
Mich #fundie #homophobia #kinkshaming ummah.com

I watch anime and it includes: drawings of men, women, and animals. It is filled with music. Women are always drawn with skimpy cloths and anime will always have at least one episode either at a beach or hot spa so they can draw the women in skimpy bating suits. Do this and putting anime characters into sexual situations is actually named and done purposely... see fan service.

Anime is prompting western dress, western schooling, western ideas, western culture. In recent anime they more than likely either adding a homosexual character in it, and/or homosexual jokes or Homosexual fan service.

So can you tell me why anime would not be haraam?

Bint Radical #fundie ummah.com

Science/atheism were the ones to go against the tide. Religion is natural. They are the ones who go against the flow so they are the ones who ridicule and contradict God; thus, people have to refute their stupidity. That is why religious people discuss evolution. To refute ignorance.

Why bother with something that happened billions or millions of years ago? Same thing with dinosaurs, big bang, etc all these things that are irrelevant and take belief. Because it takes belief to 'know' these things.

Maybe if science wasn't so quick to dismiss religion, they'd be able to at least show the possibility of some of the miracles.

Gingerbeardman #fundie #homophobia ummah.com

Assalaamu Alaykum,

To answer your initial question,

It is not having homosexual desires, or even acting upon them which takes a person outside the fold of islam, but it is the belief that such desires are acceptable or correct and Islam is wrong to condemn such actions. As for homosexuals being 'cured.' Yes it can happen. As someone active in Dawah I know of 4 homosexuals who embraced islam, 2 went straight eventually, 1 still struggles and the other turned back to disbelief as couldn't accept his desires were wrong, and needed help, he wanted to be homosexual and state it was ok and still be muslim at the same time.

When we explained this was not possible he chose his desires over following Allaah. This is his choice, this is the choice you also need to make. Struggle against your desires, perhaps to overcome them, or perhaps to struggle all your life for an ever lasting reward in jannah, or give up on Allaah and fall into disbelief. I've also come across quite a few 'camp' Muslim brothers, who if they'd grown up as disbelievers would no doubt be stereotyped as homosexuals and railroaded into that type of lifestyle choice, however because they were raised in good muslim homes they've not acted upon this and have the support not to do so.

Now you state if you had the choice, you'd choose straight. So if you wish to live such a lifestyle cut yourself off totally from those who pull you the wrong direction, live a life of emaan reinforcing actions and speech and eventually these desires will decrease. But you have to make an effort to try, not just deny it is possible because the prevalent society around you thinks this is so but you I assume don't accept their viewpoint on a number of other matters as a Muslim so why this one just because it reinforces your desires?

various #fundie #homophobia ummah.com

This is a long discussion after the OP. Follow the link to see fundie vs not-so-fundie.

Claim: It is not haram to have homosexual thoughts

This claim is an apologetic one; and it seeks to come to a compromise with homosexuals and their lewdness along with the West and how they promote it and seek to have it accepted and part of the culture.

However, there is no compromise on a subject that the Quran and the Sunnah have already made clear. Thus, the claim that it is not haram to have homosexual thoughts and that one is not considered a sinner until he acts upon it is false. This is the same as saying it is not haram to be gay until you act on it.

It is clear that homosexuality is nothing but a perversion and a disease. There are numerous verses in the Quran about it and how it is referred to as “Al-Fahishah” (Lewdness, an abomination, a vile deed).

“And know that Allah knows what is in your minds, so fear Him”

[al-Baqarah 2:235]

“but He will call you to account for that which your hearts have earned”

[al-Baqarah 2:225].

It is also clear that homosexuality begins as nothing but waswas from the Shaytan. We know that Shaytan and his troops are behind every evil on earth; they entice mankind to commit evil and they beautify shamelessness to them, and that is especially in regards to acts of lewdness in society; so why do we separate Shaytan and his effect on people turning gay? Why do we ignore it and indirectly agree with the kuffar’s claim that homosexuality is a natural cause by saying thinking about it is not haram but only acting upon it is?

With the fact established that homosexuality starts as nothing but waswas from the Shaytan (convincing a person that he likes men or women), it is wajib on a person to repel waswas from his mind and evil thoughts as much as he can. If a person watches pornography, lives in a society where they see homosexuality as normal, doesn’t lower his gaze from looking at the ‘awrah of men and women; then he gets waswas from the devil saying that he likes men; and instead of repelling these evil thoughts, he dwells on them and accepts them; and eventually, he convinces himself that he doesn't like women but he likes men, then the source of the problem is very clear. The means to homosexuality and zina must be cut off, and that includes dwelling upon thoughts regarding them.

As for waswas a person cannot help or just passing thoughts that he does not dwell upon, yes, a person will not be held accountable and there is evidence for that. However, if this happens to someone, he is not considered gay. So a person cannot use this as evidence to say it is not haram to be gay until you act on it. He is only considered gay when he dwells on those thoughts and he accepts that he is not attracted to women, which leads him to act upon it.

Some responses
We are judged by our actions and not our thoughts (as long as we don’t dwell on them). If someone is gay but doesn’t act on it, then how can you say it’s haram? You can’t, because their feelings are not a sin and they didn’t act on it. . . . .

So it’s not an apologetic attitude to have and Muslims really need to do better when faced with these issues, because condemning gay people when they haven't even done anything is stupid and will hurt you and them in the long run.

I say it is haram because he got waswas from the Shaytan and he didn’t repel them. Instead, he dwelt on those thoughts and accepted that he does not like women. For him to accept he does not like women, it is the same as accepting that Allah made him that way. This is the same as saying Allah made him inclined to al-Fahishah. If it is not natural, then it is from the Shaytan. So he must repel the waswas.

I want to say this is a separate post because it obliterates your claim completely:

You claim that being gay is okay until you act on it. That is the same as saying being an atheist inwardly is okay. Both atheism and homosexuality go against the natural disposition, both of them are from the Shaytan, and both of them are irrational and an abomination.

