Socrates #wingnut

(Mod here: removed what seemed to be unneeded bolding bits)

Did you know that president Donald Trump can legally use military force against left-wing extremists, such as “antifa” groups? He can. All he has to do is declare violent leftist groups to be “domestic terrorists” — which they already are, as shown by their own violent actions (they usually assault police, for example). By the way, Trump has mentioned labeling them as just that. Using such military force against leftists would accomplish several good things, e.g., the leftist terrorists would be held in military jails and subjected to military law and military judges, which would make it unlikely that they would be quickly released by some liberal, Jewish judge, as often happens in the civilian courts. In other words, Trump could easily copy South America’s Operation Condor program right here in America (granted, Trump’s program would have to be less violent than that).



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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