
MisterQ #fundie timesonline.typepad.com

"Aliens" as the article calls them are deceiving you as to their origin. They are merely the fallen 1/3 of all angels, cast down from heaven along with Lucifer. As such, there fate is already sealed. No amount of "religion" being preached at them by the cult of Catholicism will "save" them.

Princess Hijab #fundie timesonline.typepad.com

An interesting, if rather disturbing outbreak of "art jihad" has been noted on the chic boulevards of Paris, where an anonymous “guerrilla street artist” has taken to spray-painting black veils and body-length chadors over images of the sexily dressed models who grace billboards advertising luxury beauty items, high fashion or music. Armed with spray paint and a black marker pen, Princess Hijab (PH) is on a mission to “hijabize” advertising. reports muxlim.com. She claims it is “subverting visuals,” a “noble cause” and “anti-advertising.” So top marks for censorship – but you have to give the girl a little credit for being original though Faith Central does feel she went a little too far hijabizing a picture of a dancing Cinderella. Worrying. Very worrying.

Paul #fundie timesonline.typepad.com

The gift that God has given us is our brains to use to see what is real. How do you explain that crime went down to near 0 after prayer and fasting???? I guess that is just some sort of coincidence? People who are at their core afraid of what is really out there tend to mock and belittle the ones who have accepted the truth. All politics is about some sort of religion even the religion of politics (which is born out of man's emotions for sure) or the moral code that has sustained many nations for thousands of years. Just because she is an evangelical does not mean she is not ready to be the VP any more than Barrack being a community organizer or a Muslim (Rumor or fact?) disqualifies him..........

Ed Wood #fundie timesonline.typepad.com

Satin is the beast that is is not and should never be.

A lie

A lie 'Satan' has power in that people believe it.

Therefore whitchcraft is real if you let it have power over you.

The problem is that you may not let it have power over you by not believing. Other fools however due to their own superstitions and ignorance will.

The truth shall set you free. In so much that Thomas Muthee took away the local witches power of persuasion over the people by letting them know that her power was false 'a lie' they wised up and to prevent her from manipulating more foolish people they drove her out of town. Good job Mr. Muthee.

Charles #fundie timesonline.typepad.com

[On Shara Palin]

You won't be informed from mainstream parrot news sources, but the fact is Pentecostal, Charismatic Christianity is the fastest growing segment of Christianity in the World today! From the explosion of the Chinese underground church to the many documented miracles commonly taking place in African outdoor crusades, the Holy Spirit is Alive and moving in Power! Europeans are left with beautiful tombstones, er, ah cathedrals--void of true, living worshippers and the Spirit of God!

Rodger #fundie timesonline.typepad.com

This is the devil’s greatest accomplishment to date. An Un-Godly Generation has been raised up in America. Unfortunately for them but to there surprise they will find out the hard way. When you breathe you last breathe and go out to meet your Maker it will be too late for you. You will not get a second chance at life, Hell is For Ever.

You say I do not believe that mumbo jumbo about the Devil and Demons! But I ask you what you base that belief on, is it a feeling you have in your gut, or maybe you took your position because someone you respect did not believe in Christ or were you enlightened by a university professor? Let me ask you a question? Did you ever think about doing your own research to see if the Bible is what it claims to be The Inerrant Word of God.
So let me get this correct; your going to take a stand not fully knowing the facts, you are going to Risk your Only Soul, pass judgment on a topic you can not talk intelligently about because you know nothing about the Bible! You must be Dumber than Dirt.

Personally I’m just like anyone you meet, but when I was a young man in Vietnam you probably would never think about doing some of the things I have done. You know it takes Guts to become an Animal and that was what I became. I saw men that should be dead by all accounts but death passed them by and no reason on earth could explain it. You would say Lucky. There is only one way to explain these types of events Divine Intervention. Later I researched and realized the Big Picture of Life and found Christ. I saw Hell and I do not care what you or anyone else thinks, I Know it’s real and I’m not going there. Maybe you will be a lucky one and meet the Devil face to face. But before I pass it off to Mumbo Jumbo I would find out First. That’s what intelligent people do. We are not alone on this Earth, we are pawns.

MARK SMYTH IN TORONTO #fundie timesonline.typepad.com

For all you doubters, you better all go to bible dot com and read a choice of bibles. Evil spirits are real and they control many people in Washington, New York and especially Hollywood. It's time for reality people. You cannot deny that Lohan and others like her are not being manipulated by evil spirits. Just because you are not a drug addict does not mean you are not influenced. A very wise man once said, "the truth will set you free."

