
LoreMariano #fundie #homophobia en.wikipedia.org

(This fundie is a member of a obscure NY-based cult that was famous in the 90's for claiming they could cure gay men of homosexuality.)

There is nothing being whitewashed here. The subject of homosexuality has not been presented at the Aesthetic Realism Foundation in over 20 years. There are men who have changed from homosexuality through the study of Aesthetic Realism who deserve to live their lives as they have chosen, just as gay men deserve to live their lives as they choose. As has been said many times, Aesthetic Realism has always been in favor of equal civil rights for gay men and women.

anonymous #fundie en.wikipedia.org

"The tiresome 'scientists support evolution' line is not very meaningful. Most folks who use 'scientists' in this context are referring to denizens of the Ivory Tower, often with a PhD after their names in relation to some academic field that is considered a science."

Sydney Bufford #quack en.wikipedia.org

As a man who changed from homosexuality through my study of Aesthetic Realism and someone new to this talk page, I am perplexed by the objection to the simple, clear, entirely grammatical phrase, "changed from homosexuality."

To quote one source, Websters Dictionary, the first definition of the intransitive verb "change" is "to become different." This describes percisely what occurred in my life. I was homosexual; I became heterosexual. If this isn't appropriate language and readily understandable to the vast majority of English speaking people over the age of (conservatively) 12, I don't know what is.

Absolute Authoritarian Award

If you want a vision of RGloucester's ideal future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.

RGloucester #fundie #wingnut #psycho en.wikipedia.org

It is unacceptable to be so self-important. Our opinions are irrelevant. Only the ruling class may make such determinations. You must remain subjugated to the law, to the government, and to the collective. Where would it all end, if people thought they could challenge government and rule of law? No one has any right to rally against the law.

The law is the law, and must be adhered to. You have no rights, not one. What is willed by God will come to pass, whether one likes it or not. He views such arrogance with disdain. Let those with station do what they are to do, and those without do what they are to do. Accept your lot, as people have done for centuries.

Frances Cress Welsing #racist en.wikipedia.org

On both St. Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day, the white male gives gifts of chocolate candy with nuts—. If his sweetheart ingests "chocolate with nuts," the white male can fantasize that he is genetically equal to the Black male—. Is it not also curious that when white males are young and vigorous, they attempt to master the large brown balls, but as they become older and wiser, they psychologically resign themselves to their inability to master the large brown balls? Their focus then shifts masochistically to hitting the tiny white golf balls in disgust and resignation—in full final realization of white genetic recessiveness.

Jackilee07 #fundie en.m.wikipedia.org

A graven image is mans attempt to duplicate God's creation. Photographs, art and decoration are graven images. Any decorations, other than words are graven images. The television is a "graven image box" and is worshiped by the world. People have turned away from God to watch the "beast box" which is prophesied about in the book of Revelation. People who are not watching television are listening to GOD, Christ and the Holy Spirit. I will give you examples of idols. The cross, angels, santa, mary, saints, easter bunny, any statue of a man, women or child, any statue of an animal, plant, mountain, river and tree is an idol. All dolls are idols and yet you people purchase these abominations for your children. Satan tells you what it is in the name. They are called "dolls" for a reason people! Here is an example of a graven image, antichrist and antichrists. The antichrists in the book of Revelation are the images of a man crucified on a cross, the images of a man weeping in pain wearing a crown of thorns and any image of this man who is worshiped by the world is not from the Bible.

Kauryl80 #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #crackpot en.wikipedia.org

[ From a now WP:NOTFORUM-deleted post, on the Mitch McConnell Wikipedia article's talk page, on 2023-07-29, by someone on a mission with audio related delusions ]

If you listen closely to a recorded live video with a decent microphone, of the episode he 'apparently' had, you can hear an 'angel/being/alien/demon/manipulator' shortly after McConnell says 'string' a female or feminine sounding voice says 'keep quiet and some other words' then he has his episode, he felt his mind strange, so he was mind read/raped/manipulated, he is strong because he didn't panic, he was recharged or healed by someone they had waiting for him to come back from the conference to help him... That's why he came back re-energized, but they are trying to get rid of him obviously so when they want to get rid of someone they manipulate you or your surroundings to do so, usually out of spite instead of what God's plan is, if this continues...

[... Some more general preaching follows ...]

Jackilee07 #fundie en.wikipedia.org

ALL photographs are graven images. All photographs are graven images, All television is graven image. All dolls are idols, all statues are idols. The book of Revelation is about the End Times. We are in the End Times. God foresaw this mass production of Idolatry. God foresaw man's vanity in the mass production of graven images and idols. Revelation was written about these times. God can no longer tolerate the mass production of idols and graven images, the worship of television, the worship of a cross, the worship of the antichrist and antichrists, (the image of a man nailed to a cross, crying on a cross, smiling, looking up, praying), all images of this man are the antichrists and is prophesied in the book of Revelation. There are grown men drinking beer and watching television when they should be worshiping God, reading the Bible to their families and working. Taking care of your family, community and the poor is how you love and respect God. This is in your Bible. This time is confused. Men are treating women as men. This time is confused, confusion is of the devil. This is in the Bible. The Bible gives many examples of how to live your life. The Bible is clear and direct about how to live your life. The Bible clearly states no worship of idols and do not make any likeness above, on earth or under the sea. […]

David Wolfe #crackpot #quack #ufo en.wikipedia.org

Wolfe has been criticized for promoting pseudoscience.[26][27] His popularity on social media networks such as Facebook has led to backlash articles from critics, who accuse him of profiting from pseudoscience and promoting potentially harmful subjects, such as anti-vaccination.[28]

