
Mr Mannn #fundie mrmannn.blogspot.com

Facts for you:
mohamed was a false prophet. He murdered, stole, and raped in the name of his false god.
allah is a false god, or worse a satanic impostor demanding human sacrifice.
islam was never a religion of peace, but an instrument of conquest, slavery and rape.
The new Nazi menace of the 21st century is islam. They are poised to murder millions.

Mr Mannn #fundie mrmannn.blogspot.com

Like Nazi ghouls, the democrats have leapt upon the corpse of Ted Kennedy and now the plan is called Kennedycare. I have to question the wisdom of naming a health care plan after a guy best known for driving off a bridge.

Sure Lord O claims he is pulling the public option off the table. He'll just rename it and reinsert it back in the bill. Honor and truthfulness were never the strong points of the democrat party. Certainly the rest of the bill is a totalitarian power grab.

The bureaucracy created for this health care bill is far more powerful than it needs to be. It essentially swallows the IRS into its control. It can access and deduct money from your bank account without judicial review. Its exempted from all sorts of laws that protect people from govt abuse. In short, its not a health care bureaucracy when its design is to spy on and punish people for crimes that don't exist.

I've said it before, I'll say it again. This has nothing to do with health care, and everything to do with establishing a dictatorship in the USA. Yes, Obama IS Hitler.

We can't let up the pressure. Pulling the public option does nothing to lessen the threat of this bill. This is a power grab unlike anything I have ever seen. Carter was incompetent. Clinton was corrupt. Obama is like nothing we have ever encountered before. We can lose this country if we do nothing. And I don't say that lightly.

The days are dark and getting darker. I don't think Obama is a specific punishment on America, but we are reaping what we have sown. I think there is still a praying remnant of believers in this country to withhold the Hand Of Judgment. Obama and the democrats are using our freedoms to overthrow democracy.

It will be hard to live under tyranny and remember freedom. Take a stand now or regret it forever.

Emphasis mine.

Mr Mannn #fundie mrmannn.blogspot.com

Atheist Extremist [Richard] Dawkins Avocates Nazi Eugenics as, "Not so bad."

Shocking to hear this?
YET, this is where modern day atheism is leading. If you believe in nothing than any atrocity is without consequence. Please understand, the greatest genocides in the 20th century were under atheist communism. Yes, Hitler used genocide as a tool of the state, but so did Stalin. The purges, political executions, and planned genocides of the communist states dwarf the Hitler Death Camps. Once again we see an atheist lifting up the icon of evil Hitler, as an example to be followed. Without a moral code of good and evil, the crimes of Hitler can be repeated again and again.

Sentiments like these are a great arguments why Christians need to be involved in govt-apparently there is no sanctity of life without our input. And we certainly cannot depend on an atheist to value life if no other atheist will condemn comments like this.

Mr Mannn #conspiracy mrmannn.blogspot.com

[Re. the Health Care Bill.]

In a Nazi dream come true, every American using the Public option will be implanted with a govt Microchip. The other options will eventually be driven out of business, and so all Americans will be implanted with chips that can be tracked at range with various devises. This is something the public won't like, but to a dictator its an essential tool.

Mr Mannn #conspiracy mrmannn.blogspot.com

Lets examine the Health Care Bill itself, shall we?
We have already established a govt plan to kill the elderly and those with expensive medical conditions. People deemed less desirable like those with downs syndrome will be denied basic health care as well.

Do you have cancer? Kiss off any chance of treatment, see the last line of this list.
The Bottom Line: Sarah Palin is right, This plan is evil. Evil people wrote the bill, and evil people promote it today. Democrats are evil for creating a plan to kill Americans in the guise of medical reform. There is a Hitlerite plan from the darkest days of Nazi Germany...and Democrats wrote this. Evil.

Mr Mannn #conspiracy mrmannn.blogspot.com

What is in this health care bill? Forced End-of-Life counseling. Its not called that, it has a pretty name, but every five years American seniors will endure a forced counseling session to discuss assisted suicide. Knowing the corruption that exists in this current administration, I can only imagine the vast number of forged names on suicide permission forms.

