
by sonofabiscuiteater #fundie imdb.com

[Atheism is the height of arrogance]

Atheism is the height of arrogance for it says: "If I cannot fathom God, then God does not exist." You seem to glibly dismiss the fact that you live in a world wholly limited by your five senses, or by your brains limited capacity to develop instruments to reach a little beyond your senses, and thus are as unaware of what the total sum of reality may be as one who limited by eyesight, only sees visible light and thus categorically denies that a whole range from infrared to ultraviolet light does not--indeed CANNOT exist--because you cannot sense it. In fact, you mock that which you do not understand for no other reason than you cannot understand it. And to mock 95% of the people on the globe who sense - not without reason - that a higher power than themselves may be at work in theat same universe to me is the height of foolishness... and arrogance

Jumbofatcakes #fundie imdb.com

If the earth moved at all out of it's orbit it would explode (or something like that). That right there is incredible proof that this world did not come by CHANCE. Come on, you have to agree. What are the odds of the earth just popping into the PERFECT spot in the ENTIRE UNIVERSE?(that's a lot of space to pop up in) I think its because God did it, but if you want to go on thinking that the earth's position is random than I feel very sorry for you.

Darkon007 #fundie imdb.com

[The bible also says that bats are birds, rabbits chew cud, and the earth is 6,000 years old and FLAT.]

So bats were considered to be birds in those days. And can you prove that the Bible says the earth is flat? One book of the Bible says that Gods sits on top of the circle of the earth.

Gallus07 #homophobia imdb.com

[Replying to another poster's opinion that people who not only claim not to be gay, but vehemently hate homosexuals in general, are probably homosexual too]

Your opinion as a homosexual is worthless. You are engaging in criminal, abnormal and sociopathic behaviour and have no credibility. You need to be institutionalized in a facility for the criminally insane.

outcasts-anonymous #homophobia imdb.com

I'm not going to get into the whole "homosexual marriage" thing. Suffice it to say that marriage is a legal union between a man and a woman. It always has been, and the attempts by the homosexual movement to redefine it are ludicrous. If you want to be homosexual, so be it; but to expect special benefits b/c of your choice... Again, if I want to have sex with my cat, should the state give me special benefits? No. Those benefits, including the union itself, are and should be reserved for true, natural marriage between a man and a woman.

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

Everyone has a religion and a god. Yours religion is atheism and your god is nature, albeit a false version of nature, one based on the fabrications darwinists make about nature which give it powers that it does not have in reality.

The_Brian_Factor #homophobia imdb.com

[[About the girl who wanted to take another girl to prom and the school board who canceled prom as a result.]]

How stupid can you be? The school has every right to not let her bring her "lover" to the prom while wearing a tux. Like I said, if she can bring her lover to the prom then a guy can bring three dates, a goat, or a blow up doll, or a 12-year old to the prom. They are all the same. Not everything should be catered to homosexuals.

[[NOTE: he has by this point brought up the goat three different times in this thread, and has been shot down every time.]]

[[No they're not, you retard. An animal is not a human being, does not have nor deserve the rights granted a human being, and cannot consent to be in any sort of relationship with a human being. If animals had rights, we wouldn't slaughter them for our food. How fµçking clear do you need me to get on that point? Likewise, you can call an object whatever you want, but it has no opinions on things, is not a person, and cannot consent. A twelve-year-old is not mature enough to be capable of consent. These are all basic facts of life that anyone with an IQ above room temperature ought to be able to grasp, unless you live in the land of Oz, where animals can talk and objects come to life (which still wouldn't excuse thinking a 12-year-old is fundamentally capable of meaningful consent).

Stop spewing your fail over my thread.]]

Sorry, homosexuality is the same as sleeping with an animal, children, and an object but once again, you libs can't see that. Homosexuals need to understand that not everyone agrees with their choice of lifestyle. If she wants to bring her girlfriend and wear a tux, she should go do it at Harvey Milk High's prom.

[[Wow, this is an eye-opener.

You'd think being beaten up by a bunch of ignorant muscleheads on a daily basis would have helped get that point across, but...no...they just keep on believing that everyone agrees with their choice of lifestyle...]]

Oh please, gays aren't beaten up every day. Cut the dramatics. If this was the case then blacks can mope and complain all day too. Cue the damn violins. Being gay is a choice, you weren't born gay. Example, my sister, who was the biggest slut in NYC, ran through so many guys only to come out of the closet while married to some guy with a baby girl. All of the sudden she's gay? Not buying it.

Serious_Cat #fundie #homophobia imdb.com

Hmmm...this is tricky. Don't be gay? I know what you could say but I believe homosexuality is a sin. Before you start calling me ignorant and saying homosexuality is false, let me tell you what I think. It's starting to be proven that homosexuality is actually genetic and I think that God is testing you. It's your cross to bear. Most likely for the rest of your life. Don't commit the perversion. Please.

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

...except maybe for when God meets feminist monsters at his Judgement Seat and then slaps them upside their ugly heads with His Huge, Holy, Righteous Patriarchal, Male, Masculine, Fatherly, Kingly, Almighty Penis!...and thereby knocks them straight into Hell!!! ROFL!

myirga #homophobia imdb.com

"It's so disgusting making comic heroes gay and lesbians....... i don't kids should be exposed to this kind of stuff. superheroes need to be straight..."

