
David J. Stewart #fundie #crackpot jesus-is-savior.com

Five - The Number of Death?

In dealing with the Five Points of Calvinism, It is certainly fitting that five is the number of death, so the Five Points of Calvinism will kill anything near it. Just as it takes no keen intellect to see that five is the biblical number of death, so no insight is necessary, other than an ability to read the Bible, to see the flagrant perversion that the Five Points of Calvinism make of Holy Scripture. Satan, the angel of death is the fifth cherub (Ezek 28:14) and has the power of death (Heb 2:14). The first man dies in Genesis 5:5.

In Acts 5:5, Ananias dies after being asked five questions about his sin. "The wages of sin is death" -Rom 6:23. Paul was whipped five times (2nd Corinthians 11:24). Jesus Christ had five wounds. In Revelation chapter five, we see the Lamb that was slain (Rev 5). During the Tribulation, locusts will torment men for five months (Rev 9:5) until they seek death (Rev 9:6). When the fifth seal was opened, John saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain (Rev 6:9).

There were five men stoned in the Bible that died. The "sin unto death" is in 1st John five. The greatest chapter in the Bible on death, describing two men whose deaths affected all humanity, is Romans chapter five. Even the word "death" contains five letters. When David went forth to kill the giant Goliath, he carried with him five smooth stones.

It is in the fifth book of the New Testament, in the fifth verse, of the fifth chapter where we read, "And Ananias hearing these words fell down, and gave up the ghost: and great fear came on all them that heard these things." More than a coincidence? You decide!

David J. Stewart #sexist #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

America was a much better nation back during the Civil War (1861-1865). Every woman wore beautiful long dresses. In the early 1900's all women dressed extremely modestly. What a great time in our nation's families. Feminism has ruined women in America. Today, it is very rare to see a woman wearing a long dress. Vintage women's clothing is so modest and classy. I encourage you ladies to wear vintage dresses. Make it your hobby. Better yet, get a sewing machine and learn as you go how to become a seamstress.

Get some vintage patterns and work at it. I've provided links on the Women's Page to numerous modest clothing places. There's a lot on the web to help you learn the art of being a seamstress. I'll tell you, if there's a need in America today it is for Christian women to inspire, encourage and teach young girls how to dress modestly with class, sew and make their own clothing. It's a great MINISTRY to start in your church ladies!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Love me, hate me, understand me, judge me, pray for me, curse me if you will, I am telling THE TRUTH! I'll be the jerk for Jesus! I'll be the John the Baptist who got his head chopped off for preaching against sin. I'll be the rude guy like Paul. 2nd Corinthians 11:6, “But though I be rude in speech, yet not in knowledge; but we have been throughly made manifest among you in all things.” The church at Galatia got mad at Paul, considering him their enemy, because Paul exposed their heresy. Galatians 4:16, “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?” Some Smart-alecky wimp from Pensacola Christian College (PCC), an intern pastor on Guam about 18 inches tall in spiritual stature (who thankfully quit and left the island), felt compelled to remind me in 2018 that I am “not an apostle.” Yeah, and he wasn't a good pastor! According to him, only an apostle can criticize a bad church. What a fool! It didn't come as a surprise that he called Harvest “our sister church.” You mean sister in spiritual whoredom? I don't see any stipulation in Ephesians 5:11 about not criticizing churches. Ephesians 5:11, “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.” All is fair in love and war!

It also came as no surprise to me, that that arrogant intern admitted to me previously that he didn't know even one thing wrong with the new Bible versions. Of course he doesn't, because Pensacola Christian College (PCC) helped train him, and they are indifferent toward THE TRUTH. I say “arrogant” because he called me “obsessed” over the Bible issue debate. God has burned a passion into my heart over the inspiration of the King James Bible; therefore, this is my ministry! That particular pastor who criticized me was stuck on the kings of Israel, but I didn't criticize him for it. Literally, 90% of his sermons in church were about the kings of Israel in the Old Testament. Talk about “obsessed.”

Brother David J. Stewart, our Fap Guru

Listen and learn, folks

David J. Stewart #sexist #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

To masturbate, a man ought not use his hand, because that is not very satisfying. Here's what you do guys—take a larger size pillow (or one that is comfortable for you), and place about seven napkins on the center of the pillow, then fold the pillow in half to simulate a woman. With a little imagination it does the job. Please don't quote me on that...lol.

Granted, there's nothing like the real thing, but once you are finished (whether you be married or alone without a woman) your will be relieved and be able to sleep at night, and cope with your difficult situation. I am being very transparent and honest to help other men. The pillow is MUCH BETTER than the hand (i.e., Rosy Palm and her five sisters). If you think I'm a pervert, then you are a rotten person for judging a man who doesn't have a wife, and you are woefully ignorant of how a man's body works. Men aren't like women, they can't just turn off their sex drive. Thus, masturbation is sometimes necessary and nothing to be ashamed of fellas. As Pastor Jack Hyles wisely said: I don't have a dirty mind, I have a man's mind!

If I were a king over a land, I would make sure that every man in my kingdom had a wife, and every wife a husband. THAT IS BIBLICAL! 1st Corinthians 7:1-2, “Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman. Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.” If a man is to avoid the sin of fornication, he has one of two choices: To find a wife, or masturbate! I would 10,000 times prefer the wife, but I haven't found her yet! If the Lord puts me in charge of a city during His millennial reign (because the Scripture teaches we will reign with Him - Revelation 20:6), I will make sure that everyone is married. People simply don't care about each other in these apostate times. All the Bible colleges and churches want is money!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Luke18:2b, “There was in a city a judge, which feared not God, neither regarded man.”

The preceding Scripture defines much of American society today. We are living in horrible unethical times. The internet contains so much promiscuous smut and filth that you can't even visit household sites like livestrong.com. I went to check on the amount of calories in a sub sandwich and the website had an offensive ad yesterday, promoting an attractive woman in slacks gyrating in different sexual positions in a bed. This is America today—filthy, irreverent, Godless, unethical, sinfully proud, selfish and immoral as can be, with no fear of God and no regard for their neighbours! God will punish the wicked (Matthew 12:36; Hebrews 9:27). Evil people make light of coming judgment, but they cannot escape God (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14). The hallmark character trait of a God-fearing Christian is that they CARE. I care!!! God certainly cares (1st Peter 5:7).

The Holy Bible calls this loving thy neighbour as one's self. Galatians 5:14, “For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.” There is nothing loving about temping other people with smutty ads. There is nothing loving about thuggishly collecting and storing personal information of people. Companies have become so ruthlessly evil nowadays that they sell your e-mail to other greedy and unethical companies, to manipulate you. I hate Amazon.com, because they monitor and track you online. I looked at a musical keyboard one day on Amazon. I logged out and all throughout the day, at other websites, that keyboard kept appearing, buttonholing me to buy it. What these unethical companies are doing is evil, totally un-American when our nation used to be great. No nation is “great” that bans the Holy Bible from its classrooms! No nation is “great” that legally allows perverted males to go into women's restrooms! No nation is “great” that intentionally murders a child, let alone 54,000,000 human lives since 1973!!! No nation is “great” that allows greedy companies to manipulate, track and exploit customers for their own personal gain.

A Nation Cannot Be “Great” With Freemasons At the Helm, Corrupting Everything

I don't read much news, because it is so depressing. But I noticed a sad story yesterday about a man in Denver who snapped, murdering his pregnant wife and two daughters. He dumped their bodies in a crude oil field at work. The couple were living large, with a monthly payment due of $4,900 for their mortgage and other obligations. Young people today have the wrong values. What can we expect when we remove and ban the inspired Word of God from children's daily lives? Since 1963 God and His inspired Word have been outlawed in public schools. Teachers can (and have been) fired for promoting the Holy Bible to students. How could God bless this nightmare we have allowed Freemasons to create in the United States? That 666 foot tall giant erect penis commonly known as “The Washington Monument” says it all! Phallic-worshipping Luciferian occultists rule over America!!! Any man who is a member of Freemasonry is either very stupid or very wicked! We have abused our God-given liberties to do wrong, which has always historically always led to ruin.

A Nation Cannot Be “Great” While Influencing Youth to Be Sexually Immoral

Here's the type of immoral filth is legal today, which is destroying young people's lives! Where are the outraged parents over Taylor Swift's perversion? Why doesn't the mainstream media expose and condemn this Godless filth? All we hear about is every sin that any pastor commits, while the most wicked entertainers (like Taylor Swift) promote sexual sins and are given a free pass. I'll tell you why! It is because the people working for the newsmedia aren't allowed to express their own opinions, they are TOLD what to report! That is why they are commonly called “presstitutes”! Jesus gives us the answer in John 7:7, “The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil” and John 15:19, “If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.”

A Nation Cannot Be “Great” With Ungodly Bible Colleges Denying An Inspired Holy Bible

This is why we are told in 2nd Timothy 3:12 that a believer who LIVES GODLY IN CHRIST JESUS, SHALL SUFFER PERSECUTION. A believer who hides their candle (light) for the Lord won't be persecuted; but if you take a faithful Biblical stand for THE TRUTH AND MORALITY, the ungodly world and ecumenical, lukewarm, deadbeat, immature believers will devour you! The church's biggest enemy today is the Bob Jones University crowd, and other corrupt Bible colleges, not gays and atheists!!! Moody Bible Institute is a cesspool of religious apostasy and the Lordship Salvation heresy! I recently took a quick look at their college's main webpage, and was disgusted to see a bunch of teenagers jumping in their air with the knees torn out of their bluejeans!

This is the tragic scene today in Bible colleges. Go figure! BJU promotes corruptible seed, i.e., the Devil's modern counterfeit Bible versions!!! If you care enough to take an uncompromising stand for THE TRUTH, you will be persecuted by backslidden believers and the ecumenical religious camp. No doubt, many of them are not truly born-again Christian, like false prophet Dr. John MacArthur (an unsaved Calvinist). Christian believers can understand things that the unsaved person cannot grasp (1st Corinthians 2:14-16); such as, the nature, methods and goals of Satan.

Eve Foolishly Bought into Satan's Lie

The Devil has never been able to recruit people to serve him, without offering them something tempting in return (e.g., fame, sexual gratification and/or fortune), or by blackmailing them through intimidation and/or threat of harm or exposure. Jesus warned everyone that the Devil is a lying murderous thief (John 8:44), who comes with the sole intent of causing death, theft and destruction (John 10:10). The serpent couldn't have deceived Eve if he hadn't offered her to opportunity to become as a god. Eve was the first victim of a lying and shoddy salesman. Adam and Eve did become “as gods,” which the serpent had promised, but it wasn't anything like what Eve had envisioned.

Instead of becoming like God, she only became as “a god” in the sense that now she could make her own decisions between good and evil, and SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES OF MAKING WRONG DECISIONS!!! The serpent failed to disclose that little important detail. The Devil doesn't play fair! We see this truth exemplified in Revelation 13:15, when the coming evil False Prophet will murder anyone who refuses to worship the Antichrist. With these horrific truths in mind, it becomes obvious how obtaining all of your personal information will greatly empower the Antichrist (Beast) system, aka, a New World Order.

A Nation Cannot Be “Great” With Greedy, Exploitive and Shady Businesses

There is nothing as crooked as rental car businesses today. If you walk up to the counter to order a car, they'll quote a higher price and take advantage of you! If you go to the internet through Expedia.com or Booking.com, you'll likely find a cheaper rate. I was in a hurry and was at the airport, and needed a car. The woman at Alamo car rental wanted $103 for one day. I asked her if she was really going to make me take out my laptop and go find a cheaper price 20 feet away in a seat at Booking.com? She saw I was frustrated and said, “How's $22 a day?” I quickly replied, “I'll take it!” She then said, “Including added fees, taxes and insurance, that'll be $60 per day!” I felt numb, but it was better than $103 per day, so I said, “I'll take the car four days, done! Thank you.”

