
Relampago Furioso #fundie returnofkings.com

“My sexual promiscuity is more important than a dirty little baby’s life.”

Hands off my uterus! Who wants that barren piece of anatomy, anyway baby?

How many methods of contraception do women have today? There is a veritable cornucopia of methods available to women to prevent pregnancy from happening in the first place. But, rather than taking responsibility and actually using one of the dozen and a half methods below, feminists refuse to show the world how Strong and Independent™ they really are by preventing conception and instead opting to fight to the death for the right to kill their unborn children in utero.

Feminists, why not try one of these methods rather than sucking children out of the womb through a tube as is the case in a first trimester abortion, or dismembering them and crushing their skulls as is the case in a second and third trimester abortion?

Birth Control Sponge (Today Sponge)
Birth Control Patch
Birth Control Vaginal Ring (NuvaRing)
Birth Control Pills
Birth Control Shot (Depo-Provera)
Birth Control Implant (Implanon and Nexplanon)
Female Condom
Cervical Cap (FemCap)
Fertility Awareness-Based Methods (FAMs)
Pull Out Method (Withdrawal)
Morning-After Pill (Emergency Contraception)
Sterilization for Women (Tubal Sterilization)

How sadistic are you bitches anyway, to push for abortion rather than personal responsibility, and valuing life rather than presiding over the death of your culture at the hands of your own selfishness?

Samson #fundie returnofkings.com

I'm always reminded of the scene from the first Taken movie, when he's watching a bunch of assholes bid on his daughter. If I remember correctly, she went for double what all the other girls did simply because she was still a virgin. If disgusting, lowlife, piece of shit sex traffickers and old, fat, perverted pedophiles can recognize a woman's virginity as making her more valuable (even if it is from a financial perspective), then why can't Western women? So there you have it: even degenerate pedophiles and scumbag sex traffickers have more sense than feminists.

Samson #sexist returnofkings.com

Bravo Michael, excellent article. Tip of the cap as well to Mr. and Mrs. Duggar. I read that either he or his wife chaperone all of their daughters' dates to ensure that their chastity stays intact. Of course the feminists mocked them and said it was "ridiculous" and "creepy", but I assume they're just mad because their vaginas have more mileage on them than a '72 Pinto whereas his daughters' are still factory fresh. They can't seem to grasp the simple fact that a woman's virginity is her greatest asset and the greatest gift she can give her husband, and no matter how much you call yourself a "Born-Again Virgin" on your wedding day by not fucking your fiance in the six months leading up to your marriage, that white dress doesn't make you any less damaged goods.

Relampago Furioso #fundie returnofkings.com

(part of an article titled "What The Anti-Trump Feminist March On Washington Really Means")

Here’s what feminists are really saying when we read through the lines.

“I’m a selfish bitch.”

What does Charlize Theron have to be upset about? Being worth $110 million for playing pretend for a living just isn’t enough?

What more do Anglo women possibly want? They already spend 90% more money than they earn in the economy. They gobble up 66% of public spending from the welfare state while men pay 75% of the taxes to support this gynocentric system. Women hypocritically make up 80% of all spending decisions in the materialistic, extremely wasteful and environmentally destructive economy they later complain about as not being “green” enough.

They then hypocritically say they Don’t Need a Man™ while statistics prove them dead wrong. Without men for the government to rob women would be up the creek without a paddle.

What’s most satisfying about the Daily Mail article was reading the “Best rated” comments below the article. Nobody is buying the propaganda establishment media is crapping out anymore. User Right Auntie wrote:

I’m not quite sure what they are protesting. Women in America can drive a car, get an education, get a mortgage and purchase a home. They can be doctors, lawyers, architects, engineers. They can be ministers or atheists. They can have children without men. They can speak their minds. I’m positive that they can still do these things now that Trump is president. This just looks like a giant hissy fit because their candidate lost. Being a sore loser is never a good thing.

Indeed, what are these women protesting? They live such decadent lives they’re literally killing the goose that lays the golden egg as the future belongs to those whose children will be in it, and the men who made their exorbitant, selfish existence possible are either breeding with other ethnic groups or becoming genetic dead ends.

Corey Savage #fundie returnofkings.com

(part of an article titled "The 5 Biggest Heroes of 2016")

Last, we have Vladmir Putin who has been leading the Russian nation against the globalists and the cancerous Western influence that is wrecking the world. Like the other men listed here, Putin has been on the receiving end of relentless media attack to defame him as a corrupt and tyrannical ruler and even a war criminal. He has become the boogie man in the West used to blame everything from the US election results to the war deaths in Syria, as well as serving as an excuse for NATO to expand to the East even when it is the US that is to be blamed for re-starting the Cold War.

Putin’s role in making Russia the main resisting force against the globalists and a stabilizing influence in the world is wholly unappreciated. It was Putin who stepped in to stop the West from completely destroying Syria as they had done with Libya, it was with the help of Russian airforce that the Syrian armed forces were able to achieve the victory they did this year, it was Putin who maintained his cool and tamed Turkey so that the two countries could work together even after Turkey downed one of its aircraft. You can tell just how much the world is stacked up against Putin and Russia by how the Western media has been silent on Russia’s humanitarian aid to Syria and the death of Russian paramedics in the hands of the “moderate” rebels even as the West lies and sheds crocodile tears about the situation in Aleppo.

Some people still hate Putin because they see him as the enemy of America and a threat to the West, but these people need to realize that it was not Putin’s decision to stir conflicts. He’s merely been reacting to the West’s efforts to undermine Russia. It is the US and its allies that chose to be Russia’s enemy, not the other way around. And if the West continues to expand its globalist influence around the world, Putin’s Russia will continue to fight back against it.

Closing Words

We have heroes not just so that they may lead us, but so that we be inspired by them. We shouldn’t merely worship great men, but strive to be one ourselves. Because no matter how great, an individual man by himself cannot change the world. All the men above did not act alone but had others who followed their lead. If you are truly interested in changing the world, you must become one yourself.

John Doe #fundie returnofkings.com

10 Reasons Why Foreign Women Are Better Than American Women

1. American women have unreasonable standards.

They expect you to have a big house in the suburbs and a salary of at least 150,000 dollars from a high status job (e.g. doctor, lawyer, CEO). Foreign women on the other hand, are content with a man, as long as he is a nice person and takes care of her and the family sufficiently.

2. American women have the highest obesity rate out of any other women worldwide.

Look at your average American woman nowadays— she is fat and looks like a hog. American women lose their beauty by age 30 and become very ugly, wrinkled, and fat. Foreign women, on the other hand, take care of themselves, exercise, and generally have very sexy bodies. Foreign women continue to be beautiful and attractive into their 40s, because foreign women take care of themselves and have a much healthier diet than American women.