[As opposed to what, the rest of the world? Homosexuality exists in the same world that kids live in. They are not unaware of it. With that said, the majority of the gay characters depicted in DC books have been in titles aimed at more mature audiences, not the all ages titles. Therefore, the readers who are exposed to those characters are more inclined to understand their nature. I applaud the use of diverse characters, as it goes a long way in eliminating the ridiculous fear and ignorance, as evidenced in your post.]

"thanks i appreciate the comments. As long as i know i'm getting to ur heads....

homosexuality is not for kids. I'm glad that the gay comic characters are at least in comics meant for older people. And hopefully the little kids won't accidentally read them.

kids need to be kept away from the disgusting filth of homosexuality... we don't to teach them the wrong message. They need to learn that men are for women, and women for men."

proudrepublican81 #fundie imdb.com

[The future is very bleak indeed, according to this guy's forecast]

November 2006-The Democrats take control of Congress.

Early 2006-The newly elected Democrat Congress begins Impeachment on President Bush and Vice-President Cheney.

Mid 2006-President Bush and Vice-President Cheney is removed from office, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi becomes President and vows to finish all the stuff President Clinton wasn't able to do when he was interrupted by a Republican Congress in 1994. The first order of business, to finally rid this country of all of our Gun rights, and succeeds.

Early 2007-The Communist wing of the Democrat party begins turning the Country into a Communist nation, with the help of American Communists like this guy from my "Take a look at this Liberal Democrat Folks" Thread, <a href="http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?">fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=8590080</a>. Pelosi becomes this nation's first Communist leader. Everyone is forced to wear the "Mark of the Beast."

Late 2007-As a Communist nation, and with a weak military, the Terrorists attack us in full force, this country and eventually this world is slowly wiped out, and the Second coming of Christ happens, it is the end of the World.

qubit01 #fundie imdb.com

[Caillou] seems deliberately designed to teach kids that they should be greedy, disrespectful, whiny, entitled little sh!ts and they will get whatever they want from gullible, drugged- out, uncaring hippie parents who won't ever discipline them.

I say this is deliberate because we all know that liberals hate discipline and order, and want to believe everyone is a special snowflake who is entitled to anything they want from life just because they graced the universe with their existence. Sorry, but this little girly- voiced puke needs a spanking.

I mean, the writers and producers must know that the target audience is going to imitate every cartoon character they see right? And what they see is this whining, screaming, disrespectful, privileged, mean little puke crying and demanding and throwing things and calling people names until his useless, apparently doped out parents give him what he wants.

My child was just born, but I'll be darned if she will ever watch this show. Oddly enough my wife, who often acts like a spoiled five year old and is liberal as the day is long, likes this show. Go figure.

roc000 #homophobia imdb.com

[a review of the movie "Bruno]

Terrible Film, This was a waste of time. I'll never get that chunk of my life back, but what I can do is prevent you from wasting yours. This movie is not funny in any way, and it attempts to derive it's humor from Homosexuality, but IMO gays aren't funny they are sick/diseased. There is no cure for this disease either forcing people on the streets to be exposed to it.

If the alley is dark enough and the hour is late enough one or several of the diseased may even work up the courage to force themselves on an innocent civilian. I ask you people not to hate the homosexuals, for they cannot control themselves. Eventually people will realize this and the laws will improve. They need to be able to deal with this growing threat in an effective manner. There has got to be a way to cure this disease! Until then the only advice I can offer you people is to stay away from those you perceive as homosexual as they will not be able to control themselves around you obviously leading to some very unpleasant/unfortunate situations where they may be in a position to expose themselves to you or children.

Eventually the laws will be changed to accommodate this growing threat and the loose ones will either be lobotomized and castrated or locked up and reeducated into the hetero mindset.

Thanks for reading my review.

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

ttp://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/chef-cooking-snake-dies-after- 4088634

"A chef preparing a dish from cobra flesh died when the snake's head bit him - 20 minutes AFTER it was cut off."

This news shows that just like Genesis says, the serpent is the most cunning creature, hence that is why satan possessed a serpent to trick Eve.

This incident also proves as true the murderous evil power of snakes, which corroborates their evil as described in Genesis and why God chose to curse them.

In other words, in this post I have provided a real-life example that makes ernie's mocking strawman posts against godly people, wherein he says things like "you believe in a talking snake!", look like the tomfoolery that they are.

Eat crow, ern.[biggrin]

riedhied #fundie imdb.com

[thread title: evolution of elements...]

If evolution is true, why don't they give us answers to questions such as these:

Where did all the 90-plus elements come from (iron, barium, calcium, silver, nickel, neon, chlorine, etc)?

How do you explain the precision in the design of the elements, with increasing numbers of electrons in orbit around the nucleus?

Where did the thousands of compounds we find in the world come from: carbon dioxide, sodium chloride, calcium hydroxide, hydrochloric acid, oxalic acid, chlorophyll, sucrose, hydrogen sulfide, benzene, aluminum silicate, mercaptans, propane, silicon dioxide, boric acid, etc.?

How was it determined how many bonds each element would have for combining with other elements?
When did these compounds develop from the elements (before the big bang, during the big bang, after the big bang)?
When evolutionists use the term "matter", which of the thousands of compounds are included?

When evolutionists use the term "primordial soup", which of the elements and compounds are included?
Why do books on evolution, including grade-school, high-school and college textbooks not include such important, basic information? Evolutionists are masters of speculation.
Why don't they speculate about this?

