
Keith #fundie talkorigins.org

If I was to say that I was a scientist with amazing true data then I would be published unless......... I supported the FACT that God created the earth. You evolutionary people think that since some fossil looks old you can say that it is somewhere between 3.3 and 3.8 BILLION YEARS OLD. WHAT are you doing saying that this is true. No way do you know that this is true at all and you should be ashamed to try and make these statments. I for one am very offended by your lack of intelligence and wasted efforts in trying to support something that you have no evidence for. Please reconsider your efforts into something more worth while. Also, if you say that something is close to 3.3 billion to 3.8 billion years old (or so) that is proposterous. No way on earth is this a scientific statement. Think about how massive this statement is. It is just plain not good science. If we say trust in God because he is close this to this good and almost right and we don't quite have the evidence then you would laugh at me. At the very least do not state your things as fact. Say this is our theory and this is another theory. Never should you say that any of your stuff is fact unless you have 100% proof like we have in the BIBLE. Sorry but you SCIENTISTS make me laugh so much it is embarrassing.

Wal #fundie talkorigins.org

I was disappointed.......I expected bells and whistles and bold letters saying "Life commence by...." I wanted to know how it began not what happened after.......Did we originate from a prebiotic puddle of goo or what????? Arguements for creationism that I've heard are simple and staightforward....yours are jargonistic, long winded and boring, you lack opening paragraphs that make people want to read on......maybe that's me and you should provide a link to a kiddy site??? This is the naughties, we want input in concise high speed form.

Bible Man #fundie talkorigins.org

Were you in the garden of eden when God created the universe? If you weren't then how dare you act as if you know everything. Only God was there, and he wrote in the BIBLE exactly how he created the world. You have no right to challenge God and to mock his belivers. But mock us while you can! Like the rich man in the bible you will soon be saying, 'Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send a Creationist that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.' You evolutionists will be begging Creationists for relief from the flames of hell. But Abraham will tell you evolutionists, 'now the Creationists are comforted and you are tormented. And besides all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed, so that those who want to pass from here to you cannot, nor can those from there pass to us.' One of the joys of heaven will be watching the unsaved burn in hell!!!! I can't wait to stand with God, Abraham, and Jesus on one side of the gulf, watching the skin of all the unsaved evolutionists burn for all eternity. Charles Darwin can't save you! Only the love of Jesus can save you. Repent now, admit evolution is a lie, while you still have a chance! And if you don't, someday the creationists will be rejoicing by watching you burn forever in hell, praise Jesus!!!!

John Clark #fundie talkorigins.org

There was an article that shared the many flood myths of the world cultures. The arguement was that the stories were so differnt from each other, so they must all be myths or only describe local occurances. If the Bible renders a true account of the flood then it also explains the different stories. 100 years after the flood the people were divided up and their languages were confused. Thus their stories were also confused. The Bible normally explains things so any one can understand that takes the time to study it instead of criticising it. When science takes the stories at face value, in the end they will understand what really happened, and come out of their fantasy land of naturalism.

Robert Justice #fundie talkorigins.org

The main problem you have with understanding creationism is that you are still looking at matter and the universe in three dimensions. Mathematics shows that there are at least 11 dimensions. This would explain how the universe is billions of years old, yet the earth is about ten thousand. You also need to explain how such precise organisms such as the brain could have evolved from nothing. If this were true, then an explosion at a lumber yard would create a three story house complete with deck and garage. I find it less far reaching on my imagination to accept an all powerful God, than a theory than cannot be duplicated in a test tube and is full of contradictions.

(unknown) #fundie talkorigins.org

You can prove Lincoln existed because people were there. You can prove many things in the past because people were there. Evolution you cannot prove because no one was there, But I have a revelation from God who was there, in starts in Gen 1:1. Evolutionists beat around the bush saying we accuse them of naturalism. They are simply avoiding the queshtion. They want to believe whatever is convienient and looks good.

