Mr. Coulter #fundie

[In response to a news article about the US bombing a Muslim school with children still in the school]

*sniff* They never had a chance to blow themselves up *sniff* Oh, oh, the humanity. *sniff* Al-Zwahari School of Homocide Bombing and Cultic Brainwashing (al-Zwahari affectionately refers to it as, Alma-Mater) gone forever. Oh, *sniff*, Boo-Hoo! Well, here is some comfort,*sniff* for ya, think of all the virgins they got waiting for them-"payment in full".

['How you can joke about the killing of CHILDREN and still consider yourself a Christian is beyond me!']

Hey, you sit here and snivvle about something you know ZERO about. If you think those 'kids' are coloring pictures, reading "see spot run" think again. Your spoiled existance mirroring other people's behavior after us is getting dillusional. You think I cant find passages in the Bible where Israel was told to exterminate their ENTIRE mortal enemies, men, women, children? Guess what they(Israel) did? They spared the women and children, only to have those children grow up and come after them with even greater vengence. A little baby alligator will grow up into an......ALIGATOR.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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