How did life develop from non-life?

chad_80-1 #fundie imdb.com

[posted on June 5, 2006]

7 year apocolypse!!! 6-6-06 will mark the coming of something big in the world, 2009 will start World War 3, 2012 comet comes headed to earth but is destroyed by a Laser Gun which there already starting to make as we speak, but the comet is not totally destroyed and will kill almost all of us on the planet, by 2013 there is not much of left, therefore it will start a new generation of people and alot of rebuilding. All of this comes from Bible, and now there making movies such as The Day after tomorrow, The Davinci Code, and so on.. There doing that just to get us prepared for whats to come in the future..so were not scared. The only people that will be safe is our Gov. and the President cause they have a place go when things are going to be bad of whats to come. They know its coming too, the comet is already heading for us, but it will finally make land fall on December 21,2012.

dawson-39 #fundie imdb.com

God has to exist.

The universe either came from something, or nothing. no one believes it came from nothing.

Was that something personal or impersonal? If it were impersonal, how did we get persons?

bdw317 #racist imdb.com


The movie Selma has very little to do with Martin Luther King Jr., and more to do with Hollywood trying to orchestrate how Ferguson and other future protest should be carried out!

And Oprah suggested this a week before Selma opened when she said that the Ferguson and U.S. wide spread protesting lacked leadership and a detailed plan as to what they wanted the outcome to be.

Then, the movie Selma is released! Oprah is a part of the Hollywood, Government controlled media that wants to transport this country back to 1950's mentality.

They want looting, cop killings, whites and blacks hating each other and fear! Movies like The Butler, 12 Years a Slave, The Help all have the racially tense material that takes one back to a time of hate and ignorance and racial intolerance.

There are about 35 of these types of movies coming out between 2015-16. One has to wonder why we are going backwards. It is all intentional. Don't fall for it people! Selma was clearly an attempt to race bate.

They didn't even bother trying to make Martin Luther King Jr. interesting in the movie! We learned nothing of his personal life, no humor, no depth of spirit, and there was absolutely NO chemistry between King and his wife in the movie.

The movie also introduces important characters and never explains to the viewer who they were! And, the movie has no one in it portraying the Rev. Jesse Jackson!

Why is this important? It is important because Jackson was a key part in Kings life and particularly his last days, up to the fatal shot on the balcony.

The Rev. Jesse Jackson has said that while taking his last breath, Martin Luther King whispered to him to carry on for him and take his place.

There are those who have researched Kings death and there is very credible proof that the Rev. Jesse Jackson was a part of the plot to kill King! The reader is urged to look up Steve Cokely, and his very detailed video research on the murder of Martin Luther King Jr.

The movie also skips past the deaths of Kennedy and Malcolm X, no footage, nothing! It's as if the movie Selma was made strictly to capitalize off the racially tense times we are experiencing in the U.S. now, and to play that one line about Ferguson in the rap song as the movie credits begin to roll!

I mean, as soon as the movie ends, we hear the word Ferguson! What kind of blatant mind control campaign was this!

And all this talk about who should be nominated for Oscars for this is also campaigning. They want you to start parroting the mess so you feel like you're in with the in-crowd that thinks the movie is hot! Don't fall for it.

Oprah is in the movie only for the purpose of putting butts in the theater seats! Just like Spike Lee in his Malcolm X movie strutting across the screen in the very first opening shot!

We see That Ham Oprah in Selma, the very first scene, first person, declaring, hey this is my movie! They never explain why Oprahs character was important in history or in this movie. She's there just for star power, like Marlon Brando in Superman.

I got a feeling that if Oprah could have gotten away with reciting the I Have a Dream Speech she would have done it!

A movie about the life of Selma Blair would be more interesting than Selma! And oh yes! When the viewer gets to the scene concerning the Selma march, you will be so angry at how they direct, wrote and act it out, you will want to scream!

In the end, you realize, the movie Selma, had nothing to do with Selma, or King!!!!!!!

It really will tic you off! If you want a superior, realistic, well acted, well written movie and performance about Martin Luther King, you need to get "King" staring Paul Winfield.

And again, even in this superior version, there is NO Jesse Jackson!!!!! Why?

Immortal-Or-Intelligent #fundie #homophobia imdb.com

Once upon a time there were two perverted sexual practices. One's name was Homosexuality and the other's name was Pedophilia. And, they used to have a grand time together.

Until one day, Homosexuality said, "I don't like being an outcast. I want to be normal for a change."

And Pedophilia was like, "No! Don't leave me."

And Homosexuality said, "Listen...the time is ripe for me to at least ATTEMPT to be normal. People are less with the religious morals and more about the 'two consensual adults'. Hey, in about 50 years, you can be normal too."

And Pedophilia said, "I'll never forget you. We can always have a little bit of fun together, can't we?"

And Homosexuality said, "Sure. Any time."

Pedophilia: "I love you."

Homosexuality: "I love you too."

And, thus, they split up only to get back together for the occasional fling.


pooloo_ville #racist imdb.com

It is not racist to not want your child to marry someone of another race. If you have valid reasoning for it, that is.

What would be valid is suggesting that race-mixing causes a degradation of the genealogy and causes the next generation to be less valuable than the last.

Also, interracial marriage destroys the races, as it mixes them all up.

greencardink #fundie imdb.com

Atheism is a religion that contains several fanatical leaders such as David Bedford (self ascribed messiah), Richard Dawkins (Who wants to de-religionalize the world), and Sam Harris (believes in "good" torture of muslims). If you read what these nuts wroite, you can see the hypocrisy they preach and the lunacy of atheism. Its like the rise of the thid reich all over again. Atheism is a religion, it requires just as much faith to not believe in a CREATOR and believe in "other" explanations as it does to believe. To all those atheists who believe that religion in one's life hinders your intelligence, well I just have to suggest to them to research all of the scientific breakthroughs in the world by people who believe. To start with, look up the leader of the human genome project.