Scott Guenther #fundie talkorigins.org

As a biology teacher and a creationist, I find that all of the fossil evidence and radioactive dating that supposedly supports the evolutionary theory, actually can also be used to support a seven day creation with an earth that is less than 12,000 years old. As God made the earth, He obviously made a mature earth.
There is also the probability that oil deposits existed and they would seem to be millions of years old, though they were just made less than one week ago. Fossils could be part of the makings of this old earth. As most most scientists desire to know everything they can, it is difficult for many of them to admit that there are many things we humans will never know. Belief in God and in creation forces one to accept that fact.

Bryan Serena #fundie talkorigins.org

I am Christian, and I am also a Doctor. I have always believed in creation, but the profession I chose brought many questions with it. However, after all of my years of study I have come to the conclusion that neither "theory" can be labeled "fact" from a "scientific" standpoint. There is absolutely NO scientific evidence that can support either claim, because neither claim can be repeated! I see evolutions scheme of events, but I also know that it is IMPOSSIBLE for those events to occur. I also see creations table of events, and the faith that it takes to believe that. I believe that it all comes down to where you choose to put your faith; with 2 options available. Either you have faith in yourself; faith that there is no God, and that we are all here by some random chance through a highly fallable, error riddled and physically impossible (as any REAL SCIENTIST knows, whether he will admit it or not) man devised scheme, or you have faith in a God breathed, God ordained creation that has been recorded in His Word to us, the Bible, which has been proven time and again to be an accurate record of history. For me, it takes MUCH less faith to believe in God than to believe in evolution. Plus, by accepting Christ in my life, and experiencing the change He has made in me, my life is FACT that there is NO THEORY, only FACT of GOD! May the GOD of hope bless you.

Harry #fundie talkorigins.org


1)I would convince people that order came from disorder and chaos. 2) I would convince people that intelligence came from non-intelligence. 3) I would persuade minds to believe that living things can spring from dead matter.(The opposite of the law of biogenesis) 4) I would dupe people into believing that their most distant relatives were lovesick amoeba. 5) I would tell man that if the sun was only one degree closer, we would all burn up, and if the sun was only one degree farther away, we would all freeze to death. Then I would convince man that the accident called evolution caused the sun to be placed in the only position it could be in for man to exist on the earth. 6) I would convince man that the intricate design of the universe had no designer, it was all an accident. 7) I would convince man that dolphins at one time had legs and climbed trees and then evolved into men. 8) I would convince man that the very first thing that ever came into existence, came into existence out of nothing. 9) I would convince man that the laws of nature( gravity, biogenesis, aerodynamics etc.) did not need a law giver. These laws came into being accidently from non-intelligence. 10) I would tell man that if the moon was not in the exact place it is in, the earth would be covered by water, and that the moon is where it is by accidental happenstance and good fortune.


A.D. #fundie talkorigins.org

I just have to say that I find it is hilarious that the same believers in evolution, the same believers that think humans came from absolutely nothing, and there is no higher power behind our creation, those same people believe something as mundane and incomplex (complex to them) as crop circles must have come from a higher intelligence (aliens). Sure, our bodies are made up of a perfect working machine consisting of hundreds of systems, organs, and reactions working in perfect tandem, but CROP CIRCLES...they're...crops bent over in patterns!! they MUST have come from aliens!! i laugh and scoff at such a fool.

(unknown) #fundie talkorigins.org

Have you ever considered that Noah was smart enough to use the baby dinosaurs on the ark? Also I believe that the others were tall enough to survive the flood. By the way, just because someone calls themselves Christian, does not make them one. So, if they say they believe in evolution it may not be true they really are. Also, a note to the world. DON'T TEACH EVOLUTION IN THE SCHOOLS AS FACT. IT IS NOT PROVEN. IT IS ONLY A THEORY!! WE HAD DR. KEN HOVIND AT OUR CHURCH. HE IS OUT OF PENSACOLA BIBLE COLLEGE. YOU SHOULD DEBATE HIM. HE WILL CONVINCE YOU.

