Isaac and Yaacov C #conspiracy

[On the San Bernadino shooting]

Isaac: Another day another DRILL - hoax.... Just like the Sandy Hook and Columbine drills reported as real.... nobody died nobody hurt.... Google this for your proof.... Wellaware1 .... And take back your mind and soul you have given to these LIARS.

[On why french media are reporting one shooters name as Saeed Farook, and US media is allegedly not]

Yaacov: matrix; how it happens is: our Secret Service is subject to the phony in chief, and the news media; Controlled by leftist, progressives, cover and/or ignore truth and common sense.If it doesn't fit their agenda, they shuffle the truth to the back page; if they display it at all.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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