• He promotes a diet based on raw plants,[22][29] stating that this has a "detoxification" effect, while no scientific basis for this sort of "detoxification" has been noted.[26][30]
• He advocates that people with cancer take dietary supplements instead of getting medical treatment, which he describes as “largely a fraud.”[31]
• He believes that "chemtrails" exist and are harmful to people and animals.[22][32] There is no evidence of the existence of "chemtrails", and multiple scientific agencies have explained that such clouds are merely common contrails.[33]
• He has considered cocoa to be one of several "superfoods",[25][34] a marketing term with no clear definition and not in widespread use by dieticians and nutrition scientists.[35]
• He says that deer antler spray is "levitational" and an "androgenic force", which he promotes and sells.[29][36]
• He claims that mushrooms have an "advanced intelligence and consciousness". He has stated that mushroom spores can "levitate off the planet" and believes they are trying to "get to the center of the sun".[37] He has stated that mushroom spores originally came from "distant planets" and were "carried by cosmic winds or meteors into the Earth's atmosphere", stating "the preliminary work develops as the mushroom mycelium sets itself up to network and nourish multi-celled carbohydrate-forming organisms".[38] He has also stated that the mushrooms that grow in trees are "medicinal mushrooms".[39]
• He believes vaccines are dangerous and may not work.[22][40][41]
• He believes that the Earth is flat and that gravity is a hoax,[42][43][44] ideas that are considered to be pseudoscientific and are not compatible with the physical evidence of the Earth, which is spheroidal in shape.[45]

William Luther Pierce #crackpot #psycho #racist #wingnut en.wikipedia.org

[Regarding the plot of William Luther Pierce’s 1978 novel The Turner Diaries, which is still very relevant today, as it serves as a kind of bible for white supremacists. - Percy]

The epilogue summarizes how the Organization went on to conquer the rest of the world and how all non-white races were eliminated. Africa was invaded; all of its black inhabitants were killed. Puerto Ricans (described as a "repulsive mongrel race") were killed and Puerto Rico was recolonized. After China attempts to invade European Russia, the Organization attacks its with nuclear, chemical, radiological and biological weapons which render the entire continent of Asia uninhabitable and rife with "mutants". In the United States, the last remaining non-whites are hunted down, along with all of the individuals who are involved in organized crime (such as the Mafia).

One of the last steps in the Organization's victory is its truce with the remainder of the American military's generals, who agree to surrender if the former swears not to harm them or their immediate families. The Organization gladly accepts. The epilogue concludes with the statement that "just 110 years after the birth of the 'Great One', the dream of a white world finally became a certainty... and the Order would spread its wise and benevolent rule over the earth for all time to come."

William Luther Pierce #crackpot #elitist #psycho #racist #wingnut en.wikipedia.org

[From the plot summary of William Luther Pierce’s 1978 novel The Turner Diaries, which is still very relevant today, as it continues to serve as a kind of bible for white supremacists. - Percy]

The Organization raids the houses of all individuals who have been reported to be race traitors in some way (such as judges, professors, lawyers, politicians, clergy, journalists, entertainers, etc.), and white people who defiled their race by living with or being married to non-whites. It drags these individuals from their homes and publicly hangs them in the streets in Los Angeles in an event which comes to be known as the "Day of the Rope" (August 1, 1993). Most of these public executions are filmed for propaganda purposes. The Organization has little use for most white "mainstream" Americans. Those on the left are seen as dupes or willing agents of the Jews, while conservatives and libertarians are regarded as mere businessmen out for themselves or misguided fools, because, the Organization states, the Jews "took over according to the Constitution, fair and square." Turner and his comrades save their special contempt for the ordinary people, who are seen to care about nothing beyond being kept comfortable and entertained. Once daily life is completely disrupted by the nuclear war it instigated, the Organization opens compounds where food and shelter are available - but those seeking admittance are given a bayonet and told to come back with "the freshly cut head of a non-white person"; those unable or unwilling to pay such an "admittance price" are left to starve, as their death would "improve the race".

CSaguaro #fundie en.wikipedia.org

(This quote is about changing the Wikipedia article of Aesthetic Realism -- a obscure NY-based cult that was famous in the 70's/80's for claiming they could cure homosexuality. MichaelBluejay is a well-known critic of the cult.)

The version MichaelBluejay posted is derisive and definitely POV. Sources include his own website, as well as anonymous comments on other websites. Entirely omitted is the philosophic basis of how Aesthetic Realism sees this subject in favor of a cartoonish version. From the beginning Aesthetic Realism is presented as out for publicity, “riding the buzz”.

The truth is that the only reason Aesthetic Realism and Eli Siegel dealt with the subject at all is because men, like myself once, did not like themselves for being homosexual and were looking for a way to change—and we found it.

Sure some men decided that Aesthetic Realism wasn’t for them and they preferred to live a gay lifestyle which, of course, is their right. But you would never know from this version that there are men who have lived meaningful, fulfilled heterosexual lives, including marriage and children, for 10, 20, 30+ years. The controversy and opposition can be presented, but it has to be in an evenhanded way.

Cesar_Tort #racist en.wikipedia.org

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that men and cultures are created un-equal. All men are unequal—nowhere in the natural world (and Man is part of Nature) is anything equal. Equality does not exist in Nature; equality only exists in the abstract world of mathematics and in the minds of delusional, liberal whites.

Alas, when non-liberal whites do what every other group on the planet is not only allowed to do but actively encouraged to do—advocate for its interests—it is called "supremacism" and "hate". This hypocrisy and absurdity is staggering.

In what deranged liberals call a "white supremacist" world, whites in fact are being denied freedom of speech and association. Pro-whites who go public are fired in the US or jailed in Europe.