Thats all folks!

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

[Science is constantly striving to correct itself. What's wrong with that?]

There would be no possible room to "correct" itself unless its original claims were untrue bull crap in the first place. The new "corrected" claims are untrue bull crap too, which is why they in turn become "corrected" later on as well, with additional untrue bull crap. It's a never-ending cycle of untrue bull crap, all of which is falsely presented as "fact."

ThrowItUp #fundie imdb.com

[1. Humans are apes.
2. How are you quantifying intelligence? Chimpanzees for example are tool users, engage in cooperation and sharing, are capable of deception, have analytical problem solving skills, are creative, and can learn symbols.]

1. No they are not. Humans are in God's image.

2. But chimps smell their own poo. 'Nuff said.

Haton #conspiracy imdb.com

Crowley had a house there beside Loch Ness, I went up to see it a few years ago.

I think the 'monster' is probably amphibious, maybe a Cthulhu-type of creature like a seaslug or cephalopod (tho' they usually tend to be saltwater?). Anything cryptozoology I have no problems agreeing that they probably exist, as I can't see any realistic way of claiming to know every animal that exists! There's bound to be all kinds that haven't been sighted or counted yet in terms of taxonomy.

Plus even a stringent evolutionary theorist would have to agree that 'survival of the fittest' in terms of animals - they'd need to avoid humans as much as they possibly could.

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

No, God's Penis is not a biological organ. I never said God's Penis was the same as man's penis. Obviously it wouldn't be. That is why I pointed out God has a Holy, Righteous Penis. That is to say, it's not the same as man's corrupted, fleshy one.

As I said when this subject first came up, once again: Penises are not just for sex & peeing. It is only because man is evil that he thinks of penises exclusively in those terms.

Man is made in the image of God the Father. That is the primary reason why man has a penis.

You cannot insert your evil prejudicial ideas of man's penis onto God - which is exactly what you are doing. God's Penis is not equal to man's penis. It's really not hard to understand.

Roger_Ailes aka Kelgan #fundie imdb.com

Well lie-berals, I've come back to make your life miserable.

I've been locked up for the past month, so I have been unable to post my inspirational messages to all of you. The police showed up at my house with a warrant for my arrest on what they said was an assault and battery charge, but you and I both know why they were really arresting me, it was because I'm a Christian, and because we are nearing the end of days, persecution against Christians is increasing. In fact, I fully expect to be arrested again very soon. One of my friends got in trouble down in Deep Elm, which is a little community on the wrong side of the tracks, where all the bars and strip clubs are located. I swallowed my pride and went there to help him, and I was attacked, and all I did was defend myself. I'm not ashamed of the fact that I put 7 men in the intensive care unit, I did what I had to do. I know that I can get a little rowdy sometimes, and I like to go out and drink a beer or two, but at least all of the establishments that I patronize are on the RIGHT SIDE of the tracks, so that makes me a respectable citizen. I will gladly work, pray, and live on hay, why? Because Yahweh will give me a great big piece of pie in the sky on the day that I die.

The judge sentenced me to serve 11 months and 29 days, and for the first couple of weeks, it wasn't that bad. The jail was full of other mainstream American Christians who were also locked up on bogus charges, and we had a pretty good time. Then, they began to get transferred to other facilities within the state, and I was left alone and bored. So a couple of days ago, I tore the cell door off of its hinges, and walked out of that jail with a clear conscience. The guards knew better than to put their hands on me to stop me, so they just let me go. I went and paid a visit to my son, and I sang a little song to him, I picked him up in my arms and sang "Baby face, you've got the cutest little baby face".

I want to talk to you today about abortion. I always hear people say things like "Yes, I believe that abortion is the taking of an innocent human life, but who am I to judge the actions of another person. If someone wants to have an abortion, then that's their choice, and it's not my place to interfere". In modern society where moral relativism has become the norm, one of the most popular passages of the Bible is "Judge not that you be not judged". Well, most people don't realize that that particular passage is taken completely out of context. I'm not really sure when this passage of the Bible became so popular, but it has become part and parcel of the onslaught of relativism that so dominates our time. It is also the altogether natural fruit of the teaching of Satan when he approached Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden six thousand years ago, and asked "Did God really say that?"

The time has come for Roe v. Wade to be overturned. If a young girl gets into trouble, and decides to have an abortion, then she can have an illegal, back alley style abortion, the way God intended. Our society has made abortion far too sterile, and safe, when it should be dangerous and terrifying. Abortion has to be kept away from decent, polite society. Women have been getting abortions since the beginning of time, and they're never going to stop having abortions, but never before has society been so tolerant of abortion. Abortion was something that everybody knew was going on, but nobody talked about it, and that's the way it's supposed to be.

There have been times on this website when people have accused me of being a homophobe. Well, that's just not true, I know what a homophobe is, and I don't fit the description. In fact, I was thinking about this issue during my confinement, when all of a sudden, God sent me a great idea! If two men want to get married, then obviously that's illegal, but it's not illegal for a man and a woman to get married. Marriage is a societal structure best involving one man and one woman, so if one of the gay men were to undergo a sex-change operation, then they would no longer be two MEN trying to get married, which is immoral and illegal, but they would be a MAN and a WOMAN!! Don't you all see? It's a built-in loophole, homosexuals can already get married, as long as one of them consents to have a little operation in order to become a woman!! Once the man's sex organs are replaced with a woman's sex organs, then the two men are no longer two men, but one man and one woman! Now that sounds like an arrangement that would make everybody happy.

