
Chris Palle #fundie chrispalle.com

I’m further befuddled that most political leftists want to play the freedom-of-choice card to live their lives and insist we let their individual choice reign, yet they’re all about indoctrinating our youth with a theory to the exclusion of lessons in hope, faith, and love – true love. (just a couple byproducts to which learning and believing Creationism will lead— and that’s harmful how?)

Chris Palle #fundie chrispalle.com

"It’s me and my wife’s anniversary, but it’s Charles Darwin’s birthday as well and 2009 marks the 200th year for the man who brought us wonderful works such as the Descent of Man which provided the backdrop for Eugenics (kill ‘em if they ain’t smart enough) which became Planned Parenthood (kill ‘em if they inconvenience you)."