DoomedSibyl, pennygadget & MiMi2013 #transphobia

Senate fails to overturn Biden's plan to withhold lunch aid from schools that don't let boys use girls' bathrooms | The Post Millennial |

( DoomedSibyl )
This is just a travesty. I have no idea how I’m going to vote in the next election. An Ovarit poster made an argument recently that reproductive freedom was of more immediate importance to women than the issues surrounding trans activism. I was pondering that because above all I want to do what is best for women as a class. But the TRAs are erasing women in language and in law too and that seems like a huge deal to me and one that affects our ability to fight for reproductive rights.

Now the supposed left is attacking children and their ability to eat. I can’t believe that this isn’t widely known. It’s demoralizing.

( pennygadget )
I believe the trans thing is a more immediate threat than reproductive rights. Like you said, if we cannot even legally define ourselves, how can we fight for abortion access and other female specific issues?

We're already seeing organizations like NARAL and Planned Parenthood change how they operate in order to serve TIPs. We saw Katanji Brown-Jackson (Biden's SCOTUS nominee) cower like a frightened animal when asked to define "woman" and to specify if abortion is a women's issue. I honestly believe that Biden would federally outlaw abortion tomorrow if a bunch of TIMs marched into his office and cried that abortion is transphobic because they can't have one.

If we don't nip this gender bullshit in the bud, abortion access will be the least of our problems

( MiMi2013 )
I saw that comment, and I one hundred percent disagree : How many times a day does a female need an abortion-? How many times a day does she need to piss or shit-? Putting predatory men in women's spaces puts women at perpetual, daily risk, to the point that I can imagine so many atrocities that eventually, women will feel they have no choice but decide to forego education and employment, which may be precisely why the One Percent is so eager to degrade the daughters of the 99 percent so viciously.



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