Mike #fundie timesonline.typepad.com

Why is it that when a person is an evangelical the liberal left labels them as an idiot. But when someone comes out of the closet as a gay -they are a progressive? Which is the covert word for Communism.
America was founded on Christian values. Don't like these? Go live under Sharia law.

tim #fundie timesonline.typepad.com

And many of those supposedly 'using' their brains who are anti-religion (really anti-Christian) wear crystals, talisman's, consult fortune tellers, astrologers, channeling, Tarot, I-Ching, shamans, etc, and employ all sorts of good-luck measures for their own well-being and good fortune. What is wrong with instead believing in a God who loves us and answers prayer to protect us from things that would do us harm? Certainly more reasonable than trusting the powers of a stone or a star formation!! Granted, the 'witch' should not have felt personally in danger but her powers should be opposed and her influence challenged....We're in a political battle of ideas right now...the Presidential election; and whatever one's position is then one exerts effort to promote that postion. Life is constantly a theatre of the tug-and-pull of right vs. wrong, good vs. evil, love vs. hate and we need to clarify situations to know how to promote health in our communities--and that takes spiritual discernment of what's really going on and spiritual battles are fought in prayer--NOT in the flesh. But if a person is not spiritually minded then they won't even see it.

Conservative&Christian #fundie timesonline.typepad.com

Praise Jesus . . . and praise Pastor Muthee for recognizing their is evil in the world. God expects us to pray to ward off evil . . . and evil is everywhere my friends . . . pedophiles, child porn, and every other perversion along with the crooks on Wall Street, in the US Congress, and in the corporate board rooms. Those of us who support Governor Palin, and will vote for McCain because of her, agree with her ideology . . . there is a God, God matters, and the US of A is still the best place to live in the world, it is worth fighting for, and we cannot let it go the way of the Cuba, Russia, or Norway, for that matter.

Brenton Bills #fundie timesonline.typepad.com

@David Bennington:

Having stated your opinion, let's list off just a short sample of people, starting with those who disagree with you: George Washington, John Adams, John Jay, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Adams, Noah Webster, etc., etc. Now for those who agree with your belief that we need a "wholly secular state:" Adolf Hitler, V.I. Lenin, Josef Stalin, Mao Tse-Tung, Kim Il-Sung, and Saloth Sar (better known as Pol Pot).

That's one heck of a like-minded group of comrades, eh David?

As for me, I throw my lot in with the first group. Some quotes from them:
"Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle."
-George Washington
"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
-John Adams
"The greatest glory of the American Revolution was this: It connected in one indissoluble bond, the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity."
-John Quincy Adams
"No power over the freedom of religion [is] delegated to the United States by the Constitution."
-Thomas Jefferson

JImbob #fundie timesonline.typepad.com

The fact that proud athiest do not believe in anything of the supernatural is normal for them. They hold thier superiority over all who believe in a diety. Which is 95% of the Earths population. So as the Bible says: Things of the Spirit are foolishness to those who don't know the Spirit. But remember science 500 years ago SWORE that the Earth was flat. The Bible said it was round. 1500 years ago the best minds in the world believed theEarth was the center of the universe. The Bible says the sun is the center of the universe. Many athiest who mock all things of God...quietly entertain the thought of visiting a psychic, or believe a yogi may be truly enlightened. So it comes down to a hatred of God and Christianity...based on almost ZERO knowledge of God and Holy Bible. Remember this athiest....if you can prove scientifically (which... without God science is all you have in life) ANY part of the BIble to be false....you will not only destroy Christianity, but you will be famous and rich....(which is the true source of happiness right?) not all the Bible...not the tough parts...just any ONE part of the Bible. You prove it wrong...with all your vast superiority and you will do what no man... including those with greater minds than yours, I'm sorry to state...can do. Go ahead and try. Get started. Stop screaming at religious nut cases and end this arguement once and for all. Prove the Bible wrong. You should be able to do it since it a "collection of myths," and you are so much more intellectual than those knuckle-draggers that believe this stuff...so prove it wrong. OR.....give a second look

charles #fundie timesonline.typepad.com

It pains me at the ignorance of citizens yearning for a secular state, assuming that the morality saught by people of faith might be faulty. Please read some historical books on how this country began... people of Faith in a trancendent creator, God. From the first pilgrims to the framers of the constitution, they were all rooted in the JudeoChristian way. Then look at secular communism states. Choose your way of life...you wouldn't last a year in north Korea.

