
Kent Hovind #fundie kent-hovind.com

One world government is coming very soon. I think they are going to worship Lucifer. And I think there are not very many people who realise that the Catholics, and the Muslims and the Masons are all tied together at the top. It is just a few hundred people running all three organizations and they're all Satan worshippers. All of them - Luciferians - even George Bush is involved in that - worships Lucifer.

Kent Hovind #conspiracy kent-hovind.com

When the Twin Towers collapsed do you know what was in the basement? [...] Lots of gold. Do you know where it is? [...] Nobody does. It disappeared. Did those buildings drop down to cover a great crime being committed? Somebody is taking all this gold out of the Twin Tower basement. Makes you wonder...

Kent Hovind #fundie kent-hovind.com

Jack Cuazzo went to Europe with an x-ray machine and actually x-rayed the original Neanderthal skulls He said "Several of them have the jaw one inch out of the socket just to make it look more apelike" When he showed them they tried to kill him. He had threats on his life for simply exposing the fraud of the Neanderthal.

Kent Hovind #fundie kent-hovind.com

"Since evolutionists say the early atmosphere contained no oxygen where do they claim the millions of years of rain came from since oxygen is half of the combination of water". Good question. Ask 'em that. Yeah, good question. They had to have oxygen to make this water.

Kent Hovind #conspiracy kent-hovind.com

I have heard that the cable TV system is going to be set up where not only can you watch the TV, the TV can watch you to monitor what is in your room. Kinda like Orwell's 1984. Big Brother is watching, course in our case it will be Big Sister. I'd suspect the technology is here where the TV can watch you, even if you have it shut off, your TV can watch you to see what is going on.

Kent Hovind #fundie kent-hovind.com

Charles Darwin said women bred the hair off of the men - because why aren't men as hairy as apes? - Darwin said women prefer less hairy men and so they were able to get more mating opportunities - Darwin said in The Descent of Man - what an idiot idea - then why don't the women have beards, Darwin?

Kent Hovind #fundie kent-hovind.com

Dinosaurs were just big reptiles that lived with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. You can buy these at the pet store right now; it has got three horns on his face, what would he look like at about 10 tons? Some kind of triceratops?

Kent Hovind #fundie kent-hovind.com

Even Charles Darwin said in his book right here on page 217, Charlie said, “To suppose that the eye could have been formed by natural selection seems, I freely confess, absurd.” Charlie very much was confused about the human eyeball because it is so complex. He said, “How could this thing have evolved by chance?” Good question Charlie! How can blind chance make a seeing eye? Explain that to me please!

Kent Hovind #fundie kent-hovind.com

The claim that the entire Universe was in one tiny dot called a singularity is absolutely stupid. If you can't even compress a bowl of water. Get a cup of water and compress it into some smaller space. It just can't be done, okay.

Dr. Kent Hovind #fundie kent-hovind.com

If you read the rules God gave to have a perfect society, they are phenomenal. [...] Whenever somebody commits the following crimes they are to be executed, publicly. And whoever is the offended party gets to throw the first stone [...] There is just the relief when you get to throw the rock at the person who offended you, or harmed you, or raped you, or stole from you, or something. I think Man is designed to need that satisfaction, that relief of taking vengeance. I think that is way God - I think that is the way human nature is.

Kent Hovind #fundie kent-hovind.com

Abel's animal sacrifice pleased God simply because it involved death and blood. And that's the only thing that will pay for our sin. The purpose of the sacrifice was to have the sacrifice take our sin. God is not interested in your work to pay for your sin. It requires death. Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin, the Bible says. So without the blood you can not be saved. Cain's offering of fruits and vegetables, as wonderful as it may have looked, was not impressive to God. Just by the same token, your good works and my good works are not impressive to God. The only thing He is looking for is the blood.

Kent Hovind #fundie kent-hovind.com

By thinking the Earth is billions of years old. Each layer sat there for millions of years waiting for the next one. Which of course brings up the obvious question, where's this material coming from? You know, you keep adding to the Earth to get this mile thick geologic column. Where's all this dirt coming from? It has to come from somewhere.

Kent Hovind #fundie kent-hovind.com

All Dinosaurs have four perfectly good legs and birds have two legs and two wings. So if he’s going to turn into a bird his front legs are going to have to turn into wings Somewhere along the line they’re going to be half leg and half wing. Which means now he can’t walk anymore and can’t fly yet.

