godofPH #fundie kaijuphile.com

Oh God...my image of a perfect world...most likely so right wing and comservative that it would make an atheist cry. Imagine my perfect world's differing point being around the mid 1900s, when Christianity was still a major way of life but other things competing were Christianity were starting to take hold. Now imagine those things competing with Christianity being wiped away. As History progresses along, the US relies on the Bible for its decisions, instead of arguing pointlessly among politicians. No Roe v. Wade in the 70's. No early 90's tolerance crap. No Seperation of Church and State! crap in the new millenium.

My world, technologically, would not be much different than today. I'm not saying to throw out science, for I believe that science is the process of opening doors and finding evidence of God's work behind every one. I have nothing against using science and medicine to help people either, as long as one life is not involunarily taken to save another *cough*embryonic stem cells*cough*.

And yes, the Sanctity of Life would be upheld to the utmost degree in my world. Abortion would be illegal in all cases, I don't care if you were raped, the child shouldn't have to pay for the sins of the father. Only in cases where carrying the pregnancy full term would result in the deaths of both the mother and the child would I allow that ghastly procedure, but only after several doctors have confirmed this. I seriously do not believe in taking one life for the convenience of another, especially a life that cannot fight back or resist.

Ah yes, this sounds unjust. However, I seriously believe in the concepts of "Eye for an Eye" and "Do the crime, do the time." So yes, my world would have capital punishment. Your punishment would be equal to the pain caused by your crime. You kill somebody, you get killed back. You kill 2 people, than you get tortured to within an inch of your life, and then killed. You go on a mass murdering/rape spree that leaves dozens of people dead in your wake, then by God you will feel every bit of pain you caused to the people and the families of the people you killed, then you die. In fact, I wouldn't mind going back to execution methods like hanging and stoning. Stoning especially in the cases of high profile criminals that caused much pain, and have the victims/family of victims/friends of victims casting the stones.

So yes, theres my perfect world. Now to await the criticism from the left.



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