It was a hectic week and after four days I needed the car for one more day, so I called the return number provided on my rental contract. A cold woman answered (one of their national operators) and said it would cost me $190 for an additional day. She said I had entered into a “weekly rate”! I told her that I am a Christian, who treats other people the way I want to be treated, and what her company was doing is as ungodly as anything else. She couldn't have cared less, so I said “Forget it!” I drove all the way back to the airport and returned their stupid car. I ended up going to National rent car and paid $77 for just one day! Rental car agencies are thieves, liars and crooks!

Alamo also took advantage of me in Hilo, Hawaii. I returned the car to the designated parking stall on time, by 10:30 am, but I needed to get my things out of the car. I came to the Alamo counter at 10:35 am, and the woman working there charged me a $50 late fee, blaming it on insurance purposes. I called her a thief and asked for the phone number to their corporate office. She said, “I'll be nice and reduce it to $25!” I was so frustrated at Alamo's greed and shady business practices. it wasn't worth my aggravation and I paid it, AND THEY KNOW THAT! You see, rental car businesses are ungodly reprobates! They know that most people are traveling and they'll likely never see you again, so they rip you off while they can, and they do it everyday to thousands of people. They are ungodly thieves! These are just a couple further examples of how America has long lost her greatness! No nation is “great” that cheats other people, taking advantage of their hardships, profiting off their difficulties, and manipulating people to make money!

David J. Stewart #sexist #fundie #psycho #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

I receive some letters from feminist women (many who would deny being a feminist), who are upset about my strong articles refuting feminism and wifely rebellion. I am telling you the truth, the reason why there are so many divorces today is because woman refuse to obey their husbands. I have read countless tragic news stories of men who were pushed over-the-edge by a rebellious and troublesome wife. If the shoe fits, wear it! As Dr. Rice wisely says, nobody likes to be subject to authority, because it goes against our sinful nature to submit. Today's American mindset behind the legal system is heathen! Psalms 10:4, “The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God: God is not in all his thoughts.” If you read thru local legal brochures, I guarantee you that they list forms of “domestic abuse” as: “keeping track of your wife's time, censoring the friends she can have, wanting to know 'where' she is going and 'when' she will return, et cetera.” Folks, if you have a problem with these things, then you HAVE A PROBLEM! I don't expect a worldly woman to agree with God's Word.

The first thing that rebellious women do is magnify their restrictions. They'll say stupid things like, “Oh, you think women should be slaves!” That is exactly what the serpent (Satan - Revelation 20:2) did to Eve, inserting thoughts of oppression into her mind. Genesis 2:16-17, “And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.” So here we just read that Eve was allowed to eat of EVERY TREE in the Garden, except just ONE. God told her not to eat from only ONE tree, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; but carefully take notice what the subtle serpent said in Genesis 3:1a, “Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?” Wow! Did you get that? Satan turned the truth around, convincing Eve that she was a victim, a slave, not allowed to eat from any of the trees! This is the horrible ungodly attitude that we hear from wicked feminist women, making exaggerated claims and magnifying their restrictions, to facilitate their rebellion.

A legally married man has every God-given right to protect his marriage and family, and if he perceives anyone as a threat to his wife (whether physically, spiritually or mentally), he has every God-given right to shelter her. Our ungodly legal system is controlled by kooks, quacks and queers today, who permit sodomites to get married and adopt children. To stick a defenseless child in the hands of two queers is the ultimate child abuse. These are SICK people! Husbands have very little “rights” in today's feminized courts. A husband's right to leadership in the home is NOT recognized by the courts. Since 1988, women have been legally permitted to abort the father's child, completely against the biological father's will. I am so glad that there is a righteous God in Heaven Who WILL have the final say in all matters! What a sweet day of true justice that will be!!! (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14).

David J. Stewart #sexist #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

I get disgusted every time I meet military women, particular the older hags. They are bossy, jerks, bullies, tough, rough and rotten people in many cases. They make ungodly feminists everywhere proud! Feminism is the rot of America. I cannot stomach manly women who give orders. I walk away from them in disgust laughing. This bratty breed of rebellious females today, who get offended every time women aren't elevated to the level of a man, are a curse upon our land.

This is what is meant about the coming Antichrist in Daniel 8:25b, “...and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.” Democracy is mob rule! America is a ticking timebomb! We are utterly destroying ourselves with the liberty and freedom God which has entrusted to us. We are fools! God didn't give us freedom to fornicate and commit adultery, and to have abortions to murder the unwanted children conceived through sexual immorality. God didn't give us freedom to walk around nude in public, take the Lord's name in vain in every movie, get drunk at parties, and to legally marry homosexuals and let them adopt children. We have abused our freedom, destroying ourselves with peace. When the Antichrist comes, he will complete the destruction, taking liberty to the ultimate low as the reigning Man of Sin!

Something is very wrong in a society when women are liberated to positions of leadership, cops, judges, soldiers and senators. In ancient Rome it was not so. Women knew their place in society. Any time women rise to power, so does Satan! Look at the fruit of feminism in America—a degenerate culture of lesbianism, abortion, fornication, divorce and rebellion. The facts speak for them self! America has become 'THE GREAT SATAN' in the eyes of the rest of the world. We are arrogant, full of hubris and stubborn pride, which we think is a good thing, but it is destroying us. We have no right to force our abortion filth, through forced sterilization programs on other nations. We have no right to force our homosexual filth on others. Who do we think we are? Who do we think we are to force our naked American culture on other cultures? We are so spoiled rotten as Americans! Our attitudes are contemptible. American women wear clothing as do prostitutes, yet we condemn and call for women's rights in Muslim cultures, so they can become sluts, whores and naked barbarians like our shameful females. I SAY, TO HELL WITH THE UNITED STATES!!!

There is nothing more despicable today than America's empowered, angry and rebellious women. American woman, stay away from me!

David J. Stewart #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

A Century Ago Versus Today

Women are no longer approachable (including Christian women). A century ago little girls all played with dolls, wore dresses and cherished the thought of becoming a wife and mother someday. Boys did chores, mowed neighbour's lawns and learned to work and be responsible at a very young age. So by the time they were 14 years old, young men were mature, and young women were mature. They often married young in the southern states at age 14 and stayed married for life! Men went to work and provided for the family, and women stayed home to care for her family, preparing a proper dinner for a couple hours, helping the kids with their school work, and having plenty of duties to keep herself busy. Women loved their husbands back then, and were honored to be a homemaker, because that is what all the other women were also doing. Those were the good old days!

David J. Stewart #sexist #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

If a man lives alone, and knows that he will be tempted at church around women (especially in today's ungodly American culture where women wear miniskirts to church), he would be wise to masturbate before going to church, to remove that urge which will make him uncomfortable at church. I think that is wisdom.

I was sitting in church one Sunday morning, and a young woman came and sat beside me. She seemed about 18. For some reason she kept crossing her legs, dozens of times throughout the church service. She was wearing a skirt which revealed a portion of her thighs. She crossed her legs so much that I still sincerely think she was deliberately trying to seduce me for some reason. It made me uncomfortable, but I was able to ignore her because of what I just told you. Had I not been prepared for her, I would have had to leave the service in great discomfort. Women don't understand how rough men have it, they really don't.

And sadly, some of them do know, and they enjoy watching men squirm in agony. Proverbs 6:26, “For by means of a whorish woman a man is brought to a piece of bread: and the adulteress will hunt for the precious life.” For some women, teasing men sexually is a sport to them, covering their home wall with the stuffed mantles of lions, tigers and men!

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist #psycho jesus-is-savior.com

The Bible has a lot to say about our mouth, and the power of the tongue. I think this passage of Scripture is teaching wives to be submissive, and not overreact, when their husband gets angry. Many women foolishly pour gas on the fire by their inflammatory words! 1st Peter 3:6, “Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement.” There is much theological debate over the interpretation of this passage, but to me it makes perfect sense. A lot of women improperly respond to a husband's anger, which compels him to turn violent. Argue as you may, the thousands of news stories over the years about domestic violence support my interpretation of 1st Peter 3:6.

We also see that the opposite of being “afraid with any amazement” is for a wife to call her husband “lord” (her authority), which is doing well and being submissive. One of the most common things that I hear in the news is about angry husbands murdering their wives. It breaks my heart, because there is nothing more encouraging than seeing a stable and happy family. Something that I often notice, and you will notice it too if you pay attention, is WHY men kill their wives, which is almost always a consequence of her RUNNING HER BIG MOUTH! The Holy Bible has much to say about the power that a woman has over a man, for good or for evil. ...

Proverbs 18:21, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.”

Proverbs 31:26, “She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.”

Proverbs 7:21, “With her much fair speech she caused him to yield, with the flattering of her lips she forced him.”

Ecclesiastes 10:4, “If the spirit of the ruler rise up against thee, leave not thy place; for yielding pacifieth great offences.”

Need I say more? Wow! As you just read, a woman can tempt a man to sin, just with her lips. She can cause him to yield to sin, with her speech. And the best way to handle a normal person who is angry is to remain calm and quiet. Death and life, the Bible says, are in the POWER of the tongue! I am saddened each time that I read the horrifying story of another destroyed family. Oftentimes a man murders his wife because she ran her big mouth!

David J. Stewart #fundie #pratt jesus-is-savior.com

How do we show our appreciation to God for our freedoms? We teach our children that they originated from stardust, formed into slime and then somehow evolved from primitive mindless creatures into intelligent human beings. Only a complete idiot would even try to legitimize such nonsense. Only a mentally-ill person could believe that there's any truth to the bogus claims of evolutionists, especially considering that there's not even one credible shred of evidence to support it. The Bible makes more sense than any secular explanation for the origin of the universe... “In the beginning God” (Genesis 1:1a).

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

I saw a teen boy the other day with orange hair. Kids are being inspired by Satan, through devilish music, to spike their hair, discolor it, or shave it all off. They're being inspired by Satan to get tattoos—being prepared to receive the MARK of the beast (and they will). It's not just the kids either. Many men today are shaving their heads bald, tattooing themselves, wearing earrings, and looking like the Tidy Bowl man, i.e., an icon of the homosexual community. Yes, it's a freak show.

I certainly don't think it's a sin for a man to shave his head bald, but if you also have an earring in any of your ears, then you are conforming to the homosexual community. I don't think it's wrong or improper for a man to shave his head bald, but wearing an earring says that you are either a homosexual or supportive of homosexuals. Earrings in the Bible were associated with idolatry, “And they gave unto Jacob all the strange gods which were in their hand, and all their earrings which were in their ears; and Jacob hid them under the oak which was by Shechem” (Genesis 35:4).

David J. Stewart #sexist #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

What gives us the right as Americans to impose our degenerate lack of morals on the world? We are such rotten people! I am tired of hearing about how horrible and oppressive Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries are for requiring their women to cover up, made to wear burkas (see photo to right) to cover their faces. Burkas come 100% closer to being right, decent, moral and respectable than the whorish sluts walking around America with hardly any clothes on! I'd rather marry an Arab woman who wears burkas any day than some hussy American slut who has no self-respect or dignity! God's curse is upon the United States for our lack of fear for a holy God. The average American female speaks about her faith in God, while strutting 95% naked on the beaches of our nation, which is wickedness! These are the type of low-moral women who enroll into the military. Most females nowadays think it is old-fashioned and laughable to expect women not to wear pants, tights or spandex in public, but that is the godly and right way according to the Holy Bible. Shame on America's women for dressing like bimbos and whores! You can tell a lot about a a woman by the way she dresses, which reveals her attitude toward modesty and holiness.