How many people including Muslims get waswas about the Essence of Allah? Shaytan whispers to someone that Allah does not exist -- prove that He exists. If he does not repel these thoughts and he dwells on them, and he lives in a society that accepts it and he is lax with his prayers and connection to Allah, he will eventually become an atheist (as we see many Muslims do today). The same goes for homosexuality.

The only difference is the society you live in has made you desensitized to homosexuality.

From what I have read and asked questions of a scholar, it is not a sin to have a thought and to accept it is wrong and to resist and repel that thought and any subsequent thoughts.

Nevertheless, we must be aware that not all homosexuals are lewd and promoting their condition. Some are struggling to live with a very difficult situation as best they can in submission and obedience to Allah (swt) so we need to be mindful of this group in the way we speak about this topic.

But sister, we cannot call such people homosexuals, these people are simply people who struggle with waswasa and lowering their gaze. Being a homosexual and identifying as such means one has accepted homosexuality. And what’s funny is science is trying really hard to prove homosexuality is genetic (giving it a reason for even existing) but so far, nothing great has come up.

Here’s my thought process, homosexuality and heterosexuality is mainly about sex and attraction. If a straight guy is having urges towards every female around, then he should control himself and say “Allah comes first.” If a gay guy is having urges towards some guys around, then he should control himself and say “Allah comes first.”

If brothers and sisters have issues when it comes to zina, then someone who has attraction to the same gender will feel the same way so it’s best to remind them to control their nafs and remember Allah

That is all.

If you feel like this is not the right approach and instead it’s better to condemn the person and tell them that everything about them is a sin, then feel free to do it. But my approach is better, because we’re all in this together and we all want to go to Jannah.

sis this quote along with the link that describes how someone may be more genetically inclined to being gay means that I do not mean all kids and people who are/were molested will turn out gay, it simply explains why gay people who think they were born like this turned out this way. “I remember when I was 8 I had a crush on a boy” yet the man who says this was molested at age 5, so of course this will mean he will like boys by age 8 if he were gay, but because he doesn't link the incidence with his orientation, he thinks he is “born” like this. AstaghfiruAllah.

Sister you are failing to realize no one is born gay. Did Allah ta’ala create people born with genetic diseases (God forbid this on all of us and future kids) and condemn them? Did Allah ta’ala create people who have mental and physical disabilities and condemn them? Sub’ana Allah. So why would Allah ta’ala create gay people only to condemn their existence? Okay, let’s hypothetically say there is decent proof of a link between genetics and the inclination towards the same sex, but can’t they control who they marry? Can’t they control such urges? I’ll tell you this right now, there is not a single gay man who cannot be intimate with a woman, everything can biologically proceed but it his “preference” that he does not be with a woman.
A person who God forbid, has schizophrenia (genetic mental illness) cannot, for the life of them, control their disease.

And of course, I am nice to everyone. They are just sinners after all. Will they be close friends? Of course not, just like any other person who chooses to openly sin. I do not want to be associated with such people and possibly be influenced. Will I be mean to them and be proud? Of course not. I say Allah yihdeeyon and keep moving.

Much more of this at the link

yakabunbun #racist #conspiracy ummah.com

I observed that too. but what can we do? The whole tech is controlled by Jews. facebook CEO Mark, Google CEO Lary & brown etc are all Jews. They control every content in internet. They decide which to index and make more preferable to be found.

They control Wiki, wordpress ... frankly speaking everything. They even spy on every user. Believe me or not, have you noticed the advertising patterns? How they recognize you to show some specific ads? Because, They observe whatever you do in internet.

AbuMubarak #fundie #sexist #transphobia #homophobia ummah.com

as far as "dealing with you on a human level", how can i deal with a murderer, a pedophile, a rapist, an arsonist that has willingly killed, how can i deal with a soldier who has slaughtered innocent people, a doctor who has aborted a baby, a mother who aborted a baby, a transvestite, a sodomite, etc?

now, whats worst than all of them combined? a murtad [apostate from Islam]

Rehmat #racist ummah.com

A great majority of Jewry – left, right or religious – according to many opinion polls show, overwhelmingly support Zionist state and, furthermore, overwhelmingly favor legal abortion, sexual freedom, and gay –lesbian rights.
The other common trait they have is not only their centuries-old hatred toward Christianity, but also the Jews, who have converted to Christianity – which is considered one of the worst sins a Jew can commit - as witness Jewish hostility to ‘Jews for Jesus’.

An irreligious or atheist Jew may claim Israeli citizenship at any time, but a Jew who has converted to Christianity may not. Their hatred even covers even the public exaltation of the Old Testament (or the Ten Commandments), as they have been adopted Christians in their New Testament.

Mel Gibson’s movie ‘The Passion of the Christ’ brought this Jewish hatred in the open. Both columnist Charles Krauthammer and ADL president Abraham Foxman blamed the biblical story of crucification being the main reason for Christians’ persecution of Jews for the last 2000 years – and demanded that this story and other Jesus’ anti-Semitic quote should to deleted from the New Testament for a future peaceful co-existence between Christians and Jews.

William Safire of the New York Times virtually blamed the Holocaust on Christ himself, citing the words “I come not to bring peace, but a sword” as evidence of Christianity’s inherent violence. Last year, famous Jewess comedian, Sara Silverman said that she is happy that Jews killed Jesus – and that she would kill him herself if he returns.

Jewish hatred also implies to the literary works of some greatest Christian writers. For example, Shakespeare’s Shylock in ‘The Merchant of Venice’ – is Jewish villain and is called by the Christian characters in the book as “bloodthirsty usurer”, a “wolf,” “misbeliever,” “cutthroat dog,” etc. etc. - for his greed and not for killing their Lord Christ. Jewish Lobby has succeeded in baning the reading of this English literary masterpiece in many western universities including Britain.

bintlnsaani #fundie ummah.com

Jinns invented television

Found this interesting information a while ago,worth a read:

The Jinn are more technologically advanced than humans – Explained by Shaykh Raslan
Shaykh Raslan:

The Jinn have knowledge of construction and industrialization. And their knowledge of construction and industrialization is greater than the knowledge possessed by humans. They have specific means of building and construction and likewise advancement in industrial development, and inventions, which man has yet to reach.

