
James Donahue #racist perdurabo10.tripod.com

And there was something else about Hitler that I believe was virtuous, although I think most of the propaganda-fed and "socially correct" people who read this will disagree with me. He recognized a need for the purification of the human race. He knew, as I know, that the original and pure people placed here to develop a super race were white skinned and Caucasian. The dark-skinned people are and always have been genetically impure. Their origins are from another alien life form known as the Annuaki that invaded our world. They brought forth the Nubians who raided Egypt at the time of the great Egyptian dynasties.

The Jews also are descendants of Annuaki. Their race never was pure. Among the great lies is that the Jews are a "chosen people." Looking at the picture from this perspective explains why Israel was among the first and most outspoken nations to attack Haider and the election of the Freedom Party members to Austrian political office. The Annuaki are deathly afraid of anyone who recognizes them for what they are.

What Hitler and the Nazi party were trying to do, in their own crude way, was destroy the human impurities and get things back on track. They wanted to drive the Annuaki from the face of this planet. That is why the Nazis were interested in the pure white race.

James Donahue #conspiracy perdurabo10.tripod.com

When you study the Book of Acts in the New Testament, it is clear that angels were busy using the dynamic life of Jesus to establish a religious cult.

After following Jesus and living close to him for three years, the disciples felt driven to continue the work. Meeting in the Upper Room at Pentecost, the story is that the Holy Spirit descended down upon the group and they felt overpowered by it. Peter then addressed the crowd, giving great oratory as a newly established leader.

It is obvious that the arrival of the “Holy Spirit” was in reality, an invasion of the bodies of these men by a pack of angels.

Because they were unable to see what it was that overpowered them that day, the disciples believed the lie that they were “filled” by the spirit of God when in reality, they were possessed by spiritual parasites out to take over the world.

Thus they became possessed by angels who used them to begin the work of making a deity of Jesus and establishing a religious cult.

While Peter turned out to be a powerful minister on behalf of the angelic realm, he apparently lacked a certain spark that was needed to turn that little cult into a dynamic force that would eventually impact and enslave the entire world.

James Donahue #fundie perdurabo10.tripod.com

Psychic remote viewer Aaron C. Donahue has posted two new images on his website at http://ummo.cc that indicates President George W. Bush is possessed.

The thing in President Bush is identified by Donahue as an angel. Its name is purposefully withheld. Donahue writes that the angel is “associated with a programmed system of belief that precludes the reality of Armageddon.

”Two remote viewed drawings are presented on Donahue’s site. One shows the top, or head of the entity projecting from the side of the head of President Bush. Donahue said he produced this image by surprise while remote viewing Mr. Bush during a recent public speaking appearance.

He said he was drawing the back of the president’s head during the talk, and was shocked to find the being’s head jutting from that of Bush, and looking directly back at him. It was very aware that it was being observed.

The second drawing offers a full body portrait of the angel that occupies Mr. Bush. It has what Aaron describes as a “strange tube-like morphology” and appears to possess but a single eye.

That this particular angel promotes a belief in Armageddon is very bad news. It suggests that Mr. Bush will continue to drive America into a world war from his high seat of power.

James Donahue #conspiracy perdurabo10.tripod.com

The rise of hate groups like the Teabaggers, the Klu-Klux-Klan, religious anti-abortion belief systems, the White Aryan Resistance Movement, skinheads and most recently, the Hutaree Christian militia group, many of them stirred by the political rhetoric of elected politicians and radio and television commentators, is a troublesome example of the extreme division that is occurring in the United States. Many of these groups carry signs of the Christian cross and claim to be inspired by God.

That radical Islamic clerics can produce men and women willing to strap bombs on their bodies and then blow themselves up in crowded buildings and market places, killing people they do not know in the name of Allah, is yet another example of a world that appears to be going insane.

Is it insanity or is it something else? Could it be that a certain segment of humanity has been genetically altered, or even mentally controlled by an alien force that has been among us since the beginning of recorded time?