Kent Hovind #fundie kent-hovind.com

"The Earth is billions of years old. The geologic column is the way to interpret it, and Charles Darwin's evolution is right." That is what they teach in order to be a good communist. Did you know that Russian teachers come to America to study education because the American educational system is considered the best in the world for teaching students these three principals. This prepares them to be good communists and to doubt the word of God.

Kent Hovind #fundie kent-hovind.com

[Gloria writes in, "Why did Dr Hovind say Special Relativity is wrong when particle physicists say it's correct and they test it everyday in particle accelerators? So why is it wrong?"]

I don't get into much of the Special Relativity and Einstein Theories [sic] and, ah, ah, you know, Newtonian Physics, ah, that kind of stuff doesn't interest me much. So I guess I haven't put a lot into it. [...] So, some of the ideas are just absurd on their face, you know, that space can be bent.

Kent Hovind #fundie kent-hovind.com

It may be that reptiles today have lost - there's been a degeneration - and they've lost strength or energy and they have to drag their belly on the ground. They're running out of gas. [.....] So it maybe that all reptiles used to walk upright [on four legs] and now they're just like old people. They didn't start out that way.

Kent Hovind #fundie kent-hovind.com

I say, you guys have to get two cells to evolve from the [primordial] soup - of the opposite sex, in the same place, at the same time. It's a big world, you know, cells are kind of small - they've got to find each other.

Kent Hovind #fundie kent-hovind.com

...... for those who say, "God is cruel by killing the infants of Sodom and Gomorrah," let's follow this through now. Suppose that God knows that city [sic] is full of diseases - including the children - because of their just horrible practices with all sorts of things they were doing. Incest and homosexuality and things filled that society with diseases. God's people are going to move into this area. God says, "I want you to kill the whole population for their own good and for your good so this disease is wiped out off the Earth." Then the guy is a smart god to command the execution. It's like me pulling weeds out of my flower garden.

Kent Hovind #fundie kent-hovind.com

It is possible - and I think Walt Brown may have it right on this one - that Saturn's rings are from the Earth - believe it or not, I know it sounds crazy - let me explain. He says when the fountains of the deep broke open - Genesis Chapter 7 - the pressure of 10 or 15 miles of rock [...] the pressure 10 or 15 miles down is phenomenal [...] So if there was water in the crust of the Earth like the Bible says there was [...] then this water would come shooting up to the surface when the "fountains of the deep" broke open and the Earth busted up like an eggshell. That water shooting up would have enough pressure - according to Walt Brown - to eject things into space. They would drift around for awhile - who knows for a couple of hundred years - and run into something like Saturn and make the rings.

Kent Hovind #sexist kent-hovind.com

This guy comes home from work, "Hi Honey, what's for supper?" "Whatever you're fixing." You know, she just got back from one of those meetings, those femi-nazi meetings. He said, "Honey, the house is kind of a mess, have you been busy today?" She said, "If you don't like it you clean it up." This went on for ten minutes. And finally he said, "How would you like to not see me for a week?" She said, "That would be fine with me." And sure enough on the the seventh day her left eye started to open just a little bit.

Kent Hovind #fundie kent-hovind.com

You see, people don't understand capital punishment is a great deterrent. Especially if it is public and you take your kids down and you watch someone get stoned [.....] and your kid says, "Daddy, what did they do?." "Oh, he was a bad person. He did this, this, this." You're going to impress on that little kid - he's never going to do that.

Kent Hovind #fundie kent-hovind.com

The Trail of Tears was where the Cherokee Indians were driven out of the Chattanooga area all the way to Oklahoma. One third of the entire nation died en route. That took place here in America as they were driven from their homes. Evolution is largely responsible for what happened to the Indians.

Kent Hovind #fundie kent-hovind.com

[Advice to the daughter of a woman with breast cancer]

HOVIND: One thing is for sure, if you do nothing it will probably get worse. But it is surprising, if you do nothing with cancer your life expectancy is somewhere between 6 and 10 years. If you take chemo your life expectancy is between 1 and 2 years.

WOMAN: They want her to take radiation. And that is my greatest fear. I believe the FDA about as much as I believe in evolution.

HOVIND: There you go. [...] I think the last thing I would do would be to take the medical profession's approach.

WOMAN: Well, that's what I'm saying too.

Truth Radio 27 June 2006 @ 54:40 (Tape 2)

Kent Hovind #fundie kent-hovind.com

I happen to believe - I don't know if I could prove this - I happen to believe that during the original creation with the canopy of water overhead, increased air pressure and filtered sunlight, fermentation was not possible. I don't think Noah knew what he was doing when he got drunk. It was an accident. He was used to making the grape juice [...] so I'm going to give Noah the benefit of the doubt and assume his getting drunk was purely accidental ignorance.