Linda #fundie timesonline.typepad.com

If you think politics and religion shouldn't be mixed you must not know our Founding Fathers or the documents they penned very well. The basic principles of Christianity are what our Country was founded on. Which “Creator” do you think they were referring to? Read the documents and it will be clear. The farther we move away from God as a Country, the worse our societal ills become. The great thing about our Country is that we can vote according to our respective consciences and this doesn't make us bigots; this makes us Americans. For me, a competent candidate is who I look for; a Christian competent candidate is even better. The true Christians (meaning “followers of Jesus Christ”) put God first, family second, “neighbors” (all others) third and themselves last. They do not worship money. They hate sin but love sinners. They are compassionate but will not water down their beliefs to please the media. They are by far the most generous with their time and money. For those of you who have determined you don't believe in God just know that He still believes in you.

Inconvenient Truth #fundie timesonline.typepad.com

I love the comments from those who preach separation of religion from government, yet support regimes who literally worship questionable environmental theories. The truth is that the US was founded by Christians and has enjoyed success because of adherence to Judaeo-Christian values. Yes, we are the good guys and have prospered because of it.

Now regarding the witch thing...who the hell knows.

Daniel Jones #fundie timesonline.typepad.com

Either Jesus was a liar a lunatic or He was truly God. If what He said is true, then we are not fighting against only politicians but demons as well. The Bible says that the god of this world is Satan.
So, if what Jesus said was true, then He is truly God and we need to take into account everything that He said.
If your perspective is that there is no god or that you are god or that everything is god, then you are right. There is no place for politics and religion. But if you are wrong, then there is no place for politics in religion but there is definitly a place for religion in politics.
Google "soccer lighting strike kills whole team" and you will see what the BBC says about how a whole team scattered on a soccer field was killed while the opposing team scattered on the same field was unphased. The BBC says that it was witchcraft and that it happens all the time in that area.
If God did create the earth and all that is, then it's time to get to know Him.

brent #fundie timesonline.typepad.com

Nothing controversial here...unless you're an athiest or a "liberal Christian" (whatever that's supposed to be). Spiritual warfare and the exercise of gifts of the Spirit are halmarks of a vibrant, healthy Christian Church. Most churches today simple don't preach it out of fear of stigma (as can clearly be shown by some responces to this article). And I have to completely agree with the comment made earlier that witchcraft and the occult (ex. voo-doo) are BIG problems in many regions of Africa due to the many animistic religions that are practiced there. Thank God people like Pastor Muthee are out there fighting for the souls of the people of Africa and witnessing here in the States as well.

Ron #fundie timesonline.typepad.com

For the thousands who live in this country under the oppression of gangs and drug dealers (the bible calls that sorcery) with literally thousands gunned down on our streets I bet they wished someone would come in and run those vermin off even if it is called a "witch hunt". Without the details I would assume this is a similar situation. For the mindless Christian hating liberal, when is the last time you saw an evangelical Christian stone someone or cut someone's head off? Yet, it is the liberals who scream "choice" as they institutionalize butchering millions of defenseless children and can see no wrong in that but are shocked at the thought of this “witch hunt” conducted by “Sarah Palin”. You do a good job of justifying it as progressive. The German's didn't call it Choice or Progressive they called it the Final Solution yet you call Republicans Nazis. Just wait, Islamic law is now recognized in the UK and with Obama's call for "Change" the U.S. will be next. Then all the gays, drug heads, rappers, Hollywood elitist, left wing media, teens with attitudes, abortionist, feminist and even evangelical Christians will truly see what religious oppression is all about. We don't need change we need leadership BACK to the fundamentals that made our nation great. For those of you who think America is the Great Racist Satan, the poorest black man in Chicago is better off than half the people in Africa because of this great nation. You libs are quick to call someone racist and to say the religious right is intolerant of others yet your own racism, intolerance, hypocrisy, double standard and stupidity cannot stand the honest scrutiny by anyone with intelligence. In Jan.08 there were 35 Americans killed in the entire war zone of Iraq and the democrats howl yet in only one American city, Detroit, there were 39 killed in the same month. Where is your outrage? And by the way man-made Global Warming is nothing more than the tool of Socialist/Communist Elitist who could find no other way to destroy Capitalism, our economy and take away our freedom. But it’s all for the sake of our Children. I think this covers the basics.