Regarding this encyclopaedia's policy of "reliable sources", it has become a customary procedure for the System to relegate free thinkers and would-be heretics and their literary or scientific achievements to marginal outlets, such as self-publishing, that are very similar to those used by dissidents in the ex-Soviet Union.

Finally, when years ago I edited articles in Wikipedia I was unaware that the current zeitgeist was destroying our civilisation and the Aryan race through mass immigration into the West. So I moved on, outside the wiki.

Update of November 2016: Hopefully, the system will start to crack with the presidency of Donald Trump.

1990'sguy #fundie en.wikipedia.org

I have edited Wikipedia for a while, and I know for a fact that there are a lot of inaccuracies and problems on it, whether it is vandalism, inaccurate material, POV bias, or out-of-date material. I and many other editors have tried our best to eliminate all of these, but I know that no matter what we do, these problems will remain. I also know that Wikipedia, ultimately, is temporary. Sometime — I don't know when, and don't ask me any details because I cannot know them — Wikipedia will cease to exist. So, all our editing will come to naught, at least it seems.

But I also know that God's Word, the Bible, is the opposite of Wikipedia, at least in this respect. As unpopular it is to believe this in our present culture, I know that the Bible contains absolutely no errors or mistakes — regardless of what topic or genre it has to do with. I also know that God and His Word will remain forever, as the verse here clearly states.

We humans always try to achieve greatness and glory, and I can see that throughout history. There is the Tower of Babel, the Neo-Assyrian Empire, the Neo-Babylonian Empire, Alexander the Great's empire, the Roman Empire, the British Empire, Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, and I can name countless others. There have been many leaders who have tried to achieve greatness — Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, Gaddafi, and many, many more — and ultimately failed.

My point in all this is that all of these were temporary and didn't last, but God, who created all things and controls all history, will remain forever. Whose side will you be on?

Djagda #conspiracy en.wikipedia.org

Chemtrail - Is a colloquialism

Chemtrail is a colloquialism in common everyday use to refer to the aerosol sprays emitted from high altitude tanker jetliners. The technical term for aerosol spraying from planes is Geo Engineering or climate modification. These tanker planes have customized spray ports along the wings. Commercial planes also have spray ports as in this video made by a passenger on a commercial flight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DybLUGo8xp0 This video shows a chemtrail being left by the plane while the jet engines are NOT leaving a CONTRAIL. A contrail is a vapor trail left for a short while - ten minutes - when the air temperature allows. Chemtrail aerosols not only remain in the air but expand into a suspended vapor covering 1/3 of the sky from one chemtrail.

Tanker planes have been filmed turning off and on the aerosol sprays https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSx44akT8As

A new effect of the nano particulates sprayed from tanker planes and jet lines is massive forest fires like the McMurray fire in Alberta Canada which in 11 days has burned 1370 square miles (CNN). The Rocky Fire in California in 2015 burned 10 square miles in 24 hours. Aluminum is used in rocket fuel because of its expansion rate. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rocket_propellant Burning aluminum particles creates wind (air displacement) resulting in such super fires as above.

Documentation for tanker planes and commercial airliners spraying aerosols with metal particles can be found by using any of the following terms; Aerosol spraying, Geo Engineering, Climate modification, Chemtrails. #conspiracy en.wikipedia.org

(Vandalized Wiki article)

Barack Obama

A crypto-Muslim and militant communist from Illinois.He is currently seeking to destroy the United States by fooling dumb people and minorities into voting him into office as President. His agenda would include trampling on the Bill of Rights, disarming the citizenry, opening our borders even wider, granting amnesty to illegal aliens, and massive income redistribution. A darker skinned, more subtle version of Stalin.

Hilarleo #conspiracy en.wikipedia.org

(By WP, this conspiracist means Wikipedia)

But WP is not about uncovering crime. WP is where corporations and government entities (like Monsanto and the FDA, NASA) come to polish the PR that hides their crimes against humanity and nature.

Anonymous Wikipedia commenter #fundie en.wikipedia.org

These next thoughts should be added to clarify what "god" Bolong Yookte' K'uh is and what the "black" mentioned in the translation is ... As this "god" Bolon Yookte' K'uh is simply Orion/Osiris, the same "God" Eyptians placed as the father God and equates to our christian Heavenly Father / or Most High God and the "black" that descends is merely referring to the Second Coming or shekinah of 2nd Coming ? ... ref. also Lord Pacal's tomb lid "book" and its snake devouring head images and bat images... the snake or bat - black connection being again the descent to earth of God in the Second Coming that brings along this phenomena of swallowing the whole of the earth in the coming's entrainment / or "snake" / wormhole / black hole from center of creation ... and esp. noting the prediction THEN, that this Second Coming OCCURS on December 21, 2012 - lil Bolon Yookte' K'u

HenryVIIIyes #conspiracy en.wikipedia.org

There must be some discussion of the possibility that Hamlet is based on the life of Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford. I realize the orthodox scholars hold on Wikipedia, and any discussion of the authorship question is brutally suppressed.

But many prominent people now believe the traditional story is wrong. A consensus for Edward de Vere as the true author seems to have arisen among the anti-Stratfordians. So it seems reasonable to give some discussion of Hamlet in light of Edward de Vere. To do so would be folly. The Oxfordian point of view is not a fringe theory.

James Haley #fundie en.wikipedia.org

Roman Catholic priest James Haley asserts "that homosexual priests, not solely pedophiles, are at the root of the sexual-abuse crisis. The Catholic priesthood is demoralized, he says, by groups of homosexual clerics who control who gets admitted to seminary, which men get nominated for bishop and which priests get the plum parishes.