Alena #fundie talkorigins.org

YOU are such an idiot whoever wrote about Kent Hovind being a fraud and his proposal of 250,000 being something tricky. YOU are a fool. The only reason you are getting hung up over this guy is A. He's right. B. If you had proof, you would show it C. You can't do anything about his offer cuz you got nothing pal. You know he's right that all scientists will offer is micro evolution proff Cuz you guys got nothing else to sit your butts on! everything else you simply believe and "infer" that it somehow all had to work out. Stop being a wuss! and picking on somebody that you can't even do anything about, all you can do is write a page on the website about how stupid he is, look at yourself buddy, who's the fool?

(unknown) #fundie talkorigins.org

The black and white moths are examples of evolution? Wow, so then black "moths" (I use the term "moth" loosely, as it can no longer truly be a moth, it has obviously evolved beyond that) is a different species than the white moth, and the white moth doesn't carry the genetic potential (except via mutation) to breed black ones or visa versa. Cool, that means all those few white-eyed "fruit flies" bred from generations of red-eyed (you know, from those experiments seeking macro-evolution) are a new species (and as such no longer fruit flies) so the experiment was actually a complete success, not the overwhelming failure it was reported to be. And, on a higher level, that means that Hispanics, Chinese, Japanese, Indians, Indonesians, Polynesians, Caucasians, Africans, etc... are each their own species genetically adapted to their enviroment. Evolution is vindicated! How can one argue with such overwhelming evidence?! (Please note I'm being sarcastic!)

josh lamb #fundie talkorigins.org

I like how you say there is evidence to back your theories up but then you just state what a few individuals insight is about the event how come there are so many examples to refute over and over. and even the ocean has mountains still in it and have not eroded the ocean aint just flat on the bottom it has ridge's and mountains. I dont haft to be a geologist to know this. keep trying to deceive people though just wait till you get to space and try to explain why we are the only ones for millions of miles and why there aint other lives on other planets that a single celled organism didnt evolve into that could handle the environment. God Bless and keep the insane excuses going.

Brian Jordan #fundie talkorigins.org

I'm a college student that is studying geology. In one of my professor's lectures he mentioned plate techtonics and continental drift. I was wondering if you could provide me with an explanation for this.

This is the theory that I came up with. What if Pangea did exhist? What if, after the flood, there was just one continent? I think that humans tried to build the tower of babel exactly where babylon is today. In reference to Pangea, Babylon would be in the exact center of the continent. God confused the languages and different groups went in different directions (north, south, east, west etc.). Then, to make sure that humans didn't find some other way to communicate and reunite the languages he separated the continents to separate the people. Makes sense. I read a passage that says, "where God looks at the earth it shakes and where his finger touches it smokes." Sounds like earthquakes and volcanoes to me. I propose, instead of taking billion/millions of years to separate, that God separated the continents in a much shorter span of time. Maybe, even overnight.

email me and let me know if I'm on target.

Jerome Shaunnessey #fundie talkorigins.org

Evolution is nothing but a denial of God.

Let me pose a question to the godless !

On a clear crisp night, when the moon is full, what do you see ? Do you see a formless terrain on the moon ? If you do, it is because God has placed a veil over your eyes.

The entire moon is the face of a man, formed by the shadows of the moons features. It is a beautiful face but mysterious. It's eyes are those of an old man, while it's nose and mouth are those of a child. It's expression is a look of awe.

How could there be a face sculpted on a body that circles a body with creatures having a similar face ?

The odds of this occuring by accident are astronomical, leaving only one answer: IT WAS SCULPTED BY GOD.