Bruce V #fundie #magick timesonline.typepad.com

Ignorant are the ones who have never seen witchcraft first hand. Mr. Muthee's story is well documented and anyone from Kenya knows the story is true. Only stupid Westerners are ignorant enough to disprove factual data without investigating it first hand. To try to allude that Mr. Muthee's non-violent prayers for God to either convert "Mama Jane" or remove this practicing witch from town could be compared to "witch hunting" demonstrates the irresponsible biased journalism that seeks to slander Christians and anyone that even leans to slightly to the right.

John #fundie timesonline.typepad.com

I come from a highly intellectual family on Long Island, very liberal, knowing key leaders in the Democratic Party growing up. I have been to Africa many times and know for a fact that witchcraft is a real problem. I have witnessed first hand community tranformation in Uganda and other places through the power of prayer. Being a thinker is not incompatiable with knowing God is as real now as when he led my Jewish people out of Egypt after judging the Gods that controlled the minds of the Egyptians.

texasguy01 #fundie timesonline.typepad.com

Welcome to modern America. The problem today is that this is a problem of cultural literacy. This is basic Christian theology. Check the book of Acts (after the Gospels for the non bible folk). The Apostle Paul does the same thing. Basic mainline denomonations have stripped these teachings out. This is actually Biblical Christianity. It is also a two way culteral problem. You basic generic secular humanist American does not understand Christianity or African witchcraft. African witches are trained to kill through poisons mostly or other means as needed. They target people specifically. This is to obtain finances or power. Spiritual warfare is important to Christians and it does have amazing results but it will always be downplayed and mocked the the secular population. The Bible says every one has a choice. Make your choice. Just because someone poked their head in a church window not because they are interested in what is going on but only for political gain does not mean they are wrong for beliving it. This is America. Check the history of America that has been expunged from the school history textbooks. Abraham Lincoln made a name for himself in the Duffy Armstrong trial over a murder at a revival. In the 1906 Azuza rocked the world. the 1950's seen millions in healing revivals with Doyle Branham. All of this is buried. I will be more of a supporter for her now.

Rick #fundie timesonline.typepad.com

Spiritual warfare is real, I have experienced this myself, though not to the degree described here. I have also been a part of church services similar to what Sarah Palin describes, where ministers have spoken to people about things they could not have known beforehand. God does work through others. Given the media basis, I'm sure some of the accounts given of Pastor Muthee's Kenyan ministries is skewed to make Palin look bad.

Creationism should be taught in schools, it is much more plausible than Evolution. In fact, Evolution is being increasingly discredited at an expanding rate while evidence of 'intelligent design' is being accepted my more and more scientist.

For me I would welcome a woman of strong Christian faith in the White house. Christianity played an important role in the founding of our country. The more we have tried to erase God from our culture the worse things have become. I'm certainly praying for a McCain-Palin win!

Caleb #fundie timesonline.typepad.com

Some of you liberals post coments that are so far out there, and the amount of hatred sometimes is astounding. I think you are so apposed to God and spiritual matters, because you are really scared it may all be true. But, you want to live a selfish life now and not be conserned with higher thinking. You think the dems and BO will solve all your problems when in government... they will actually disappoint you I'm afraid.

God is real, and he will help many of your problems if only you truely believe. If you continue this shunning of Christian ideals, you will finally see your error one day. America (as others are saying) is what it is because of the values we were founded on. If you want us to be like so many other countries, why not just pick one and move!

If you think that Barack has so much support--it is an allusion. The reason he has so much campaign money is because his worshipers are throwing it at him like crazy, while us conservatives are going to church, tithing, giving to missions, giving to charity... (a bit more than most libs).

MARK MY WORDS... REPUBLICANS WILL WIN THIS ONE TOO! Because America has not changed all that much in 4 or 8 years. Most citizens can see when someone really isn't going to do the country any real good. McCain/ Palin will win at least by as much as Bush '04, if not by a lanslide. The media is just overly biased as usual and the polls will grow increasingly tweaked as usuall too... the "star" will fade soon, we shall see.

T Stewart-USA #fundie timesonline.typepad.com

Good Article. And even better comments section! Sorry that there are so many God haters though. Witchcraft and demon procession are real and have been around since the beginning of time. But one comment I must reply to- Steven Sandersons. Yes, Americas founding Fathers were some of the richest best educated men of their time. But loving Europe or even holding it in high esteem? Come now. I believe the revolution settled that question.

divamama #fundie timesonline.typepad.com

God is not mocked. Evil exists.
Evil comes in the form of those who back 0-zerobama with money.
These people who back 0bambi with cash and faux compliments to this idiot are out to destroy this country. Ya'll better watch your tongue. Do you nay sayers forget how and why our country became great? Not by liberals. Liberals are scum.