3. American women see nothing wrong with cheating on her man.

Just look at the culture of America today. Women are glorified for slutty behavior. Foreign women, on the other hand, have not been raised to act like whores. They generally are far more chaste and loyal than the vast majority of American women. This is no doubt due to the more traditional cultures that non-Western countries have.

4. America has the highest rate of divorce in the world.

Considering that 90 percent of divorces are initiated by women, the vast majority of divorces are the woman choosing to leave the man. American women are divorce happy, and will divorce their husbands over extremely trivial reasons. The divorce system in America is also extremely biased in women’s favor, and many women will divorce their husbands simply to “cash out” (to take all of the man’s money and assets). Foreign women, on the other hand, have a much more loyal mindset to their men and won’t just abandon their husband because she read the latest chick book like Eat Pray Love and decides she “needs to find herself.”

5. American women have the worst attitudes in the world.

Pretty much every negative quality you can think of, American women embody it—selfishness, immaturity, narcissism, fake personalities, arrogance, and anger. In short, American women are a real pain in the ass to be around. This is just one of the reasons why I chose to cut all contact and friendship with American women and only maintain friendship with non-American women. Foreign women, on the other hand, are generally pleasant people to be around. They don’t have the massive chip on their shoulders like American women do, and are much more down to earth, humble, and genuine.

6. American women have no sense of humor.

If you tell a joke in front of an American woman, and it is even slightly politically incorrect, it can literally cost you your job. American women tend to be extremely vindictive and they get offended over the slightest things. Foreign women, on the other hand, are much more relaxed and not as psychotic as American women. Even if they do find something offensive, they will generally overlook it and not create a scene. This is because foreign women are not as insecure as American women and don’t feel the need to constantly prove themselves.

7. American women don’t know how to cook.

It’s like American women barely even know how to boil water. A home cooked meal to an American woman means boxed Mac N Cheese or Ramen Noodles. Foreign women, on the other hand, know how to cook complex multi-course dishes. The complexity of Indian cooking or Chinese cooking is something that would take an American woman years to master.

8. American women are more brainwashed by feminism than any other country on earth.

Feminism in America has transformed into a a man-hating movement that is reflected in the attitudes of American women. According to an American woman, “independence” is equal to acting like a spoiled, loud mouthed brat. Foreign women, on the other hand, may support feminism but they have a much more realistic view of what feminism means—equality. Feminism to a foreign woman means simply being treated with respect, instead of wanting to dominate the man, like American women.

9. American women have the highest rate of mental illness by far than any other women on earth.

Let’s face it—American women are pretty screwed up as a whole. They are emotionally unstable, mentally unstable, and suffer from delusions and are out of touch with reality. An American woman is living in her own movie, with herself as the star. And this narcissism is reflected in their mental health, as well. Foreign women, on the other hand, are very mentally stable, and aren’t prone to psychotic outbursts like American women are. Foreign women are much more down to earth and do not suffer from narcissistic delusions of grandeur as a result.

10. American women are superficial and fake.

They expect their men to also be superficial and fake. You have to put on a false image and be someone who you are not just to be considered as acceptable in America. Dealing with American women is exhaustive because of the amount of games you have to play.
Foreign women, on the other hand, are genuinely warm-hearted people and you can just be yourself around them. You don’t have to wear a mask or be a fake person in order to get a foreign woman to like you. That, in the end, is probably one of the best things about foreign women. You can relax and just be yourself and have a genuine relationship with a foreign woman.

Relampago Furioso #fundie returnofkings.com

What The Anti-Trump Feminist March On Washington Really Means
Cutting Through The Hamster Rationalizations With The Realtalk Shiv

Anxious to show the deplorables they still have balls and still cling to bitter Penis Envy, feminists were out in force in Washington over the weekend with their Starbucks lattes in hand. Establishment media was all over the event like a fatass, glouring feminist at an all you can eat buffet. Daily Mail had such a lengthy article about the “Women’s March on Washington” one might think they were covering a huge story like extraterrestrial life being discovered, when in reality all the story involved was a regurgitation of the same male-hating, anti-children, anti-family bile feminists have been spewing for half a century.

Unfortunately for them, feminists haven’t realized playing the victim card doesn’t work anymore. Anglo women are already the most coddled, pampered, and spoiled individuals on this planet, and the best they can do is fight for the right to kill their children in utero? What the hell? When one sees a spectacle like this, replete with such cultural pirates as Michael Moore, Cher, Charlize Theron, some washed up actress named Jessica Chastain and an aging Ashley Judd preaching the matriarchal evangel, it’s easy to see why white America is demographically dead and disappearing.

Incidentally, this is the insanity I gladly left behind for “fertile” and feminine shores elsewhere.

The red pill man knows never to believe anything women say. One of the most important skills men can learn in their dealings with dissimulating females is to watch what they do instead. Here’s a convenient translation guide to understand what the statistically sterile, solipsistic androgynes really mean when they peer into the camera lenses at the event and seek the attention and sympathy of weak White Knights and sleeping Beta males. But as we all know, women fuck bad boys and only seek to clean out good guys’ wallets.

Anyway, on to the list. Here’s what feminists are really saying when we read through the lines.

[wall of text commences, involving abortion, sexism and NWO conspiracy theories]

André du Pôle #fundie returnofkings.com

And here is the major fault line. The leftists deny or value—they often go from the former to the latter—the replacement of native European population, the aggressive and tribalistic stance of “minority groups” towards the silent majority, the forced inclusion of individuals into sick identity politics games, the perpetual hostility and institutionalized prejudice against whites and males— Either the leftists utterly deny what we are aware of, for example when they say that whites are not under replacement, or they demonize it as a remnant of some “privilege” or “prejudice.”

All their talk about “oppressed minorities” dissimulates the very real disenfranchisement of the white majority, of non-white meritorious and integrated Westerners, and serves to deny us from our rights to public empathy, to dignity, or to even basically survive in a world of our own. They work on language and representations because their job consists in manipulating these, thus brainwashing us into seeing the world through their lenses and denying the legitimacy of any other vision.

The importance of shared awareness explains why we united on the Internet. A lot of us were closet nationalists years ago, and still are. We could not, and often still cannot, be nationalists in public, or we would have been excluded from normal social life by the local leftists and cowards. Leftist hegemony was and is still real in the mainstream. You know hegemony when you see it and spend countless hours thinking about how you can thrive even when living under it.

In the mid-2000, I found out about the information website [i]Fdesouche[/i] (“Native French”) quote. By the standards of today, this news aggregator seems hardly interesting: it mostly collates pieces written by others. But then, it was fantastic. Here I could recognize what I already felt about the world—that something was wrong with all these non-whites thugs holding the streets and getting lavish promotion when they bragged about it. It was all concentrated before my eyes, and others were talking about what they went through daily as well. At least, others felt and saw the same as I did! I was not crazy, not bound to a life of unauthenticity or forlorn solitude among the almighty left. We were assembling. And we were on the Internet.