Allah informed us that He made the Jinn subservient to His Prophet Sulayman—peace be upon him. Thus they would perform a great deal of work for him that requires strength, intelligence skills and knowledge.

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And there were Jinn that worked in front of him, by the permission of his Lord, and whosoever of them turned aside from Our command, We shall cause him to taste of the torment of the blazing Fire. They made for him what he willed of elevated chambers, statues, basins as large as reservoirs, and stationary kettles. (Soorah Saba 34:12, 13)

Thus these things require skills and ability. Perhaps they even reached the level of discovery and invention such as the radio and television and other than that.

Shaykh of Islam ibn Taymiyyah said: ‘Some of the Shuyookh who used to keep contact with the Jinn informed him that the Jinn showed them something shining resembling water and glass, it would present an image inside of it for him, for whatever news they requested from him and whatever news he requested from them.’

This was something resembling water and glass, meaning like a television screen for example. Something shining, resembling water and glass. And the device was with him. So when he looked into it he could see what was desired from it. And he said that was also a means for him to relay information to them, meaning to the Jinn.

He said: So I would be informed of the information from this thing resembling water and glass so I would inform the people of the news which came to me. And the Jinn would relay to me the speech of my friends who were seeking my help, so I would respond to them.

Meaning this device was a means of sending and receiving communications. This was a device used for sending and receiving communications. And this device was with him and he would see and hear the speech of the Jinn that were working with him. And his brothers who were seeking his help could hear his voice. Shaykh of Islam, may Allah have mercy upon him, said: The man said, ‘so I would answer him’; meaning that I would hear the voice of my friends seeking my help.

And this man was from the Shuyookh who used to live with among the Jinn and travel with them. So if his friends were to request directions from him, so they could go to him, one of them would say, O so and so; and he would respond to them. How would he respond to them and how would he hear them? By the communication device which the Jinn invented during the era of Shaykh of Islam ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy upon him.

And he (Shaykh of Islam ibn Taymiyyah), may Allah have mercy upon him, said about himself, that some of his companions came to him—and he is an Imaam of guidance, there was not found in his heart a place for shirk and he was upright upon the religion of Allah, may Allah have mercy upon him. Some of his companions came to him and they said; ‘may Allah reward you with good our Shaykh, and may Allah bless you. He responded: ‘and why do you say this’? They said: ‘we were upon a journey and we became lost in the desert.’ (They had become lost in the desert and the one who is lost in the desert will die of hunger and thirst.) So we began to seek the help of Allah, the Blessed and Exalted.

And then we heard your voice but we did not see you. And you said to us; the path is in such and such direction. (Meaning walk this way and then turn here and you will find the path and the straightway) Thus we used your directions when we heard your voice and we went in the direction you guided us to, so we found our way; may Allah reward you with good. He (ibn Taymiyyah) responded: ‘By Allah I did not hear anything nor did I say anything, and I did not leave from my place; but rather that was a Jinn that loves us.’

That was a Jinn that loves us, and he was beloved even by the Jinn, may Allah have mercy upon him.


Unknown author #fundie ummah.com

Bismillah ir-Rahmaan ir-Raheem, al-hamdulillahi Rabb il-’Alameen, wa salaatu wa salaamu ‘alaa Rasoolillah, wa ash-haadu an laa ilaaha ill Allah, wa ash-haadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasooluh,

Amma ba’d,

One of the most important aspects of furthering the jihad movement is identifying the ememies of the movement. Some enemies are somewhat veiled, but others are clear. There are also, some enemies within the veiled category that can be turned into clear enemies by demonstrating their association with the enemies which are clear.


The Clear Enemy – A clear enemy is one whose statements and actions are positive propaganda in and of themselves with the general masses.

The Veiled Enemy – A veiled enemy is one whose statements and actions are not necessarily positive propaganda.

The Poorly Veiled Enemy – A poorly veiled enemy is one who is easily converted into a clear enemy, but which requires some explanation in order to turn this page.


There are many examples of each category, but some of them are important to identify and then to explore how to exploit. Even some of the clear enemies can be harmful to the movement if we do not deal with them correctly.

America, U.K., AMISOM, NATO, Canada, Russia, China, Israel, the Afghan Puppet Government, the Iraqi Puppet Government, the Yemeni Puppet Government, the Pakistani Puppet Government, India, and other European countries
Clear Enemies
The killing of civilians should be spread as much as is possible.
Anytime these groups are able to be tied to changing Islam it should be mentioned.
All forms of oppression by these groups should be mentioned.
The words “puppet,” “brutal,” “oppressive,” “kafir,” “corrupt,” “apostate,” “Western,” and “crusader,” should all be put in fron of the word “regime” when referring to these organizations.
Anytime these countries disagree or argue it should be spread.
Any failures that these countries have should also be spread.

Other Puppet Regimes
Clear Enemies (excluding Saudi Arabia which is a Poorly Veiled Enemy)
Any displays of kufr should be highlighted.
Attention should not just be payed to Saudi Arabia, but also to the areas that are more obvious.
Crackdowns on Islamist movements should be highlighted.
All forms of sin and oppression should be made clear and visible.
Whenever they kill civilians it should be published.
Community efforts of Islamist organizations in these areas should be published. It needs to be clear that supporting Islam brings about positive social change, and opposing it brings about oppression.
Torture and imprisonment of the mujahideen, scholars, and du’aat should be exposed.
Government scholars should be exposed and the scholars of haqq should be promoted.

