Unknown #fundie movieguide.org

(On "The Force Awakens")

Above all, though, the movie’s biggest problem has nothing to do with bad storytelling or bad filmmaking, or even a better climax. Far from it! The biggest problem is that the movie has a very strong New Age pagan worldview promoting impersonal Eastern monism, a worldview that, ultimately, is irrational and warrants strong caution. (...)

(...)All in all, therefore, STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS is clearly one of the better popcorn movies of the year. However, despite its strong moral elements and lightly conservative, but strong, opposition to totalitarian bullies, THE FORCE AWAKENS has a strong New Age pagan worldview overall.

For instance, the movie has a couple mystical moments where characters establish an emotional connection to the Force or through it. In regard to the infamous Force, the movie also promotes modern monism, a New Age theology claiming that there’s a universal, but impersonal, energy or “Force” that is part of everything and surrounds everyone. This is typical STAR WARS mythology. However, in THE FORCE AWAKENS, it’s suggested a couple times that there must be a “balance” not only in the Force but also between the “good side” and the “dark side” of the Force. This is Non-Christian Eastern monism and moral dualism.

In this light, it’s interesting to note that these lines in the movie logically contradict the rest of the story, which clearly and strongly says the good must defeat and overcome, if not destroy, the dark side. The movie also suggests, in a redemptive way, that characters who succumb to the dark side can actually redeem themselves by rejecting the dark side and coming into the light. That’s not really “balance.” It also reflects an ethical monotheistic theology, not a monistic, pantheistic one where morality is “maya,” or an illusion.

Thus, Christians, and especially Christian parents and grandparents, should teach their children and other people about the logical contradictions and irrational mysticism of the STAR WARS movies, including THE FORCE AWAKENS. They should also note how such New Age thinking differs from the ethical monotheism and redemption of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the enlightenment and divine fellowship or communion that comes from a personal relationship with Jesus and from the power of the Holy Spirit.

MOVIEGUIDE® recommends people focus on the positive moral and redemptive content or messages in STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS. Strong or extreme caution is warranted when it comes to the movie’s confused, impersonal, pagan monism. Christians have a better, more personal “Force” – our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who created everything and redeems us and comes to us through the personal, divine power of the Holy Spirit.

Parents please teach your children to be media wise. A great way to learn how to teach them to keep the faith and be media-wise is by reading THE CULTURE-WISE FAMILY®.



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