As most of us found ourselves under attack from non-native Frenchmen, and knowing intuitively that identity goes deeper than the fleeting winds today called culture, we often despised immigration in general. But eventually things changed, thanks to Alain Soral, mostly, who emphasized how racial struggle was leading to sterile battles among disenfranchised people while letting the truly powerful off the hook. Mathias Cardet, a black journalist who worked with Soral, showed how gangsta-rap culture was injected and nurtured among non-whites by powerful interests.

After all, one can be black or Arab and wanting to live in peace as a free individual, not as an identity politics pawn who spends his life attacking another social category.

Being pro-white, pro-masculinity and pro-tradition does not require being white: I often felt closer from Muslims with good intentions, i.e. Muslims who were genuine believers and not rancorous people using Islam as a mask for anti-white tribalism, than from white liberals. The Muslims would not share my blood, but they would share some of my awareness and yearning for Tradition, two things that white liberals eagerly reject.

The Internet is immaterial. It is, basically, a network where information flows. Awareness, and the will to spread it, are immaterial as well. This is why we could meet and act on the Internet. After all, the Alt Right and manosphere have been sharing ideas, media contents, memes, advises—and only later proceeded to meetups, panicking the totalitarian liberals in the process.

Trump’s victory is a major one. Regardless of what The Donald will actually do, it is an event of considerable historical magnitude. But it is only the beginning—make no mistake about that. The libtards’ establishment still holds loads of money, of institutions, of cultural territory. It has started to crumble and leak, yet it is still there.

Major battles are waiting ahead. We have to further our awareness, make thorough research on every aspect of leftism, and develop more proper cultural references.

Always remember the libtards never cared one second about us. They would have let us die off, alone, poor, childless, traumatized and demonized, had we not chosen to follow the path of the red pill.

America is a first-tier power, but it is still a battlefield among others. Wherever we are, it is time to thicken our mutual relationships and cooperate more closely. It is a battle, not between nationals and foreigners, but between workers and parasites, between those who feel the void and wrongness in the rotten core of postmodernity and those who dwell in the last liberal trend, between the realists who want freedom and responsibility in a healthy world of values and cultures against those who ravel in blue pill, media bullshit, complacency, parasitism and cucking for the empire of nothing.

We are the future. It doesn’t matter where we are. We are those with true awareness, those with genuine and healthy values, those who struggled to hone their abilities, and most importantly those who actually deserve to inherit the Western world. So, save it and conquer it, country after country, institution after institution, outlet after outlet—or there will be nothing left.

André du Pôle #fundie returnofkings.com


The 9th of November 2016 was a great day. We will remember it as well as our parents remember the first moon landing in July 1969 or the fall of the Berlin wall. Liberal mainstream media—almost a pleonasm—are either stunned or agitating. Some of these crybullies clamour to themselves how “fearful” they are, lament on the “destruction of the West”—a curious expression as it seldom appears under leftist pens—or have difficulties to acknowledge that the man they have despised and defamed every day for months will be the 45th President of the United States.

Outside the US, The Donald’s victory is creating waves, too. So many liberals allegedly connected to the Canadian Immigration website to crash it. In France, the bourgeois bohemians who work in the media, academia and everything that constitutes the big left establishment do the same posturing than their American counterparts, whereas the petits blancs (impoverished, disenfranchised whites) and local “righters” rejoice.

In Brazil, where your humble servant lives, the official media is making some tedious comments that deliver a flabby criticism. Local leftist talking heads condemn the “white protestants” and reality shows in a very cliché posturing that mixes anti-white prejudice with a critique of capitalism, whereas some new traditionalists, among whom some have been avid readers and makers of Alt-Right content, are grateful.

This is our victory.

A pro-Pepe Facebook group has had a substantive discussion about where a red-pilled foreigner considering moving to the US after the Donald won should go. To make a long story short, some have advised potential newcomers to go live in the Midwest, in Texas as long as one stays away from Houston or Dallas, in Wyoming for the gun rights, in Pennsylvania excluding Philadelphia and the urban areas, close to the Appalachian mountains if one enjoys outdoors, while staying away from Illinois. Most of those who participated were whites, but I have spotted some Latino and Arab names. Some made jokes on these names but no fuss.

And here the following question arises. What defines us? Liberals have been shrieking about “xenophobia” or “racism” all the time. Yet, strictly national boundaries are much less relevant than before, even for us, even when we all rejoiced about Trump’s promise to make a wall. All over the world we are rejoicing around the GOP candidate’s victory.

American “Trumpists” undoubtedly feel closer to non-Americans who have been dissenting from the NWO on the Internet and wanted the Donald to pass than to American libtards. A lot of us are OK with having non-whites around: we don’t pander to arrogant, aggressive anti-whites, but that does not mean we would have to be “racists” as the liberal caricature wants us to be. To cut in more personally, I know of no genuine red-pilled or Alt-Righter who would have rejected me as a frog, although I remember some stars and stripes cucks blaming me for daring to speak about American politics without owning a US passport.

So, once again, what defines us? Why are we a “we”? Race plays a role for sure. We struggle to keep the white people from getting dissolved into the acid bath of wide-scale miscegenation and dispossession. We want a right to solidarity based at least partly on race, i.e. on lineage and identity, just like all the pseudo-minority groups out there. We fight the double standard that allows them to be communitarian, tribalistic, nepotistic, without being ever responsible of what they do, whereas we are supposed to keep our heads down and be taught everything by liberal social engineers in a world where we would have no freedom, no future, no dignity.

But even then, there have been Blacks, Latinos, and many women who participated into bringing The Donald to the White House. I have a race-mixed friend who supported Trump all along. This is not to say “I’m not a racist!,” afraid cuckservative-style, but to show there are some and we know it firsthand.

It is no mystery why most of us are white: we are united around a civilization that was primarily built by people of European descent. But there is more, too.

And this “more” that, I think, defines and binds us; this “more” is shared awareness.

We are all aware, broadly speaking, of the same phenomena and trends. We have witnessed the break-up of families and harmonious relationships between men and women. We have been faced with the untold prohibition to make the least critic of feminism, “minority groups” aggressive identitarianism, and with the pervasive omnipresence of these leftist norms commonly referred to as political correctness. We have seen neoliberalism allowing a handful of careless, irresponsible assholes sending the jobs overseas, importing third-world immigration, then force us into a life of chronic unemployment or endless struggles against other low-wage individuals for a small place under the sun.