Don H. #fundie talkorigins.org

Say what? Evolution is a FACT!? Not even close. Well, I guess that depends on which type of evolution you mean, macro or micro. Microevolution is definitly a fact, macro is pure conjecture with NO evidence to support it. Micro being changes within species, macro being changes from one species to another. It is nice to keep wishing and hoping that evidence will show up to support macroevolution, but it hasn't happened yet. Maybe someday, but doubtful. There is no fossil evidence, no scientific evidence, no evidence of any sort to support macroevolution. That is why I have finally come to my senses and rejected it as fact and placed it where it belongs in the realm of a religion. A lot of belief with no proof. This is hardly a "FACT". Does having a lot of scientists believe it is a fact make it so? Hardly. Scientists thought the sun revolved around the Earth. Or better yet, PILTDOWN MAN was considered a fact for some 40 years. Or Nebraska Man. That was a good "fact" for awhile.

Oh, by the way, about equal time in school, creationism is NOT a "fringe" belief. It is held by the majority of the world population. Evolution is a fringe belief since it is held by the minority. Of course I guess all those people without PhDs don't count.

Neil G. #fundie talkorigins.org

Let's suppose for a moment that evolution is true and verifiable (scientifically speaking). I would have to believe that we as humans have been inhibiting our progression as a species by our human efforts to eradicate disease, poverty and war. These conditions which we see as enemies of civilization are the very elements that - if one believes in evolution, are meant to improve our genetic makeup and eventually change us acordingly. Disease wipes out inferior or week life forms...war eliminates those who are intellectually stunted and poverty allows the stronger to enslave the weaker. These are things that we (if one believes in evolution) must not be resisted in the quest for a higher and more advanced society. The elderly must be euthanized, the sick be exterminated and the poor must be sexualy sterilized and then enslaved to enrich the society of the priveleged.

....right out of the sick mind of some nihilistic "scientists" and philosophers, right? His name was Hitler.

For the record, I believe that the earth was created (designed) by the master designer himself...Jesus Christ.

Rudo Faith Makondo Sasa #fundie talkorigins.org

The article on the Flood Theory was more than enlightening. I had never really thought of all those im/possibilities when it came to the flood. Thank you.

There are so many questions, and none of them can be answered by humans. Then God would not be God. The flood was a miracle, and I hope your questions will be answered in Heaven. I want to be there, and I pray that you too will, for only then will your questions be answered satisfactorily. God bless you as you continue to search His creation!

Ronald #fundie talkorigins.org

This whole website is messed up. The earth isn't even close to your estimate. You say your scientist, but you can't even tell the age of a rock, not even estimate near to the age. True scientist would say that IF a rock was 3.5 billion years old, than it wouldn't have any oxygen left inside of it, and then you could maybe estimate it, but it'd still be very difficult. Every rock that we have discovered still had oxygen left inside of it and does not come of to be some million or billion years old. The earth is actually around 5-7 thousand years old. Please respond back so I can prove more to you.

P.S. If you guys also believe in evolution, the kind where a monkey turns into a human, or something like that, or if you believe in the big bang, I'd LOVE to talk to you about that too.


: samobra77@optusnet.com.au #fundie talkorigins.org

Dr. Matson, is really a brilliant person and it seems like he knows all the little tiny question regarding the age of the earth. How old is Mr. matson! is he older than the universe? because it seems like he is responsible for all the question that needs to be answered. however as smart as brilliant he is Our God who created all things will always be sitting in His throne and won't be bothered for a moron like Dr. matson insisting his twisted unregenerated brain. because one day he (Dr. matson will stand before a holy God to answer for all his folly and mind him, God doesn't owe him,Mr. Matson any explanation as stated in Romans Rom 1:21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Rom 1:22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, Rom 1:19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath showed it unto them. Rom 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: No excuse!!! for Mr. Matson to do more research right at the very heart of HELL perhaps the degrees of flames and heat of the place will give him more accurate readings of the age of that awful place called HELL. I have one advice for Mr Matson its not yet too late!!! God will abundantly pardon for all who will believed in His Son the Lord Jesus Christ. as the Bible said " whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

(unknown) #fundie talkorigins.org

For evoluton to be true 1. The first thing to have ever existed would have to have evolved out of nothing. 2. Intermediate species would be as plentiful as there are grains of sand on the earth. There are NO intermediate species. If there was a law that said evolutionists could only write about their theory(I guess) if they used provable facts, they could not write even a dot of an i or a cross of a t. Darwin himself greatly doubted his own theory before he died.