You see, there is a big difference between a human assertion on the one hand, and Yahweh's eternal truth on the other. The next time you hear someone ask "But who am I to judge?" Summon the courage to answer: "Well, that all depends on whose assertions and whose truth is being challenged."

Raisedbyhumans, you did not read my post, because you are afraid of the truth. You are a closed-minded individual, and you prefer to stay that way. That's just sad, I can't imagine being as closed-minded as you.

A wise man once said: "Minds are like parachutes, they only work when they are open". Maybe it was President Ronald Reagan who said that, I don't know, but it was some really wise man.

My fists can do more damage than any gun. It would actually be considered more humane for me to shoot somebody, than for me to punch someone. Of course, shooting would take all the fun out of fighting though.

Lying is also a sin Geoffrey! If there's one thing that you have to say about me, it's that I'm honest.

I make it a policy to not give out personal information over the internet, unless I am ordering Christian music cds, or other Christian merchandise, or sending a donation by credit card to the Republican National Committee, but why do you want to know my eye color?

Why are backing up servo? Don't start backing up now. I'm willing to give you a break, because obviously you've got no idea what you're saying. There isn't a jail that's been made that can hold me, unless I allow the jail to hold me, but then since I'm allowing myself to be held, it's not the same thing, I'm still in control. I might allow a prison to hold me for twenty or thirty years, I might allow the guards to shoot me, but I would be allowing it, I would still be in command.

olivery2k #wingnut imdb.com

i ordered chicken srips today and they told me to pull up and wait for them to finsh cooking and theyd bring them out. as i sat there watching the door through my mirror i thought about how it would be if obama wins. there would be fake abortion clinics that save the fetus insted of killing it and the mother things its dead. they raise them on machines and secrely adopt them out when theyre big enough. itll be illegal because the mother chose to kill it and we saved it and we'd be risking every thing but itd be worth it. i would be watching the fake abortion clnic door waiting to see the baby i saved from murder by adopting it just like i was watching the mcdonalds door.

Navaros #fundie #sexist imdb.com

Hating God is the only possible reason you could have to deny His Maleness and His Penis, slander him by calling Him a he/she, and attack His foremost representatives on the earth (i.e. myself, Kirk, and all other true Bible-believing Christians).

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

No, I'm not kidding.

Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron are among the very few high profile Bible-believing Christians in the world. That makes it all the more the shame to see one of them ruin his great work for no good reason with an unnecessary & nefarious endorsement.

"Science creates fictions to explain facts" – Gilman

IamGod333 #conspiracy imdb.com

Steven Spielberg and his choice of movies to Produce are always for esoteric reasons that serve the Shadow Government.

This movie Lincoln is scheduled for release in November, which just by chance happens to be a time when sitting President Barack Obama is to seek a second term.

Also, President Barack Obama sites Abraham Lincoln as his favorite President.

Judging from the trailers and press info from this movie, I get a sense that it takes great advantage of revisionist history, under the guise of patriotic poetic license.

The trailers appear to portray Lincoln as a dogged white male who detest slavery and the public perception of blacks as property or cattle. Head held down, tears in his eyes, overcome with grief at the treatment of his poor black Negro's!

I shall reserve my suspicions until after I see the movie so that I may come back here with more facts. However, I wonder if the following words spoken by Abraham Lincoln, will be included in this movie:

Abraham Lincoln Quote

“I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in anyway the social and political equality of the white and black races – that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race. I say upon this occasion I do not perceive that because the white man is to have the superior position the negro should be denied everything.”

ldavis-2 #fundie imdb.com


Congratulations, America! You have just elected a vainglorious demagogue to be the 44th President of the United States!

A vainglorious demagogue whose experience you can pack into a thimble and still have room left for your thumb!

A vainglorious demagogue whose policies will bankrupt the grandchildren of the college-age voters who have pledged their blind devotion to him!

A vainglorious demagogue whose idea of leadership was to go-along-to-get-along, and vote “present” 130 times during his 15 minutes in the Illinois State Senate!

A vainglorious demagogue who has already demonstrated that he will stifle and ruin anyone who dares to ask hard question or oppose him!

A vainglorious demagogue who proved his decency, character and honor by defiling the reputation of the woman who raised him in order to defend the heinous excuse of a human being he called his “spiritual mentor”!

A vainglorious demagogue who deceived and outright lied time and time again about his past and his associations!

A vainglorious demagogue who has no respect for our values and traditions to the point where he will not allow his children to celebrate Christmas!

A vainglorious demagogue who has all but promised to trash the Constitution – the document he calls “flawed” - that he will now swear to preserve, protect and defend!

A vainglorious demagogue who will bring our troops home in defeat and disgrace, and allow his new Best Friends Forever in Iran and Syria to plunge the Middle East into bloodshed!

A vainglorious demagogue Americans will soon regret giving the keys of the kingdom to!

Enjoy your Kool-Aid, kids! You're gonna need it!