We saw how conservatism was a sham that never faced the genuine problems. We witnessed societies crumble, conflictual “minoritarian” group identities being crafted by the likes of Soros, and the meritorious worker or professional—whatever his race—getting exploited to the benefit of the lower and upper parasites. We saw the liberal establishment using various social categories like pawns to create horizontal struggles and depopulation.

Of course, some disagreements can be found on this or that particular issue, but we all see the same devastated landscape in lieu of the brilliant civilization the West once was.

Roosh Valizadeh #fundie returnofkings.com

With the help from MediaWiki expert Raymond Kertezc, I have launched Kings Wikis, a wiki centered around the themes of masculinity and nationalism. After a one-month beta run, we are now ready for a wider launch with over 300 articles already published. Here are the most developed articles we currently have:

Female Body Types
R/K Selection Theory
Female hair length
Dark triad
Secret Internet Fatty

For a list of all articles, click here.

The goal with Kings Wiki is to have a wiki resource that presents truthful information from a masculine viewpoint. Instead of competing with Wikipedia, Kings Wiki will focus on subjects that are most relevant to our sphere. When these subjects are Googled, the public will be able to easily find our take, especially since Google ranks wikis very highly in their results. I view Kings Wiki as a long-term project to build influence. While it’s not an active destination like ROK, it does have new daily content that will make it worth frequent visits.


Of course a wiki is not possible without users who edit it, so I encourage you to participate in the project by editing an existing page from clicking the “edit” button or creating your own page from simply typing a phrase in the search box and then clicking the red create link. Here is a wiki editing guide to get you started. You can also check out the forum thread on the wiki to participate further. If you create a page, drop the link in the comments so we can take a look.

Matt Forney #fundie returnofkings.com

3 Reasons Why You Should Apply For A Job In The Trump Administration

With the election over and done with, America is turning its attention to the transition from President Obama to President Trump. In barely two months, the Donald will take office, ejecting the Democrats’ coterie of corrupt courtiers and beginning his mission to right America’s wrongs. But President Trump can’t do it alone: he needs good, talented people to work under him and carry out the hard work of making America great again.

That’s where you come in.

The Trump administration is now soliciting people to apply for jobs for when the man himself takes office in January. We are officially calling on all ready and able Return Of Kings readers to submit their applications and take up any job offers. Here’s why you should consider a job in President Trump’s administration (beyond obvious reasons such as money and prestige)—

1. It’ll help keep President Trump accountable

While the media is lying about Trump reneging on his campaign promises, it’s still a good idea to give the man more reasons to keep his word. By staffing his administration with committed nationalists, we’ll make it easier for President Trump to fulfill his political program, as well as make it more difficult for him to go back on his promises. Remember, it was rank-and-file FBI agents who forced James Comey to reopen the investigation into Hillary Clinton; a leader needs loyal men in order to carry out his agenda.

2. You’ll be able to make history

Given the momentous task of rebuilding America after eight years of Obama’s perfidy and failure, you almost have a civic duty to help President Trump in his mission. Expecting America to become great again all on its own is delusional; we need to do our part to restore this nation’s glory. By working with the Trump administration, you’ll have a direct role in reshaping America for years—possibly decades—to come.

3. You’ll help trigger the left

Despite their massive losses in the election—beyond Hillary Clinton’s defeat, the Democrats now control only a handful of state governments and failed to dent the GOP’s Congressional majority—the leftist mainstream media is trying to order Trump around and persuade him to staff his administration with the same flacks who filled Bush’s and Obama’s. Right now, they’re freaking out over [i]Breitbart[/i] executive chairman Stephen Bannon being appointed as Trump’s chief strategist.

By joining the Trump administration, you’ll have a hand in helping trigger the left into conniption fits and spasms of impotence. Nothing horrifies them more than losing access to the levers of power, which they’ve controlled for decades. Watching leftists squirm and cry is one of the biggest fringe benefits of Trump’s victory, and we need to keep the triggering up for years to come.

If you think you have the job skills, Return Of Kings highly recommends you apply for a job in Trump’s administration. President Trump may have started the fire, but it’s our job to help the fire rise.

Michael Sebastian #fundie returnofkings.com

How To Live After Trump

Before Trump’s glorious victory over the forces of progressive darkness, I promised that I would provide a roadmap on what traditional men could do next to usher in a return of the patriarchy. If Hillary had prevailed, the roadmap would have been a grim one, as all of our work would have had to take place underground. Happily, we will be able to work in the open. Here are three ways that we can leverage Trump’s victory to bring back the patriarchy.

Rule yourself

Bruce Wayne is a good role model for traditional men: Urbane, fit, financially independent—and dangerous.

This may seem obvious, but if we are going to bring back the patriarchy, we have to be men who are worthy of it. A patriarch who relies solely on the fact that he is a man will quickly be overthrown. However, a man who has authority because he has earned it by the way he lives will naturally retain it. Thus, the first step in making progress under a Trump administration is the same as it would have been if Hillary had been elected—self-improvement.

Self-improvement involves the obvious things: getting in shape, training martial arts, getting rid of addictions, and exercising self-discipline. The process of self-improvement needs to be under-girded with a philosophy of life. For most men, this will involve adopting, and faithfully living, one of the faith-traditions. For others, it may mean adopting stoic philosophy. Whatever it is, it will have to be more substantial than the degenerate, “pleasure, wealth, and power at any cost” morality of our Spirit Cooking elites—lack of morality got us into this problem in the first place.

Self-improvement also involves moving in the direction of financial independence. Under a Trump administration, this last goal will become easier to achieve. Trump’s tax plan cuts tax rates across the board. This will especially benefit men who are in the middle class who are trying to generate more income. They will be able to keep their savings so that they can move ahead rather than paying a penalty that keeps them from becoming wealthy.

Trump’s emphasis on fair trade will also result in more American jobs and unleash unprecedented creativity. The age of Trump will be a great time to start a new business. One word of warning is in order though: Under Trump the US is likely to flourish in a way that hasn’t happened since the the 1920s. Enjoy the prosperity but don’t get caught back in the materialism merry-go-round. Our goal is a lifetime of financial independence, not conspicuous consumption.

Financial independence is an important practical consideration because you will need a firm financial foundation for the second step, which is ruling your family.

Rule your family

Be the patriarch.

Starting with the boomers, our society rejected the traditional way of life and adopted progressivism. Families got smaller, divorce became more common, promiscuity increased, feminism became the default philosophy for girls, and the remaining vestiges of the patriarchy vanished. Progressivism promised freedom but delivered enslavement to political correctness and globalism.

A Trump administration will do little to reverse the deleterious effects that progressivism has had on the family. At best, the only thing government can do for the family is encourage it financially and provide a safe environment for it. But real change has to come from the bottom up—from men and women who return to tradition. For us, that means finding a traditional woman, or more likely one who can be converted to tradition, getting married, and having lots of children.