Government Scholars
Clear Enemies
The “government scholars” being referred to here are the ones who are clearly just issuing fataawa on behalf of a government and it is not referring to every scholar who supports a government. These are not “Clear Enemies.”
Their fataawah should be exposed.
Their ties to the governments should be made highly visible.
Whenever they issue a fatwa supporting the forces of kufr against the Muslims, then it should be brought to light.
Issues of taking money for fataawa should be discussed.

Misguided Scholars
Veiled Enemies
First let me clarify that I am not saying they are our enemies, but that they do make efforts to hurt the jihad movement.
Their deviations should be pointed out when they are detrimental to jihad.
Their inconsistencies should also be brought to light.
We should not make takfir of them unless they do something which is clear kufr and the conditions for takfir are met.
If their opposition to the mujahideen is well known, then whenever they issue a fatwa in support of them it should be highlighted.
Any time counter terrorism officials mention them positively, then it should be mentioned.

Counter Terrorism Officials
Clear Enemies
Anytime they say anything against a group of mujahideen it should be mentioned.
Anytime they mention changing Islam it should be mentioned.
Anytime they mention promoting certain scholars it should be mentioned, unless that scholar is well known to be a scholar of the haqq. In this case they are either confused or they are trying to cause divisions, so it should be left alone.
Whoever they mention positively immediately loses credibility, and whoever they mention negatively gains credibility.
Usually these people are significantly behind on trends such as the NEFA Foundation if you have ever read their works. However, we can play off of their theories in order to increase the influence and capabilities of certain individuals and groups. Scholars and du’at who may have faded from the spotlight can be brought back into it by playing off of CT theories.

Moderate Islamic Organizations
Clear Enemies and Poorly Veiled Enemies
Depending on the organization it might be a clear enemy, such as an organization like Muslims for Secular Democracy, or it might be a poorly veiled enemy such as CAIR.
These organizations should be exposed as completely ignorant of Islamic rulings.
Their betrayal of Muslims with their fataawa and statements in support of kafir soldiers when they kill Muslims.
Their love of the kuffar and their hatred of the Muslims should be displayed.
If that is not apparent, then their hatred of the mujahideen should be highlighted.
When an organization is upon clear kufr, then it should be made apparent.
When an organization is run by fasiqeen, then it should also be brought to light.
Their ties to politicians who hate Islam and kill Muslims should be shown.
Their abandoning of the Sunnah should be mentioned.

Salafis Who Abandon Jihad
Veiled Enemies
There are two types of Salafis who abandon jihad. There are the Neo-Salafis such as Abu Khadija, and there are the American Salafis that are found predominantly in the Al-Maghrib Institute.
The Neo-Salafis should be ignored and go unmentioned, because refuting them is not as beneficial as simply ignoring them. They are increasingly viewed as a sect by the general Muslim population, and simply teaching a concept will reach far more people than a refutation of some misguided notion.
The American Salafis should be called out on their platforms.
When they condemn the mujahideen it should be exposed.
When they condemn the kuffar, then they should be called out on condemning the mujahideen, so that the Muslims do not get confused about their beliefs.
When they issue statements condemning jihad, then they should be challenged to produce proofs for abandoning jihad. They will not be able to do this, so it is a good point to make.
We should start calling them “American Salafis,” because their methodology seems to only exist in the United States and Canada.
We should avoid generalizing the entire Al-Maghrib organization or similar groups until all of their leaders have clarified their stances. For example, Muslim Matters can be generalized, because it is clear what its writers are upon. However, not all of Al-Maghrib’s instructors have made it clear what they are upon, and their is evidence from older lectures that maybe some of them are in disagreement, wa Allahu ‘alam.

Nationalist Fighters
Poorly Veiled Enemies
These groups are only able to be turned into clear enemies after they have abandoned jihad or they have attacked the true mujahideen.
If they attack the mujahideen, then they should be condemned loudly.
If they engage in “peace talks,” then they should be spoken against.
They should not be treated as enemies based only on suspicion, but when something clear comes up.
If one is suspicious about a group, because it seems to have nationalistic goals, then their successes should not be tied to them publicly.
Their victories over the kuffar should be mentioned, but one should avoid giving too much credit to these groups.
The mujahideen’s lack of need for these groups and superior capabilities should be emphasized wherever it exists (for example in Afghanistan).
It should be prominently displayed when their fighters leave for the true mujahideen.

“Rehabilitated” Mujahideen
Clear Enemies
It should be mentioned that intention is key when fighting jihad and that it is not surprising that some people fell off of the straight path.
Their gross shift should be mentioned and they should be discredited.
Discussion of folding under pressure of torture should occur.
Also, it should be mentioned how they have sold the akhira for this life.
Their ties to whatever government “rehabilitated” them should be brought to light and exposed.
Even though it burns our hearts to see these people, their words really do benefit the movement and only tie the kuffar and the munafiqeen to a war on Islam in which they seek to change this religion.

In sha’a Allah when I am done with these articles I will turn it into a book with edits and reorganization for the sake of Allah, bi’idhnillah.

Excuse_me #fundie ummah.com

One of the main misconceptions about Islam is that people believe it is just a spiritual religion like many of the other religions have been made out to be. Islam is a way of life and it is how a country and society should be ran.

If you go against these rules publicly and bring fitnah to the community then some measures should be taken to resolve that issue. Many of the same people who nitpick about the punishment for apostates in Islam don't even put any effort in talking about the capital punishment that is present in some countries for Treason.

Anthanasia #fundie ummah.com

Befriending them has a lot more negatives than positives. If it was something truly of benefit it would generally be regarded as normal and acceptable. Now keeping küffar between the stranger and friend zone is the best place. If we alienate all of the ummah from the non-Muslims this distorts a balance to humanity and is generally unnatural. If we befriend them and take them as close partners they can easily stray us from continuing on towards a better path.

For example its time to pray...but you are with your friend, who respects the fact you pray but not necessarily that it has a time window to do it in. Even the nicest non-Muslim will stray you into excessive time wasting and ideology changing.

