Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut creators.com

The people who are purposely leaving the border open, allowing America to be overrun by an invasion of barbarians sent by our enemies... that will either bankrupt us all and collapse our economy under a mountain of debt... or kill our children with drug overdoses... or kill us all with disease... or just murder us.

Are the exact same people giving billions of dollars to Iran to fund terrorism all over the world — including monies used to savagely mass-murder Jews and even Jewish babies in Israel?

And anyone with a brain knows that because of the open border we will soon be experiencing terrible terror attacks right here in the USA.

The thing is...

We know exactly who is doing these terrible, evil, unimaginable things to America- Joe Biden (and his boss Obama) and the Democrat Party.

Why would anyone allow this? Why would anyone commit both these heinous acts at the same time?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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