwater to the world’s premier industrial power, but sure no he was just an ebil authoritarian, says orwell, the man who ratted out every leftist to the british government, and who was just a fucking police asset"
- fitonkpo: "Yes. Businesses always get theirs. One day, the revolution will happen, and every businessman will get theirs in the guillotine."
- Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist): "this congress declares that obsession with identity politics, including sexual politics, is anti-Marxian"
- Ben Norton: "In addition to being a gov snitch, fraud George Orwell spent WWII demonizing the USSR as it defeated Nazism"
- YEAST: "If the DPRK is so oppressive, how do they remain stable, with no uprising whatsoever"?
- Adunaiii: "From my point of view, even a sentence in a DPRK prison holds greater meaning and brings greater happiness than any 'free' life outside Juche Korea."

Conspiracy theorist of the year:

- Lin Wood: "It all seemed so clear we overlooked one of the main participants in the theft of the election: THE REPUBLICANS."
- JerseyPine: "The White Adamic children of today DON'T stand a chance. When they are born, vaccines containing doses of xx (females) are given to little boys, while little girls are given doses of xy (males). This HELPS these young children right from the start THINK they should be the opposite gender that they are actually born."
- Lyle Zapato: "Black Helicopters (BH) are not just helicopters with a black paint-job as you may have been told. They are, in fact, autonomous agents -- lifeforms -- created by New World Order (NWO) agencies via nanobiotechnology."
- Edmund_Kemper: "he claims to have a wife. jfl i bet he doesn't. he's probably just some dumb 20 year old pretending to be in his 30s"
- Andrew Anglin: "Are the Dangers of Heterosexual STDs Massively Exaggerated to Prevent White Reproduction?"

Ableist of the year:

- Michael Alan: "I Wish My Kids Had Cancer: A Family Surviving the Autism Epidemic"
- Nobodysfool777: "Feeding our lesser offspring to animals would serve several beneficial purposes."
- ♡ CRIMEA RIVER ♡ (targeted): "Disabled people should be taking this month instead to thank all of US for putting up with their useless, crippled asses."
- Encyclopedia Dramatica: "Little Juliana is missing 30-40 percent of the bones in her face, so she can't bite down if you decide to rape her in the mouth, if for some reason you would want to stick your dick into a face that looks like it has been through a garbage disposal."
- OnlyTheGhosts: "Your 'aspie' community is nothing but nerdy folks tricked by the media and medical quackery."
- Whitney Ellenby: “Autism Uncensored: Pulling Back The Curtains”

Racist of the year:

- Vasily Kukushkin: "Der Sieg: 1944 is the propagandist national-socialist computer game."
- Spartacus: "I don’t think most Australians really celebrate the genocide aspect, but they should."
- Just me and Jesus: "If anything, it’s you black trash who are the 'subhumans'."
- Anonymous: "Do Allied WWII soldiers deserve our respect?"
- Billyape Pride: "It's been said that an infinite number of monkeys pounding away at an infinite number of typewriters would eventually produce the works of William Shakespeare. But could this ever happen with niggers?"
- Counter Semite: "Jewish neighbors! They are the worst."

Sexist of the year:

- jerrycan dan: "Your looksmatch is actually fucking dogs and dog dildos."
- Andrew Anglin: “You will never fix this Pakistani sex problem as long as you refuse to whip the girls involved, and permanently brand them on their faces with something that marks them as having been a whore for Pakis”
- Shree Sahajanand Girls Institute: “College students living in a hostel in the western Indian state of Gujarat have complained that they were made to strip and show their underwear to female teachers to prove that they were not menstruating”
- Andrew Anglin: "France: Slut Uprising at High Schools as Dirty Whores Demand a Right to Wear Hooker Clothes in Class"
- Mullappally Ramachandran: "Woman with self respect would kill herself if she were raped"
- Whisper: "You’ve heard this before. And you know it ain’t so. Because if you have been doing this a while, you have often heard 'no', and eventually gotten to 'yes, please', and even 'harder, daddy'."
- goydivision: "A woman without arms or legs is an ideal girl."
- Ethan Huff: "The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is in the throes of celebrating Christina Koch, who’s become the latest woman astronaut to spend the longest time in space. But what’s the point of celebrating her achievement now that a biological man who thinks he’s a 'woman' can just sweep on in and claim the new record?"
- Murdoch89 and Edmund_Kemper: "Swede deserves to get gang raped"
- Andrew Anglin: "Women deserve to be drowned in cages."
- Romello Gaghan 2: "cheating is the alpha thing to do if you're a man"
- reddituser39682: "Why are men literally so obsessed with their rape worms? Imagine how much better society would be if males had their sperm harvested at one time, stored, and then they were all castrated."
- Alexander Stavropoulos: "Stavropoulos told police that he likes 'white women,' but was angry with them because they 'won't f--k me.' He wanted to 'get laid,' but couldn't, and it made him 'want to kill, for some reason. I just don't know why.'"

Mammon-worshipper of the year:

- Kambiz Golshani (inventor), Islamic Revolution Guards Corps and presstv (promoters): "a new technology that enables the detection and diagnosis of the new coronavirus within a 100-meter radius in just seconds"
- Temple of the Vampire: "I know that my beliefs in Ritual are fantasy but the magic is real,"
- John Anthony: "What if you could make a hot stripper, bartender or model your girlfriend or personal sex slave?"
- Tim Tony Stark Rifat (1): "Orgasm… Sublime Good® Bone Generator®"
- derasa: "I hereby use this media to inform you, that our company can clean out black deface currency, (stained money) bank notes,"
- Krana Rajan, Parvathi and Kumaresan: "Kalakkad police have nabbed three persons, including a tantrik (black magician), for allegedly attempting to offer human sacrifice to retrieve buried treasure."
- Barbie Garrett: "Astarte’s Slut Water: Elixir to unleash your 'inner slut'"

Psycho of they year:

- Anonymous: “(((Greatest Generation))) gets the bullet too“
- Raye Johnson: "Experience: I paid to have my daughter kidnapped"
- realtsuke: "I disagree with the concept of war crimes entirely."
- frustratedhapa: "[LifeFuel] My brother is in the hospital dying"
- CrackingYs: "[LifeFuel] Amanda Todd, the teenage girl who was cyberbullied into committing suicide by drinking bleach"
- Cancel: "The younger the victim, the less it should matter"
- Iamnothere000: "Sexual trafficking is the real incel rebellion / beta uprising."
- metabuxx: "Every hole should be circumcised at birth"
- Wristlet 2: "Ted Bundy did nothing wrong"
- RREEEEEEEEE: "Mother, daughter killed for honor in South Punjab. This is the kind of news that makes me proud to be a Pakistani."

Homophobe/Transphobe of the year:

- Six unnamed Jakarta vigilantes: The North Jakarta Police have charged a group of men who allegedly burned a 42-year-old transgender woman to death with aggravated assault.
- Smokety: "They should be persecuted on the spot. Kill them"
- Ask_If_Im_A_Cactus: "As a perpetual optimist, I’d like to point out that the suicide rate for post-op trannies is high— so this could be immigration control with extra steps"
- Impaled Nazarene: "Why should we tolerate pansy faggot shit"
- J.K. Rowling: "last December I tweeted my support for Maya Forstater, a tax specialist who’d lost her job for what were deemed ‘transphobic’ tweets. She took her case to an employment tribunal, asking the judge to rule on whether a philosophical belief that sex is determined by biology is protected in law. Judge Tayler ruled that it wasn’t."
- catatonicLlama: "I am Venus / With a penis"
- JJP158mk2: "ok lets hit 55% so we can say majority of transgenders kill themselves so we can declare transgenderism a deadly mental disorder"
- Sparrow’s Song: "The show is actually Jewish propaganda designed to convince incels to go gay."