Wasnt it Ali (r.a.) who had said Show me who your friends are and I can tell you of that person??? And as we say in America you are who your friends are. Theres no logic to maintaining relations with non-Muslims but completely outcasting ourselves isnt healthy either. Acquaintances seems to me to be the most logical.

Umm_Hanzalah #fundie ummah.com

All species have variation within them. Natural selection, therefore can occur within species but it doesn't cause them to turn into different species. Since when has anyone seen a fish turn into a lizard or a lizard turn into a bird for example.

The theory states we all formed from single celled organisms from which all life came evolved, into different species. This is not scientific as it has never been observed. Where do you see the transition species? Like where are the ape looking humans that would exist between between the fully formed apes and fully formed humans? and I'm not talking about fossils real or not, because that doesn't prove anything. Why are all the transitional sepcied fossils anyway?

Has evolution stopped that we have to look to fossils and not live species? All of this happened randomly and by chance apparently. If the theory of evolution was true, we would see this. But it's nothing but complete rubbish and completely unscientific. It's like dropping pots of paint randomly and by chance onto a piece of paper and expecting it to form this amazing portrait with the most amazing detail ever.

It's ironic that those who worship science, the very foundation of their belief is far from scientific,

Azamasim #fundie ummah.com

Music is banned under Sharia Law, and anywhere in this world where i see Sharia Law truly enforced, no one is listening to it, or else they face some type consequence for doing so. I posted Fatwas from the scholars about how no Muslim should not be listening to music, and the ones who do so willingly should be counted as Kuffir. Others will find other scholars who they agree with and will say that music is prohibited in certain instances.

If i hear a Muslim listening to music, then i lose all respect for him, nor do i even call him a brother. Most likely if he is committing one Haram he is committing many more. It is like a Muslim who drinks and you warn him not to, and he says it is none of your business what he does, but yet if he was committing this Haram openly under Sharia Law he would be punished for it.

Saif-Uddin #fundie ummah.com

I'm talking about now, not the leaders of the past,

There isnt a single Nation under the Shariah of Allah ?? ? ?? , the nearest we have is Saudi Arabia and even they are rotten,

Surely you know this,

If you watched the Video then you know and cannot deny that Pakistan is a Kufr state, just like Bangladesh and others,

Telling people to migrate from Kufr to Kufr is not a particularly strong argument,

Lastly we had righteous Muslim rulers in the past, your slandering of them does not support the argument,

Abu Kamel #fundie ummah.com

Secular law is evil and those who believe it is right and above the law of Allah are some of the most evil people alive.

Evil. They pass laws to suit their interests at the detriment of others, csusing oppression which becomes utter corruption "fasad" on earth.

They are bigoted, prejudiced, ignorant, differential, and lie to "the people" and the people, like cattle, follow them.

The corruption of the entire world and mankind is a result in part of the evil machinations of these.

Basil_1 #fundie ummah.com

There are things as a muslim I will never accept in this case zina or homosexuality. I will not change my beliefs just to make the kuffar happy. In an islamic state these people will be killed.

aidaalej #fundie ummah.com

Sister, it's wrong to say atheists have the right to voice their opinion on such matters. Allah has the right to be worshipped and how can anyone worship Him if they don't believe in Him? It sounds like you're saying they have the right to transgress upon the rights of Allah.

You think they should be allowed call Muslims to kufr? They should be silenced as they will confuse the weak believers and take them to hellfire with them.

And the brother is right in quoting the ayah. Are you arguing against the word of Allah?

All kuffar are like this. They will bring excuses and try to refute any proof you bring them. These kuffar Allah refers to would use the excuse of magic when atheists today would try to refute any signs with "science". You can bring all the evidence in the world but they refuse to believe. In fact, I was giving my sister dawah and she didn't like what she was hearing so she stuck her fingers in her ears like kuffar mentioned in the Quran. The truth has been made clear from falsehood and they refuse to believe.. They do not want to believe and they listen to shaytan

{another quote from the side person}

Either way, what does being an atheist/agnostic and converting to Islam have to do with anything? Do you think ex-atheists are protective of athiests? Only someone with a skewed version of wala and bara would defend them just because they were once like them. I am sure many ex-atheists would agree that kuffar should not be able to convert Muslims. If you truly believe in hell, they why are you okay with the thought of Muslims apostatizing? The kuffar should be silenced and they should not be able to propagate their deen. Censorship is different from execution.

Look, do you think Christians are allowed to come into Muslim lands and propagate their deen? They can believe what they want but they do not truly have a "right" to and they certainly don't have a right to convert Muslims. I can go outside, rob a bank and say I have a "right" to commit this crime and take other people's money, but in the end I will end up in prison

Gevurlar Korksun #conspiracy ummah.com

Hm, difficult to say. On their own, definitely not. The CHP only makes up about 20 % of the population, but even then they are mainly concentrated in Izmir and the west and south coasts. The problem is that the Zionist-Imperialists have more than just the CHP operating in Turkey. Turkey has...a lot of problems.

1- The CHP, the secularist, Kemalist party formed by Mustafa Kemal in order to erase Islam in Turkey and make Turkey a Western slave.

2- The PKK, a Marxist-Leninist terror organization, formed as a continuation of ASALA in order to destabilize Turkey, erase Islam among Kurds, and use Kurds as a tool to further Zionist ambitions in the region.

3- The Gülenists, a humanist cult, extremely rich, extremely influental, extremely secretive, extremely global, extremely dangerous. One of the CIAs main weapons in fighting Islam in Turkey and elsewhere. Active in over 190 countries around the globe. They are the modern version of Hassan Sabbah and his assassins. They are most influental in Turkey and poor countries in Africa and Central Asia. @Spicen, they are in Bangladesh, too. Watch out, bro. For yourself and your country. I'm serious.

4- The Nusayris of Hatay. Nusayris, loyal to Assad, living in the province of Hatay. Not many in number, but very militant and certainly ready to cause chaos when needed.