Kent Hovind #fundie kent-hovind.com

Most anybody [sic] that studies T-Rex will tell you - even though he had ferocious head, ferocious teeth and was, you know, huge - his front arms are pretty tiny. And if you could ever get hold of one [of the arms] you probably could jerk it right off.

Source: Creation Science 102, Creation Science Evangelism circa 2004

truth radio #fundie kent-hovind.com

so it's totally wrong, bogus, and some bold faced lie that some professor told you that the Earth receives energy (from the Sun) and that is how (evolution) overcomes the Second Law (of Thermodynamics). It's just a bold face lie. It is true we receive energy but it is not going to overcome the Second Law.

Kent Hovind #fundie kent-hovind.com

One theory is that the pre-Flood Earth had a canopy of ice above it that squeezed the atmosphere down to, say, 15 miles [...] If you squeezed the air down to 15 miles - instead of 100 - it would be more clear because there would be less distortion - atmospheric twinkle it's called. And probably this canopy of ice would act as a photo-amplifier where you would actually see things much more clearly. That's one theory that [in] the pre-Flood world you don't need a telescope - you could see incredibly well.

Kent Hovind #fundie kent-hovind.com

Did you know the Jewish Talmud - which is not the Old Testament, that is the Torah - the Talmud teaches that non-Jews should be exterminated? According to the book Yebamoth - or however you pronounce that - 98a "All gentile children are animals." This 'Rule Ten' says, "Even the best of the gentiles should all be killed." If you want more on the Talmud, get hold of Michael Hoffman [a self described Revisionist] hoffman-info.com and see how dangerous that religion is. Now somebody says, "Now Hovind are you anti-Semite?" I don't even know what a Semite is. I'm pro-Israel. I think America should support Israel. I believe in Genesis Chapter 12, "Those that bless you [Israel] you'll be blessed." We ought to support Israel. I'm not sure who these Semites are but we ought to support Israel.

Kent Hovind #fundie kent-hovind.com

Evolution was Vladimir Ilich Lenin’s problem. Lenin lead the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 and took over Russia. He killed the Zar [sic] and his family in cold blood. There would not be communism in Russia today if had not been for Charles Darwin's book on evolution.

Kent Hovind #fundie kent-hovind.com

If Evolution is true, there is no Creator, so laws come from mans opinion. That is called a democracy, which is a terrible form of government. Democracies always degenerate into dictatorships. In America, it is sad to say, has become a democracy.

Kent Hovind #fundie kent-hovind.com

In spite of their ferocious look, many people would probably argue the T-Rex was a vegetarian. The ferocious teeth would have been great for, you know, crushing stuffed pumpkins or something, you know. I don't know if it has ever been proven they were meat eaters. There is plenty of evidence from cracks in the enamel with chlorophyll stains in them indicating they were certainly eating plants.

Kent Hovind #fundie kent-hovind.com

The Smithsonian Institute [sic] has 33,000 sets of human remains in their basement right now as you are reading this. Many of them were taken while the people were still alive. They were so desperate to find missing links, so desperate to prove their theory that they murdered people to prove it.

(Source: Unmasking the False Religion of Evolution Chapter 4 - a transcript of Kent Hovind's early sermons circa 1996.)

Kent Hovind #fundie kent-hovind.com

The theory of evolution teaches that living things are becoming more complex as time progresses. Because the chromosomes in living matter are one of the most complex bits of matter in the known universe, it would seem logical to assume that organisms with the least number of chromosomes were the first ones to evolve and those with the most chromosomes are the end result of millions of years of evolution experimenting to increase complexity in living organisms. From the chart, it is "obvious" that we all started off as penicillium with only 2 chromosomes, and that we slowly evolved into fruit flies. After many "millions of years" we turned into tomatoes (or house flies) and so on, until we reached the human stage with 46 chromosomes. One of our ancestors must have been one of the identical triplets—opossums, redwood trees, and kidney beans—with 22 chromosomes each.

If we are allowed to "continue evolving" we may someday be tobacco plants and maybe we may even become carp with 100, or maybe even the ultimate life form, a fern with 480 chromosomes! Don’t you believe it! God made this world and all life forms, as recorded in the Bible.

Kent Hovind #conspiracy kent-hovind.com

GUN CONTROL! That is what the Branch Davidian compound attack was all about. David Koresh was a gun collector and a tax evader. Boy, they didn't like him, and one of the purposes for that raid was to scare the American people into submission. You better register your firearms. Make sure they know. They might come for you as they did for Koresh.