Getting married, having children, and raising them to hold to the patriarchy is the long game, but it is the only way we will have long term victory. Without a next generation of traditional men, any ground that we gain under Trump will soon be lost.

Rule society—bring back the patriarchy

Benjamin Franklin is a great example of a man who was serious about his civic duty.

The next thing that we must do is start reclaiming our institutions. Trump has captured the presidency and Republicans control Congress, but many of those Republicans are cucks who will oppose the Trumpian agenda. And our other institutions are still dominated by leftists. Hollywood, the news media, education, and corporations all proclaim the progressive, anti-patriarchy message. If we don’t take advantage of the current moment, any gains that Trump makes will be quickly rolled-back after he leaves office.

Therefore, we need to start re-engaging with these institutions to shift them towards Patriarchal Nationalism. You can share any ideas you have to do this in the comments. Here, I’d like to suggest that one institution that needs our participation: the Republican Party. Trump has created many allies within the GOP but the majority of the Party still holds to the cucked ideology of open borders and bad trade deals like NAFTA. The GOP desperately needs like-minded men within its ranks who will help Trump achieve his vision.

Getting involved in your local GOP is easy. You merely have to get in touch with your local party leadership in your district. You don’t have to run for elected office. Simply volunteer your time in getting local officials elected, voting for delegates, or attending GOP events. Go in with a respectful attitude. A lot of the local GOP leaders are good people who still don’t understand that the real battle is against globalists. Work for incremental change. And, if you have the disposition required for it, consider running for local office yourself.

One piece of advice: If you do choose to get involved in politics, don’t get caught up in it. One way we ended up with an ossified and out-of-touch GOP is that people started to hold the globalist neoconservatism with an almost religious fervor. The other trap is to use politics as a way of enriching oneself in the manner of Hillary Clinton. If you do choose to enter the political realm, resolve at the outset to not use it for your own financial gain. Don’t make politics your life. Think of it strictly as civic duty.

Of course, politics is not everybody’s cup of tea. The key is to use your gifts, whether that is in movie-making or in running a company, to help create an environment where the patriarchy can flourish.


The one thing we must not do in wake of the Trump victory is rest on our laurels. If Hillary had won, we’d all have a great sense of urgency to protect what little remained of our way of life. Now that Trump is coming into power, the temptation is to relax—to just let Trump do it all. This temptation must be avoided. We must capitalize on the Trump victory with the same high level of urgency that we would have regarded a Hillary victory. If we don’t, we run the risk of losing all the ground we have gained.

Jon Anthony #fundie returnofkings.com

1. Dismantle The Mainstream Media

As more and more of us start to wake up, the media will begin to sense this—in fact, they already have. Have you wondered why they’ve started to cover anti-Hillary stories? It’s because they realize that they’re losing credibility.

The mainstream media is very well aware that they’re losing their chokehold on the American public’s mind, so in a last ditch effort, they’re trying to seem unbiased. Do not buy into their lies—it’s all a giant farce; an attempt to regain their former credibility.

Over the next four years, it will be extremely important to start dismantling these outlets. It’s time to call them out for what they are. Start sharing alt-right stories on Facebook and Twitter, get our message out there. Don’t watch any mainstream media. Don’t buy mainstream magazines, don’t watch their news shows, hell, don’t even pay for cable. Do everything you can to bleed their pockets dry.

As more and more money moves away from the mainstream media, it will naturally move towards alternative news sources—sites like Return Of Kings, Info Wars, Matt Forney, and Danger and Play will become the new media.

Don’t expect this to happen at first, however. In one final cry, before its gory death, the media will proclaim that there is a new “racist, xenophobic” enemy that helped Donald get into office: the alt-right. Expect them to demonize us. Expect them to lie about us, to scream and shout, and to protest. This is fine, however—for we are anti-fragile. The alt-right is in a very unique position.

Any and all hatred towards the alt-right will be a net win for us. Why? It’s simple: any publicity is good publicity. A single mention of an alternative news site by the MSM can, and often does, net us tens of thousands of new viewers. In other words: if they ignore us, we continue to grow in power. If they attack us, we grow even faster. They can’t win.

2. Drain The Swamp

Everything that we’ve done up to this point to get Donald in office will be completely pointless if we don’t drain the swamp. This is our one chance—we have four years to do this.

In order for us to bring about permanent change in this country, we need to hold the cucks and libtards accountable for their actions. Anyone who pushed the pro-Islam agenda, rape culture, or feminazi philosophy must be called out for the traitors that they are.

The elites, the corrupt bankers, and the globalists must all be brought to light. In order for us to bring about true change, and to prevent a globalist dictatorship from happening in the near future, we must ensure that at least 25% of Americans are aware of the elites’ “conspiracy” by the next election.

This is a grass roots movement, and it is growing in power—but we must take away power from those who tried so hard to fight us. Now is the time to cause a ruckus and email your representatives. Now is the time to demand Hillary be thrown in prison. Every single person involved in Hillary Clinton’s private email server must be thrown in jail. Pedophiles and Satanists such as Anthony Weiner and Marina Abramovic, and traitors such as Huma Abedin and Comey must be thrown in jail for their crimes.

Now is the time to clear out the murky waters—to sift through the dirt and rotten garbage lurking below. I believe, that once all is said and done, America will enter into a new age of prosperity. The patriarchy will return.

3. Normalize Straight Males

For too long have men been oppressed, by the very civilization which we created. We have let the SJW’s and culture warriors back us into a corner, but we’ve finally started to fight back. More and more men, upon being exposed to the manosphere, are starting to wake up and take the red pill. We’re starting to realize, as a nation, that there is no reason to be ashamed of being white or being a man.

Once we start to dismantle the mainstream media and drain the swamp, most of this should happen naturally—it was only through the artificial social engineering that being a white male became a crime.

But, we can’t stop here—it’s time to start slowly red-pilling our blue-pilled friends. The best way to do this, is simply through osmosis. Don’t try to convince them with logic, because they did not arrive at a blue-pilled position through logic. They did so through emotion.

Simply be a beacon of masculinity. Be confident in yourself, be assertive, and don’t cave into ridiculous HR requests or political correctness social pressures. Again, once the mainstream media is dismantled and the manosphere grows in popularity, our movement will gain strength exponentially.

The normalization of males, especially white males, is essential for our culture to continue—the second that we started to become ashamed of our heritage and of our nationality was the second that the cucks started closing in. We cannot give them an inch, or they will take a mile.