5- The Alawites. Mainly regular people, but recently the Zionists are trying to provoke Alawite aggression and aggression towards Alawites . May Allah make them fail.

Do you know George Soros ? He is a human devil that orchestrated the Gezi terror in 2013. He also orchestrated other civil unrests in many different countries. Currently, he is somewhere in Turkey. He is certainly not there for tourism. Something very foul is brewing. That bastard definitely has plans for a second Gezi terror. Well, we are ready, you Zionist, Jewish, Imperialist pile of feces.

As for the societal build of Turkey. Well, most people are conservative and a sense of Union is definitely widespread. Loyalty and Honour are very important in Turkey. Most people wouldn't be able to be used for civil unrests. But there are certain people listed above who can be. Secular people, dumb Kemalists. They already did in 2013 when they tried to "dethrone" Erdogan. The Gezi terror was a coup attempt.

The risk is that when this secular trash - financed and orchestrated by George Soros - starts another Gezi-like terror, the already fed-up public might respond to their dirty provocations and start fighting them. that would be a nightmare. Since 2013 the Secularists and CHP supporters are seen with more and more enmity. many consider them as traitors.

I just hope that when a second Gezi begins the people will be patient and let the police and army handle everything. The last thing we need is civilians fighting each other. I trust the people, though. We survived the first Gezi terror, we survived July 15th and we will survive this too Inshallah. May Allah protect Turkey from this.

ZeeshanParvez #fundie ummah.com

I would like to point out one thing. There are issues where there is no preaching to a kafir. There is no being nice.

That is when the kafir shows disrespect to the Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) as has happened recently.

In such a case, the punishment is death. There is no second opinion on the matter among scholars.

Usmi #fundie ummah.com

ya ur forgetting tht evolution happened by chance...dude put ur head to it...how can a human come evolve from a monkey by chance..ok i understand if somebody is doing it..but sayin tht it happened by chance makes you think of a car tht is made without a factory

Scorpion Black #fundie ummah.com

[Topic about an Iraqi father who killed his own daughter for falling in love with an American Soldier].

"let me put it this way....
if my daughter or sister was to fall in love with an enemy soldier..Israeli or American...
i will make sure i send her right to hell....

this is not Honor killing..this is cleansing the earth from traitors...
you juts find my words weird because i am talking about women..

let me put it in other words....if my son fell in love with an enemy female soldier I'd kill him..

it isn't honor killing or a crime against women..it is making sure we have no traitors on our side..
a stupid person in love is valnurable to manipulation...

couldn't any one just love a good person?? why always seek the worst of hell's"

aadil77 #fundie ummah.com

(He's talking about gay people and gay marriage)

Thats all well and good, but in 20 years time all the sods will have died out due to lack of reproduction. Non-muslims in general are rapidly becoming a minority due to low birth rates. Muslims will be the majority by then, easily.

Theres no point looking at everything negatively - what ever they plan always backfires on them and turns out best for us both ways.

MADMAX #fundie ummah.com

"More fool them... to recognise the truth and then reject it makes them hypocrites. The Quran is a miracle and is a warning and a mercy for all mankind.

The British have whole university departments dedicated to the study of Quran. They know it is the truth, but are too proud to acknowledge that the author is the Lord of the heavens and the earth.

They are only looking for worldly benefit."

Saif-Uddin #fundie ummah.com

AKhi Evolution is a Last resort Theory which they use to console their conscience ...

If they don't propogate this Ba'atil then they (Atheists) will inevitably end up as a Dying breed ...

so it's in their interest to Propogate/Preach this Falsehood ...

hamza81 #fundie ummah.com

This absurd theory has no place in science for science itself has disaproved it! It is just a source of comfort for those who do not believe in the existance of a creator but in their hearts and minds they know that it is ridiculous but they are too ignorant to accept that it is UNTHINKABLE to say that this univsrse has no creator!

Allah says in the Qur'an- Their eyes are sealed so they cannot see, their ears are sealed so they cannot hear and their hearts are selaed so they cannot accept! May Allah break the seal of the eyes,ears and hearts of the people who reject him and lead them to the truth! Ameen!

dunya_or_akhira #fundie ummah.com

usama [bin Laden] is a harder working father of 18 who is fighting against oppression for the sake of humanity to spread peace through islam and it is because of the selfish ppl like ur brother that the world is seeing bloodshed...

al-nasser #fundie ummah.com

[We legally recognise gays. Gays can have a gay marriage here in Britain, there are gay nightclubs all over Britain and the British public are tolerant of homosexuals. Why is it that we don't get these earthquakes? Are we special?]

"Why is it that we don't get these earthquakes yet?"

the element of surprise in the divine punishment is the most amusing

Ralf Biermann #fundie ummah.com

"THHuxley presented a skeleton, which appeared to be an intermediate form between man and ape. I wanted to have an unbiased view of that skeleton and asked my little son. He said the skeleton was human, while the skull was gorilla.

Al-Maeda [5:60] Say: "Shall I point out to you something much worse than this, (as judged) by the treatment it received from Allah? Those who incurred the curse of Allah and His wrath, those of whom some He transformed into apes and swine, those who worshipped Evil;? these are (many times) worse in rank and far more astray from the even Path!

So this is the end of the story: the so-called ape-men, the skeletons which have been found and appeared to be half man, half ape, are nothing else than the remains of evil men, who have been transformed into such creatures."

