Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut creators.com

Now It's Official. I Know it, You Know it. Everyone Knows It. Trump's Georgia Indictment is the Final Proof the 2020 Election Was Stolen

Folks, now you know it. I know it. Everyone with a brain knows it. Even Democrats (deep down) know it. The 2020 election was stolen. The debate is over.

How do I know? Because both the feds and Georgia just indicted our former President Donald Trump for talking about, questioning and trying to investigate a stolen election. When the communist thugs, bullies and tyrants make it a crime to question a stolen election, in a country built around free speech, it's 100% proof they stole the election.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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