ChristinaAnn #fundie en.wikipedia.org

[On Pat Robertson’s claim of being able to leg-press 2000 lbs.]

ok, all of you making these assumptions obviously do not have strong faith in God what so ever. did not God give the judge Samson enough strength to tear down a stone pillard building with his bare hands when he was blind, beaten, and hindered with shackles? He was at an old age too, and had been working by grinding grain. If you don't believe this then you can read Judges 16:21-31 in the Bible. Now, Samson was not ever considered a "superhuman", yet i'm sure he could've leg pressed way more than 2,000! How is it not possible that God has given this same strength to another faith filled, believing Christian. ANYTHING is possible with God if you enough faith. The Bible says, with enough faith, you can move mountains. Pat Robertson has enough faith to be given enough strength to leg press 2,000. Besides, this whole thing happened 3YEARS AGO! This is old news, and the media had no new dirt to bring up on him, so they went searching his sight and found this small detail. Robertson certainly does not make this truth into a well known thing obviously, because he has kept it quiet for 3 years until the media decided to hunt it down. You have no basis to say "his ego is totally out of control to make such a claim." So i'm tired of you people who think you know everything to give this man a break and worry about the problems in your own lives that are much more important. If i had not been with him and seen it myself then i would have no basis myself to share this truth. But i was and so was his doctor, Dr. W, who has sworn through his profession that he would not lie. but regardless of this, please think about the powerful of God and His miracles before you completely disregard this truth!

Kach/Kahane Chai #fundie en.wikipedia.org

[Political platform of Kach and their successor Kahane Chai, two Israeli far-right parties]

* Every Arab inside Israel is to be offered the right of residence as a non-citizen. All non-Jews will have total personal rights, and no national ones. Those who refuse the offer, and agree to leave quickly and peacefully, will receive compensation for their property, with 10% taken off and placed in a special fund for Sephardic Jews who left property behind in Arab countries and were never compensated.
* Until then, every Israeli Arab from the age of 18 will serve three years of manual labor, plus yearly manual duty as part of the reserves. The National Insurance Institute, which pays monthly checks for every Arab child until the age of 18, will be transferred to the Jewish Agency, and payment made only to Jews.
* An automatic death penalty shall be in force for every Arab terrorist caught.


* Political, cultural, social, and all non-economic ties with Germany and Austria will be ended. We will expect the Germans to continue fully their obligations to Israel and victims of German atrocities. The Germans owe us reparations for property, and we owe them nothing. The money does not absolve them of one sin, of one crime, of one murder.


* Immediate annexation of every part of Israel that is in our hands, and unlimited settlement for Jews everywhere in that area.
* Sovereignty from the Temple Mount shall be taken from the Moslems, and given to the Rabbinate. Jews will have unlimited access to those areas of the Temple Mount that are permitted entry by halakha, and a synagogue will be built immediately.


* The Army shall be given a free hand to shoot when it feels necessary at any attacker, including stone-throwers. The entire village of any terrorist, including stone-throwers, shall be expelled from the country.


* Non-Orthodox temples and rabbis will be allowed freedom to practice in Israel, but the use of the word "rav" will not be allowed ("rabbi" may be used), and no such place may use the word Beit Knesset ("temple" or "center" may be used).


* People of other faiths will be given total freedom to pray and worship and observe as they see fit, but never, ever to proselytize.
* Intermarriage between Jews and Gentiles will be forbidden by law; respect for the Gentile will be demanded, but that will not include sharing his or her bed.

Danielvincentkelley #conspiracy en.wikipedia.org

[Re. smart meters]

WTF is this nonsense!? RADIATION is OBVIOUSLY NOT GOOD. There is no "safe" level of radiation. Tiny radiation can damage DNA and cause cancer. These meters produce POWERFUL radio waves aka "RADIATION". If it weren't bade enough that these meters are producing powerful radiation, more and more sources of radiation have crept into the landscape on which this society lives, from cell phones to wireless internet and now Fukushima nuke meltdown has been raging and spewing radioactive material for a whole YEAR. A 1 whole year melt down of a nuclear power plant, that has gone China syndrome and is threatening to cause blackhole Earth. Added on top of all that radiation, powerful radio transmitters FORCED into everybody's homes, that can be hacked from external command EASILY, is OBVIOUSLY NOT GOOD, not right, it's CRIMINAL. While there is NO SAFE LEVEL of radiation, EVERY BIT of RADIATION is BAD for human health, the more and more radiation you're exposed to, the more surely you will get cancer and die. Is everybody who updates and maintains fkn corporate wikipedia disinfo a fkn traitorous shill? I guess so.

JonErber #conspiracy en.wikipedia.org

I agree. This article is an outrage. Dr Peter Duesberg is not a mass murderer who killed millions of Africans and other AIDS patients. He is not an AIDS denialist. He denies HIV virus is the sole cause of the disease. Unlike other scientists he is not a dogmatist in believing that hiv virus theory has been proven. He does not take money from the drug companies to say hiv virus is the cause of AIDS.

I have worked with AIDS patients most of whom were impoverished intravenous drug abusers. The whole hiv causes AIDS bull is at best a dubious theory and at worst a conspiracy to earn profits for the health care industry and drug comapnies. The hiv test is a fraud since it only is evidence that you have antibodies to the virus. Not that you are "infected". Wikipedia hates anyone in alternative medici who disagrees with the absolutism of orthodox medicine

CapTa1n_Half #fundie en.wikipedia.org

The Muslim Ummah does not care whether wikipedia is censored or not. The Dutch printed a cartoon of Prophet Muhammad, that was within itself controversial because of content. but regardless we not only got the company to apologize but also the government. The Pope said derogatory comments and we made him apologize. If this leaks out to the known public, we muslims don't give a rats ass whether your laws permit you to put up these pictures. Eventually we will get them reversed through peaceful or forceful means.