David J. Stewart #sexist #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

WOMEN DON'T BELONG IN THE MILITARY. You've got a bunch of men without a wife, tempted by any woman in their midst, and for a young woman to enroll into the military is asking for trouble! It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this out. America is a big mess today, because the ruling Luciferian powers behind the subversion of our society are doing everything they can to confuse, corrupt and destroy marriages and families. I am not going to go as far as to say women get what they deserve if they get burned or raped by male peers in the military, BUT THEY DO GET WHAT THEY ASKED FOR! No one deserves to be sexually assaulted, no one! But you get what you asked for, like Jessica Lynch, if you place yourself into harm's way. WOMEN DON'T BELONG IN THE MILITARY. A woman distracts men from their work. Men are attracted by sight. Men desire sex, much more so than women on average. For a woman to place herself in the midst of a bunch of lustful men is the epitome of stupidity! These dumb women demand for the law to protect them which it cannot do all the time. Men are going to be men, and men are sinners! Women will continue to be sexually harassed, raped and abused in the military, especially in this wicked characterless generation that has no fear of God. WOMEN DON'T BELONG IN THE MILITARY, THEY BELONG MARRIED, AT HOME HAVING BABIES AND PREPARING DINNER! As America changes its core values, laughing at the idea that a woman's place is in the home, our society is going to total moral ruin (homosexuality, abortion, nudity, substance abuse, suicide, theft, hatred, gender confusion and sexual immorality). WOMEN DON'T BELONG IN THE MILITARY.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

As of 2019, Netflix now has 148 million subscribers. A large number of Netflix films promote a prevalence of sexual immorality, graphic bedroom scenes, sex perversion, sodomy, violence, blood, gore, full frontal nudity, torture, rape, mass killings, reality crime shows, shootings, occult themes, murder mysteries and all manner of ungodly filth. THIS IS THE CORE OF SATANISM!!! Their agenda is to fill the viewer's mind with such sordid content, to desensitize the viewer to sin. This explains why Americans today are silent about evil in society, tolerant of all manner of wickedness, going along with it. This is necessary by Satan to lead the world to accept the Man Of Sin when he appears—The Antichrist! A revolution of immorality is happening in America today, which will increasingly become so bad that the human mind will not be able to take it all in. The homosexual community is becoming so militantly brazen in their sin, that they are now openly promoting their wickedness on national network talk shows. Tragically, pastors everywhere are embracing the LGBTQ agenda, blaspheming the inspired Word of God. When gross immorality; such as, open homosexuality, is openly accepted as being normal, our nation has descended into hard core Satanism!

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

I am a friend to my web visitors, even though some of them are enemies toward me. That is okay, I still love them all. Truth takes time to work in a person's heart. If you are one of the few people whose e-mail I have had to block out for being abusive, I still love you in the Lord. I don't block people out to be mean or vindictive, but simply because when someone no longer respects me I cannot help them. It is counterproductive. If I were to allow critics to tear me down, I wouldn't have kept going in my ministry all these years, because I would have become overwhelmed with discouragement. I don't have a secretary to filter hate mail. I have to protect my heart, because no one else is going to do it. Proverbs 4:23, “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.” So I seek that one lost sheep who needs my help, and let the other 99 graze in the field by themselves. I have a tender heart and cannot handle hateful criticism. 2nd Corinthians 12:15, “And I will very gladly spend and be spent for you; though the more abundantly I love you, the less I be loved.”

Tall fences make good neighbours. I don't like to get too close to my web visitors or other preachers. I love helping others, but due to my own constant chronic neck pain, life's problems and burdens, I am unable to keep up with new e-mails at this time. One man in Scotland berated me last year for my support of Pastor Steven Anderson. The guy wrote to me in anger and said he could no longer walk in fellowship with me. He was a friend, so I thought. In anger he took down his website ministry at ChristianToolKit.com (it's gone) and I don't know what became of him. That makes me sad. I was the one who led him to Christ, influenced him to start his ministry website and I really admired the guy. But for my love and support of Pastor Anderson's ministry he rejected me. I love Pastors' Anderson and Roger Jimenez and stand by them against the filthy wicked homosexual community that is defiant against a holy God.

Kindly, sometimes standing for the truth is going to cost us acquaintances and even the loyalty of our family. I have had numerous web visitors write to me, telling me that their own family members are persecuting and rejecting them for their Christian faith. The Lord told us that this would happen. Matthew 10:36, “And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.” All you can do is love them unconditionally with God's love. There is so much hatred in the world. I am going to continue loving everyone with God's love, even if they don't return that love, or if they hate me or hurt me, and that includes family and other Christians. That is what Jesus taught for us to do.

David J. Stewart #fundie #god-complex jesus-is-savior.com

Everything that people do to me, they have effectively done to Jesus. The Lord takes attacks against His children personal. Mark 9:42, “And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.” Although some people assume that this verse speaks of little children, it actually refers to born-again Christians. How do I know that? Carefully notice the phrase, “THAT BELIEVE IN ME.” So it is a matter of faith in Jesus. Certainly God has a special place in His heart for little children, and I believe a special reserved wrath for anyone who harms an innocent child; but this Scripture about having a millstone (which usually weighs about 500 pounds) hanged around one's neck and cast into the sea, regards harming a redeemed child of God. Be careful how you treat a Christian, because the Lord is their Master. Matthew 25:40, “And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” When you're messing with a Christian, you're messing with the Lord Himself!

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

I watched a sickening YouTube video today by LGBTQ activist, Pastor Susan Cottrell, twisting and changing the Word of God into a lie. According to the Holy Bible, Susan is an ungodly fool. Proverbs 14:9, “Fools make a mock at sin: but among the righteous there is favour.” What she is promoting is called “QUEER LIBERATION THEOLOGY,” and it is of the Devil. Susan butchers the truth, disregards the Holy Bible, spits on a holy God, and masterfully sways the audience to reject God's truth in favor of family loyalty. The video is titled: Why I chose my LGBTQ daughter over the Evangelical Church | Susan Cottrell | TEDxMileHigh.

In the video presentation sponsored by Bill Gates of Microsoft, Susan publicly states:

“After 20 years in the evangelical church, I believed that being gay was somehow wrong [she sinfully laughs in scorn]. I love my daughter and I thought I had to protect her. So I said, 'Annie don't give in, we'll support you, how can I help?' As I hung up the phone, my heart sank. I knew we'd never be the same in the church again. Later at Bible study, I shared with some of my closest friends, hoping they'd give me some wisdom. Instead they just went straight for the rules. They said, 'Being gay is a sin and you can't accept it' [she sinfully laughs in scorn again]. Not accept my daughter—what does that even mean? I was devastated. I realized I was being asked to choose between the two most important parts of my life—my child and my church. I CHOSE MY CHILD! [she starts to cry and the ungodly audience explodes in applause with a standing ovation]”

SOURCE: https://youtu.be/rP01bH9Ljf4?t=179

Susan proudly boasts of having chose her child over God. What saith the Scripture? Luke 14:26-27, “If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple.” Oftentimes in life, people are forced to choose between pleasing their family or obeying God. It is a sin not to obey the Lord in His inspired Word (which is the King James Bible for English-speaking people). One of the most difficult tests in life is when our own family reject our faith, or expect us to understand and support their sinful decisions. Romans 3:4, “God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.”

Susan Cottrell makes the following false assertion, blaspheming the Lord...

“Parents are being asked to choose between a demanding God and their own child, and none of this has anything to do with what we learn from Jesus about the power of love.” —Pastor Susan Cottrell

In response to the preceding foolish quote, the crowd whistles and cheers in applause. This is a wicked and untoward generation! Miss Cottrell doesn't quote even one Bible verse, but claims to have attended seminary. I am quoting the Scriptures! 2nd Timothy 2:19, “Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.” Did you read that dear reader? The Bible commands every Christian believer to DEPART FROM INIQUITY. Susan errantly claims that Jesus was all about love and acceptance, asserting that God would never demand that a parent offend a child by rejecting their destructive homosexual lifestyle. Fifty years ago every church, doctor and psychologist approached homosexuality as a filthy disease of the mind and a sin; but because of Luciferian social engineering in American society, the entire spectrum of thought toward homosexuals has turned around 180 degrees, now approaching homosexuality as being normal from birth, a healthy lifestyle of anal intercourse, and something beyond one's control to be proud of and celebrated. Satanism has infiltrated, corrupted and destroyed American culture. Sex is the God of Satanism.

David J. Stewart #fundie #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

I have witnessed to countless people, who plainly saw the Gospel, but yet didn't see it. I have given Michael P. Bowen's excellent book, “I Never Knew You” (which wonderfully clarifies the Gospel), to unsaved people, and it didn't even phase them. I am perplexed how hellbound sinners can look right at the wonderful truth of the Gospel, and yet esteem it as rubbish, disregarding it as religious nonsense and foolishness. But that is exactly what the Holy Bible says isn't it? 1st Corinthians 1:18, “For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.” I used to think that if I could just get the Gospel to everyone, they would all get saved. Not so! Even in the face of plain truth, most people will reject it, esteeming it as foolishness. I do not know why some people accept and others reject the very same Gospel truth, but that is how it works.

But I am not just speaking about the truth of the Gospel. Try to enlighten the average person about the 9/11 attacks—which were orchestrated by President George W. Bush's corrupt administration, and carried out by complicit Saudi Arabian CIA operatives—and they will put up a big wall of defence and refuse to listen to reason. It was the Luciferian elite who were behind the 9/11 attacks, clearly indicated by their boastful 9/11 memorial All Seeing Eye at Ground Zero. By the way, look on the back of any U.S. one-dollar bill and you'll see the same All Seeing Eye of Horus, which signifies occult enlightenment and the now forming New World Order. The Antichrist is soon coming. Satan is the god of this evil world. Luciferians are in control. I could go on all day about conspiracy history. They are no longer “theories.”

Yet the average pastor couldn't care less about such matters. In his arrogant hubris and willful ignorance, he is foolishly going along as a puppet supporting the Devil's New World Order Bible versions, supporting manmade Israel and pulling on th same rope as the Devil. I'm talking about the gutless ecumenical Northland Baptist Bible College and Bob Jones University crowd! They will smile in your face, as if it's all a trifle matter, while they stab the Lord Jesus Christ right in the back!!! They spit in the face of Jesus!!!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

The Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregationalists is a Satanic religion. How do I know? Very simply, because they embrace all religious faiths and deny Jesus' deity. Take a look at the image which I captured below.

The above website and organization are a satanic cult that embrace all religions as being valid. Biblically, there is only one way and that is through Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God. Notice that they list Judaism on the left column. In fact, 25% of the Unitarian Universalist Church are Jewish and followers of Judaism. Judaism adamantly denies that Jesus is the Christ, which makes them liars and antichrists according to 1st John 2:22.

According to an American Religious Identification Survey[1] there are 629,000 Unitarian Universalist members just in the United States. That's 629,000 people who are worshipping a false god. The true and living God was manifest (revealed) to the world in the flesh of the man Christ Jesus (John 1:1-3, 14). Literally, the Godhead became flesh in Jesus Christ (Colossians 2:9 - King James Bible). God walked this earth in Jesus! Also, please study Christ in the Old Testament.

I captured the above image to expose this false religion as a front organization for World Religion. As we draw nearer unto the End Times, increasingly we're going to see one-size-fits-all religions like Bahá'í Faith and the Unitarian Universalist religion. Such false churches embrace the homosexual movement and don't preach against sin. They have religion without truth. They have churchianity, but not Christianity.

As you see above on their website, even atheists and humanists are honored as members! You see, the New Age religion of Satan says that you can believe anything you want except Biblical Christianity (which excludes all forms of self-righteousness). Salvation is not found in ANY religion; but rather, in a Person—The Lord Jesus Christ!

Below is a quote from one of their members, explaining their denial of Jesus' deity...

We can begin by acknowledging that Jesus must have been, first and foremost, a human being like any and every other human being who has ever lived. The difference was the depth of his faith—his trust—in God, the intimacy of his relationship with the divine, and the clarity of his awareness. When he is remembered as saying, “The Father and I are one,” he was talking about a union that is more clearly described with the words, “The Father is in me, and I am in the Father.” The man we know as Jesus was so in touch with the sacred as to be as one with it, yet he was ever and always a human being.

SOURCE: JESUS AND THE MODERN SEEKER, by Erik Walker Wikstrom (January/February 2004).

