
Nathan Larson #sexist nathanlarson3141.wordpress.com

People always say, “Little kids can’t consent to sex. They love attention and affection, so when adults try to mess around with them, they can’t say no. But then it damages them.” Isn’t that how it is with Stacies? They can’t say no to Chad. It’s been shown that even after they have posted a bunch of stuff to Facebook about how Chad is no good for them and they’re totally done with Chad and not gonna fall for that anymore, as soon as Chad shows up again, they can’t help but spread their legs for him. They’re totally addicted to his cock.

So basically he’s raping them, since he’s taking advantage of their lack of mental capacity. This means if you see Chad with a Stacy in public, you have the right to intERvene to rescue her. It’s no different than if you were to see some guy with candy, inviting kids to go for a ride in his van. Are you just gonna stand there and let this victimization go on?! How could you live with yourself, when you had two knives, a Glock 34 handgun, two SIG Sauer P226 handguns, and a BMW 328i Coupé with which you could have spared Stacy the fate of being sexually assaulted by this predator?

Of course, it would be pointless to save her from just that one Chad, rather than from ALL Chads who might seek to prey upon her, so therefore it’s necessary to hide her someplace, such as your basement, where no Chads can find her. Of course, in addition to watching out for her safety while she’s in this place of refuge, you’ll also need to look after her other needs, including food, clothing, shelter, sex, etc.

And you know how it is with kids and others who lack mental capacity — sometimes when you try to feed them, they don’t want to accept the food. They try to spit it out. So you just have to force it down their throat. Also, sometimes kids don’t want to be vaccinated, so when they try to run away from the needle, you just have to hold them down so it can be shoved into their body anyway.

It’s the same way with Stacies and incel cock! As her caregiver, sometimes you’re gonna have to make her do stuff that’s for her own good, even if she doesn’t understand or realize it. Remember, you’re dealing with a mentally handicapped individual; compassion demands that as her guardian, you take charge and not just let her follow whatever whims are, in your judgment, not going to lead her down the right path.

Haven’t you had the experience sometimes too as a kid where your parents made you dress up in a suit and tie and go attend some boring classical concert with them because they wanted you to become cultured? That’s really not that much different than making Stacy wear a crotchless diaper and go with you into your erotic torture chamber so she can experience culture (specifically, rape culture).

Kids also sometimes have to be sent to school against their will. But of course home-schooling is an alternative. Likewise, it’s your responsibility to make sure that Stacy has an opportunity to receive an education, including sex education. There may be some depraved shit that even Chad never got around to teaching her, and thus it is your role to offer remedial learning. If she refuses to cooperate, then of course there is nothing wrong with administering corporal punishment so she can be brought up with the proper discipline.

Nathan "Leucosticte" Larson #fundie nathanlarson3141.wordpress.com

So, it appears I’m officially withdrawing from the race tomorrow

I’ll be going down to the registrar and submitting this form. (For an explanation of why I’m dropping out of the race, see my earlier post.)

I’m endorsing Jennifer Wexton for Congress. The reasons are as follows:

First, I think in times like this, when we’re displeased with the direction in which the government is going — and especially when, as now, society is on an unsustainable path — we should vote out the incumbents. The only exception might be when the incumbent in question is an unusually good politician, like Ron Paul, who introduces proposals that, if enacted, could radically benefit our society. Barbara Comstock doesn’t meet that threshold, so she should be voted out.

Either Comstock is a moderate, or she hasn’t demonstrated much political courage. This is dereliction of duty. It’s supposedly the role of a member of the Republican Party — the whiter and more conservative party — to defend our culture against decay, not hasten the decline. But we’ve seen her continually take the side of career women, e.g. by pushing legislation against sexual harassment, rather than advocate that women should be in the home where they will be protected by male family members. For this betrayal of correct moral values, she should be electorally punished, even if it means elevating Wexton to high office. In the words of Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, “If I had but one bullet and were faced by both an enemy and a traitor, I would let the traitor have it.”

To advance the cause of patriarchism, we should at every opportunity seek to purge out the female politicians and cuckservative politicians from the Republican Party. The best chance would have been in the primary, when Shak Hill was trying to get nominated; but since that didn’t happen, it will be necessary to get rid of Barbara in the general election instead. Then, in 2020, it will be possible to nominate someone better.

Remember, there’s no such thing as a patriarchist Congresswoman; any woman who runs for office, rather than staying at home to take care of kids, is obviously a feminist. The Independent Women’s Forum, to which Barbara Comstock belongs, is a moderate feminist organization. She spends her time on programs like the 10th Congressional District Young Women Leadership Program, which teaches high school girls to devote their years of peak beauty and fertility to “ambitious educational and career goals” rather than getting married, having kids, and putting family first.