Krzyhorse22 #racist en.wikipedia.org

Hahaha, but it's a historical fact Afghans taught your ancestors how to read. Ghaznavids from Afghanistan brought to your ancestors in Hindustan the Persian language with instructions how to live like humans.

The national language of Pakistan (Urdu) is proof of that. In USA, Pakistanis took over the food truck business while Afghans are enrolled in the top universities. Since you live in isolated Australia, you wouldn't know that.

Pray4Hovind #fundie en.wikipedia.org

I would like to know a couple things:

1)Why, when you try to add a legitimate link to the "Official Hovind and pro-Hovind" section such as Penalty Protestor--offering updated court documents and case summery and Free Hovind--offering free video/audio content , they are deleted almost immediately? Could it be that a pro evolutionist aka atheist is the page editor?

2)Why is there so much negative/smear propaganda for what's supposed to be biographical? This page is so biased against Kent Hovind, evidenced by it's conspicuous-by-omission of anything positive said about the man, that it obviously a smear campaign.

3) How will you feel on Judgment-Day when Kent is vindicated and crowned for the tens-of-thousands of souls won for Jesus? What will you say to God then?--Mat 12:36 "But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment."

Sebastion Prospero #fundie en.wikipedia.org

[The most interesting auto-biography ever written]

When I was 10 years old, I squeezed my mother's breast in a fit of rage.
When I was 8 years old, I tasted a little drop of my own feces.
People think I'm a fascist. Some even go so far as to say I'm a neo-Nazi.
I have every feast day of the saints in the Catholic calendar memorized.
I believe all non-Catholics will go to hell. [...]

I believe that abortion should be illegal in all circumstances, no exceptions; both woman and "physician" should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
I believe that abortion is the equivalent of first-degree murder.
I oppose court decisions permitting sodomy unions (gay and lesbian marriages). I believe homosexuality is not a lifestyle, but a perversion of the God-given human body. [...]

I oppose laws declaring animal cruelty a felony. [...]

I believe the mainstream media, especially CNN and the "Jew York Times" holds a very liberal, secular, anti-Catholic bias. [...]

I believe the Anti-Defamation League poses a grave threat to America's democracy by protecting the Jews from slander simply because they are a persecuted race. I believe they are the most dangerous organization in America (NARAL being second; the ACLU being third). I believe the Jews are very hypocritical, since they will ululate over "the Holocaust", but no ethnic group as as supportive of the abortionist (Democratic) party as they are. Because of this, I refuse to have any sympathy for them. [...]

I define marriage as a union blessed by God, between a Roman Catholic male and a Roman Catholic female. Anything else, such as two Jews having sex, is nothing more to me than a consensual relationship. [...]

I believe divorce should be made illegal.

Bjornar #fundie en.wikipedia.org

(This fundie is a member of the KFA, a pro-North Korea group)

The people of the DPRK assign great social importance to the three generals from Mount Paektu, Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il and Kim Jong Suk. It was through these great personalities that Korea was liberated from imperial occupation. Had it not been for the formation of Juche-Korea, the whole of the Korean peninsula would still be in the grip of foreign powers, not in the interest of the Korean people.

Daily life inside the DPRK is focused on family, work and social education. There is no need for anything else to make the life of the ordinary worker happy. If foreign television was introduced to DPRK society without any guidance, people would be very confused and could be lead to think, by seeing nice cars, people with fancy clothes, and expensive things, that the west has more to offer and that living in a capitalist society is better than living in a socialist country.

True to the ideal of not polluting the people with media content, the authorities of DPRK broadcasting has correctly made the wise decision of not offering any content from outside sources. This means that broadcasting is only adapted for Korean needs, discarding everything that is counter-society or counter-productive or against the teachings of our leaders.

My individual opinion is that some content from western programming should be showed on a regular basic, teaching people about the reality of capitalist societies, so people can appreciate how safe the DPRK society is from crime, poverty, unemployment, expensive housing, and other social problems that plague the west. Such programming would have to be guided and adapted to a DPRK audience an narrated in Korean, and not displace Korean culture (i.e. not take much more than 1% of programming time).

unsigned #racist en.wikipedia.org

(In the talk page of the article "White genocide conspiracy theory")

Is it a "conspiracy" if it is not a secret?

Throughout the years many anti-White activists have openly said that the goal of their activism to get more non-Whites into White majority countries, integrating White communities and promoting interracial breeding to Whites is to eliminate the White race from existence. Basically they want every White majority population in the world to become some sort of mocha brown population and White people to no longer exit. It's been out in the open, completely admitted and even championed as some sort of great advancement in human civilisation.

The definition of a "conspiracy" is a secret plan...but the program to eliminate the White race from existence has been anything but secret. It's promoters have been shouting from the hills about how wonderful it will be when there are no more White people on Earth. It in no way meets the definition of a "conspiracy" when it has been so completely out in the open.

Anonymous #conspiracy en.wikipedia.org

[On Jade Helm 15 article]

With the article pretty much looking like it was written by the Kremlin, someone should add some content about how many of the conspiracy theories and theorists push Russian Political Warfare talking points and contribute to Russian Rumor Campaigns. Considering that Alex Jones is a Russian asset and probably a communist, his words on this either don't belong here or should be followed by the equally-valid theory that this conspiracy theory, like most others, is just another piece of Kremlin propaganda. These conspiracy theories reek of Active Measures and vodka and its hard not to notice

Dominator1453 #fundie en.wikipedia.org

(The editor was blocked for this rant.)

