Miah #fundie bible-knowledge.com

Hi there. this is my testimony. When I was 16 I had a group of guy friends who all played ouija at the graveyard. I refused to do it since my parents were christians and have warned me against it since i was young. I was at a troubling time that time of my life and had fallen out of school and dated one of the guys. that was a perfect way for satan to take hold of my life. he likes it when we are weak and lonely, because then we fall for temptation and anything that makes us feel good. I have been using drugs since i was 14, but after they all played ouija, things changed for the worst. We all got infected with some kind of mark that looked like an infection. medical salves and stuff couldnt remove the mark. mine was on my back, my boyfriends near his privates. We started using more drugs and became very different.

The following changes took place in me after the ouija incident – and after i had started sleeping with my boyfriend:

My clothes changed, I started wearing baggy and ripped clothes, I only wore black. My hair was a mess and my nails chipped, I looked ghastly. Before I wore color and cared about how I looked. – next to God comes cleanliness.

My personality changed. I became very quiet and reserved. I was very mean and aggressive. I hated my parents and cursed all the time. I was angry all the time and felt sorry for myself. I no longer laughed and was depressed all the time.

I was sexually promiscuous. Me and my boyfriend had a lot of sex and I watched a lot of pornography, I engaged in masturbation almost twice or more a day. I was kind of obsessed with sex, our whole relationship was based on sex.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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