Andrew Hatcher #fundie talkorigins.org

I would first like to ask how you as an evolutionist can ridicule creationism and call it unbelievable. There is just as much evidence for creationism as you think there might be for evolutionism! Did you know that the sun is shrinking? Did you know, in fact, that if the sun is now currently shrinking, that at one time, it was bigger? And did you further know that the sun is shrinking in such a rate that if the earth and everything was billions of years old, the sun would have been, at one time, large enough to where it would have swallowed up the earth? Did you know that the moon is moving further and further away from the earth? Did you know that this means that at one time, the moon was closer to the earth? Did you further know that if the earth and everything was billions, even millions of years old, at one time the moon would have been close enough to cause such tides that all the life on earth was washed away twice a day? Did you also know that the earth is slowing down in its rotation? Did you know that this means that at one time, the earth was spinning faster? Did you further know that if the earth was billions or millions of years old, the earth would have been spinning so fast that everything would have shot off it like little kids from a merry go round? Do you know what happens to kids shooting off from a spinning merry go round? As they are travelling away from the merry go round, they themselves are spinning in the same direction as the merry go round was! If there was a big bang, and everything went shooting off of a spinning dot of compressed matter, then everything we see in space should be spinnning in the same direction, right? Well, its not! There are moons of planets travelling in a different direction than the rest of the moons of other planets, there are planets that are spinning in different directions, and, if our own galaxy were spinnning for billions or millions of years, it would have spun itself into a perfect circle years ago! I challenge you to explain away these facts to me. I challenge you to fit these things into your theory of evolution. I challenge all who believe in evolution to tell me how these things are in agreement with evolution. Because if just one of these things cannot be explained, if one of these things cannot agree with evolution, then you cannot accept the theory of evolution as truth, and cannot accept evolution at all.

Theophilus #fundie talkorigins.org

There are approximately two billion mothers in the world. How many of those mothers would be thrilled to hear a doctor say, "Mrs._____, your child has a mutation."? To help you with your answer - how many pregnant women are saying, "I hope my child has a mutation."? The answer to both of these questions would be zero. How could two billions moms be wrong?

Max #fundie talkorigins.org

(Feedback for the site TalkOrigins.org)

Nothing but a good laugh from a cheesey site. Stop acting like a douchebag and have a face to face debate with Hovind. Yes you're scarred because you want to hide behind your computer like the rat you are. Hey It's funny how you called the other person 10 when you act worse than him. Makes mme question your intelligence, which is none. Proof for evolution my ass. You need to re-take anatomy and learn animal anatomy and then you might learn something. HAHA I remember reading when National Geographic published a fake fossil as evidence (haha makes me question what else is fake). cough:: piltdown man, Nebraska man:: cough or do you need man many more? Learn science and stop acting like a bunch of ignoramus' and this is possibly the stupidest site.

frank schlernitzauer #fundie talkorigins.org

[Who is going to fix this quote?]

I have been personally studying & following the creation vs. evolution controversy for near 10 years now & must say evolution is a loser most of its proponents are socialistic God-haters who seem to lie & distort everything to suit & fit their needs! Evolution is at best a silly notion that defies open examination; & upon acceptance of it as fact it only clouds ones judgement & reasoning! Look at history & the thinkers of the past who have embraced it they are all moral degenerate in their lives!