Hold your horses cowboy! You need to issue a warning first. Plus, you cannot judge me on my convictions on the lie called the "Armenian Genocide" and that they were only massacres. You don't see me vandalising articles, do you? If you ask me, you are the partial and biased one who interferes in matters concerning scholars and historians. You need to remove the ban immediately. #fundie en.wikipedia.org

First of all, I must apologize for not being able to find a more suitable place to write this. Second, I must say I disagree with the theory entirely. BUT, even if I did agree with it, it would still be impossible for there to not exist SOME FORM of an intelligent creator. If these proteins all evolved, then what did they evolve from? And from where came the thing they evolved from? and then, in turn, where did THAT come from? an atom can only be cut in two so many times, likewise, one can only trace evolution back so far until he MUST come to the inevitable conclusion that there is, or at least was, an intelligent designer. To deny this would be illogical not only religiously but scientifically as well. This is the inescapable flaw of atheism. The flaw of evolutionism is that in order for an organism to evolve, it must be in a situation/enviroment where it cannot survive with it's current attributes, in which case it will DIE, not evolve. If it can survive (thus reproduce), then it still will not evolve, because it's genes will be able to be passed on. Even if the organism must struggle significantly to survive (example: an elephant in a new england forest), if it can reproduce it will not evolve, if it can't reproduce (because it died) it will not evolve. This cannot be explained away with the "random mutation" theory because random mutations are NEVER beneficial, EVER. Or at least not commonly enough to account for the staggering variety of surviving species on the earth (or outside of X-Men). Adaptations can occur, but these are distinct from evolution, example: a species' fur can adapt to become longer, shorter, darker, lighter, depending on the threats within it's enviroment, but the fur will NEVER become feathers, for the simple reason that in order to have the feathers, it would have to be in a situation where it could not survive (reproduce) without the feathers. For this to work, both a male and female of said species would have to SIMULTANEOUSLY AND RANDOMLY MUTATE A FULLY FUNCTIONAL PAIR OF WINGS!!! This example can be applied to anything, and disproves any evolution beyond minor adaptations. #fundie en.wikipedia.org

You are right, evolutionism does not deny a creator, but evolutionists do. An overwhelming majority of evolutionists are also atheists, and the two beliefs are as inextricably linked as PETA and vegetarianism, (theistic evolution is a pathetic joke from a Christian perspective and is perpetuated by people who don't understand true faith.) Also, my reason for mentioning my opinion of atheism was because a previous poster had already brought up the issue of evolutionism and atheism ("Evolution is one of the biggest lies ever made. It's main goal, is that people stop believing in God...") When you say "unsubstantiated assertions" you assume I must use science to provide proof for my assertion, but I was merely explaining the reasoning behind my opinion (yes, opinion. I don't claim to have ALL the facts.) I generally don't care if anyone is actually swayed by my statements (I was venting.) As for the counter-example, it proposes a process involving the eye actually gaining new abilities and not just adapting (A nearsighted, colorblind, creature with no depth perception will either survive, genes unchanging, or it will die, genes still unchanging. It will never need new abilities.) It is in no way a counter-example to my statements. Biased, pseudo-scientific speculation will always be defeated by cold reasoning and spiritual truth.

"when presented with an apple, one may look at it and conclude that is indeed an apple, or he may spend years trying to come up with a theory that will prove it is actually an expertly crafted fraud. I think it is probably just an apple" #conspiracy en.wikipedia.org

Am I the only one who thinks that Kraid looks like Kermit? A green frog. The inventor of Kermit, Jim Henson, died from AIDS. Note: krAID'S lair, contains AIDS and liar. Kermit contains the letters for "krem", the German word for cream when you use the old spelling. Krebs is the German word for cancer. It starts with "KR", just like Kraid. Maridia lacks only two letters and then you get mare and India. Sea and India. When you think of India, you'll probably associate it with curry. And the German word for sea is "Meer". So you'd come up with "Mercury", just like Freddy Mercury, who had died from AIDS about the time Super Metroid was released.

When you rearrange the letters of Norfair, you get "Air Fron", like "air front". When I hear "Mother Brain", I think of brain dura mater. Mater also is the latin word for Matrix. Think about the word "dura" one letter up it's "evsb", which contains "BSE", and another letter up following the alphabet it's fwtc, which contains "WTC". I'm pretty sure that there's something wrong with that and that it aren't just my paranoid delusions. The Nintendo developers picked those names with intention because they knew something special.

Merzul #fundie en.wikipedia.org

[On the book "The God Delusion"]

The book stayed 51 weeks on the NY Times best-seller list... God, omnipotent as he is, pulled it down at the very last moment. Even for weaker souls, this should be evidence beyond doubt that God exists. As soon as I find a source for this argument, I will add it to the article. :)

SaintAviator #conspiracy en.wikipedia.org

Your're welcome. It is yes. I know of some fine editors who decided to not be admins due to the culture here. Us NPOV editors are fighting the good fight. We have to keep in mind two things. Deep state media control is fastidious in restricting 'facts' appearing in Western MSM that oppose their agenda. These are RS we could use to show reality. They know this. Two, there are editors here who are editing with a political agenda. They fall into two categories: a/ Most. Those who have drunk the Kool Aid, and dont understand that they dont know that they dont know. They resemble a lot of humanity in this respect. b/ Some. Agents. Both groups have no idea that the Deep State agenda is going to lead to a nightmare for humanity with a small group of Elites Lording it over the rest of us us 'if it gets up'.