This is not to say that our country shouldn’t accept immigrants—IF they go through the legal process. How did it get so far that it became socially unacceptable to shame ILLEGAL immigrants? Again, ILLEGAL immigrants? Like I said, it got this way due to an overwhelming amount of white guilt. Do not be ashamed of your heritage, men.

We have made a gigantic step towards national sovereignty with Donald Trump being elected as president, and we cannot let this victory go in vain. We must push onward and continue to normalize what is NORMAL. Being a straight male, white or note, should be the norm, not being a transgender, green-haired, SJW.

Relampago Furioso #fundie returnofkings.com

The media doesn’t even try to hide its shameless pro-Socialist bias these days. Since nobody really pays attention to them anymore, you might have missed some of the more entertaining butthurt spouted by shameless propagandists posing as journalists.

Election night coverage on the propaganda news channels is a lesson in hilarity when examining the reaction of lamestream media talking heads. What is most entertaining about Trump’s ascendancy to the Oval Office is that it was totally unexpected, catching cocksure Marxists at CNN and other alphabet channels completely off guard.


Anyone who has the capacity to perform an iota of critical thinking knows the mainstream media is NOT on the side of the average American. It hates and seethes at traditionalists and works to tear down every institution of Western civilization while attempting to impale the most hated of creatures on this planet, the Evil White Male.

The rebuke of a sorry candidate like Hillary when the socialist shills thought she was a shoe-in caught the smug son of a bitches off guard. Their reactions are priceless, and need to be documented and remembered. These reactions are undeniable proof that blogs like Return Of Kings and web sites like Breitbart and Drudge are sorely needed, indispensable resources in this day and age.

We have not been getting the truth from media for generations. And now, as alternative voices appear, the rift between the two versions of reality grows wider and deeper. The once mainstream media have become nothing but shameless activists for New World Order socialism. The election night “horror show” only solidifies this point.

We should be proud to be activists pushing our own agenda, if nothing else to balance the scales. The media are NOT friends of the American public. Ultimately, the tired old Socialist media must be dismantled in order for freedom and traditionalism to survive.

Jon Anthony #fundie returnofkings.com

Gentlemen, I am filled to the brim with joy. We have successfully thwarted the globalist’s plans to ruin America—we’ve fought against the big banks, we’ve fought against the Satanic pedophile Elites, and we’ve fought against the corrupt mainstream media.

But, the battle is not over yet. We still have much to do if we wish to make America great again. This will not be an easy fight, for we will certainly face much resistance along the way. Expect the cucks and liberals to throw temper tantrums as their safe spaces come tumbling down, expect the mainstream media to demonize the alt-right, and expect the elites to do everything they can to stop us.

They will not stop us, though—no, we are far too powerful. The wheels of truth do in fact turn slowly, but alas, they turn! And they are growing in speed as we blaze towards victory.


As our grass roots movement picks up more and more steam, I believe that the pressure we create will naturally push judges and lawmakers to change our corrupt legal system.

First things first, we must create laws that treat men and women as they should be treated. Too many laws are skewed in favor of women. Now that women have the right to work, we must remove alimony—it’s ridiculous that men should have to pay $10,000 a month to their ex-wives, because she “got used to” a certain living situation.

We must remove corrupt anti-male divorce laws, ridiculous “hate-speech” laws which infringe on our freedom of speech, and ultimately, SJW “rape” laws. I, along with many other ROK men, have been falsely accused of rape. It’s time to remove all of these ridiculous laws that make it illegal for men to simply talk to women, and that were built into the system by the elites in order to wage war against men.

The law should encourage freedom of speech; the fact that Twitter has not been held accountable for banning Milo Yiannopoulos is absolutely absurd. Information and social media platforms should be held to the same standards that the American people are.

Google needs to stop censoring search results—and if they don’t, it’s time for us to create laws against this type of behavior. Allowing Google to filter search results is like a regression back to Medieval times. For one entity to selectively edit our version of reality is unacceptable.

Most importantly, judges and lawmakers that have taken bribes should be thrown in jail—indefinitely. Anyone who took a “donation” from George Soros or any other member of the Bilderberg group should be imprisoned for crimes of treason.


We are on the path towards victory, men—but it will not be without many hiccups. The first thing that the mainstream media will do is demonize the alt-right, but again, this will only make us stronger. It will expose our view points to a larger audience.

Expect it to get darker just before the dawn. Expect feminists, SJW’s, cucks, and libtards to protest and scream and shout—but, it will all be in vain. Too many men are starting to wake up. Too many men are starting to see the lies that have been shoved down our throats, and there is no going back.

The next four years will be more important than ever. Our primary objective is to dismantle the mainstream media through natural means. It’s time for them to be exposed as the liars that they are. Simply eliminating the MSM will be most of the battle—remember, this is a war of information, and when the alt-right starts to control the news, there will be sanity.

We must also focus on draining the swamp. We must rid our corrupt political establishment of the people who’ve betrayed us. We must normalize the family unit and white men—no longer shall we feel ashamed of our gender or sexual orientation.

Then, from here, the laws must change. Remember: this will not be easy. There will be much resistance along the way, but we’ve come this far. We’ve beat all odds and elected Trump as the president of our nation—and it’s time to make America great again.

Roosh Valizadeh #fundie returnofkings.com

It will be easier to find a fellow traveler

Men who hold our beliefs have long ago learned that we can’t go around sharing them in public to those who are not vetted. If you’re like me, you first “test” a new man you meet with a masculine comment to see how he responds, such as remarking on the attractiveness of a woman or how you’ve heard of a community online that trolls liberals without mercy. We’ve even had to devise a special “pet shop” code to know if a man is aware of the teachings that are found on ROK or the forum. We now have a easier shortcut in Trump.

If a man tells you that he voted for Trump, it’s safe to say that he is favorable to strong borders, nationalism, masculinity, and beautiful women. On a basic level, you will be able to get along with this man and build a bond. It also works the other way around where you bring up Trump to screen out those who are offended by him. It’s fine if someone is politically indifferent, but if a man opposes Trump then I have to anticipate him attacking or sabotaging me in the future. I will distance myself from him for my own well-being.

The cultural decline will halt

We now have a President who will not encourage anti-male propaganda, rape culture, and female victimhood. While I do have minor concerns on the influence of his feminist-minded daughter, Ivanka, Trump will not continue the attack on men that has been institutionalized since the sexual revolution and accelerated during the eight years of Obama. Because our current cultural dystopia is the result of intense long-term manipulation, it is more than enough for Trump to simply not touch the gender issue to allow the culture to return to a more patriarchal order. Stop feeding the rot and it will die off, allowing biology to naturally reassert itself.

We’ve experienced so many changes in the past decade that we haven’t had a chance to understand what’s going on and adapt. Instead, we’ve been reacting from one blow to the next, whether it’s the loss of our jobs through witch hunts or the rape culture horror that has turned a banal consensual hookup into possible incarceration. Trump’s victory gives us room to begin pushing back against the fictions that have put men in harm’s way.