ThrowItUp #fundie imdb.com

Satan's desire is to conform the world by deceiving as many as he can without detection. He has produced an abundant number of servants in Hollywood who are participating in his grand scheme of things without most people discerning it, who, like the false prophet in the book of Revelation, look like a lamb yet speak as a dragon. Many who grew up with Bonanza, Little House on the Prairie and Highway to Heaven will be shocked to learn that the main character associated with all of these shows was a spiritist who received his "moral" scripts from the sprit world. One, two or all three of his television programs can be viewed every single day. Millions and millions of people from two generations have seen his shows and have been affected by his vision. Before analyzing the facts let us start with the Biblical premise outlined in God's Word for detecting Satan's servants:

"For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, masquerading as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve." –2 Corinthians 11:13-16

Remember, Satan himself is an actor who portrays different personas with the utmost skill in order to mislead many. One of his tricks, according to the above verse, entails presenting a skewed righteousness. Satan will support "religion" and "morality" if it will keep people from discovering the only true saving grace found through Jesus Christ. All the morality in the world will not save a sinner who has not been pardoned from his sin.

This is precisely what Landon portrayed to his audiences and the people ate it up. What he was feeding them however was candy laced with messages from the demonic realm whose tentacles we have seen spread throughout the Hollywood industry. Those who knew Landon claimed he had supernatural abilities that are common to occultists, and that these powers allowed him influence over others.

eragonbookfan #fundie imdb.com

(a review of "The Theory of Everything")

First off, I don't mind Stephen Hawking - definitely a smart guy, and I respect him for the atrocious disease he has. But I certainly don't think he's wise -concerning his remarks of "There is no Heaven" and "There is no God". Well, Hawking, if you evolved by chance, then that means your brain evolved by chance also, right? Now if your brain evolved by chance, that means your processes of logic also evolved by chance; so if your logic evolved by chance, you can't be sure it evolved the right way—you don't even know if you're saying the right words!

And I definitely did not ASK for a feature film about his life; nor that it was made by Hollywood, to add all the classic "HollyWEIRD" formulas into it, always wanting to add in a little bit of cursing, always wanting to add a little bit of sexual innuendos, and especially a little bit of bias.

This movie features one of my LEAST favorite actors Eddie Redmayne, who I thought was embarrassing in the musical "Les Miserables" (though the 1998 Liam Neeson version is a whole lot better, in terms of story.)

Anyways, in terms of the tension of this movie, did you know that every single piece of "evidence" to argue in favor of evolutionism has been either disproven, or discovered to be fraud? Even an evolutionist has to admit that fact. The man is Dr. Kent Hovind and if you watch some of his videos he will show you where, evolutionists themselves admit their "facts" are false, or at least have been disproven with science. Evolutionism is not Science as there are no facts to prove it. Evolution is theory and religion (because you must believe in it) only. Natural Selection IS a science, but changes are LIMITED within the animal kinds; all in all, it's not about "evolution".

Why are you guys trying to jam your religion down my throat, via Hollywood films, and tell me how to run my life? The religion of secular humanism is shoved down the throats of billions of kids worldwide and evolutionism is an integral part of that. But I don't suppose you have a problem with that, do you? Let me know when Hovind goes house to house and drags people to his seminars.

Just go to YouTube and search up Dr. Kent Hovind's videos - I watched them in Science and was BLOWN away!

1. Nearly all branches of Science were started by creationists (Isaac Newton, Edward Blyth, Francis Bacon, Johannes Kepler, Carl Linnaeus, Raymond Damadian, etc.) 2. The evolution theory has added nothing to the advancement of Science – it's useless. 3. When students or professors fear expressing their conclusions under threat of being flunked, demoted, fired, or ostracized – Science is suppressed.

I was saying that Evolution is a faith-based worldview, not observational "Science", believe that the scientific evidence better supports the Biblical record than it does the unscientific worldview of Evolutionism.

Science proves, you *cannot* get a fossil unless you BURY IT ALIVE!! If you just left something dead on the ground, it'll either rot, rust, die, breakdown, or other organisms will come & eat it! And the obvious question should be, "Where's all this dust coming FROM???" "What's the evidence for a worldwide flood?" Answer: Billions of dead things buried in rock layers laid down by water all over the earth!

Charles Darwin himself thought a cell in your body was simple little sack of jelly - now today, we know that a cell is MORE complex than a Space Shuttle, or any satellite ever put out by NASA.

Trust me when I say that Darwinian evolutionism is a carefully-protected state religion surviving on tax dollars - waste of money! Just think of all the billions of dollars being wasted by the governments trying to prove evolution when the living Lord God Jesus Christ has already revealed our true origins through His Word - and there *IS* evidence and conformation for that.

By simple definition, "religion" is a belief without proof or evidence

and the theory of evolution matches that quite well! There has

*never* been one spadeful of dirt that has ever disproven the Bible. And there are people trying to BLEND evolution and the Bible together, when both world views are POLAR opposite on every level; why should we take a perfectly good Bible, which has never been proved wrong, and compromise it with a dumb theory that has never been proved right??

There is a principle in Science: you can have any theory you want, but if the FACTS don't square with your theory, throw your theory away! They would've thrown out Darwinist theories of evolution a long time ago, except they don't have a replacement theory other than Creation.

Evolution has been taught to control & dumb down society. Evolution is indoctrination and not part of Science. Nearly all the founders of the basics of Science were Bible-believing creationists; they believed that anyone who studies true Science will be drawn to the Creator, and Satan has worked really hard in the field of "Science" to draw people away from the Creator. Satan is using dinosaurs to make people doubt . But dinosaurs were the original "dragons" in history, that's how they fit it. :)

In the end, just another just subtle anti-Science propaganda movie


Navaros #fundie imdb.com

Christians want your soul to spend eternity in paradise a.k.a. Heaven.

atheists, on the other hand, couldn't care less about your soul, nor if you instead spend eternity in Hell.

