
Syamsu #fundie creationwiki.org

(Article "Social darwinism")

Moral Relativism
If evolution is true, there is no God to set any standards of behavior. Biblical concepts then become relics of the past, and there is no right or wrong, no such thing as immorality (“If it’s right for you then its okay”). It’s now considered “immoral” to restrict the “rights” of those wanting to practice premarital sex, adultery, homosexuality, etc. Since humans are just animals that are a little higher on the evolutionary scale, and animals do these things, then what’s wrong with doing them?
The overall result has been a general lowering of standards of behavior and expectations, even in the Christian community. The entertainment industry is a prime example. People take for granted today TV programs, movies, video games, music that would have caused outrage in previous generations.

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight. Isaiah 5:20-21

The Devaluation of Human Life
Abortion views the fetus is not really human yet, but still going through the early stages of evolution, abortion is okay—you’re not really killing a human being. In conjunction with abortion, euthanasia is a practice can be justified on the grounds of moral relativism ("what’s right for me is my choice") as discussed above. God’s will is usually left out of the picture.
Evolutionism provides the same basis for discarding or ignoring moral values as Epicureanism did with the ancient Greeks. Epicureans wanted freedom to indulge in every pleasure without consequence: "Eat, drink, & be merry, for tomorrow we die." Many evolutionists also seek unbridled freedom in every area. Evolution justifies freedom from morality, using science to avoid consequences such as pregnancy, STDs, etc. The only remaining obstacle is Christianity.

Creation Wiki #fundie creationwiki.org

Many studies have been done dealing with the possible hazy understanding of morality that atheists might have. According to a study done by Barna Group, it found that atheists and agnostics in America were more likely, than theists in America, to look upon the following behaviors as morally acceptable: illegal drug use; excessive drinking; sexual relationships outside of marriage; abortion; cohabitating with someone of opposite sex outside of marriage; obscene language; gambling; pornography and obscene sexual behavior; and engaging in homosexuality/bisexuality. Since Nihilism and Moral relativism are ideologies that are usually endorsed by atheists, it is not unusual that atheism could in fact lead to an increase in immorality because the concept of moral values will be so diluted, that atheists might justify and rationalize any sin.

RichardT #fundie creationwiki.org

"Gravity pulls things down. Therefore, down is natural. Airplanes are violations of nature and must be eliminated. Standing upright is immoral and counter gravity. Pushing people off cliffs is good!"

I was reading the evowiki and found this in their response to the creationist claim that neo-darwinism is the main cause for nazism, marxism, etc..

following the laws of gravity does nothing to help us as a species, but killing off the weak supposedly helps nature give us species that are more fit. In the creation model, this would not be the case since we believe natural selection to be what the litteral meaning of the word implies, a selection of DNA. It is not beneficial in the creation model, while it is in the evolutionnary model.

Anonymous #fundie creationwiki.org

The Transcendental Argument for God (TAG) is a philosophical argument, mainly developed by the late Gregory Bahnsen, and developed for the layperson in Dr. Jason Lisle's recent book The Ultimate Proof of Creation. Dr. Lisle promotes the argument as being philosophically impregnable--irrefutable. This argument is by no means successful in all situations. It will not work on opponents who are especially stubborn or ignorant. An opponent must be intelligent enough to understand that he has been defeated, and honest enough to admit that he has no refutation to the transcendental argument. That noted, against open-minded intellectuals, this argument is a devastating counter to any claim of morality, logic, or uniformity coming from a critic.

Ikester7579 #fundie creationwiki.org

I used to think that keeping them out of the limelight was the thing to do. But after dealing with this kinda stuff (hatred from most evolutionists) for more than 4 years, I find that it has a much better impact to expose them. You see, evil flurshes where it gets to hide in the dark. It does damage to evil when exposed to the light (exposes their deeds). Allowing these people to do sneak attacks on unsuspecting Christians gives them the advantage. Before posting their names, I had to think about it. The more I thought about it the more I kept coming to the conclusion that it was better to expose them then to allow them to hide like being cloaked. It's a much better game for them the more deception and lies they can hide behind. It's not when people know what they stand for.

They are cronic liars as they will try to put on a front of friendliness at first. Then reel you in. In fact most of them are Satanists. This is because they have choosen evil over Good. And will promote evil every chance they get.