Patrick Autry #fundie talkorigins.org

Have you heard of Dr. Kent Hovind? He has a book out about Brainwashing in our schools (more accurarate than the one you talked about). He has soundly made evolution look as silly as it is. Microevolution is a fact--true to all. But that doesn't mean I came from dirt. Give me proof that any other form of evolution is true. Thank you.

[Emphasis added]

Josiah Sulc #fundie talkorigins.org

I was reading the FAQ page and one of the questions was why are there so few transitional fossils. Shouldn't the question be changed to Why have NO transitional fossils been found? Because not a single transitional fossil has been found, if you think I am wrong please e mail me and I will be happy to give you evidence that there are no transitional fossils.


Mark Sennes #fundie talkorigins.org

I feel it's my duty to educate you folks a little bit on the subject of science. First of all, there is a Law known as the Law of Biogenesis. No exception to this law has ever been observed or ever will be observed. Life only comes from life. Any other view is completely UNSCIENTIFIC since no one has ever observed spontaneous generation and the more we learn about the complexities of living cells, the more we are confirmed of the impossibility of such an event. Second of all, there is no mechanism in all of nature to produce "evolution" (i.e. bacteria to man). Boy, mututions do your "theory" (fantasy is a better word) a lot of good since no mutation has ever been observed to increase the amount of genetic information. Again, the evolutionist's unscientific concept of information-increasing mutations is mere fantasy having never been observed. Third, natural selection does not help your religion of evolution either since it does not produce any new genetic information. It merely selects the genes best suited for survival in any given group of plants or animals. Last but not least, the universe, and especially the earth, cannot be more than several thousand years old. Ever hear of the earth's magnetic field? Do you realize how quickly it is decaying and how incredibly strong it would have been even 10,000 years ago? Well that's a stupid question. Obviously you don't realize it, or else you are in a state of denial. There is not a shred of evidence supporting an earth or a universe that is more than several thousand years old and I also think it is my duty to warn you of the coming judgment you will face when Jesus Christ returns and damns you to hell for not believing in Him and punishes you with extreme severity for leading so many astray with your bogus "theory" of evolution. According to God's Word, "it would be better that a millstone were tied around [your] neck and [you] were drowned in the depths of the sea," than to face the wrath of the Almighty God who is fed up with your satanic deception of human beings.

Suzanne #fundie talkorigins.org

how do you explain the 2nd Law of Therodynamics? HUH? It is a law. Evolution is a THEORY. Therefore, Evolution can not be ture. Did you know that the exact deminsions of the Ark were writting in Gensis?! Well they were, fool. (That is what God calls stupid people) And there was only 2 of each animal, including the Dinos and yes, they all fit into the Ark. They all fit very nicely.

(unknown) #fundie talkorigins.org

You guys need to seriously re-evaluate your info. You have NO reliable dating techniques. You can't reproduce the effects of evolution. You most likely haven't read the Bible. If you are intent on going to Hell, just keep on going this way. But if you want eternal happiness, you had better start turning toward God!

Bible Man #fundie talkorigins.org

Evolutionsts Paul Mirecki [<a href="http://www.fstdt.com/blog/article.php?id_article=8" target="_blank">this guy</a>] now knows of the wrath of God. His put downs of creationists were exposed in an email he wrote. Then he wanted to take Creationism out of the science curriculum at Kansas and move it to a mythology class. But the Creator had other plans! God led two of his servants sent to give Mirecki the butt whipping he deserved! After getting out of the hospital with head injuries, Mirecki then was forced to resign his position at the University of Kansas! I pray that other evolutionists will repent or receive the same or worse fate!!! God is more powerful than the words of any darwinist. If you don't repent immediately and admit that God created the world exactly like He said He did in the Bible, don't be surprised if someday you wind up in a hospital - or in HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous #fundie talkorigins.org

[A fundie's idea of feedback to talk.origins]


Unknown #fundie talkorigins.org


Kendra #fundie talkorigins.org

[Feedback letter to TalkOrigins]

The anwser to your questions about how we became is in the BIBLE! in the book of Genisus. The first few pages of the BIBLE talks about how the earth was created.I know that it is hard to understand, but you should believe because God does exist and this IS how the earth was created and so on. If you have any questions about some things like that then just read the BIBLE and pray for anwsers. i'm not forcing you to become christian, but i will tell you this GOD DOES have the anwsers just pray.The earth was created by GOD NOT scientists. I realize that this is the scientific view but this is how the earth was created.

