
Judith Reisman #fundie drjudithreisman.com

[The quoted part is claimed to be from an anonymous Marine and is used in this article by Judith Reisman.]


"I reported what Dr. Reisman showed me to my buddies. Pornography is "homo" sex - that is it's sex made by men to arouse men and boys. Pornography causes boys to have sex with themselves, psychopharmacologically conditioning them early to male sexual touch. Pornography claims our sisters, daughters, even our moms are non-human animals. Although human women, unlike dogs or monkeys, never go into "heat" ("estrus"), women and girls are posed by pornographers soliciting sex from everyone, everywhere, eye pupils dilated, intimate body parts and lips reddened, often bent over, rump up, to imitate primate females in "heat." Normal boys are unconsciously made anxious, angry, ashamed, fearful of these airbrushed, naked women "in rut/heat." Everywhere they wink, open their mouths, sigh, moan for penetration. Smiling paper and celluloid dolls promise everything and deliver nothing more than a man or a boy can do for himself - thanks to the men who provide the sex images."


In sum, empirical measurement finds a Pornographic/Homoerotic constituency training of a fit with a "mechanistic" worldview of fornication, abortion, anal/oral sodomy, bestiality, adult sexual abuse of children, etc. Judeo-Christianity condemns all such conduct as inhumane and infirm. Instead, the Judeo-Christian "life" oriented worldview trains its constituency to pre- marital chastity, monogamy, fidelity.

Those bachelors who do not adhere to a higher power of God or military devotion and service, are historically viewed as out of balance and potentially dangerous to the civil order. While Pornography/Homoeroticism differ in the single variable of a shape for penetration, both require a transient supply of fresh penetration objects. Both equate sodomy-based orgasms, masturbation, fantasy, etc., with "the marital act" of "eye-to-eye, lip-to-lip, body-to-body coitus." This intimacy, denied to same-sex coitus, yields conscious or unconscious envy and loss.


Pornography is a pedagogical tool, teaching boys and men as well as girls and women to view the female sex as sinister, unfaithful, and animalized. In doing so, the learner is unconsciously, neurologically reshaped by homoerotic values and practices.

Judith A. Reisman #fundie drjudithreisman.com

Historical research on Nazi homosexual power should be pouring out from our institutions of higher learning. That universities are captured by “politically correct” homosexual/feminism only proves how dangerous fraud in science has been and continues to be for our nation.

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