Ironically the once free West has become controlled by 'Elites' who pretend at democracy. I was born and have always lived in the West BTW. Even more ironically Russia is one of two major powers who are keeping their Global domination agenda in check. Trump has been turned or lied all the way. So conflict looks enivitable. However there is a very interesting twist. From being almost down and out in the early 90's Russia has developed incredible weapons sytems that outmatch the Wests in key fields. Meanwhile US shortcomings in systems like the new F35 are severe. Once again this has been censored, so the Kool Aiders will scoff. We will have to see how this all plays out.

Strivingsoul #racist en.wikipedia.org

Media are meant to be for propaganda! Don't make any mistake! There's no objective, free media in the entire planet! All media sources are influenced by political or financial interests/prejudices/preferences of the owners. So there's no reason to single out one out of many.

But as for Press TV, I think it provides a vital and unique perspective of the events for Islamic Republic of Iran is pretty much the only government in the world that is more or less independent from tyrannical corporate world order -- and that's exactly the reason why it is target of vehement Western/Saudi propaganda which you also seem to be blindly parroting here.

Press TV giving voice to critics of Jewish power elite or the Zionist state has nothing to do with racism, unless you believe in Zionist political narrative for which your Zionist cliche claim of "Jews being a minority" is such a dead give-away. True, jews are ''demographically'' a minority but they are virtually ''half of the power structure!'' Read Jewish Supremacism by David Duke to know why! But hold your horses! You don't have to remind that the author has been a Klansman three decades ago!

CapTa1n_Half #fundie en.wikipedia.org

(Muslims complaining that the Wikipedia article on Muhammad has pictures of him)

You have only heard of 2 Muslims right now who have only but kindly asked to remove the pictures. The Muslim Ummah does not care whether wikipedia is censored or not. The Dutch printed a cartoon of Prophet Muhammad, that was within itself controversial because of content. but regardless we not only got the company to apologize but also the government. The Pope said derogatory comments and we made him apologize. If this leaks out to the known public, we muslims don't give a rats ass whether your laws permit you to put up these pictures. Eventually we will get them reversed through peaceful or forceful means. I rather you keep yourself on the safe side and not bring up a huge controversy and just remove that damn pics. Your information does not need the use of pictures that depict the prophet in anyway. So do the world a favor and take them off.

Anonymous Muslim Fundie #fundie en.wikipedia.org

please remove the pics of prophet muhammed. it is true that we can change the settings of our browser but how can we muslims be in peace when we know that some muslims and even non muslims look at those pictures and study them accidentally or even on purpose when we know that pictures of living things are prohibited in islam? i beg you in the name of all muslims to remove those pictures because its an insult to our prophet ant our religion. please understand our feelings. no one would appreciate someone else insulting their religion. i know in this modern world pictures are common but no matter what religion is the same and we have the right to tell you what its like in islam. as you know there are stuff from non muslim biographies of prophet muhammed too and we feel its a must to remind you that in islam this is an insult. please please think about this

Blanco #fundie en.wikipedia.org

Since I have been hynotised, I have had more and more supernatural coincidences with the demons of which rule the procedure. Unfortunately, I am not able to go into all the details right this second. Anyone that sees the article "Blanco" can edit it and say that I got a huge kitchen knife stuck into my arm while I was under hypnosis...because that is what happened. They asked me to bleed on one side of my arm but not the other and for it to leave a scar on the opposite side from where they stuck the knife into my arm. The boys that hynotised me put my legs up onto a chair and let the flame of a cigarette lighter glide across my legs. While that was happening and me not knowing of even feeling anything I was catching glimpses of things...odd things...not knowing what. More ken to mortal hypnosis and since then I've had a sort of self induced transe. For those of you that took the courage to read "Blanco" I truly consider you to take it a step further and give me some info at my emailing address that you will find on "Blanco"

Bobby fletcher #conspiracy en.wikipedia.org

(He's talking about the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre)

I agree with QatarStarsLeague, this article is very biased:

- There's no mentioning of the US embassy wire released by Wikileaks that supports the Chinese government's account of events.

- There's an inflamatory photo of machine guns, but where are the photos of violent rioters attacking unarmed soldiers and charred bodies of dead soldiers?

- Right, show a photo of machine gun, but does not mention declassified NSA intel stating the troops sent to restore order and clear the square were initially unarmed and were attacked by violent rioters (see photos above).

Bias bais bais, very sad to see wikipedia being exploited like this to perpetuate propaganda. Facts stated above (wikileak wires, declassified NSA intel, public domain photo from China with no copyright restriction in US) came from Google and can be publically verifed.

Dr. Edson Andre' Johnson #fundie en.wikipedia.org

Perhaops Khazars and Askanazi jew2s not so far fetched?

Perhaps the Khazar theory of western Jews (as oppossed to sephedic jews of the mid east) Not so far fectched? Know that the genetic diase G6Pd prevelant amng middle easter "tribees' Greeks, Sehapdic jews etc? Yet, this genetic ailment rARE in Ashkanazi jews? (Severe hemolytic anemia especally in contact with the plant Vicia faba Fava beans) Anti semetism aside. If some or most Ashkanazi jews were from the Khazer tribe(s) wouldnt that make thenm NOT TO bLAME FOR THE "KILLING' OF JESUS? Since they didnt convert to Judism till thousand years or so after Christ was Crucuified

Strivingsoul #racist en.wikipedia.org

(This fundie is talking about David Duke)

He claims that every people have a right to preserve their heritage. And that multi-culturalism leads to ethnic tension and conflict and destruction of distinct cultural traits of each people. We may not agree with him but he's making a compelling case for his view, and this is unfair to rush to frame it as racism simply because he is against massive aggressive immigration into Europe and America. He also cites Jewish sources which show how multi-culturalism was promoted by Jewish organizations in order to weaken the Christian culture of America. On a related topic, here is one of the Jewish sources he directly quotes that you can see for yourself.