Members of the Unitarian Universalist religion don't believe that Jesus is Who He professed to be... THE ALMIGHTY (Revelation 1:8). Jesus is Almighty God! Anyone who denies Jesus' deity is unsaved.

Unitarian History

The word “Christian” is highly misused and misapplied...

“Unitarian Universalism is the result of the merger of two separate denominations: Unitarianism and Universalism. Originally, all Unitarians were Christians who did not believe in the Holy Trinity of God (Father, Son, and Holy Ghost).”

SOURCE: Unitarian History

It is a false claim that there are Christians who deny the Godhead (the Trinity). No Christian denies the doctrine of Christ, which includes His deity (John 1:1-3,14) and Godhead (Colossians 2:9, king James Bible). For anyone to openly deny the Godhead is sure evidence that they're unsaved.

One of the organization's stated principles is...

"Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations."

SOURCE: UUA: Our Unitarian Universalist Principles

Like the demonic Freemasonry religion, Unitarian Universalists invite members of different denominations to unite in a common cause. This religion is pure New World Order all the way! I feel sorry for children who are deceived by this satanic deception. Religion is not Christianity.

The FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH of Cincinnati has the banner to the left on their main webpage. They advertise of being a religion that fits the congregation. The Bible foretold of this type of religious denomination in 2nd Timothy 4:3, “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears.”

Such apostates will not attend a real Church where a man of God preaches the Bible. Instead, they ordain homosexuals and gather together in a social club that is as phony as can be. They know not the God of the Bible. They are Christ-rejecters who follow ANOTHER JESUS which the Bible does not teach. They believe ANOTHER GOSPEL of anything goes! They have ANOTHER SPIRIT in their services, a familiar spirit of doctrines of demons! 2nd Corinthians 11:4, “For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.” Jesus commanded in John 5:39... SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES!!!

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

The number one excuse today to deprive U.S. citizens of their rights is the homosexual issue, as Pastor Grayson Fritts found out when he was forced into early retirement as a police officer in Knoxville, Tennessee, for preaching the Bible truth that homosexuals should be put to death BY THE GOVERNMENT. Pastor Grayson Fritts Has Every Right To His Opinion, But The Ungodly Media Says He Doesn't! The ungodly media stirred up the public by dishonestly saying that Pastor Fritts called for killing gays! That is not what he said, he said that the government should execute them in a proper court of law.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

I am a law-abiding citizen (Romans 13:1-10). As such, I have a right to voice my opinion. Thankfully this is not communist China. The only place that I know of in America where you feel like you are in China or North Korea is in some Independent Baptist Churches, where you are forbidden to speak your opposition to the Devil's modern corrupt Bible versions. One such communist-feeling church is Harvest Baptist Church on Guam, where I was reprimanded for sharing the truth in 2014, and told that I could not return in 2017 three times. I love them, but they don't love me. That is okay, God loves me, and I love them, and if they hold a grudge that is on them. James 5:9, “Grudge not one against another, brethren, lest ye be condemned: behold, the judge standeth before the door.” I love everyone with God's unconditional love.

Despite what our ungodly U.S. government says, homosexuality is perverse, abnormal, exceedingly sinful, and it ought to be a punishable crime everywhere. Shamefully, President Donald Trump is working to legalize homosexuality worldwide. I absolutely detest the wickedness of the United States (and that includes our Luciferian led Masonic government and wicked people who support such wickedness). As recently as 1962 homosexuality was a punishable crime in all 50 states (and it should be). Incredibly, just 53 years later in 2015, our federal government has changed its mind, legalizing same-sex marriage (perversion) nationwide. If that isn't bad enough, now the government wants to impose their wickedness upon the world. I hate the wickedness in our ungodly nation! Who do we think we are as Americans, forcing ourselves (as a fiend rapist would) upon the world? What gives us the right as Americans to decide for the rest of the world what is right or wrong, and then try to force them to comply with our opinions? I cannot think of anything more ungodly, communist, reminiscent of Hitler's Nazi regime, insane and selfish. We have no right to force our immoral sickening behaviour on everyone else. Donald Trump is a wolf in sheep's clothing, which I have warned everyone from the very beginning!

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

There is no middle ground with God, you are either His friend or His enemy. It's one or the other. Jesus taught in Matthew 6:24, “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” The self life has no place in true Christianity. Women who pursue careers over homemaking are God's enemies (1st Timothy 5:14-15). God never created a woman who wasn't made for the purpose of being a HELP MEET for man (Genesis 2:18). America has gone to Hell because its women have murdered 50,000,000 babies, pursuing selfish careers instead, and have forgotten the God of the Bible.

I heard a young woman say that she KNEW it was God's will for her to audition for the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders. No Mame, you are woefully mistaken and wrong. God does not want you to dance around nearly naked like a lascivious whore, causing people to lust. This is the sinful, warped and selfish mentality of many Americans today. A pretty woman can roll around on the floor in lewd lingerie to make a country music video, like Fearless by Taylor Swift, and then still be praised as a good role model on the homosexual Ellen DeGeneres show. They are God's enemies.

To be God's friend means receiving the love of the truth and obeying God. I know a famous musician in Hawaii, a Buddhist, who travels around the world. Everywhere he goes he expresses his frustration over war, killing and the lack of love in the world. He blames religion. He views Bible-believing Christians who preach the intolerant Word of God as bigoted, blind to the truth and filled with hatred. He is still hellbound in his sins and very conceitedt.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Psalm 142 is special to me because...as I mentioned, it is my biography...I have been there!

"When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, then thou knewest my path. In the way wherein I walked have they privily laid a snare for me." -Psalm 142:3

David said his enemies had privily (secretly) laid a trap for him to step into. I've had people do this to me before. It's a very hurtful experience when someone cheats or hurts you, or when somebody spreads lies about you (or even worse, the truth). People just love to gossip and tear-down other people. Because I am a Christian, I've learned that some people will just sit in wait (as a predator), just waiting for you to stumble and mess up. Then when you finally do stumble, they are overjoyed inside to go tell everyone what a great big hypocrite you are. But do you know what? They are the big hypocrite because they are the one doing the judging. The hypocrite in Matthew 7 is not the person with the beam in his or her own eye, it's the person with the beam in their eye who casts judgment upon someone else's sliver. Jesus was teaching that since we are ALL ditty-rotten sinners, no one has a right to judge another. The fact is that we all have a beam in our eye, but most people only see the sliver.

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist #psycho jesus-is-savior.com

I truly enjoy listening to the book of Revelation, particularly chapter 18 about the utter doom of Babylon (which is very clearly the United States). I think there will be a nuclear attack in the future, and America in one hour will be made desolate. We deserve what we get! Legalized queer marriages? Legalizing child-murder by abortion? Legalized smut, nakedness and indecency? Legalized screwing of the public by greedy businesses? Thug lawyers are tools used by ungodly people to hurt other people. We live in an insane society, where women dress like sluts, but then insanely expect men to respect them! I am 100% against harassment of any kind, but I am also 100% against women having “a right” to walk around promiscuous and lewd. They belong in prison!

If I were made a king, with absolute control over American society, I'd rip the flesh with a whip from the back of any woman who wore whorish attire! It would be a done deal. The Holy Bible says God will appoint us as rulers, to reign with Christ during the Millennium. In my city, women WILL wear proper modest attire, or you will beg for mercy when I finish with you! I am sick and tired of sluts and whores, who are contemptible compared to female dogs, walking around dressed provocatively in public, while the crazy law is waiting to put men into prison for life who as much as touch them. That is evil beyond words! That is nothing less than setting a trap for men! Men are aroused BY SIGHT (Matthew 5:28), and the Devil knows that! Argue as you may, the crime statistics PROVE my point. America is awash in sexual crimes nowadays, because women don't believe in modesty anymore. Sadly, being a whore in behavior and appearance is woefully promoted by the music video industry, magazines, fashion designers, television and Hollywood!!! Hell will be hot enough! The average country music video today is a scantily clad, slut-filled, short porno film! God damn America! I would NEVER ask for God to bless this cesspool of iniquity!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

One of Motley Crue's band's shameful members, Vince Neil, killed a man in 1984 while drunk driving. But when a famous rock star murders somebody while drunk, they are given a slap on the wrist. Vince was only sentenced by the judge to 15 days in jail! The Holy Bible teaches an eye for an eye, tooth for death, the death penalty! Vince Neil, and all drunk drivers who murder innocent victims, ought to receive the gas chamber! Ecclesiastes 8:11, “Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.” America's legal system is catawampus! The news is filled with people who committed heinous crimes, but were given ridiculously light sentences. Yet, Morton Berger of Arizona, an award-winning public school teacher, is rotting in a state penitentiary for 200 years, for literally downloading 20 indecent images of animals having sex with children. Granted, Morton is a pervert, but does he deserve 200 years behind bars? So how does a murderer often get 1/10th the sentence of a man who downloaded some dirty pictures with his credit card? Truth is stranger than fiction.

What the band Motley Crue and their horrible movie “THE DIRT” fails to convey, is that it is THE MUSIC ITSELF that inspires that immoral, criminal and irresponsible type of behavior. The music is evil, inspired by demons!

Job 20:5, “That the triumphing of the wicked is short, and the joy of the hypocrite but for a moment?” The United States is a wicked place. We have truly earned the shameful titled of being “THE GREAT SATAN!” This sinful temporary world will soon pass away, and all that will matter then is whether you die in the Lord (Revelation 14:13) or die in your sins (John 8:24). 1st John 2:15-17, “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.”

The repulsive deathstyle glamorized by Motley Crue and their fans is shameful, which they readily admit. Albeit, young people today need to be told more, than just that Motley Crue did some bad things; young people need to be warned that vile degenerates like the members of Morley Crue are ungodly people, their music is of the Devil, and they will face the frightening judgment of God in eternity. Hebrews 10:31, “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” I am not condemning anybody, for I am a guilty sinner just like anybody else. My only hope for forgiveness of sins and eternal life, is through faith in Jesus Christ alone and His righteousness. Thank God for the sacrifice of His only begotten Son on the cross of Calvary.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

For example: In 2017, Pensacola Christian College in Florida in gave $25,000 to a local Baptist church on Guam. Unfortunately, the loser for a pastor (a shameful PCC intern) scolded me for telling people that the modern Bible versions are corrupt. He literally accused me of being “obsessed with the Bible debate.” What a sad little man! He's at PCC right now, awaiting his next church to corrupt. That sorry rascal admitted to me that he couldn't even identify one thing wrong with these modern Bible versions. Yet that shallow missionary pastor berated me for caring about the truth, and getting excited over the purity of God's Words. I make no apologies (and if that pastor where a real man he would have apologized, but he didn't). That bum is lucky I don't mention his sorry name, but I have always been a gentleman toward those with whom I disagree (even though they are ungodly clergy). I am in full agreement with David in the Old Testament, who said in Psalms 119:139-140, “My zeal hath consumed me, because mine enemies have forgotten thy words. Thy word is very pure: therefore thy servant loveth it..” WHAT A GREAT BIBLE VERSE!!! Woe unto America's backslidden pastors!


Woe unto our nation's ungodly pastors and Bible colleges, who no longer care about the purity of God's inspired Word.

Woe unto America's ungodly leaders, who have betrayed our nation!

Furthermore, once a citizen is convicted of a felony crime, Americans find it almost impossible to find a decent job. When a person pays for their crime in America, they are still punished for the rest of their life with a record hanging over their head. Then foolish pastors criticize them for being homeless! Are you kidding me? This country has gone berserk, making it next to IMPOSSIBLE for millions of American citizens to survive anymore. This is all by design folks! The Luciferian elite need to destroy the Old World Order (which includes the traditional family and Christianity), before they can build their demonic New World Order, whose dictator will be the Antichrist!

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

Homosexual agenda Donald Trump is not worthy to shine the shoes of Ted Cruz's father, who suffered while living in Communist Cuba, a good man who has told THE TRUTH about the homosexual agenda and Communism (MP4 you can download and save or share) being forced upon Americans! Senator Cruz' father opens people's eyes to the truth—the truth that the true agenda behind “homosexual rights” and forcing the lies of Evolution upon children, is all about the government gaining control over its citizens!

