
John McTernan #fundie #homophobia #conspiracy defendproclaimthefaith.org

God is systematically destroying America. Just look at what has happened this year.

There was an incredible heatwave and drought that destroyed massive amounts of the crops. This drought has not let up and now covers about 65 percent of the country.

The drought triggered record forest fires in the West.

The East was not affected by the drought, but now the most powerful hurricane on record is heading directly towards Philadelphia and New York City. It could do catastrophic damage to the entire Northeast!

If you add the area of the drought and now the hurricane together, it would be about 80 percent of the country! As I said, the Holy God of Israel is systematically destroying America right before our eyes.

Just last August, Hurricane Isaac hit New Orleans seven years later, on the exact day of Hurricane Katrina. Both hit during the week of the homosexual event called Southern Decadence in New Orleans!

Hurricane Sandy is hitting 21 years to the day of the Perfect Storm of October 30, 1991. I write about this in my book as America Has Done to Israel. This was the day that President George Bush Sr. initiated the Madrid Peace Process to divide the land of Israel, including Jerusalem. America has been under God’s judgment since this event. Both of these hurricanes were cause by freakish weather patterns that came together to create

Twenty-one years breaks down to 7 x 3, which is a significant number with God. Three is perfection as the Godhead is three in one while seven is perfection.

It appears that God gave America 21 years to repent of interfering with His prophetic plan for Israel; however, it has gotten worse under all the presidents and especially Obama. Obama is 100 percent behind the Muslim Brotherhood which has vowed to destroy Israel and take Jerusalem. Both candidates are pro-homosexual and are behind the homosexual agenda. America is under political judgment and the church does not know it!

With all of this, there is almost zero repentance by the church: zero! The fear of God has disappeared from His people. The church in America is now EXACTLY like ancient Israel before the Babylonians destroyed them. Both ancient Israel and the modern American church completely lost the fear of God.

On blog talk radio, a handful of us have been crying out to the Lord in repentance and mercy on the land along with an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on us.

TomE #fundie defendproclaimthefaith.org

Barack Tutankhaman Obama

(King Tut)
(King Tut)
Now when he was a young man, he never thought he’d see.
(King Tut)

Himself to grow up to be the US President and rule over you and me!
(King Tut)

People stand in line to worship their boy messiah,
he want’s people to bow down to him–Iran’s next Ayatollah!
(King Tut)

Pharoah likes planned abortion; say’s he’s pro-choice,
easy thing to say cuz the unborn doesn’t have a voice!
(King Tut)

He likes to promote homo’s, put them in the military,
his goal is for personal jihad with an all pink Army!
(King Tut)

Now the man-of-sin is a sight to see, limp-wristed ruler from behind he likes to lead!
(King Tut)

Born in arrid Kenya, schooled in liberal california, lives in duh White House made of fine granite stone-uh!
(King Tut)

In His Service,

John Mcternan #fundie defendproclaimthefaith.org

(a news report about Russian underpopluation)
This is the end result of a Communist/atheistic state that hated the Jews and wanted no part of God. They are a dying culture because women no longer what children! The family unit was destroyed by sin, just like what is happening in America. Every year, the Russian population is shrinking by nearly one million and aging. Very soon, it can never recover and just die. This is the fate of the entire West with Russia leading the way.

I believe that Russia’s attack on Israel as described in Ezekiel 38 must come soon, or Russia will never be able to mount such an attack.

John McTernan #fundie defendproclaimthefaith.org

Many people think that Obama is a Muslim, but he is not. It is difficult to get a handle on what he really is, but he is not a Muslim. What he is at his core is total evil and hates anything connected to the God of the Bible.

This explains why on one hand he promotes Islam, not only Islam, but the Muslim Brotherhood type which is closely aligned with ISIS, while on the other hand, he is a rabid supporter of killing babies and the homosexual agenda. This is why he is such an ardent supporter of Planned Parenthood. Because at his core Obama is evil, therefore, he gravitates to and supports whatever is evil. When I call Obama a “Man-of-sin”, this is not a religious or political cutting attack. I really believe at the core of this man, he is evil, thus a “Man-of-sin”. I do not call him “THE man-of-sin” as this is reserved for the antichrist.

Right now Obama is promoting the antichrist’s agenda, but he is not the antichrist. There is the possibility that he might repent of his sin and rebellion against the Lord and confess Christ as his Savior, so please don’t refer to him as the antichrist. If you claim that he is the antichrist, it is like damning him to hell.

Now with this said, when you read this article think of Obama as a “Man-of-sin” for not only helping Iran but also ISIS!!! The current bombing of ISIS is just a window dressing, as he wants to see some form of Islam create a caliphate and destroy Israel.

If you accept my premise that Obama is a “Man-of-sin”, then all that Obama does fits nicely together. If this premise is true, just think of how evil this man is by aiding ISIS, when we watched this Islamic group murder, rape and plunder its way in conquest!

John Mcternan #fundie defendproclaimthefaith.org

see no hope for California. All God’s blessings are rapidly being removed. This state led the way in promoting abortion and homosexuality. It is the state in which the federal courts overturned the marriage laws. God is about to make an example of it. I believe that massive earthquakes are going to coincide with this devastating drought to drive people out of this state as it is going to be destroyed beyond anything you can imagine, UNLESS there is real repentance by the church and a cry for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. This state is doomed as the vast amount of Christians are “dead” to what is happenin