This type of feminist enculturation leads women down a path to worry and unhappiness. Today, one out of five adult women is taking a psychiatric drug, a rate that is double that of men. Women take anti-anxiety pills to help them deal with the stress of shouldering responsibilities that in times past, men used to handle for them; and they turn to antidepressants when they find that having a career is not as satisfying as devoting themselves to taking care of family.

Third, Wexton and her fellow Democrats might be slightly better than Comstock and her fellow Republicans on issues like cannabis legalization that are of interest to libertarians. Many incels and volcels co2uld end up devoting much of the remainder of their lives to LDAR’ing. Given that feminism has destroyed much of the incentive for male success and accomplishment by rendering relations between the sexes so dysfunctional, there will be many men with decades of basement-dwelling, vidya-playing, 2D-anime-masturbating, and shitposting ahead of them; and they could benefit from some relatively harmless copes such as cannabis. After all, it’s not like they have a wife and kids (or the potential to, through betabuxxing, get a wife and kids) they’d be neglecting by spending their time getting high.

But of course, those members of society who are fortunate enough to live a somewhat decent life can also benefit from cannabis legalization by using it to enhance their experiences. A lot of them will probably use it as a substitute for harder drugs like opiates anyway, so it’s actually going to improve public health. There’s really not a lot of downside to pot legalization, but for whatever reason, Comstock never advocated it. Probably she figures, since not a lot of women get busted for pot, legalization is not really a women’s issue, so therefore she’s not going to care about it. That’s how those female politicians roll; but Wexton, being under the dominion of Democratic party bosses, might feel compelled to support pot legalization, as part of their strategy to seem pro-black and pro-Latino while also siphoning some of the pot consumer vote away from the Greens and Libertarians.

Fourth, it seems doubtful that patriarchist libertarians can bring about the more drastic changes we want to see in society by directly pushing back against the leftists. What happened to my candidacy was proof of that. As Roosh V pointed out, as soon as you move beyond engaging in “controlled speech,” i.e. what the establishment doesn’t mind your saying, and into the realm of truly dissident “free speech,” that’s when you will get shut down.

So what we will need to do instead, perhaps, is elect candidates like Jennifer Wexton whose radical (compared to Comstock’s) brand of leftist, feminist, “progressive” egalitarianism will move society toward the brink all the more swiftly. Once civilization collapses, then we can build a new and better civilization along capitalist and patriarchist lines. Wexton is the accelerationist choice.

Right now, the Alt-Right is embracing accelerationism more and more, as they see how hellbent the left is on censorship. The premise behind accelerationism is that our state of affairs has to get worse before it can get better. Andrew Anglin told his supporters, for example, to join the leftists in pressuring the major Silicon Valley tech companies to kick Alex Jones off of every platform. The goal is to force Alex Jones onto platforms that are less-regulated by the establishment, where he can speak more freely. The people who manage to follow him into these darker recesses of the Internet will be a more radical group.

Similarly, when I drop out of the race, I won’t be speaking at forums run by groups like the League of Women Voters or the NAACP, where there’s a left-leaning audience and a left-of-center moderator like Stephen Farnsworth. I don’t mind speaking to hostile audiences, but in the age of Antifa, the era of trying to persuade one’s opponents is obviously over. It’s all a fight for supremacy now.

I’ll be going underground. The darkweb seems to be where the future is at for those who want to share unorthodox views. Anglin had to spend his time there, and apparently, so will I.

What’s isolated from the mainstream can develop without interference from it. Meanwhile, the mainstream’s ability to argue against our ideas atrophies, as they sit in their own echo chamber. Polarization accelerates, as the country divides into rival factions that will meet again when guerrilla warfare breaks out.

caamib and Holocaust21 #sexist nathanlarson3141.wordpress.com

Nathan, have you thought about creating a Fb account of a teenager and trying to infiltrate some teenage communities?

Is that the “get arrested for sexual grooming” plan? I am not sure it’s going to achieve anything, except giving the feminists satisfaction.

I’ve seen this claim before this week by somebody and in both cases it wasn’t explained at all. There are several ways in which such an arrest can be avoided. From texting the girl briefly and with vague messages and meeting up as soon as possible, to beating a retreat the moment things become fishy and you think she’s gonna tell somebody, to many other things. It would all depend on your communication with the girl and instincts. When I tried my Tinder for teens experiment, weeks before it was cancelled, I went for one girl as young as 13 and she was real, just really immature so the youngest I did in fact meet was 15 and thus legal. Though I would have lied on that site where I was doing my report if I met some younger girl, just so I don’t get reported to the authorities by cucks and femifascist scum there.

Nathan Larson #sexist nathanlarson3141.wordpress.com

Before I blew out the candles, I made a wish that someday I’ll get to impregnate my daughter. (Oh, I hope that I didn’t just jinx it by telling you what my wish was?)

I’m not sure what my track record is, of birthday wishes coming true, since I’ve forgotten what most of those wishes were, but sometimes my hope of someday wifing up my daughter is all that keeps me motivated to want to continue living.