Lauren Chen & various commenters #wingnut #racist

( Lauren Chen )
No special interest group is off-limits for jokes.

Offended? Then don't laugh, change the channel, and move on.

Go ask the trans lobby how trying to censor Dave Chappelle went for them.

spoilerWe shouldn't expect
to serve as
society's moral compass, but
disturbing to see
@nbcsnl not
just normalize but popularize
Why are Jewish
sensitivities denied or diminished
at almost every turn? Why does
our trauma trigger applause?

( @DMark2137 )
@thelaurenchen "The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes You" - Old Polish Proverb

( @Gibson2480 )
@thelaurenchen šŸ‘Œ

( @Stinkyjoe2021 )
dear black folks , so far heā€™s trying to cancel another black man.,

( @USAirForceVet )

( @jbwilson24 )
@thelaurenchen Not quite sure how they can complain about diminished sensibilities when they overrun us with holocaust propaganda at every opportunity. Does this dolt not realize that Canada just made holocaust skepticism illegal?

( @JoeBarrackOBiden )
@jbwilson24 @thelaurenchen That what these turds want everywhere. Why is that the only piece of history you cannot question ? The Holodomor was way worse. And communist Joos did that.

( @WhiteWellBeing )
@JoeBarrackOBiden @jbwilson24 @thelaurenchen They don't want us questioning it because it is an outrageous lie that jews have turned into a cash cow.

( @I_Am_Sand_X )
@thelaurenchen This fucking kike is really starting to get on my nerves...

( @Annon559 )
@thelaurenchen I think the jews have way more pull than the fags..

( @jbwilson24 )
@Annon559 @thelaurenchen The trick with that one is that they are almost one and the same. There's a good book out there by Thaddeus Russell (leftist historian) on how the gay rights movement was pretty much all Jewish.

( @St_Goy )
@thelaurenchen Because we know what your end game is for us-enslavement, or death.



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