FreedomResponsibility #fundie

["Earth is not a closed system...Sun"]

Semantics - depends on how you define "closed" system. Earth only?, Solar System only? Galaxy?Universe? Everything? You can play the game by saying nothing is closed, which i think you are trying to do. But, you still can't reverse the 2nd Law.

So, again like Munck's logic, if the earth is not a "closed" system, then the 2nd Law doesn't apply here, and we would expect to find it violated often. We never do. I would be very interested in examples of where the 2nd Law is violated regularly. Show me the 100%+ efficient engine. It does not exist. If it doesn't exist in simple, inantimate, unintelligent objects, the evolutionist make the jump to say that it happens in geometrically far more complex living organisms? That is folly.

You can argue semantics, but you can't argue the 2nd Law. We did not descend from apes, priordial soup bowls of amino acids, from other lower life forms. It's complete and utter foolishness. That belief diminishes the nobility of man, and denegrates our God, and takes people away from, not toward, salvation. It's a convenient doctrine to allow men to do whatever they want, with no consequences eternally. But the 2nd Law will get reversed one day - by Power. Christ came, and gained the power to reverse the 2nd Law, to save us from the effects of this terrible Law.



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