Joseph Goebbels (1897-1945), Hitler's Nazi Propaganda Minister

Jesus warned in Matthew 12:25 that a house divided cannot stand. It is not a coincidence that Americans are divided on everything today, which the ungodly media keeps going. Much of the homosexual agenda is built on a house of cards, and it doesn't take much to blow it over! Americans need to speak up and stand up, besides throwing up, over the homosexual agenda! It is wrong to go along to get along with ungodly people! Psalms 1:1-2, “Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.” If you love Jesus and fear God, then you are upset about the homosexual agenda as I am! I CARE!

Hitler's ungodly minister of propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, truthfully stated:

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

SOURCE: Nazi propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels.

Ladies and gentleman, that is EXACTLY what is happening today in America today! The ungodly media are the sole reason why the homosexual agenda is working. If it were not for the ruthless media, homosexuals would be the outcasts of society and NO ONE would respect, honor nor receive them! Why should we? Homosexuals are perverts! It got out in the news a few years ago in England, that singer Elton John's “marriage” is a sham, and that Elton and his “partner” are actually having sex with hundreds of men in wild parties! The media very quickly killed the story! Hearing that sickening story didn't surprise me one bit, because 28% of queers admit to having had sex with more than 1,000 partners!!! ...

Bell and Weinberg reported evidence of widespread sexual compulsion among homosexual men. 83% of the homosexual men surveyed estimated they had had sex with 50 or more partners in their lifetime, 43% estimated they had sex with 500 or more partners; 28% with 1,000 or more partners.

SOURCE: Homosexualities: A Study Of Diversity Between Men And Women; Bell and Weinberg, page 308; ©1978.

Only in a facade of freedom, in a decadent society of tolerance of all manner of idolatry, covetousness, filth, evil and wrongdoing, can such wickedness as homosexuality thrive and even be given legal protections. This is the ugly TRUTH that the ungodly media has withheld from the American people. Have you ever noticed that Hollywood and the media always portray homosexuals by using two young attractive men with harming personalities, or two beautiful women with beautiful women with likable personalities? It is a deception. The ungodly liberals are trying to deceive you into thinking that homosexuality is a beautiful thing. Folks, never forget that the Devil is a beautiful liar! Never call “good” what God calls vile, sinful and an abomination!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Monsters Are Real

Read what former U.S. President George W. Bush (who has a special place in the deepest Hell along with his father who is already there) said to the press during the criminal Iraqi War...

“You have to keep repeating things to catapult the propaganda.” (SOURCE: Shameful U.S. President George W. Bush during the illegal Iraqi War)

Mr. Bush is a devil! Knowing fully that the entire Iraqi War (which claimed the lives of 1,455,590 innocent Iraqis) was based upon the BIG LIE that Iraq possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction (which were never found), and knowing that several thousand U.S. soldiers lost their lives in the Iraqi War, Bush joked at an extravagant White House dinner party (article), showing his lack of morals, decency and sincerity; but moreover, it reveals the monstrous cold-hearted (MP3 of Bush joking), calloused, murderous agenda of these evil people!

Because of our love for sin in America today (and that includes wicked territories like Guam where sin abounds), people have woefully lost their moral convictions, hatred for sin, and prejudice against evildoers. Matthew 24:12, “And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.” It is not hard to figure out why millions of Americans are now homeless on the streets of every major city. Things are getting really bad economically, and I assure you the worst is yet to come. You can thank the criminal Federal Reserve Banking Act since 1913 (aka, Fractional Reserve Banking), which was intended from the very start to bankrupt Americans! The Federal Reserve System works exactly like the popular child's game “Musical Chairs,” in which it is known from the very beginning of the game that someone won't have a chair at the end! You can be assured that the Banksters won't be the one without a chair, but you may not!

Millions of Americans are now homeless on the streets of every major city. Most people like to blame the homeless people themselves, because a lot of them are indeed on illegal drugs or mentally ill. What real help is being offered to them? That's right, virtually nothing! The governor of Hawaii has declared a state of emergency due to the massive homelessness problem there. In short, greed is to blame! Rich people like their money. Did you know that 40% of all the wealth in America is owned by the top 1% of company executives?! It is true! Please don't misunderstand, I am not a Communist. I don't believe in the unbiblical Robinhood philosophy of taking from the haves to give to the have nots! Albeit, I also am not blind. According to the 2018 Giving USA report, Americans gave $410 BILLION to charity. Statistics show that Americans give another $50 BILLION to churches each year.

A disturbing 2012 article in the Huffington Post revealed that just taking the $20 BILLION which Americans spend annually on Christmas decorations could end homelessness! But the problem goes much deeper than just swapping our Christmas decorations to give the money to the poor. They need decent jobs to remedy the problem! The reason why there is a job shortage is because our ungodly government leaders have betrayed the people, allowing Anti-American Globalists to eliminate tens of millions of U.S. jobs, to relocate them to foreign countries to exploit cheap labor and escape dozens of U.S. workplace regulatory agencies. The remaining jobs in the U.S. pay so little that people cannot even afford to pay their monthly rent. The number one reason for homelessness is the staggering high cost of housing. That is why San Francisco has an epidemic homeless problem, with people defecating everywhere in public.

Heroin Tent Cities Are Popping Up All Across America; Los Angeles Now has 44,000 Homeless!

It is not the government's job to provide for its people, but IT IS the government's job to protect the people. The Federal Reserve Act since 1913 has destroyed the American people! Basically, you own what the banks allow you to own! They can easily do that by increasing or withholding the amount of money they print, which affects interest rates. Professor G. Edward Griffin wisely said that if you didn't get anything else out of his 2-hour presentation against the Federal Reserve, remember that “Inflation is a tax!” INFLATION IS A TAX!!! Ridiculously high rental apartment costs is INFLATION! Ladies and gentlemen, you are being TAXED by the filthy rich through the manipulation of interest rates, but the average American is so ignorant of how our economy works that they don't realize they are a VICTIM! In case you still haven't figured it out, the ungodly people behind the Federal Reserve Banking System are MONSTERS!!!

“The problem with America is you dumb preachers!” —Pastor Bob Gray Sr., a quote from the needful sermon, “Is There A Place Called Hell?”

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

Everywhere we turn nowadays we are bombarded with the garbage that homosexuals deserve to be treated like everyone else. The big problem is that it all boils down to whether or not a person THINKS homosexuality is a sin? Would you feel that a convicted murderer, adulterer, child molester, thief, embezzler, arsonist, rapist, or bank robber, deserves to be treated THE SAME as everybody else? Of course you wouldn't (unless you are a bad person yourself). So who is the U.S. government to dictate what is or isn't a sin? What arrogance! What do you expect from the same ungodly government that has banned the Holy Bible from children's daily lives in public schools since 1963, and instead forces the blatant lies of Evolution upon them? If, as the lying legislative leaders of this country claim, they really cared about not infringing upon the beliefs of atheist Americans, then why do they force the obvious lies of Evolution upon those same children, many of whom come from Christian homes? Why the utter hypocrisy? Clearly, a group of ungodly people want to rid children's minds of God and the Holy Bible, and replace it with humanism and the falsehood of Evolution. Hell will be hot enough!!!

I do not suggest nor endorse harassment or violence against “gays,” but I also encourage fellow Christians not to accept or go along with the ungodly homosexual agenda. It is evil. I am friendly and kind to everyone, but I would never hire, bid Godspeed, voluntarily work with, nor associate even remotely with a known homosexual. I would NEVER allow my children to play with other children, who live under the care of two homosexuals. My primary concern would be the other children teaching lies they have been taught about homosexuality to my children, and a secondary concern would be the threat from the queers themselves. A homosexual cannot be trusted for numerous reasons! One reason is that you cannot trust a person who is living in rebellion against God. Another reason is that homosexuals think abnormally, and that is cause for concern. We have a Biblical duty to refute all works of darkness. Ephesians 5:11, “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.” I am reproving the sin of homosexuality!

David J. Stewart #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

I Believe The United States is Going To Be Nuked

I feel like the prophet Jeremiah in Jerusalem, preaching the Word of God to a stiffnecked people, just before Babylon attacked and destroyed Israel in 586 BC. I sincerely believe that Russia and China are quietly preparing to attack the United States. We have become so foolish as a nation! The United States has the blood of tens of millions of lives on our hands. Each and every American who has remained silent, and done absolutely nothing to stop abortion, has blood on their hands! Genesis 4:10, “And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground.” Having an abortion does not make a woman unpregnant, it just makes her the mother of a dead child!

Russia is an afflicted country today. They have much to be disgruntled and bitter over, besides the freezing cold. Women outnumber men in Russia, because millions of Russian men have literal drank themselves to death with Vodka! In 2014 the average Russian woman had SEVEN abortions during her lifetime! So Russia is a sinful place, with a massive drug abuse problem, just like the USA. Albeit, thankfully, Gay Pride Parades have been banned in Russia. I never thought I'd desire to move to Russia, but I'd like to live in a decent place where homosexuality is outlawed. Homosexuals are a very real threat to children, which statistics show. Homosexuals are sexual deviates, often seeking to have sex with a male or female, and have little if any moral restraint, evidenced by the repository of pervert Roman Catholic gay priests.

Whether we get nuked or not in America, WE DESERVE IT! This whole gay thing is insane! People have lost their minds. I mean, there are hardly any men's restrooms on Guam anymore! There are “women's restrooms” at McDonald's, and then there are “family restrooms.” There are no longer men's rooms! I have seen no less than a half dozen women walk right into the men's restroom over the past year. American society's degenerative influence affects the territories as well. It is just a matter of time until women's restrooms disappear too, and perverted men walk right into them! Satan is the author of confusion, not God (1st Corinthians 14:33). Youth are deliberately being confused today with the blatant lies of Evolution, to confuse them concerning the truth about God and Creation, as recorded in the Holy Bible. Youth are deliberately being confused today with hundreds of counterfeit English Bible versions, to confuse them concerning the inspired King James Bible. You are deliberately being confused today about their sexual gender, to lure them into the demonic homosexual deathstyle! Youth are targets for Satan today! If the Devil can get 'em young, then he's got 'em for life!

All across the United States today, social networking companies are deleting the account of Christians who speak the truth. This is not liberty. When a tiny handful of mega-corporations buy up and consolidate several dozen media outlets, and then censor the truth, you effectively have a police state and freedom of speech is dead! That is exactly what is happening in America today! Facebook, Google, YouTube, MySpace, Twitter, and other social networking websites have terminated the accounts of truth-tellers!

I just learned today that the Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona had their bank assets seized by Bank America, for Pastor Steven Anderson's courageous Biblical stand for the truth that homosexuals are perverts, who Biblically were deservedly put to death under Old Testament Mosaic law! Like it or not, that is THE TRUTH! Homosexuality is a perverse deathstyle that needs to be resisted, condemned and outlawed! People with good sense will fully agree! Only a rebellious God-hating society of spiritual degenerates would go against the inspired Word of God, by tolerating sin in any form. The purpose of liberty is the freedom to do RIGHT, not WRONG. When people do WRONG, they lose their RIGHTS! And if a society won't have God as their Ruler, then they will be ruled over by ungodly tyrants! Enacting more laws and lengthening prison sentences won't deter crime, it will only fill up the prisons! America is on a slippery slope into Hell! In response to God's abundant goodness upon America, we have forgotten the Lord (Deuteronomy 6:12).

I get shivers just reading Revelation chapter 18, because the Word of God practically gives the location of the United States! If humanity has proven one thing throughout history, is that mankind always destroys himself! Ecclesiastes 7:29, “Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions.” A nation's people can only shake their fists at God in sinful defiance for so long, before His longsuffering runs out, and then God's wrath and judgment will assuredly come! If the Luciferian elite were eagerly willing to sacrifice the lives of 2,996 Americans on 9/11, do you think they won't murder millions to further the New World Order of the coming Antichrist? God is judging the United States by giving us over to our enemies...