AbuMubarak #fundie ummah.com

i hate doing "part 2" 's and i thought the first was in laymens terms, because thats all i am but in essence it is embrace islam wholeheartedly, we tend to want to make islam fit into our lives, when we should be fitting into islam when you look at our great heros in this deen, from noah, to our commonly referred to "extremists" you see certain common elements

firstly, a true, sincere dedication to Allah and this deen, and not fearing the blame of the blamers, not conforming to any "modernity" in deen or application, but a striving to do the right thing, just as those before us, whether noah till the companions of the prophets and our great scholars Allah opens His book with THIS IS THE BOOK, WITHOUT DOUBT, we need to stop doubting and hesitating and apologizing for this deen

we need to stand up for islam a man once asked the prophet, how do i complete my islam, he said, say there is no god but Allah and stick to it (establish it), that has many levels and meanings and the more we apply it, the more beneficial our islam will be to us

the prophet said that during these times, we would suffer from love of the world and a fear of death, we must remove our love of the world and fear of death and replace it with a disregard for the world and a love for Allah, whether we are dead or alive

AbuMubarak #fundie ummah.com

O you who believe! Take not as (your) Bitanah (advisors, consultants, protectors, helpers, friends) those outside your religion (pagans, Jews, Christians, and hypocrites) since they will not fail to do their best to corrupt you. They desire to harm you severely. Hatred has already appeared from their mouths, but what their breasts conceal is far worse. Indeed We have made plain to you the Ayat (proofs, evidence, verses) if you understand.
( ???? ?? ????? , Aal-e-Imran, Chapter #3, Verse #118)

it seems to me that if muslims want to remain backwards and ignorant, the kuffar would not care. but there seems to be an insistence from the kuffar that muslims accept evolution


to weaken the muslim mind in accepting Allah as the creator, thats why

to make muslims beholden to the kuffar for knowledge and science, thereby maintaining kuffar dominance over the minds of the muslims

if we have to turn to them for guidance, whether defining human rights, or human origins, they will do nothing but corrupt your deen

abc123d #fundie ummah.com

Don't let him define himself as 'gay'. It's a 'desire' and an unnatural one. Thats about it.

If he stops following the desire...then it will no longer exist after a while. The only reason he feels gay is because he is looking at something which makes him feel desire...so tell him that he needs to lower his gaze. After a while he will forget such a thing as 'gay' even exists.

You only feel gay if you follow your gay desires and because society keeps telling you. For millions of years people didn't feel the need to identify themselves as 'gay', because society never encouraged them and even if they did have something, they would immediately feel guilty and that was the end of it. The islamic advice for any kind of desire would be to lower your gaze and refrain from following your lusts. Then after that you won't need to call urself 'gay' anymore, cause u can only be gay if u do something of that nature, otherwise it's just a thought that crossed your mind.

Mustafa Mahmud #fundie ummah.com

Since they are disbelievers and deserve eternal punishment, it is not unfair that they suffer in this life as well. Whoever disbelieves deserves eternal punishment and whoever dies a disbeliever is guaranteed eternal punishment.

They have suffering in this life and unending suffering in the next. Another thing to consider is that compared to the punishment in the next, this this life is in comparison Paradise. But the point still stands-they deserve eternal punishment so there is no injustice for the suffering they go through in this life.

As for the ones who don't receive much pain in this life, they are in for more of a surprise when they enter it, but ultimately this was just Allah's relief and favor on them in this life. Since they too deserve eternal punishment and are guaranteed eternal punishment upon dying as nonbelievers. In conclusion, every kaffir deserves eternal punishment so there is no injustice in the fact that some suffer to varying degrees in this life as well. Each of them ultimately is in punishment forever.

May Allah guide us.

Umar` #fundie ummah.com

There is no friendship between a muslim and kafir, it is impermissible. how can you have love for one who doesnt love Allah swt? by all means show kindnesses and invite to Islam, but as for taking them as a friend, eating with them, asking from them, joking with them and having alliance in any way is clearly impermissible. As mg says, you may on the face of things get on but you dont know what is in their hearts, never will a kafir love a muslim, never, not if you are truly upon the haq, but they may indulge a munafiq (not referring to you fa), even in my family, i can tell deep down in peoples hearts there is not love for the muslims, May Allah swt guide them to the straight path,there is emnity and disavowal between us, as Prophet Ibrahim (as), says in Qur'an, until the last day, this is clear manifest proof of the issue.

umar #fundie ummah.com

The topic is don't be naked in your own house because jinn might be there watching you.

I was watching one of the "diary of an exorcist videos" and in the video the guy said that a kid was playing football with his mates and apparently what happened was that he threw something and it hit a jinn and killed it, So that jinns father/mother wanted revenge, So the jinn entered his body and then you know what happens next....

So yes we should be careful.

The_Unseen_Hand #fundie ummah.com

You cannot be truly content without having a firm belief in al-Qada' wa-al-Qadar.

It is only through knowing that everything that happens to you is something that Allah swt has decided will happen to you, can we accept and use whatever happens as a source of strength and comfort.

The contentment felt by the kuffar is a fleeting, shallow sense of contentment that is incomparable to the contentment of knowing and understanding your Rabb.

simply logical #fundie ummah.com

Understanding the dangers of Chi or Xi Gong

For those wanting to know about the dangers of Chi or Xi or Qi or Xi Gong, the following website will be very useful:

It covers also other forms of ancient practises involving jinns, but nowadays packaged under pseudo-scientific labels to appear more modern and more convincing:

The website has been a started by a Muslim brother who un-knowingly took up Xi Gong when he became a student of Chinese Kung Fu. As a result of that, he became possessed and..., (you can read the story in there ....)


Later in the tread:
Re: Understanding the dangers of Chi or Xi Gong

Wow intresting i never knew this, i always though of xi as an imaginary energy force flowing through your body. I didnt know jinns were involved.

I just read it and the stuff about the micro orbs is crazy, ive never heard or such things.


No such thing as Chi. Its just wacky Chinese pseudoscience. No need to worry about it

cyber_abdullah #racist ummah.com

"View Post
[About Jews allegedly supporting lesbianism]

"Notice the Jews are the ones who are supporting these degenerate acts. Mindtwister, Bekka, BigMidget, Kpuz are all Jews. I can't but help get the impression that supporting insidious and subversive acts to undermine the host society is a Jewish trait. That is why Jews feature so prominently in many immoral industries, including interest-based money lending. Maybe they want the host society to decline so that it presents advantages to the Jews within. That is why Allah (swt) has always punished these people in many societies throughout the ages. They have always failed to uphold the teachings of Musa (as)."