CreationWiki #fundie creationwiki.org

One Christian creationist on YouTube who goes by the name VenomFangx has had nothing but headaches since starting his YouTube creation ministry. He is one of those people that you rarely meet that actually has talent for doing videos. He is not boring to watch. And he is very good at making his points. But because of this, and him becoming very popular among Christian YouTubers. He also became a bulls-eye for the Anticreationist group on YouTube. They did not like his ability to refute evolution claims. After several fights, false accusations, threats, and suspended accounts. VenomFangx decided to leave after receiving death threats (Update: video was removed so I suspect the person whom put it up was getting harassed). Death threats that were sent to his parents house naming his parents. And claiming to be from an Islamic group. Which is believed to be a cover for who it really was.

VenomFangx decided that this had gone far enough, so he closed his account and left YouTube. Now the reason this is used as a what not to do. VenomFangx tried to confront every anticreationist on YouTube instead of just ignoring them. This provoked a lot of what happened. You can just type in his name and get over 6,000 hits from the YouTube search engine. Over 95% of the responses are from the anticreationists who hate him. This is why the Christian YouTuber just needs to ignore them and block them. It's really not worth the trouble.

CreationWiki #fundie creationwiki.org

Kitzmiller vs. Dover Area School District

Kitzmiller vs. Dover Area School District was a case in Pennsylvania challenging the inclusion of a one-minute presentation on Intelligent design to precede the evolution curriculum, and the inclusion of "Of Pandas and People" in public school libraries. The court ruled that the statement was unconstitutional and that Intelligent Design was not science.

The Discovery Institute has argued that the decision was incorrect and that the judge had no right or ability to rule on what was science. Furthermore, the Discovery Institute has recently found that the judge who ruled in it, federal judge John E. Jones, quoted verbatim the main section of the overwhelmingly biased court decision from a document written by ACLU lawyers. This was John E. Jones time to act like a judge and rule based on his enforcement of the Constitution. What he did was cow-tow to liberal organizations such as the ACLU, and effectively submit to the evolutionary scientific establishment.

CreationWiki #fundie creationwiki.org

Isaiah suggests that the earth is spherical and not flat as many people believed long ago:

It is He who sits above the circle of the earth... Isaiah 40:22 (KJV)

The word translated “circle” here is the Hebrew word chuwg which is also translated “circuit,” or “compass” (depending on the context). That is, it indicates something spherical, rounded, or arched — not something that is flat or square. The book of Isaiah was written long before Aristotle even thought of the earth being spherical. This has been cited as a further example of Bible scientific foreknowledge.

Creation Wiki #fundie creationwiki.org

When it comes to anticreationist debate tactics against creationists there is always a different standard (bias) projected toward any creation evidence or comments. For the anticreationist, his evidence for evolution is always broad. But when creation evidence is compared to it, the anticreationist will always demand absolute evidence. Which is something that they cannot produce themselves, but will require from others. It is good to point out that their standard for creation is not the same standard for evolution when this happens.

Anticreationists are frequently uncivil and even hostile. Many of them often come into a forum lying from the very beginning, are easily angered, and complain if they are not heard. They are experts at guilt trips. Some are swift to use cuss words and are also swift to call other people names. And always have to have the last word. Engaging in a discussion with such a person requires diplomacy that is not natural to the human condition, and may only be available to someone truly able to demonstrate Christ-like love.

Ashcraft #fundie creationwiki.org

In the current science community environment, which embraces the evolutionary position, young earth creationism could be seen as Bible scientific foreknowledge. Young earth creationist scientists have a number of compelling arguments for young earth creationism, as well as having a number of compelling arguments against the evolutionary view. One needs to go no further than the Dissent From Darwin list of over 600 Ph.D scientists stating skepticism over, "random mutations and selection" being responsible for the biological changes required for evolution.

[Bonus points: Read the entire article, because it is filled with so very much of the failure.]

Tsomer #fundie creationwiki.org

Keith Robinson, a senior marine science instructor at Seaworld, has stated that large sperm whales have esophaguses that measure as much as a foot and a half wide. Many men often measure more than a foot and a half across their shoulders, so if the great fish was a sperm whale, Jonah would have to have been of fairly slight build.

Lastly, the miraculous is mentioned throughout the book of Jonah. The survival of Jonah in a "great fish" points to the miraculous' being involved.

Creation wiki #fundie creationwiki.org

Both Islamic and Hindu religionists have been known to kill Christians (another reason the anticreatnioist like to use these world views) just for what they believe. So why would they debate them? They also believe that both Christians and Jews were bred from animals. One would have to presume that the idea formed from Darwinian evolutionary thinking

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