The Jewish author admits and brags about their role in the notorious porn-industry and its dark anti-Christian goals: Jewish involvement in porn, by this argument, is the result of an atavistic hatred of Christian authority: they are trying to weaken the dominant culture in America by moral subversion. (This is really interesting for me, since this is a pattern I have myself witnessed in another case. Israeli Prime Minister Netanhayu had also advocated regime change in Iran back in 2002 through cultural and moral subversion -- by advocating beaming hedonist and degenerate Hollywood productions by a gay Jewish director into Iran in order to corrupt Iranian youths until they revolt against their Islamic government). Just as evident in this example, his book primarily draws from Jewish sources to present his thesis.

Most of the book content are NOT his opinions but just quotes after quotes! He is not also claiming there's a crazy conspiracy theory but that Jews have an enormous influence over US media and politics and therefore deeply influence the US culture and politics. And again he backs up his claim by providing testimony from Jews themselves. Here is one of the testimonies he quotes from a Jewish author: I have never been so upset by a poll in my life. Only 22% of Americans now believe "the movie and television industries are pretty much run by Jews," down from nearly 50% in 1964. The Anti-Defamation League, which released the poll results last month, sees in these numbers a victory against stereotyping. Actually, it just shows how dumb America has gotten. Jews totally run Hollywood. So we can probably suggest that this guy talking about "total control of Hollywood by Jews" is a self-hating anti-Semitic Jew!!

And I'll also be happy if you show me a Duke's recent statement that says Whites are superior to non-whites. There could've been such statements coming from him during his youth where he held more radical views, but I've not seen any statement along that vein in those of his works or articles over the last two decades that I have studied.

Blanco #fundie en.wikipedia.org

Of course there is not a demon called Blanco; that is my name (I'm sure you could have figured the title out for yourself) but, anyway, I am typing to everyone who has a fascination with demons or the supernatural. I love all of the telekinetic and ESP stuff but I feel that there are demons after me for whatever reason they are after me. I haven't seen so many demon(s) as I have one. It's the one that has me in its arms practically. My spiritual advisor thinks its the fact that I study VooDoo and Santeria and cast spells upon people. There are many spells I have cast that I didn't know what they were and since then I have been unable to sleep; insomnia type deal. I have had several spieitual attacks by a demon or demons. They said that they just want to take me somewhere. My spiritual advisor suggested a Quiji Board. So I bought one and asked it...what is the matter with me. It gave me a response (DAMNATION). I'm really actually quite freaked out at the moment. If you would be so kind...anyone...contact me at monstermike@ev1.net and possibly give me a few suggestions and whatever.

About a year ago...the same word came to me as a few friends put me under hypnosis and stuck a beanie baby in my arm and asked for it to leave a stain on one side but not the other...it worked. That could, I guess, be a possibility of my insomnia.

I have to get back to my rehab and therapy... I'm outy

Neotarf #fundie en.wikipedia.org

After pursuing the meaning of this through the internet for better than an hour, I have come up with this explanation. Some individuals, who Arnold Schwarzenegger might term as "lady-boys", and who have male chromosomes and male genitals, want to use female toilets. Also women's sleeping areas and women's prisons. The reason for this is that they believe gender is social. They say anyone who does not agree with them is trying to deprive them of their rights, and is filled with "hate and exclusion".

They loathe women almost as much as they loathe their own bodies, and as a result of believing they have become women, they spend a lot of time on "men's rights" forums trying to enforce strict gender roles and telling women how to act as women. I'm sure I have missed some nuance of this, and that someone will come by and set me straight on some of the detail, but this is definitely a thing. Anyone who resists strict gender roles is deemed a "terf", as in "kill terfs", which according to the New Yorker article, has become a common internet threat.

The two terms mentioned by the OP as being "widely recognized slurs" are no such thing, but we can certainly add all of these terms to those that do not belong on the talk pages of Wikipedia. That this term was used by an IP, and not a signed-in user, kind of speaks for itself.

LFOlsnes-Lea #fundie en.wikipedia.org

[on the Wikipedia entry, Existence of God]

I'd like to suggest an additional notion and this is that Atheist are by definition not credible toward a discussion of God because they have already left the idea more or less totally! Thus, they don't care if the definition of God looks this or that way. ALL they care for, is to see it removed for good, hence the continuous attacks on Scientology that is a far more tolerant religious system, but is a religion under constant attacks by "nuts", founded in this lunacy or that!

Scaerfo #conspiracy en.wikipedia.org

One other point I'd like to add is that there is a sort of "anti-conspiracy-theorists conspiracy" in place that has, in effect, put a damper on any reasonable suggestions that some nefarious endeavors might be taking place behind closed doors.

Word Salad Award

You fail linguistics forever.

Stevertigo #fundie en.wikipedia.org

The spelling belongs to the domain of language regulated by a particular government, and is therefore not a part of the Common Anglish/English/Ynglish language, which honor a greater body of people and a greater vision of government, to which the word "honor" is bound to greater ownership of the altruistic, sacrifice for the greater body of people, for the higher then the highest principle, and to the providential and not merely the prosperous.

In the context of auto- olig- and mono- archic governments, the term is also loaned to the honor-ific, to the stylistic, and in a different way than in the land abundant nations, to the materialistic.

The democratic nations have a higher concept of honor which is not undermined by the oligarchic nations concept of honor, which is flexed with indicated spelling which is stylistic in the local pattern of Received English and therefore gives loan to European English and the European ideas of government, which do not give sufficient redact form to the anti-oligarchic principle.