Abo Mohammed #fundie ummah.com

The Siher of Death, done with the Menstrual blood

A poison stronger than arsenic

In this post I will talk about one of the worse kind of Siher , This Siher Is one of the types which subject the effected person to different types of illness and pain and will lead in the end to a certain death if not treated fast.

In this type of Siher the Saher will perform his Siher on different substance he will add to them a Menstrual blood as part of the ingredients. Then this Siher will be mixed with a food or a drink and served to the targeted person.When this person takes this Siher ,the results will start appearing within 24-48 hours depending on the type, the strength of the Siher and the number of sources of the Menstrual blood , some times the Saher will use a blood from one woman and sometimes he will use the blood from 2 or 3 sources. In this type of Siher the patient will start losing weight, his face will always be yellow and pale , he will lose his strength fast, then in the end his organs will start to parlays one by one and this will lead to a major failure in his body functions and will lead to a certain death.

The person who is subjected to this type of Siher ,even if he visits different doctors ,they will not be able to provide him with a cure.

How to cure this type of siher,

The most important thing in treating this type of Siher is to diagnose it in its early stages before the patient reach the Parlays stage because if the patient reach this stage without treatment ,this will leave him with severe organs damages which will need a long time to cure even after he is cured from the Siher.

In order to treat this type of Siher there is a few and limited ways to do it, most of these methods are unknown to may raqies which they depend mainly on Sennah to make the patient vomit in order to bring out the Siher along with the Menstrual blood . The Sennah has a limited or non effect in disintegrating this type of Siher .

I will talk about one old method which is very effective in treating this type of Siher.

you will bring 2 doves and after cleaning them you will put them in a pot after you cut them into small pieces, then you will squeeze on them fresh lemon, you will use enough lemons to cover the meat with the lemon juice. you will use 2 to 3 kilos of lemons to do that depending on the size of the doves. Then you will leave them cooking on a medium fire until they simmer, some of the juice will remain in the pot along with the meat

cloud360 #fundie ummah.com

Muslims can not take non mulism as friends. We see many muslims brothers and sister doing this. they are all misled. They twist islam in all sorts of ways just to please the the non-muslims. Allah says most of these muslims will go to hell. The tafsir says Umar (RA) kicked a chrisitan out of medina (arabia) and then said "take not the jews nor the chrisitans as friends".

These muslims and their views are wrong, the vast majoirty of muslims are wrong about islam and the vast majoirty of muslims will go to hell. I say most muslims will go to hell because:

Muhammad (saw) said their will be 73 sects and 72 sects will go to hell (this may be a metaphor, or may be a false hadith, who knows).....Anyway from this most Muslims will go to hell for some time. There are also hadith which say out of every 100 muslims 99 will go to hell.-Sahih Bukhari 8: 76: 536

In Sura 19:70 and 19:71 Allah says, Most Muslims will go to Hell (for at least some time), but they will be rescued. Allah also states that those who die in Jihad will go to Paradise immediately. (see tafsir for meaning). The fact that allah say most muslims will go to hell shows how misled the muslim ummah is.

Saif-Uddin #fundie ummah.com

Indonesia is not run upon the Sharia,

Democratic states are by their Very Definitioon upon Secular Rule.

the nearest nation to Shariah Rule is Saudi Arabia, and even they don't follow the Shariah 100%

To sum it up, there no Nation on Earth that is a Shariah State, run by a Righteous Muslim Man,

all Muslim nations are run by Despot/Rotten Democratic leaders or Dictators,

Rehmat #racist ummah.com

The Jewish ritual murder libel became epidemic throughout Europe. The old Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. III, 266, lists the following cases, beginning with William of Norwich: 5 other cases given for the twelfth century, 15 for the thirteenth, 10 for the fourteenth, 16 for the fifteenth, 13 for the sixteenth, 8 for the seventeenth, 15 for the eighteenth, and 39 for the nineteenth, going right up to the year 1900 (total 113). There have been many more cases in the 20th century.

Now, I don't know how many Jewish babies were killed by Christians (maybe too many, because Jewish population has never increased beyond 14 million) - but I do hear every day - Jews killing Muslim and Christian babies in occupied Palestine.

adbulwakil, vicious L, Muslim First, and Abu Dhahabi #fundie ummah.com

(abdulwakil): This would be totally wrong and unislamic behaviour if they are making dua for those people who passed away without having entered into Islam, if anyone of them is actually doing what the title has said.

(vicious L): If only our imams would do the same for our Muslim victim brothers and sisters in Palestine Afghanistan, Iraq, Bosnia, Chechnya and all over the world where Muslims are being massacred, muslim men thrown in prisons and muslim women raped and Muslim children being made orphans

everyday it's a 9/11 in the Muslim world and these imams are silent against the aggression of the kuffar, but when the kuffar blow up ther own buildings and blame it on the Muslims in order to invade and massacre Muslims and steal our wealth

We have to come together on a special day and pray for the victims of the kuffar who died for kuffar to invade Muslim lands.

(Muslim First): My thoughts exactly, kind of reminds me when Bin Laden died these "Muslims" were happy in the media.

(Abu Dhahabi): they are doing it cause they want money from the British Government. We all know how greedy some of these uncles are sitting on the mosque commitees.

zammy #fundie ummah.com

[responding to a user who criticized the ethnic cleansing of three Jewish tribes in Medina in 7th century]
Sorry, I don't understand why you view the killing of these tribes negatively? The Muslims had every right to take whatever measures they took in each case. For example, banu qaynu qa'..The prophet (saw) laid seige on them because of the incident with the Muslim woman in the Jewish market. That's a perfectably reasonable reason to do what they did, would you disagree with that? And how did the Muslims seek refuge with jews? Our prophet was not a murderer. Look around you today and you'll find the murderers you're looking for.