Larry Wood #fundie

(Fundie wants to rename the planets of the solar system)

Scientist have identified nine planets. But if we stick with our viewpoint, "the heavens and the earth," then there are eight planets and the Earth. There are two planets near the Sun; the Earth; asteroid belt; and six planets. Thus, from the vantage point of Earth, there are the Sunward planets and the heavenward planets. The planets have no light of their own but reflect the light of the Sun. So, as the Sun shines on the planets they reflect its glory and each one reveals a different aspect of the person and work of Christ. Through the planets we have monuments to the Lord Jesus Christ that glorify the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth.

The Sunward planets represent the two advents of Christ. He came the first time, born of a virgin, and went to the cross. This advent represents the incarnation of Christ, the Savior. He will return at the a second time for the Church (also called the Rapture) and a second time to deliver Israel at the end of the Tribulation (Second Advent) to set up the Millennial Kingdom. In Numbers 24:17 the "star of Jacob" represents Jesus Christ in the First Advent; and the "scepter of Israel" represents Jesus Christ in the Second Advent (the King of the Millennium).

A star shall come forth from Jacob,
And a scepter shall rise from Israel, (Numbers 24:17)

Then there is the Earth. We can't see the Earth as a planet while standing on it. We have to go into outer space and pretend we are God in order to view it as a planet. The Earth is the focus of the Angelic Conflict. This is where it is all happening. As Shakespeare said, "All the world is a stage, and we are players on it."

Then the Asteroid Belt gives us a clue of the natural division of the Solar System - i.e. the heavenward planets are separated from the Sunward planets. Beyond the Asteroids are the planets that reveal the person of Christ. I have renamed them to glorify their Creator and to reveal their true meaning. The names after the gods are Satanic. I refuse to use them for anything other than reference for the mad scientists. There true identify is:

The Red Planet - the cross, Christ our Sacrifice
The Almighty God - Sovereign authority over all Creation, Victory of the Cross
The Ringed Planet - God of the Covenants
The Mediator - Mediator of the Covenants between God and Man
The Redeemer - Redeemer from the Slavery of Sin
The Last Adam - Perfect Humanity of Christ



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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