Also in this bill abortion clinics where procedures are100% paid for by the govt. No out of pocket costs and state laws like parental consent are nullified. People who chose to keep Down’s syndrome babies will very likely to be lied to and told the mother’s life is at stake, an abortion is the only way out. Lies are part of this socialist plan to eliminate the ‘useless eaters.” Adults with Down’s Syndrome will be denied life saving procedures.

People with expensive medical conditions will be denied health care. Its already the law of the land. You have no idea if this will mean YOU a few months down the road. If you develop conditions that require any expensive drugs or procedures at all, you will die.

That is the crux of Obama care. If you need care, it will be denied to you.

If this law had anything to do with health care, congress would not have exempted themselves from the same care that we are going to receive. This is about control over the people. Govt mandated granting or denial of health care. Need a life saving procedure? You need to pay off your Democratic congressman. Don’t have the money, your daughter looks very nice. The congressman will give her back to you in a week, after which you will gain your procedure. This health care system is designed for corruption. The people must beseech the elite for care, and the elite will grant a boon, after suitable compensation, of course.

Mr Mannn #fundie mrmannn.blogspot.com

Michael Jackson benighted in the media, will be remembered in history as a pedophile who loathed himself. He destroyed his own face trying to look like a white woman, just as he destroyed the lives of children.
Jackson's increasing irrational behavior in the last few years stands as evidence of increasing drug dependence. Drug use, personality alteration, brain damage, death.

I never played the PC game. There is no nice way to say this:
Its sad, but he's going to reap what he has sown. Hell is a very real place.
There no evidence of a deathbed conversion. Jackson grew up in a cult, converted to islam, and his last conscious act was to abuse drugs. Likely he never knew the true Christ.
Eternity may come calling sooner that people like to think. There is no second chance

Mr Mann #fundie mrmannn.blogspot.com

Here is the Truth:

We don't torture at Gitmo. Water boarding works or it would not be done. In fact, only three prisoners have endured water boarding. And Obama reserves the right to water board them again.

Water Boarding is NOT torture. A conservative talk show host, Man Cow subjected himself to 7 seconds worth, and he declared it torture. It was not. Man Cow was immediately able to continue talking. What he experienced was extreme discomfort, but he did not suffer lasting pain, nor did he require medical aid afterwards.

Discomfort like this is called aggressive interrogation. Its not pleasant, but neither is it torture. Man Cow endured 7 seconds. The 3 terrorists endured 14 seconds. And they talked afterwards which is why we used this. 14 seconds of discomfort is NOT torture.

Torture has been redefined by the left.

Mr. Mann #fundie mrmannn.blogspot.com

[Mr. Mann of RR blogs about FSTDT]

Atheists come demanding evidence. But they discount anything that disproves their pet theories, no matter how well founded that evidence is.
Simply because I am a Christian, anything I have to say will never be good enough for an atheist. (don't believe me, visit an atheist site, the sheer hatred/bigotry towards Christians is amazing. I always thought atheists to be unemotional in their unbelief, but they hate people of faith!)

An honest atheist is an agnostic because he must admit he doesn't have enough evidence to know if God is there or not. (an interesting aside, there are no militant agnostic organizations out to stamp out Christianity, only the radical atheists are doing that. Agnostics just don't care.)

MrMann #fundie mrmannn.blogspot.com

At its core atheism IS a religion. It takes faith to take insufficient evidence and jump to the conclusion that there is no God. All our arguments mean nothing to the atheist, not because of any validity or lack thereof: but because we are the heretics in the religion of atheism. Atheism cannot support its philosophy with logic, so they must ignore/fabricate faults with all arguments to the contrary.

Pride is the sin that is killing the atheist. Admitting he may be wrong is a violation of his religion. especially when he considers himself mentally superior to mindless followers of faith. That's why arguments with an atheist always go in a circle.
An atheist is the most close minded person you will ever meet.

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