Image transcript: Picture of a mushroom cloud, tinted red

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

The name “Satan” means “The Accuser”! Revelation 12:10, “And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.” That sounds like the evil manure-spreading newsmedia! All across America, local newspapers destroy lives by publishing accusations against people! It doesn't matter if the accusations are true or false, they are damaging! I am sure that most of the accusations made by the Devil to God about believers are true! Carefully notice that Satan doesn't accuse the unsaved, the Holy Bible says the Devil accuses “THE BRETHREN” (Christians).

Pastor Jack Hyles was a righteous man, who stood like no other preacher against sin and evil in America, and for that very reason he has been relentlessly attacked like no other preacher! Dr. Hyles took a strong stand against the shallow ecumenical crowd, with their counterfeit Bible versions, sycophantic worship, worldly standards, and lack of soulwinning in their churches. For these things, Pastor Hyles was hated by the new evangelical crowd. Consequently, Dr. Jack Hyles' family has been unfairly persecuted. As one of my favorite preachers (Pastor Danny Castle) said, “God pity the preacher that the world don't hate!” 2nd Timothy 3:12, “Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.” Are you being persecuted for your Christian faith? I sure am!

David J. Stewart #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

In Bible prophecy Russia is mentioned, but not the United States. I am fully convinced that Revelation 18 is the United States, the wicked nation that goes up in flames in just ONE HOUR. I am convinced this refers to nuclear war, which is the only way a nation could be totally destroyed, sent back to the medieval period in ONE DAY! If The United States Goes To All Our Nuclear War With Russia, We Won't Win! Revelation 18:8 and 19, “Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her. ...And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas, that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.” America deserves God's fierce judgment!!!

Homosexuality is a vile sin in God's sight. Sexual immorality is epidemic across the United States! Adultery is commonplace. Fornication is everywhere! Pedophiles are everywhere! The pedophile problem is so bad in major cities across America, that city ordinances now forbid adults without a child from sitting within 150 feet of a playground. Can you imagine? The Roman Catholic Church is a haven for pedophiles, homosexuals and pederasts, but nobody is doing anything about it! What has our nation become?

Television is as filthy as ever, which woefully contributes to the problem. Hollywood is a cesspool of iniquity, which woefully contributes to the problem. But the root of the problem goes much deeper than just television and movies. The apostate condition of the churches is the major cause of our nation's deterioration. Where are the preaching preachers?

Rock music has changed our nation, incrementally, into a liberal-minded, indifferent, nation tolerant of sin! Booze, illegal drugs, drug trafficking, prostitution, assault, human trafficking, robbery, selfishness, covetousness, pride, boasters, disobedient to parents, and all manner of evil are happening everywhere in the United States! Apathy is commonplace. How did all this come about? In 1962 homosexuality was a punishable crime in all 50 states, but in 2015 it was legal in every state! How did our nation go to moral ruin in just 53 years? It was a consequence of social engineering by Luciferians behind the scenes, who promoted everything vile and unholy to influence the masses to live in sin without God.

That is why praise of Aleister Crowley and Satanism were a common theme among the pioneering Rock bands. who destroyed America. Led Zeppelin idolized Satanist Aleister Crowley, as did The Beatles and other popular bands. The band Rush commonly displays occult pentagrams in their music and album art work. New World Order symbols have always been featured throughout the entertainment industry, showing the Satanic subversion behind it all. Pink Floyd, Jefferson Starship, Blue Oyster Cult, Black Sabbath, Megadeth, Metallica, Iron Maiden, and thousands of other music groups are all saturated with Satanic and NWO symbols. This clearly evidences the Satanic plot to destroy the United States from within! If you doubt these things, you are woefully naive! Satan is the god of this evil world.

Here's a disturbing YouTube video about prophetic events in 2019. The world is quickly moving toward a Global Godless Totalitarian Communist Police State! We are increasingly hearing about a one world system (global DNA database, world court, global taxes, global military, cashless society, world church, et cetera). President Donald Trump - Mark of The Beast By 2020? Many Will Die! Calm Before The Storm! There are a lot of things in the works right now, gearing up for the Tribulation period. The return of the Lord Jesus Christ to catch up the saints (i.e., Rapture) has never been closer! We are beholding the last days! Even so, come, Lord Jesus!!!

Just as I made friends with a mean dog and turned him into my friend, the world is slowly being converted over to Satan! The Antichrist is called the “Man Of Sin” (2nd Thessalonians 2:3). Instead of barbequed skirt steak, the churches have been infiltrated and are being corrupted with New World Order Bible versions. Instead of barbequed skirt steak, our nation's homes are being infiltrated and corrupted by Satanic Hollywood, through various forms of media. It is not a coincidence that Harry Potter is a witch, who has been pushed upon impressionable children worldwide. Harry Potter is the Devil's ribeye steak being used to convert the children over to Satan! The world is deliberately being corrupted, defiled with all manner of evil, to prepare them to receive the coming Man Of Sin!

David J. Stewart #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

Just as Eve was weak and vulnerable to demonic influence, so are many women today susceptible to snake tongues and self-righteous hypocrites who are busybodies in other men's matters (1st Timothy 5:13). A fool-headed wife is rottenness to her husband's bones. Proverb:12:4, “A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband: but she that maketh ashamed is as rottenness in his bones.” Did you know that the concept of a “No Fault Divorce” originated in Communist Russia? It's true! No fault divorces didn't come to the U.S. until 1969.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Something that most people don't know about Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001) is that he always steered young people to love, honor, respect, show gratitude, encourage, care for and be loyal to their parents. Most Bible colleges don't teach such practical things. There is nothing in this world any more important than honoring (valuing) one's parents. Even Jesus Himself, while dying on the cross and suffering in horrific pain, thought about His mother's welfare (John 19:27).

Honoring one's parents was a big deal to Dr. Hyles! Brother Hyles taught us (now that we've been to college) never to correct our parents if they speak poor English. Dr. Hyles taught us to love and appreciate our parents, and never to correct them on the Bible because we've been to Bible college. You don't go to college and then go back home and educate your parents. That's disrespectful. You love your parents and accept them as they are! If they ask questions, that's something different; but you never correct your parents when you think they're wrong. It's about respect. There should always be a general respect for one's parents (and all our elders for that matter). Youth today lack respect for the elderly. There was a time in America when young people always showed respect for their elders by addressing them as “yes Sir” and “no Sir” or “yes Mame” and “no Mame.”

You should value your parent's feelings. Teenagers today are brats who betray their parents, rob them, dishonor and hurt them. The daily news is flooded with stories nationwide of youth who dishonor their parents, dragging them into court, even killing them in anger. A 16-year-old teen in Miami, Florida, stabbed his own mother 14 times, killing her, and then he hid the body and threw a house-party!!!

This brat generation totally dishonors and disrespects parents. Teenagers can be very hard on their parents these days. The Word of God foretold in 2nd Timothy 3:1-2, “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy...” The entire concept of a “Generation Gap” is disobedience to parents! Christian teens ought to recognize the teaching of a “Generation Gap” as being of the Devil. There is NO Generation Gap unless you are following the new homosexual generation, the new party-all-night-long generation, the abortion child-murdering generation, the Godless generation!!!

You honor your parents in many ways, primarily by the life that you live. You honor your parents by treating them the way you'd want your children to treat you, that is, making them feel needed and loved. Parents tend to feel unneeded when their children grow up and move away. Jesus taught that it's a sin to have the attitude that you're doing your parent(s) a favor by financially helping them...

Matthew 15:3-7, “But he answered and said unto them, Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition? For God commanded, saying, Honour thy father and mother: and, He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death. But ye say, Whosoever shall say to his father or his mother, It is a gift, by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me; And honour not his father or his mother, he shall be free. Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition. Ye hypocrites...”

Your parents raised your sorry butt. They fed you, housed you, cared for you, provided for you; how dare you make them feel like you're doing them a favor to talk to them on the phone, visit them or help them financially. You owe them, they don't owe you! You should always give to your parents without expecting anything in return, that's your mom and dad!!!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

My doctor is threatening me now. He has twice so far refused to be my doctor anymore unless I subject myself to other medical treatments, which I have already undergone, which were worthless, and didn't help me at all. It's a big racket! Now they want me to subject myself to physical therapy AGAIN. I suffered through 5 months of that torture and nonsense. They gave me an electric battery-powered box that buzzes on my neck, as a pain alternative. I THREW IT INTO MY GARBAGE PAIL WHERE IT BELONGS! I paid $100 for that crap! That is the insanity of doctors today! Kindly, they surely do earn the derogatory title of QUACKS! Another doctor sent me to a chiropractor, who handed me a donut-shaped magnet to hang around my neck, to help alleviate my pain. THAT WENT INTO MY GARBAGE PAIL TOO, WHERE IT BELONGS! Magnets don't alleviate chronic pain! You're an idiot if you think it does, as much as the idiot doctor who insults you by handing it to you in the first place. Folks, nothing helps alleviate pain like good ole pain medications, which is why GOD GAVE US OPIUM! Is that so hard to figure out? The people dying from opioids are ABUSING DRUGS AND ALCOHOL! That is how actor Heath Ledger died in 2008, from illegally taking a cocktail of prescription drugs that he had no business taking!

Anyway, it's difficult just to get by from day-to-day. It all comes from my neck. I am sick of all this crap from the doctors. I will get street drugs if they cut my medications. I'll move wherever I need too to obtain them. As I type, the toothache-like pain in my neck is terrible and there's nothing I can do. The pain radiates into my facial area. The dull, aching, pain behind my eyes is awful. The entire facial area is sore. In 2011, I was taking 160 mg per day of prescription Oxycontin for chronic pain, and no one complained at all!!! Now in 2019, they've got me down to 80 mg per day and they're still complaining. I don't know how much more of this I can take!

People just don't understand. I try to force myself to go places and do things, but it is difficult. I feel overwhelmed. I look fine outwardly, but inwardly I am physically hurting horribly. My wife cruelly abandoned and divorced me 13 years ago, and I seriously doubt if I'll ever have a girlfriend or be married again, because I cannot find a wife anywhere. I have looked high and low, but there is no one. And of course, she would have to be someone that can get along with me, not a sassy brat with a big mouth, who thinks she knows it all, like my x-wife. Proverbs 31:10-12, “Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life. I once found such a woman, at Hyles-Anderson College, but she married another man, and it haunts me to this day. She was voted Miss Highlander, but I foolishly didn't reach out to her. The curse of my life has been my fear of simply telling others how I feel. If you understand that, you'll then understand why I have such a big mouth in cyberspace, I am tired of being silent. I have something to say now! I have never been blessed with a Proverbs 31 wife. Most women today are a Genesis 3 woman, destroying her own family.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

GOD DAMN AMERICA AND GOD DAMN GUAM! They abort children here just as much! Queers and transvestites are all over the place on Guam, and they are fully supported by local businesses and the government. Guam is whore city at the beaches! And if you want an actual whore, lower Tumon is full of whore houses, just go to 90% of the massage parlors. They do this for the wonderful U.S. military, full of whoremongers! It matters not if it is a female from a local Baptist church, or a Korean prostitute, they all dress THE SAME, wearing pants! I'm just telling it like it is folks.

The courts on Guam are quick to arrest citizens for every little offense, but the whore houses are privileged, and for the sake of the U.S. military, the authorities look the other way. Shhhh, it's a secret! There's not a local man on Guam who doesn't know what I just told you, because it's not a secret, nobody cares, that's all. Strip joints are legal on Guam, and no clothes at all are required for the strippers. Great place to live, huh? I say that facetiously, Guam is a very sinful place! As much as I loath the Roman Catholic Church cult, some of the best people on Guam are Catholics, who have fought hard to keep the ungodly gambling casinos out, and I am happy for that! The local Catholics have also fought hard against abortion, even compelling a local abortion clinic to close its doors! Amen for that! Sadly, the local Baptist churches have DONE NOTHING to help as far as I can tell. They must operate like the whore houses, in secret! I am a Baptist, and I am ashamed of my own churches.

