Trinidad & Tobago #fundie

I think im speaking for most of us here when I say I am tired of living in a country that promotes sin and a satanic lifestyle. I was not born a christian only to have some godless person try to instill their beliefs on me or my family. Something needs to change. If we are to win the war on terror then we need to get everyone on the right side. Why dont we see any Christification camps? Children should be taught the Truth of Christ at a young age so that they cannot grow up believing in satan...

I understand why Bush has been divinely inspired by the Lord Jesus Christ, because only he understands the perils that our country and Christian Citizens of the United States face on a daily basis. The inherit threat of the mohammedons must cease, and we must be able to live our lives without fear of being killed in the name of Satan(allah). I think we need to have Christification camps open up through the country, requiring mandatory attendance for people who chose to believe in false religions. This is a real threat we are facing and we need to take it very seriously...



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