Kent Hovind #fundie kent-hovind.com

Could it be that people accept evolution because [....] They know that evolution is the only philosophy that can be used to justify their political agenda of:
i. Communism
ii. Racism
iii. Abortion
iv. Nazism
v. Socialism
vi. Gay rights
vii. Women's liberation
viii. Extreme environmentalism
ix. Euthanasia
x. Pornography
xi. Humanism
xii. New Age Movement

Kent Hovind #fundie kent-hovind.com

There is zero proof of black holes. Now, if someone wants to believe in them that's fine. There is some evidence that can be interpreted that way, and maybe they do exist, I'm not saying they don't. I'm just saying there is no proof of them. So if somebody says there are black holes, the reason they are saying that, and they probably don't even know it, they are trying to rescue the Big Bang Theory because the Big Bang Theory would say if the matter expanded or blew out from the Big Bang it should be evenly distributed. There are billions of miles of nothing, then clumps of matter called galaxies. The real purpose behind the black hole idea is to rescue the Big Bang - to explain why there is the nothings between the somethings.

Kent Hovind #conspiracy kent-hovind.com

The Smithsonian Institute [sic] has 33,000 sets of human remains in their basement right now as you are reading this. Many of them were taken while the people were still alive. They were so desperate to find missing links, so desperate to prove their theory that they murdered people to prove it.

Kent Hovind #fundie kent-hovind.com

Also at stake are the morals of our children, because if evolution is true, there are no moral absolutes and only the strongest have a right to survive. If evolution is true, abortion, euthanasia, pornography, genocide, homosexuality, adultery, incest, etc., are all permissible.

Kent Hovind #fundie kent-hovind.com

The threat of stoning if someone is not a virgin, I mean, if girls had that today they would be much less likely to be promiscuous. How many problems are caused in our society simply because of the immorality we have?

Kent Hovind #fundie kent-hovind.com

Just get everyone of our soldiers over there in Iraq right now, dip your bullets in pigs blood. Let it be known, "Guys, we're here to help your country, we really are. We're not the bad guys. We'd like to help. You guys have a problem. We got rid of your evil dictator and we would like to see you rebuild a decent country so you can enjoy life. However, if you're going to shoot at us, we're going to shoot back, and you're not going to get to go to Heaven and forget those 72 virgins because they are not going to be there because we've got pigs blood on all of our bullets". Get your hollow point bullet. Put a little pigs blood inside and fill 'em with wax and just carry them with your from now on. And if anyone shoots at you shoot back. And I guarantee it would stop the violence in Iraq in thirty seconds.

Kent Hovind #fundie kent-hovind.com

You can demand that your school cut out the pages with false information. Get the textbooks down; show them where the information is false, the horse evolution, the gill slits, and all this kind of stuff. See? Look, just cut the pages out. How many of you would help cut the pages out so it wouldn't cost the school a thing? You would do it for free. Go to your school and help cut the pages out. Would you do that? Come on, put your hand up. Let me see if you are willing to volunteer. Doesn't cost the school a thing. Right? Now, textbooks are expensive. They don't need to buy a whole new textbook. Just cut those pages out. Very simple! Won't cost them a thing. Or you can do like a principal in Georgia did: glue the pages together. He got all of the pages where they teach evolution and glued them together. One summer he did that. He didn't ask any questions, he just did it.

Kent Hovind #conspiracy kent-hovind.com

Chemtrails, you know, the airplanes that fly over in a criss-cross pattern in the sky - you know, makes the big checker board trails in the sky - when they are releasing chemicals that are dispersing through the atmosphere and covering large cities. Many people have gotten extremely seriously worried about this, and rightfully so. [.....] There's a lot of theories about what is going on - there is a whole lot of secrecy too about what is going on - nobody seems to know for sure. It appears there are some people who seriously would like to reduce the population of the planet to about a half billion. [.....] And there are an awful lot of folks who think, and I happen to be one of those that agrees, that this chemtrail thing is one of the things that sets up the population for plagues, or whatever, coming soon.

Kent Hovind #fundie kent-hovind.com

I debated [Dr Stephen Meyer] once. He is a legend in his own mind. My understanding is he got a doctors degree from a university he started just to grant him a doctors degree. It's a university with no students and he's the president. [...] I would be glad to debate him again if we could get him to stick to the topic of Creation/Evolution but it is always ad hominem attacks.

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