Eric Peterson #fundie talkorigins.org

An advanced syllogism using both Thaxton's specified complexity and Dawkins idea of god ("River of Eden"?) might be:

DNA processes are carried out by an intelligent agent. God is an intelligent agent. Thus, DNA is GOD

DNA doesnt care about suffering because DNA does't care about anything DNA is God

God doesn't care about suffering, or anything. Copyright Eric Peterson 2004

I believe this argument is sound and valid. What does your staff think? If you publish this, include my name.


Eric Peterson, Phoenix AZ, BA Philosophy-Eastern Michigan Univ.

Simeon Bidwell #fundie talkorigins.org

Hi there.

As a creationist, I get a lot of people saying that I believe in religious crap. But I found that more religions are based on evolution than creationism, and that the idea of evolution was taken from the Hindu's incarnation philosophy.

Just want to know if any 'evolutionists' are willing to accept that their science and their religion go hand in hand?

Simeon Bidwell #fundie talkorigins.org

Hello peoples. If (macro)evolution is so obvious, and is scientific "fact" (Whatever you say it is), then why does everyone need to be taught about it? Wouldn't it be stunningly clear to everyone?

In fact, why do we have no mention of (macro)evolution before Darwin? Didn't their brains evolve enough to understand? (If 50 people have a random thought, does that make it a fact?)

Jennifer #fundie talkorigins.org

I don't understand why everything has to be FACT with you all!!! let me ask you something, "Have you ever seen the wind?" no, no one has, but you see the effects of the wind, which by that, you know that it is there. This is the same idea with God.. I haven't seen him physically face-to face, but I can see Him moving in my life. How do you think miracles happen? Is there scientific data to explain those? By the way, none of the evolution theory is fact either. Also, if God isn't real, why is our whole timeline named after Him?(B.C. and A.D.) Why is "In God we trust." on American coins? Why to people blasphemy God's name and not Buddha's or Muhammid's names. Also, just what if my idea of Creationism and Cristianity is real? you have nothing to loose by believing in it, but you have everyting to loose by not! God Bless You.

(unknown) #fundie talkorigins.org

Just came across your site. I've been looking into whether to lean more towards creation or evolution. I think today made up my mind. It's interesting that there is so much talk about creationists being dishonest but the front page USA Today article on the fraudulent archaeoraptor that was hailed by the evolutionists that here was finally the "proof" for evolution, seems to have shown that the fraud is being perpetuated by the evolutionists. I'm sure that you are aware that this is far from the first time that this has happened rather this seems to happen far too often. Evolutionists jump at any supposed evidence for their ideology and then get embarrassed when they have bought into another fraud. With that kind of bias I think I will assume creationism to be at least as valid a theory as the theory of evolution. gthoresen@sunrich.com.

RM #fundie talkorigins.org

Why do science spend so much money in trying to deny the existence of God? Spending so much money to find out if life ever existed in other planets. I think (and this is only my opinion) that instead of spending billions of dollars on this... why not spend $10 on a Bible. Study it and find the answers to all of your questions concerning evolution and creation. See, the Bible is the oldest book on the face of the earth. Yet it reveals things that we don't even know of.

(unknown) #fundie talkorigins.org

The time it takes for star light to reach the earth, should not be used to gauge when the star was formed, or how old the earth is, or any other time measure. In Creationism, God could have very easily created the star with the starlight already reaching the earth, so it really gauges absolutely nothing.