If you are a woman and wear pants, I do not condemn you. In this time of woeful debauchery and wickedness, most pastors have backed off on the pants issue, figuring they are fortunate enough just to have a congregation. However, that is not a valid excuse for not upholding proper dress standards for women and men. Someone needs to speak up for modesty, virtue is not dead! Just because nearly everyone else is an ingrate, indifferent, immoral, greedy, selfish, dishonest and immodest, doesn't make it right! I fall in love every time I see a Baptist woman in culottes or a long dress. My heart longs for such a wife. I am wondering if there is anyone like that left anymore, because the next day I see the same woman, she is wearing tight sexy black spandex in public. She's a whore at heart! Yes, this is the era of the Christian whore!

David J. Stewart #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

I am so sick and tired of phony professed Christian woman, who wear a pretty modest dress one day, and look like Marilyn Monroe the next! I am a big sinner just like anybody else, and I have my faults, so I am not condemning anyone. I'm just telling THE TRUTH. Women ought not wear pants! I've had numerous web visitors contact me to express their disagreement with me on this matter, even some men! It is just as wrong for a woman to put on a pair of pants, as it is for a man to wear a dress in public. Men ought to look like men, and women like ladies. A female is not a lady! A woman is only as modest as her most IMMODEST day of the year! So if you wore that bikini to the beach one day, YOU ARE A SLUT!!!

I saw one shameful Caucasian woman behind Chamorro village on Guam, 99% naked. She was beautiful and well figured, in her 20's. I glanced over and couldn't help but notice her. Her husband (or boyfriend) looked at me, as if to say, “Show some respect by not looking at my wife.” THAT SLUT NEEDS TO RESPECT HERSELF!!! She starred at me, as if to say, “Don't look at me, I'm am not dressed!” I did look away, but it was very hard to do so! She had the look of embarrassing SHAME all over her face!!! But it was a whore's false shame, not the pure shame of a repentant Christian woman. The world's shame is only that they got caught, and they still have every intention of continuing in that shameful sin and wickedness!!! What I am preaching is virtually unheard of nowadays!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

This is America today—queers getting married (no such thing in God's eyes), queers legally adopting children (the ultimate child abuse), millions of children are still being murdered every year by abortion, women walking around in sensual attire (whores every one), greedy companies ripping people off left and right, churches fully endorsing corrupt Satanic Bible perversions, and God only knows what other ungodliness lurks behind the scenes across this no longer great nation! We need a bunch more Pastor Fred Phelps, reminding Americans why we deserve to suffer God's judgment, and burn in Hell for our wickedness!!! Why shouldn't God damn this wicked nation? I am praying for it with all my heart and mind! Please Russia, nuke this arrogant land of The Great Satan!

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

I'll never understand how any professed man of God can use the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible, after being informed that at least two flaming homosexuals were on the Committee On Biblical Translation (CBT) who translated the NIV. Virginia Mollenkott and Martin Woudstra (chairman of the Old Testament committee) gave the apostate world the NIV perversion. These homosexuals were offended by the truth of God's Word, and so they removed the word “sodomite” completely from the Old Testament. So when you hear homosexuals and their wicked sympathizers attacking the Bible, saying that God also called eating shellfish an abomination; remember that homosexuals have completely removed the word SODOMITE from the Bible, which condemns them all to the eternal fires of Hell as Jude 1:7 warns.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

For those who understand the occult and their subversive agenda for a New World Order, you know that the theme of rebellion (represented by the number 13) is commonly used in the rock music industry, particularly heavy metal. From AC/DC's song “Shoot To Thrill,” to Ozzy Osbourne's song “ Suicide,” murder and death are promoted by the bands. AC/DC's song “She'll Be All Night Long,” has almost become the national anthem in America, which promotes the woeful sin of fornication (which has become prevalent across America). Another popular song beloved by Americans is AC/DC's blasphemous, “Highway To Hell.” Music doesn't make people sin, but it inspires sinful people to commit sin, stirring unholy passions. Adulterous men make adulterous movies that inspire adulterous people! The Devil knows just how to encourage people to sin! There are certain types of music that our flesh likes, but we ought not listen to. That is why I don't listen to Heavy Metal, even though it is appealing. Rock singers and band members have often been called “gods.” Men and women throw themselves at celebrities, surrendering their will and body to them, which is ungodly!

Rock singers are liars! I heard Angus and Malcolm Young from AC/DC explaining the meaning behind their album and song, “Highway To Hell.” They said that the song merely describes hard life on the road while touring. What a bunch of liars! They have to lie, to avoid more criticism than they already receive. AC/DC lies, claiming that it's just about the music, and not promoting Satan or Hell. If that be true, then how do they explain their next album in 1980, with hit songs like, “Hell's Bells” and “Back In Black”? The lyrics to Back In Black include phrases like, “If you're into evil you're a friend of mine!” In Hell's Bells Brian Johnson sings the sinful words, “I got my bell, I'm gonna take you to hell, I'm gonna get you, Satan get you!” If you are blind enough to think this is merely about hard times, for a rock band on the road while traveling from one city to the next, you're an idiot! The lyrics praise Satan, Hell and evil! I am tired of hearing wicked groups like Ozzy Osbourne, AC/DC, Black Sabbath, Megadeth and other Satan-promoting bands, try to dismiss their Satanism with lame excuses. The entire rock music industry is saturated with occult symbols and Satanism, the god of this evil world whom they serve!

David Lee Roth is no hero, yet the ungodly modern newsmedia promote and honor these wicked celebrities, while sinfully tearing down godly preachers who uncompromisingly take a stand against sin in America! A preacher can make one mistake, and the world will condemn him for the rest of his life, and destroy his ministry; but an ungodly celebrity can sin thousands of times, and make as many mistakes as possible, and it is hardly noticed, if mentioned at all. This proves the Holy Bible to be true, confirming the Lord's teaching in John 15:19 that the world will love their own, but hate a born-again Christian, especially one who is living a godly life (2nd Timothy 3:12). When you are a Christian believer, the whole world is waiting for you to fall!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

A person has to be willingly blind to deny that 911 was an inside job. Fox News (Fools) are some of the biggest deniers of 911 being an inside job. Interestingly they all seem to attack anyone who dares question the government's official 911 story. What is so bad about simply asking questions? To research, here's some 911 Resources.

The amount of energy required to completely destroy a skyscraper is simply not found in a plane filled with jet fuel, most of which is kerosene. And how do 2-planes bring down 3-buildings? The very fact that the government refuses to properly investigate the 911-attacks, nor allow anyone else to, shows that they're hiding the truth.

Metallurgical tests were not allowed and all the remains of the 911 ruins were shipped to China. No plane ever struck WTC building 7, yet it imploded completely to the ground in 6.5 seconds. That can only be caused by a controlled demolition, which is exactly what the 911-attacks were. The building's owner, Larry Silverstein later admittedly that New York's fire chief asked if they could “pull” the building. It requires months to plant enough explosives to pull a 47 story skyscraper!

The official 911 story has been proven a fraud! Why People Won't Believe 911 Was an Inside Job. What if that were your loved ones jumping to their deaths from the 88th floor of WTC's one and two? Would you care then? There has been a total media blackout concerning the truth behind the 911 attacks. The firefighters who were there on 911, who saw and heard the bombs going off in the buildings (bombs that were planted in the 2 years leading up to 911), have been silenced by a New York judge (threatened with imprisonment).

Marvin Bush (former President George W. Bush's younger brother) administered the electronics security firm handling the World Trade Centers for the 2 years leading up to the 911 attacks. That's how they planted the bombs. Truly, the Bush family is the most wickedest family in the world, just as was satanist Aleister Crowley, THE MOST WICKED MAN IN THE WORLD (former President George H. Bush's father-in-law).

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

In 1913 the most treasonous crime ever committed happened, called The Federal Reserve Act (or the fractional reserve banking system). The banksters are worse than Al Capone and all the gangsters of the Roaring Twenties! Why No Jobs?

If that weren't bad enough, the banks are ruthlessly confiscating citizen's homes by hiring lawyers to smash the little guy, don't give him a chance, and steal his home away before he knows what hit 'em. Hell will be hot enough! The Washington Post reported this week what we've all suspected for a long time, i.e., that a bunch of lying, thieving, criminals are behind the theft of American's homes!!! This is beyond evil. The bankers are hiring lawyers to speedily process paperwork for home foreclosures, so the homeowners don't have time to do anything about it. At present, 2,000,000 Americans are losing their homes, and there's another 2,300,000 right behind them. Wall Street Injustice!

Can you imagine? This is so evil. Our government deliberately allows treason. They open our borders to allow illegal immigrants to flood our nation; thus bringing down real wages. Then they give all our manufacturing jobs away, so greedy corporations can exploit slave-labor on foreign soil. To add insult to injury, now American citizens have to compete with illegals for the remaining minimum wage jobs. And so American citizens can't find a decent job, and they can't pay their bills (even with the wife working). Instead of helping its citizens, the U.S. government helps the greedy evil bankers, helping them to steal citizen's home by hiring lawyers to do the dirty work. And they do!

Do you understand this? They gave away your job so that you can't pay your mortgage, and now they've hired a lawyer to steal your home as fast as possible before you can do anything about it! What a bunch of scum! When your home is gone, so are your property rights as a land owner. Wherever you rent you will not have any say in the matter. When everyone is renting in America from government-controlled housing, you will be required to get scanned before entering or leaving your apartment (as security). The government will have a right to place audio and video monitors in your residence. The bogus terrorist fearmongering is just getting started in America. They're using this as an excuse to butt into everyone's business!

“Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen...”
—ZBIGNIEW BRZENZINSKI, United States National Security Advisor

Welcome to George Orwell's hellish 1984.

With this kind of selfishness, cutthroat business and evil greed, it's a wonder why God doesn't reign down fire and brimstone on America. We certainly deserve it! As the U.S. economy nears implosion, you're going to witness a lot more dirty-business, blatant theft, and cutthroat greed. The same God who heard the cry out of Sodom, hears the cries coming out of the U.S., whether the cry of 50,000,000 aborted children from the ground, or the cry of millions of swindled homeowners who have been oppressed out of their homes by crooked lawyers, politicians and bankers. God hears the cry! The Bible teaches in Matthew 12:36 that people will be held accountable by God for even the words they speak.

The average American couldn't care less. The problem is sin. Sin causes people to become complacent and not to care. When people stop caring, then the Devil comes in and builds a rat-nest. We live in a spiritually rat-infested, worm-hole; a snake's nest of wickedness in America. This has all been by design. The rotten Communists behind the New World Order knew back in the 1950's that the best way to subvert the United States was to begin with moral corruption. This would weaken and destroy its families, thus allowing the Communists to do as they please without opposition. This is why they can steal our homes and get away with it.

This is why the Federal Reserve Criminals can steal $23.7 TRILLION of our taxpayer money and get away with it. This is why CPS can steal our kids. This is why airport security treats passengers like thugs, forcing families to be naked scanned. More Hitlarian scanners are on the way! If you like an oppressive society, then you're going to LOVE THE MILITARIZED, DEHUMANIZING, POLICE STATE! None of this would be happening if enough Christians stood up AGAINST THE EVILDOERS as Psalm 94:16 teaches.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

We must do our best to stop the Devil in his tracks. I remember when a relative bought a pair of high-heel shoes for my 11 year old daughter. I told her to take them back to the store. I felt they were not appropriate for a young girl to wear.

One day I heard the same relative tell my daughter that a person's birthday determines their gifts in life. I stopped her immediately and said, "That's New Age garbage, please don't bring that into my home." That's what we all need to do, i.e., take a stand for what is true and right. We all adopt wrong thinking at times since we are surrounded by heresy in society. Peter told Jesus that he would fight to the death to prevent Him from being crucified. Jesus called Peter, Satan, because Peter had adopted some demonic thinking (Mark 8:33). May we all SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES as Jesus commanded in John 5:39 so that we can try (test) the spirits as 1st John 4:1 teaches.