Pedo of the year:

- Lolimon: “Up until 5 years old no actual penetration would be allowed (including anal), but little girls under 5 could give blowjobs and get their tiny little pussies rubbed.”
- Caamib: “Jeffrey Epstein took teen girls from modern Western culture, a culture where all women are doomed to become sluts…and he just encouraged them to become official prostitutes”
- Teah Vincent“A MUM cleared over sex with a 14-year-old boy today said she wants to see HIM punished - but insisted: "I'm not evil" in an online rant“
- Nathan Larson aka Leucosticte and Jim: "These days, incest may be the only chance of ensuring that one's daughter will be deflowered by a man who truly loves her and is committed to her."

COVIDiot quote of the year:

- Anonymous: "Flatten the curve is an elite joke and it refers to the population curve, not the curve of the virus."
- My 200 Cents: "Now if we can just have a judge cancel our own dicktator's edicts here in Texas, Covidiot Masskhole Gov. Gwreck A-Butt."
- Henry Makow PhD: "As Illuminati insider Leonard Cohen said, I have seen the future and it is murder."

Funniest quote:

- Anonymous: "Imagine seeing those 5 young ladies exploring their supple young bodies nude on a king sized bed."
- David J. Stewart (1): "I'm not some religious nut, I'm a normal person."
- Sadness: Submitter's note: This is an older thread I stumbled across today and I had to submit it for the hilarious gender mix up
- Rosalind: "Jump To Fight Cancer"
- David J. Stewart (2): "Could you imagine being a soldier in World War II, fighting as an American against the invading communists from the north to defend Korea? And while fighting one of your peer soldiers is going around selling BB guns, convincing many soldiers to trade in their powerful M16 rifle for a child's play BB gun instead?"
- Leo Lyon Zagami: "Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 6.66: The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics "

Jack Chick Memorial Award for worst artist:

- “Bobby” Colonel-Knight-Rider: "CLOSED DUE TO FEARVIRUS"
- Aubrey Huff: Image depicts a stick figure man lying on his back in a reclining chair while three stick figure women surround him. The first woman is fanning him, the second women is holding a bunch of grapes, and the third women is grabbing the man’s left foot.

One-liner of the year:

- Donald J. Trump “President Trump has done many great things (biggest tax & regulation cuts in history, Space Force, rebuilding our military, fixing the V.A., the Wall), but perhaps the most important of all will be what he is doing now, exposing the massive corruption in our Electoral Process.”
- Dr Mahathir Mohamad: “Muslims have a right to be angry and to kill millions of French people for the massacres of the past”
- Anonymous: "Lebensraum denial, like Holocaust denial, is a Jewish tactic used to discredit post-war National Socialists and make them seem like pussies afraid of their predecessors' success."
- Anonymous: “I wish the holocaust happened. I wish that every day”

Magnetic crank award:

- Alouicious Jackson: "The Great Cataclysm affected the outer planets first. The mythological stories of Mars, Venus, etc. were actually descriptions of these planets being struck by extraterrestrial objects."
- Based Frog: “Oppression of Most People is Actually Good”
- Adunaiii: "This way, I am philosophically fascist, authoritarian - all men and women in Juche Korea work for the betterment of their entire nation. Even the lowliest job is important."
- Billy Morgan: “The best kept secret of the esoteric grades of Freemasonry is ritual sodomy”
- Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey: “Nations Need Kings According to the Mind and Example of Christ the King”

Website of the year:


Quote submitter of the year:

- @rabbirealm
- <@Why?>

Troll of the year:

- @Nomates
- @NoLockdowns

Commenter of the year:

- @Vman
- @Passerby

Notes on how these items were selected

- To be eligible for vote, the comment nominating the quote needed to either be starred, or have a second comment nominating the same thing.

- The category needed to have more than one quote eligible for it. That left out "Anti-BLM Quote of the Year," which only had the "Black Lives Splatter" quote, Poet Loonerate, which only had Bennett Lee Ross, and Most Disturbing Quote, which only had Whitney Elleby.

- The category also needed more than one commenter to suggest quotes for it. That left out Elitist and Crackpot, which were only submitted by Bast and JeanP.

- Duplicates from psycho with other categories were removed, because there were so many...



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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