Paradoxically, the benefits of a Trump presidency will not involve specific actions from Trump. His presence automatically legitimizes masculine behaviors that were previously labeled sexist and misogynist. While we may still get heat for them, it will be less severe and we’ll be less likely to sustain serious damage. Liberals will have no choice but to silently stew on our words and we can more effortlessly connect with men not only for male bonding but also to push back against a demoralized and fractured left. Victories will be far easier to achieve under Trump than Obama.

This is our moment. The door is opening for a renaissance of masculinity where men can take pride in being men, and the best part of it is that we don’t need to wait for Trump to do anything. His victory is more than enough for us to apply our own individual strength in seizing the bull’s horns where we can come out of the politically incorrect closet and assert our beliefs and behaviors. It would be icing on the cake if Trump rolled back anti-masculine laws and policies, but it’s not required, because the power to change ourselves and our country is within our hands. Return Of Kings opened in 2012, and the only surprise for me is how quickly the name is being fulfilled.

Roosh Valizadeh #fundie returnofkings.com

What Donald Trump’s Victory Means For Men

The celebrations have ended and we’ve all come to absorb the fact that Donald Trump is our next President, an outcome that many of us have aggressively worked for in the past several months. Now that we’ve gotten what we wanted, it’s time to describe exactly how a Trump presidency will improve our standing.

If the President can say it then you can say it

The biggest effect we’ll see is the death of political correctness. We now have a shitlord for President who has insulted ugly women as “fat pigs,” and whose private macho talk, which all masculine men have done, was relentlessly attacked by the press but not punished in the voter booth. This means that when you talk like Trump, the first thought your listener will have is, “He sounds like the President of the United States.”

What excuse will they now have for limiting your speech if one man was able to gain the highest office in the land because of it? Either Trump was elected because voters liked a person who makes those kinds of statements or they didn’t care enough that he made them. Whichever explanation you accept means that the will of the American people has stated that you can exercise your free speech, your opinions, and your desire to flirt with attractive women without having to obey a speech police force that evaluates everything you do based on how offensive it is to a kaleidoscope of races and loony identities. You can begin removing your politically correct filter.

I’m in a state of exuberance that we now have a President who rates women on a 1-10 scale in the same way that we do and evaluates women by their appearance and feminine attitude. We may have to institute a new feature called “Would Trump bang?” to signify the importance of feminine beauty ideals that cultivate effort and class above sloth and vulgarity. Simply look at his wife and the beautiful women he has surrounded himself with to remind yourself of what men everywhere prefer, and not the “beauty at every size” sewage that has been pushed down our throats by gender studies professors and corporations trying to market their product to feminist fatsoes. The President of the United States does not see the value in fat women who don’t take care of themselves, and neither should you.

Liberals will be forced to tolerate us in a way they didn’t have to before

There are so many of us that we can ease out of the closet and not be afraid of persecution like before. What are they going to do, fire everyone who supports Trump? Accuse every man who voted for him of rape? The way the establishment has been able to marginalize us is to corner men individually and apply intense pressure, but now we have natural allies in all men who back Trump, even if they don’t subscribe to our particular interpretation of masculinity.

Liberals will not be able to point and shriek to get you to withdraw like before. They will not have easy victories by using labels like “racist” or “sexist.” They will have to endure us in their midst and bite their lip when we offend their degenerate ideals, knowing that the price of attacking us is becoming too costly. It may be as simple as whipping out your MAGA hat, as if it’s a bat signal, and having fellow Trump supporters come to your aid. I know that if I see a Trump supporter in trouble, I will help him, regardless of his race or station. Liberals will be forced to share space with those whom they hate, instead of trying to exile them like in the past.

Michael Sebastian #fundie returnofkings.com

The Elite have completely divorced themselves from non-elites

In the past, Europe had an aristocracy. This aristocracy had a close relationship with the rest of the people in the country. The aristocracy was expected to defend the nation in case of war. They also had the same religion as the rest of the country. We already knew that the modern “aristocracy” of the globalist elites has no responsibilities toward the rest of us, but, thanks to WikiLeaks, we have now learned that they don’t even share the same religion.

WikiLeaks revealed that Hillary Clinton and her campaign manager are close friends with Marina Abramovic, a Serbian artist who performs occult rituals she calls “spirit cooking.” Spirit cooking appears to be set of magical rituals that use bodily fluids such as menstrual blood, urine, and semen to achieve certain goals, usually sex-related. It also involves at least minor sacrifices: one “recipe” calls for cutting one’s figure and “eat[ing] the pain.”

While spirit cooking is certainly grotesque, it is not my intention to focus on it except to point out that it has become a sort of initiation ritual into the US globalist elite. Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, Jay-Z and Beyonce, Lady Gaga, and Gwen Stefani have all attended these rituals and I would not be surprised to learn that many other politicians, CEOs, and bankers also participate. Getting invited to one of these spirit cooking sessions means that you have gained entry into the wealthy elite in the US. There are probably similar groups or rituals for the modern day European elites.

There are several things at work here. Most of the spirit cooking participants probably don’t believe in the efficacy of the spirit cooking ritual. It is more like a college fraternity initiation. It only means something in terms of one’s social standing. Also, the satanic imagery of spirit cooking and its sexual overtones are big middle fingers to Christianity which our elite regard as the religion of the unwashed masses.

In both of these ways, our modern “elite” have separated themselves from the rest of us. They don’t share the same destiny as us. If the country starts going to hell, the wealthy elite can just pick up and move to another country or they can live in small, heavily guarded compounds, untouched by the damage their policies have caused. And they even lack a common morality with us. In their own eyes, their wealth has somehow put them beyond the traditional moral code that guides the rest of us.
The fact that the elites have no regard for the rest of the country does not bode well for them. The aristocracy of old knew that their fortune was bound up with that of their countrymen. The modern elite lack this wisdom. Once enough of the hoi polloi realize it, it is only a matter of time before these pseudo-elites are deposed from their pedestal.


With Trump’s election, the problem of federal government being used for political purposes will be mitigated. However, the problems with our indulgent pseudo-elite will continue to be a force that prevents the patriarchy from returning. In any case, we can be grateful that the election of 2016 has exposed some of the cancers that are eating away at our society.

Jean-Batave Poqueliche #fundie returnofkings.com

Is Hillary Clinton’s Entourage Involved In A Satanic Pedophile Ring?

The latest batch of the Podesta emails shared by Wikileaks add a darker dimension (if it was even possible) to the sordid culture of corruption, lies and depravity that surrounds Hillary Clinton, explaining why the FBI has been calling her for quite some time now, the “Antichrist personified”.