So how does that not make the Christians the good guys and the atheists the bad guys?

"Science creates fictions to explain facts" – Gilman

CrytotheKingofKings #fundie imdb.com

Rectal Sex: Surveys indicate that about 90% of gays have engaged in rectal intercourse, and about two-thirds do it regularly.22 In a 6-month long study of daily sexual diaries,23 gays averaged 110 sex partners and 68 rectal encounters a year.

Rectal sex is dangerous. During rectal intercourse, the rectum becomes a mixing bowl for

saliva and its germs and/or an artificial lubricant,
the recipient’s own feces,
whatever germs, infections or substances the penis has on it, and
the seminal fluid of the inserter.

Sperm, which is immunocompromising24, readily penetrate the rectal lining (which is only one cell thick), and tearing or bruising of the anal wall is very common during anal/penile sex. Because of this, these substances gain almost direct access to the blood stream. Unlike heterosexual intercourse — in which sperm cannot penetrate the multilayered vagina and no feces are present — rectal intercourse is probably the most sexually efficient way to spread hepatitis B, HIV, syphilis, and a host of other blood-borne diseases.

Corey & Holmes (1980) Sexual transmission of Hepatitis A in homosexual men. New England J Medicine 302:435-38 ?
Manligit, et al (1984) Chronic immune stimulation by sperm alloantigens. J American Medical Assoc 251:237-38; Mulhall, et al (1990) Anti-sperm antibodies in homosexual men. Genitourinary Medicine 66:5-7; Ratnam KV (1994) Effect of sexual practices on T cell subsets. Intl J of STDs and AIDS 5:257-61 ?


Truth_First #conspiracy imdb.com

A few months ago I was eating breakfast with an old colleague of mine,
Mamadou Diouf, a professor of African history at the University of Michigan when he suddenly said, “That is truly an evil looking man”. I looked up in surprise and asked what he meant. “Look at this,” he answered pointing to a Kellog cornflakes cereal box. “Have you seen a more evil looking being?”

He handed me the box and what I saw sent a chill down to my soul. There
was a grainy black & white photo of Will Keith Kellogg on the side of the
box. I have seen many photos of capitalist white men who spent their
lives oppressing the masses but never had I seen one so devoid of life or
any without any sign of human warmth. Kellogg’s cold stare seemed to be
focused on me and I had no doubt for a moment that this was a white man
who hated Africans.

Link to photo of Kellogg:
<a href="http://freepages.history.rootsweb.com/~dav4is/images/WKK.jpg" target="_blank">http://freepages.history.rootsweb.com/~dav4is/images/WKK.jpg</a>

“I must research this, Mamadou," I said. ‘Kellogg made his fortune with
this cereal and surely he must he have abused our people in some manner.
What do you know of him?’

“I’m afraid I have no knowledge of this white man’s crimes but I do not
doubt they are out there to be found. If anyone can find out what they are, it is you, my friend.” Mamadou answered.

And so I started my search of the truth about Will Keith Kellogg. I
enlisted of the aid of my students. For extra credit, they would look
into the history of Kellogg and the crimes he committed against the people
of Africa. What they would find in the following weeks surprised even

the_Christian_Dalek #fundie imdb.com

If you are atheist you fall into these demographies:

1. Has NO concept of weirdo and none-weirdo
2. Filled with pride and think your to smart to have faith
3. Thinks scientific evidence is the ULTIMATE evidence and wont think on any other grounds
4. Thinks life is ALL about sex
5. More likely to become a criminal as you belieave there is no supreem being that will punish you for your sins no matter what.
6. More likely to be a coward as you dont think your soul will be saved if you have been faithful enough.
7. stupid
8. Likely to go to hell
9. All of the above

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

Science is observable, testable, and repeatable. Your fairy story about bacteria randomly transforming into all forms of life via death, destruction, corruption and evil is not observable, not testable, and not repeatable. Therefore, by definition, it is not science.

If darwinists knew how science worked, then they would therefore reject darwinism for the exact reasons that I've just stated it.

StonerRivers #racist imdb.com

( He is talking about " The Fürhers Face " a Donald Duck cartoon.)

This movie is a disgrace, everything in this is a joke. Hitler was no coward and this movie like so many others was made by some ignorant fool who knows nothing of what really took place in WWII. 1)The US never cared about the jews and no one in Europe cared either. 2)When the jews wrote their books they took what happened in the "Holocaust" and changed it into something much worse then it actually was; germany put the jews in camps, like what the USA did to the japanese, but they were never killed off, the ovens were actually just for jews who had already died, instead of burial.

deepfreezeband1985 #fundie imdb.com

(from the board discussing the upcoming movie Ouija. About using an actual ouija board.)

I have never been a religious person and was once a guitarist in a heavy metal band from the 80s. So you could say that playing music with dark tones could be considered satanically influenced even though at that time I didn't realize it. Music like (Ozzy, Motley Crue, Judas Priest, Black Sabbath) ect.
I have always tried to live as a good person as that is where my heart has always led me. But then I made the dreadful mistake later in life of using that damn board it has changed me forever, in knowledge I have searched out to try to fix this sin of engaging the spirit world.
In old pictures of me growing up I never seen spirit orbs but after using the board in 95 I have captured spirit orbs in so many pictures of my family, orbs mostly with my daughter.
Throughout all this I have learned a great deal of why there is an importance of reading the bible. God and Jesus are not here to make us slaves or control us but rather guide us thru a safe path of peril this world contains. To teach us the real meaning of the question WHY. (WHY = LOVE), love has many meanings, I think the Apostle Paul written them best in his letters to the many churches.