Eric #fundie timesonline.typepad.com

You non-christians are so judgmental. It is a big world and and you should consider that maybe there are some things out there that you don't know about. I realize it is easier to put people down than it is to dig for the truth. But maybe you should try to find out the truth, you might learn something.

Lionheart #fundie timesonline.typepad.com

Hey folks! Most of you seem to miss one very important word in our Constitution. The word is 'OF' as in 'Freedom of Religion'. Too many of you would like it to read 'Freedom from Religion'; but then that is not how the document reads nor is it the intentions of the Founding Fathers'

DON #fundie timesonline.typepad.com

It's rather mistaken to think that Evangelism involves NOT using one's brains or reason. On the contrary, it's mainly those who are skeptical of religion and all things spiritual that end up seeing religion as some sort of wierd fantasy or joke.
Faith is real and it's amazing how limited the human mind and capability appear once you view it from a Spiritual perspective and it's not something you can make up. I'm talking Christian faith here by the way...

Sam #fundie timesonline.typepad.com

Go Sara Go. USA needs leaders like Mccain and Sara Palin to Spread word of GOD all over the world. As Sara said US army is doing work of GOD in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Sara will be placed in white house by the grace of GOD and all liberals and leftist will be stunned.

Matt #fundie timesonline.typepad.com

I would challenge anyone who doubts that some of this could happen (note I say some) to talk with Anthropologists who have spent time in Africa. Whether its blind faith (aka a mind trick) or "something else", there is significant evidence that witches and witch doctors actually do things to people - heal, curse, etc.

We ultra-rationalists in the West want to believe that there is nothing outside our understanding, but that is only faulty logic. We don't have a clue for how little we understand about the world. Who could have predicted the near collapse of our financial system a mere 18 months ago, but that is what we are living through today. Its not rational, nor do our markets behave rationally.

Douglas Love #fundie timesonline.typepad.com

Here's the thing: Just because some liberals in media have become complete rationalists, it doesn't disprove the spiritual realm! All believers in Christ acknowledge that the spiritual realm and spiritual entities are present day realities. To even believe in God requires the acceptance of a spiritual being. So, for the media to attack Palin is to attack the 97% of American's who believe in God.

VTMAN #fundie timesonline.typepad.com

to Jane in London, If evolution is fact then why is it called THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION? I'm sorry but you are wrong. Evolution preaches a long slow change in creatures over vast periods of time. It turns out that this has not occured, check out the Cambrian period. When scientists discovered this it then became a slightly modified THEORY? I used to live in UK, I am so, so, so glad I no longer live in that sad, pathetic little country. USA rocks, despite all of its downfall (name one country that does not). Enjoy your socialism Suckas.

geno #fundie timesonline.typepad.com

Having traveled extensively in Africa, this is right-on. I am excited about having Sarah Palin in an administration. Her faith is real and is upsetting to Satan who is doing all he can to discredit her. Satan is real...but God is Almighty! I know who wins in the end!

Naomi #fundie timesonline.typepad.com

Let's see now, we who are sooo smart and use our brains - what has it led this country to. Our society has grown more uncivilized since we got rid of prayer and the study of the Bible in schools.
Sex, violence, filthy language in movies, TV, and internet porn bombard us 24/7. An 8th grader in the 1800's was better educated than college grads today.
"The foundation of our society and our government rest so much on the teachings of the Bible that it would be difficult to support them if faith in these teachings would cease to be practically universal in our country." President Calvin Coolidge.
Sadly we now see the results of an ungodly society and Coolidge was right.

Emery #fundie timesonline.typepad.com

Well now the liberals have somebody new to hate! So much for that "hope for change". It's the same old patterns of partisan hatred. At least the Christians know how to love their neighbor and forgive their enemy. I hope more people learn to pray and use the power of God to overcome liberal hatred. So ya'll keep hating Sarah Palin because your going to have to for the next eight years!!! Give us "Barabbas, Giove us Barrack, Crucify her!", the ignorant liberal haters cry.

mickey #fundie timesonline.typepad.com

Witchcraft is a religon, that is , Satanic worship. The demons are real and cause much trouble. Just look at America. We have forsaken GOD and his son Jesus Christ, and Harry Potter is the new god we are teaching our children. Is it any wonder that our civilization is faltering. Every nation that has fogotten GOD has been cast down to hell. Blessed is the nation whose GOD is the LORD.

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