Craig #racist

If blacks in both Canada and the United States feel that it takes a pretty white girl/woman for there to be attention drawn to gun violence.....they are right!!! How many gangs of white teenagers are running around shooting blacks? How many whites are there driving into the ghetto robbing blacks? Something like this shocks the senses of "white Canada/US". This senseless murder is not something whites accept, where as in the "black community" it is the cost of doing business. Black on black crime happens daily...just ask any large police dept. It hurts them the same when this type of crime happens to them but they are to blame (raise your children right and stop blaming me!!). I can write for hours why I think this is the case, but the main reason is apathy. However, when Jane was needlessly gunned down by a black the "white community" was outraged and let it be known. The only time you see the black community is outraged is when they and there so called leaders (Sharpton-Jackson) feel thet the "man" has committed an offense. Such as, a white policeman shooting a black in self-defense....
Needless to say, I'm fed up with the double standard that has invaded society the past 30 years....minorities can say and do what they please, but whites have to be tolerate and accept their constant fellings of outrage... get over it!!!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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