I want to point out that so many people today think God, Jesus and religion are the same but they are not. God never created religion and Jesus actually argued against the religious leaders while he walked the earth, Jesus didn't agree with the religious leaders teachings. It was those same religious leaders that were the ones that had Jesus put to death. Religion is man made, not God made. When man created religion the evil spiritual forces twist religion to make those who have no understanding of the bible and the world then hate God because of religion. Does the Devil exist? Yes very much so. Lucifer has many he commands to destroy us. Why does he do this? Lucifer is angry against God and wants to prove to God we are inferior, he wants to justify his actions in the things he did in heaven and the destruction of the human race. He tried to make himself a God above the REAL God, that was why he was cast out of heaven.
I'm not a preacher by any means but now rather a student of life. God definitely saved me from hell and he will do the same for all who search him. God is a God of love, he wants us all to have a good life but not a sinful one. I found this out from the perils I put myself and family in when opening spiritual doors that lead to death.
I hope that what I write here will open the eyes of ones why try to understand what I have written so to understand the world we live in and the spiritual world that is around us all the time. Both worlds exist together but one is the physical plain and the other is a spiritual dimension that is made if energy. We are bound by time, the spirit world isn’t.
God bless

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

There is no such thing as "homosexuals." No one is forced to engage in immorality. You make it sound like some people are automatically compelled to do so. But that's bunkum.

olivery2k #fundie imdb.com

ive long fought to try to get my 16 year old grand daughter to accept jesus but she says she doesnt believe. but ive heard her listening to something called Jesus Christ Superstar in her car and on her ipod thing. she says she just likes the music and it is true she loves musicals. but i think this is gods way of telling me shes accepting christ, however slowly

skynettt #fundie imdb.com

["There are as well many homosexuals killed (in the holocaust) but i do not know the exact number"]

The number isn't as high as the number of people killed from aids. If Hitler had succeeded it would have prevented aids! Because of homosexual activity many innocent straight people have died. Strength lies not in defence but in attack.

independentthinker32 #fundie imdb.com

[I have no clue how the idea that gay whites don't believe in God connects to the film "Milk", but he manages to do so...]

I known this will sound homophobic(which i'm not)or racist(which i'm not)but the truth is most, not all, gay whites are trying to destroy the sanctity of marriage and now that they have been defeated they are taken their devilish anger out on their usual target...Black people of all faiths. Even Black homosexuals are feeling the wrath of the gay whites. Black homosexuals have been sexually and physically assaulted by these people and the number of attacks have increased since THEIR assault on Black people, Jesus Christ and Christianity began. Swams of gay whites have verbally accausted Black people in gay hubs like San Fransico and New York City. An innocent Black man was beaten by a animalistic gang of gay whites just days after marriage was protected. Thankfully, the gay whites didn't effect him with sodomy(which has been one of the methods of terrorism the gay whites have been planning to use on gay white message boards).

This is a clear indication of the gay white agenda to indoctrinate America with demonistic ideas and to make Black America feel the hatred seething from the pours of the gay whites. Everyone, especially Black people, should know the level of hatred the gay whites have for Black people and why they are using their efforts to rewrite Christianity and to discriminate against Black people.

Black people have been saying for years how the gay whites have been trying to usurp the civil rights movement because the gay whites resent the fact that Black people want to be seen as humans and are not just some mandigo type of caricature that the gay whites can act out their sick, sexual fantasies on. These people never cared about the civil rights movement. remember, where were the gay whites when Black people were being sprayed with hoses and had dogs attacking them? Bath houses, that's where! These people hate the fact that a Black person is now president, they hate the fact that a Black man can marry a Black woman and they hate the fact that a Black CHILD can breathe the same air that a gay white can. Now they are ganging together and planning attacks against Black people EVERYWHERE!

Black poster, know who you are dealing with and stop thinking just because a white person is gay that means they don't hate you. Remember, it was the gay whites that called Black people a n199er in California, just like the KKK and the neo nazis.

OriginalBigWhite #fundie imdb.com

Sadly but not surprisingly, the 'evolution of the horse' (allegedly the best transitions imagined),
this is still in every textbook and in museums and websites all over the place.. even though its been wrong all these years.. and I mean even Evolutionists themselves dismissed it as all wrong.

.. but it will still be in the books and museums because while its not 'true' it DOES convince many members of the public evolution is true.. and since evolution IS true then no harm done.

but yeah, what we have here are some different animals (and some are really just the same but different breeds, sizes),
then you just put them in some order of size and then say 'well somewhere, somehow, these evolved one into another.. because we imagine thats what happened"

I have put a ping pong ball, a golf ball and a baseball in my window and you can see that this is good evidence that baseballs evolved from ping pong balls.
I show you the transitional sequence so you know its true.

christisking #fundie imdb.com

It says that you MAY purchase slaves, but doesn't say you should. Therefore, I don't see what's so bad about this whole thing. I would never own slaves, I think it is morally wrong and despicable. If God thinks it's okay to own slaves, so be it. I don't care because he loves me enough to send his only son to die on a cross and he is not directly forcing me to own slaves.