My relative had gotten into astrology. By the way, astrology is witchcraft. All New Age is witchcraft. Witchcraft is seeking help or guidance from spiritual sources other than God or His Word. Yoga is witchcraft. Palm reading is witchcraft. Séances are witchcraft. Horoscopes are witchcraft. I wasn't trying to be mean to my relative, but the Devil had crept into her life and I didn't want her influencing my family for wrong.

A root of bitterness can destroy a person, a family, a church, or a nation. The Federal Reserve system which was started in 1913 is a root of bitterness. It has been the downfall of this great nation financially. Abortion is a root of bitterness. Alcohol is a root of bitterness, it has destroyed countless millions upon millions of lives. Playboy is a root of bitterness, which has destroyed marriages and families all across the world. These are the poisonous roots of evil which destroy lives and ultimately bring God's judgment (Romans 1:32). Hollywood is a root of bitterness. Walt Disney is a root of bitterness. MTV is a root of bitterness. CMT is a root of bitterness. Cigarettes are a root of bitterness.

Illegal drugs are a root of bitterness. The corrupt Pharmaceutical industry is a root of bitterness. Corrupt and evil politicians are a root of bitterness. Crooked judges are a root of bitterness. The Council on Foreign Relations is a root of bitterness. The United Nations is a root of bitterness. The World Bank is a root of bitterness. The IMF organization is a root of bitterness. Gambling is a root of bitterness. Public schools are a root of bitterness.

The Catholic religion is a root of bitterness. The New International Version of the Bible is a root of bitterness. The American Standard version of the Bible is a root of bitterness. The National Council of Churches is a root of bitterness. Sodomy is a root of bitterness. These are ALL deadly poisons.

Yes, there are a lot of poisons in our society... we must be diligent to safeguard our loved ones and our selves from them. God help us!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

By God's grace, I am a caring person. It is part of who I choose to be. I care about little things. I admit that I am emotionally sensitive. I get my feelings hurt easily. I have had numerous people throughout my life tell me to “grow thicker skin,” but I like my skin just as it is. No thank you, I am not going to become thick-skinned like the heathen world, uncaring, calloused and cold-hearted toward the things and people around me. When I go shopping, I always return my own cart. If I see someone else's cart left in the parking lot, I grab theirs too, and return them to their proper place. I care about stray dogs, and I feed them with my own food. I care. I am not a perfect person, quite the opposite, but I want to be someday when the Lord rids me of this troublesome flesh.

I was driving the other day, and was disgusted watching the woman driving in front of me, tossing her garbage out the window, a little at a time. People are so wicked! I like the saying, “There cometh one after you!” When you toss litter on the ground, somebody else has to pick that up! When you leave your cart outside the store in the parking lot, someone else has to come get it. When you don't clean up the toilet after use, someone else has to clean it up for you! I am appalled at how many men don't lift the toilet seat and make a mess for others to have to clean up. It is selfish wickedness! At a minimum it shows very poor manners and a lack of refinement. Let not such awful things be said of any Christian!

I brought my malfunctioning computer to a local repair store. They charged me $25 to diagnose my system. No one bothered to call me. So I called 4 or 5 times over the next 2 weeks. No one ever worked on it, so they claim. When I asked the young men working there, and one older toothless manager, they said the technician was just lazy. I have learned not to argue with people. I told them to keep the money, I just wanted my broken system back. As I was ready to leave with my malfunctioning system (there was no video), the toothless manager decided to be a nice guy, and asked the young Smart-Alec to look at it real quick. This is 2 weeks after they did nothing to even look at it. In 10 minutes he diagnosed that the RAM went bad. So I paid $125 for 4 GB of new DDR3 RAM. I was happy, despite their horrible mistreatment. So I asked how much money and the young man was reluctant to take it, so I laid $20 on the counter anyway, insisting that someone take it, because I am an honest man, and I wanted to pay them something. I care!

They treated me badly, but I wanted to do right by them anyway. I would never recommend their computer store, nor would I ever go back, but I did right while I was there. I always want to do the right thing, wherever I am at. When I got home, I realized that one of my secondary hardrives was now the primary, and the SSD (Solid State Drive), which used to be my primary, isn't even operative anymore. They did something to mess up my computer. Did they do it to be malicious? I still believe that someone was holding a grudge against me at the store, and deliberately did me wrong, but since I cannot prove it, I let it go into God's hands for judgment. I do that often, either because I cannot prove something, or else because there is nothing I can do. I marvel at how many trillions of evil things God must one day judge, but then I stop and consider the zillions of stars, and remember that God calls them all by their own name (Psalms 147:4).

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I know a preacher, a godly man, who was accused of raping an underaged teenage boy long ago. I am fully convinced that he didn't do it, and he said publicly that he didn't do it, but the stigma sticks and that preacher has suffered greatly because of that slander. I would never mention the preacher's name, but he and his family have had to leave his home town, and relocate elsewhere to get away from the fallout caused by the accusations. I pray for the man and his family, and my heart goes out to him. Dr. Hyles was slandered by ungodly critics. I am used to being slandered by ungodly critics. Kindly, God will deal with them all (Matthew 7:1-2; 1st Peter 4:17; Romans 14:10-12; James 4:12; Romans 12:19-21). One encouraging truth that I learned long ago is that my enemies are really Jesus' enemies (Matthew 25:40). My life is hid in Jesus Christ as a child of God (Colossians 3:1-2). The Devil only comes to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10). Romans 8:34 teaches that no one can condemn a redeemed child of God. When someone slanders a Christian, they are bringing heavy judgment upon their own head! I already have eternal life, presently! Although my flesh will perish, my spirit cannot die (2nd Corinthians 5:1, 8). There will be no break in my soul's conscience when I die. Amen!

I see the utter hypocrisy of the world, favoring the wicked while condemning the righteous! Hollywood is so evil that lawyers actually drew-up legal documents, which prevented women employees from reporting sexual harassment from Hollywood pervert executives! All lf those lawyers, judges and executives should be in prison for a very long time! This type of ungodliness is common among the rich, where they get away with unthinkable crimes. Search the internet for a perverted Jew named Harvey Weinstein, a sick-minded womanizer who groped over 80 women in Hollywood, and as an executive in the movie industry was protected by scum lawyers and judges, until he got caught! I am starting not to link to news websites anymore, because the internet is becoming so exploitive and unethical toward people. I am sick of the buttonholing, annoying pop ups windows, and thuggish treatment of others by ruthless businesses today. People nowadays will economically rape, kill and steal to make-money, and I am against it all!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I wrote some heartfelt poetry today (July 6, 2017) for the Bob Jones University and Northland Baptist Bible College crowd...

While I suffer reproach for Jesus' name, they loaf on their spiritual couch in shame;
While I pray for those men the truth to search, they are merely playing church.
While they prosper in their lukewarm disgrace, I am faithfully running the race;
While I earnestly contend for the faith, they foolishly spit in God's face!

SOURCE: a heartfelt truthful poem by David J. Stewart; July 6, 2017.

I like that poem, because it is THE TRUTH!!! Any religious college or church that supports the corrupt Alexandrian Bible versions (i.e., all modern perverted Bible revisions) is pulling on the same rope as the Devil, helping hinder men from believing THE GOSPEL!!!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

There is a witch hunt on the internet, an angry obsessed mob of ungodly critics, bottom-feeders and trolls, who hate Pastor Jack Hyles and his entire family. It has become a feeding frenzy of bizarre claims, blatant lies and lunatics! An ungodly person focuses on any negative aspect of a person's life to destroy them, while deliberately overlooking the thousands of positive things and admirable accomplishments of the same individual. Thankfully, when God judges each Christian, He is going to look at the whole life, the big picture, and not just the few sins or mistakes that the person made. Praise God for His fairness. 1st Peter 4:17, “For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?” Far too many people place them self in the position of judge, jury and executioner, which is NO ONE'S right to do concerning sin, except God alone (James 4:12).

I refuse to live without love, I must have it! I cannot live without loving everyone. It matters not if people love me back, and most don't, but I have a need to express God's love for every creature! The apostle Paul said that the more he loved others, the less he was loved in return. 2nd Corinthians 12:15, “And I will very gladly spend and be spent for you; though the more abundantly I love you, the less I be loved.” I became a lonely man long ago, loving others beyond their capacity to reciprocate that love. I wouldn't have it any other way! I would 10,000 times rather love people, than not love others with God's unconditional love. Who am I that a King should bleed and die for? People can be difficult to love, but at the end of the day, as a redeemed child of God, my conscience as a Christian will not allow for anything else than forgiveness and love. I choose to let things go, and forgive, and love, and let every day be a new day, looking ahead in the Lord. I sometimes have to block people out, because they are too negative in their e-mails, attacking me with their hateful words, but I love them anyway in the Lord. If God can love a woeful sinner like me, then I can love others as God commands me to do (Matthew 22:39).

This doesn't mean that I don't contend for the faith, which is a necessity, but I love those whom I refute, sincerely. ...

Ephesians 4:15, “But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ.”

Galatians 4:16, “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?”

Anytime you tell THE TRUTH, you will make enemies. Telling the truth sometimes splits a church! For that very reason, and this is tragic, many churches and pastors in today's apostate generation refrain from telling the truth, lest they risk a church split. Ladies and gentlemen, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself warned that NO MAN can serve God and mammon (Luke 16:13). The Bible tells us that many of the chief rulers believed on the Lord (meaning they got saved), but they did not confess Him, because they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God (John 12:42-43).

There has never been a man greater than John the Baptist (Matthew 11:11), because John prepared the way for the coming of THE GREATEST of all, the blessed Lamb of God (John 1:29). John lived out in the wilderness, not dependant upon people for his food, clothing and necessities. Therefore, John could preach the truth without worry over how he would survive. God only knows how many preachers have been starved out by an angry pulpit committee in a church. In his youth, Pastor Jack Hyles didn't receive a salary for eight week, because the bigshots in the church were trying to starve him out. ...

In 1945, Brother Hyles became the pastor at the Grange Hall Baptist Church in Marshall, Texas. They didn't pay him for the first 8-weeks, and when he did get paid, his salary was $20 a week. In his sermon titled “Good Ol' God,” Dr. Hyles says that during those 8-weeks that the church deacons refused to pay him, he bought a push-lawnmower and cut the grass of church members for $1 to $2 to keep food on the table. He faithfully pastored that church and walked with God. Oh, how we need to get back to old-time Christianity in our churches today.

I also decided as a young preacher that I would tell the truth, even if it offends people and costs me fake friends. As Dr. Hyles says, there's no such thing as losing a “friend.” It is not the preacher's duty to make friends and influence people, but to speak THE TRUTH!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

The Massive Population Increase Evidences We're In The End Times

The following graph reveals the startling explosion in the world's population numbers over the past 300 years, especially the past 100 years (i.e., one century). Clearly something very different is happening in the world and this massive growth rate cannot be stopped without massive genocide, murderous abortion, global sterilization or war on an unprecedented scale which will kill billions of innocent souls!!! Everything I just mentioned is already in the diabolical blueprints of the globalists and their monstrous New World Order, which will be completed likely around 2030.


I'm just a guy who's a Christian and loves Jesus, and I have a website ministry for the Lord (for which I thank and praise God daily). My personal opinion is that the Pretribulation Rapture is VERY near! The trumpet is out of the case! Amen! I'm waiting for the Uppertaker, not the undertaker! The political saber-rattling between the leaders of the nations cannot last indefinitely. Tension is building! At some point red buttons are going to be pushed and things will BLOW UP!

We're living in a whole new ballgame of predator drones, anti-matter weapons, computer-fired guns, laser-beam weapons in outer space, and new super weapons beyond imagination. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!!!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

James says that “faith without works is dead.” James didn't say that faith doesn't exist without works. Dead faith is still faith in God's eyes. The smallest amount of faith saves! Concerning salvation, God is not looking for degrees of faith, He is simply looking for faith!

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