It is a possibility that Hellary’s clique attends and organizes Satanic rituals, involving mock-up scenes of cannibalism and sexual abuse involving children.

One of the emails directed at Tony Podesta (John Podesta’s brother) contains the following sentence:

“I am so looking forward to the Spirit Cooking dinner at my place.

Do you think you will be able to let me know if your brother is joining?”

This really does not sounds like much until you discover the author of this invitation.

She, who walks in the footsteps of the Beast

This is the woman who sent the email, Marina Abramovic.

(image of Marina Abramovic dressed in red and holding the skinned head of a dead goat)

Dressed in red and holding the skinned head of a dead goat, a clear reference to the occult character Baphomet

There is proof that the Clinton Foundation directly transferred Abramovic ten thousand dollars in at least one instance for her “services.”

A self-proclaimed artist, Abramovic hails from Serbia and regularly organizes “performances” and events using what she calls “Spirit Cooking”.

This “spirit cooking” includes mixing semen, breast milk, urine or fresh blood before consuming it or splattering it over various things such as life-sized representations of young children, like shown below:


This performance included spelling with the body fluids, the following stanza:

With a sharp

knife cut deeply into the

middle finger of your

left hand

eat the pain.

Other examples of her “art” (nowadays any revolting expression of bad taste if sporting the correct pair of problem glasses) include public dinners, where politicians, Hollywood stars, singers and decision makers gather to eat cakes that depict a naked human corpse or feast on the fake (I hope by all that is sacred) blood contained in a coffin where swims another human body.

Celebrities that use demonic symbols in their persona such as Lady Gaga rush to participate to Abramovic’s events

Another heavy user of the occult symbols, Jay-Z, is a big fan of Marina

These codes are all directly copied from rituals such as black masses or Sabat night reunions and popularized by figures such as Aleister Crowley from whom Abramovic draws direct inspiration.

It is part of this growing phenomenon where the elites and celebrities close to power get caught, intentionally or not, showing symbols celebrating the ancient Babylonian rites or the worship of the Devil.

On November the 4th, Clinton chose Jay-Z in a last bid to draw crowds to her empty rallies. Coincidence?

Innocent children involved in that mess

There is hard evidence that Bill Clinton traveled at least 26 times (sometimes without his bodyguards, it is all in the pilot logs) to billionaire and convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s Island on board his plane, dubbed the “Lolita Express,” as it is in this plane that the guests could allegedly have sex with minors.

With this in mind, it is disturbing to notice that other Podesta emails refer to children as being the “entertainment” at pool parties almost entirely attended by middle-aged men involved in politics.

Other emails involve strange references to food such as “pizza”, “cheese”, $65,000 worth of “hot dogs” for a party that attendees “dream of” and “recipes” that many sources suggest are code words for orgies involving minors and extremely young children. You can read more about it here.

The Whole Clinton Bag of Crooks reeks of unnatural sexual behaviour and reproachable acts and we will certainly know much more in the days to come, as Hillary Clinton is still under FBI investigation as we speak. This follows the scandal surrounding Huma Abedin (Clinton’s right hand and confidant) and her estranged husband, sex offender and champion one-handed texter, Anthony Weiner.
It will take some time before they go through Weiner’s 650,000 emails and decide of a course of action regarding these dark revelations and other atrocities of the Clinton crime family.

La plus belle ruse du diable est de vous persuader qu’il n’existe pas

These heavy accusations of Satanism remind us of the sexual blackmail practices said to take place among the popular hip-hop and Hollywood communities, as Roosh described in his related article, or other rumours linked to suspicious reunions involving the secret ceremonies of the elite such as the ones of the Bohemian Grove or the Rothschilds’ parties of the 70s.

If those recent speculations turn out to be true, it could have the effect of a bomb and mean a revolution.

Observe the symbols of cannibalism, eerily similar in the three following pictures. Those are respectively: a scene of the Rothschild’s “surrealistic bal,” a painting hanging in John Podesta’s office and one of Abramovic’s dinners:

(images of a scene of the Rothschild’s “surrealistic bal,” a painting hanging in John Podesta’s office and one of Abramovic’s dinners)

I will let you be the own judge of the conclusions inspired by those images. My father is a very Cartesian fellow and a saying of his comes to mind:

Just like Saint Thomas,

I only believe in what I see.

And what I see unsettles me.

Luke Stranahan #fundie returnofkings.com

The Good Of The Country Over That Of The Individual

Long gone are responsible Democrats like Kennedy who told us to ask what you can do for your country. Every recent Democratic President, from Carter to Obama, and most of the Democrat Congressmen, view the working middle class of the country as simply a group to exploit for their pet special interest groups. Trump is the first candidate in a long time who isn’t for the blacks, or the gays, or the Muslims, or the feminists, or whatever, and that matters a lot.

The reason why not being for a special interest group (which is ALL that Hillary is for, with her youth vote, black vote, women’s vote, gay vote, etc.) is so important is that these groups, even put together, do not matter when it comes down to the good of the country. Don’t get me wrong, there’s plenty of good, hardworking black people, just like there’s the same for women, and for gays, and for young people, but these hardworking folks from all these groups aren’t going to be part of the BLM, or La Raza, or Lamda, because they’re too busy being productive Americans. Activism is for unemployed people.

What’s going to happen if we don’t placate BLM and just ignore them? They riot a bit more and some get arrested? What if we told them that people that commit crimes to protest being treated like they commit a lot of crimes is ass-backwards thinking and counter-productive to their goals? They’d quit rioting.

What would happen if we shut the Mexican border down to illegal immigration, but made a straightforward, but strict, path to citizenship for Hispanics that wanted to be citizens? What if we said, this is America, we appreciate your culture and encourage to preserve it and your language in your children, but the national language IS English, and all business and schooling will be done in it, and in it only, and it’s your choice to not learn it, but the difficulties that will arise from that choice are all on you? They’d be Americans, proud of their heritage and their legal immigration and citizenship as well.

What would happen if we told gay people that it’s cool if they have civil unions under the law, and have the same rights as everyone else, but it’s not cool trying to pick a fight with a Christian bakery to make the government hall monitor come drive them out of business just because their belief in their God and that you’re sinning makes you uneasy and worried that they might actually be right?

What if we told them it’s ok to do whatever you want with another consenting adult, but you don’t have to try to make five-year-olds decide if they’re gay or straight when they shouldn’t be wondering about that till puberty hits? They’d be normal Americans who just happen to like sex with the same gender, and they’d quit pushing their agenda and being obnoxious and in the rest of our faces.

What would happen if we talked to Muslims and said that there is a huge, deafening, silence when it comes to the subject of Islamic Terrorism from them that makes it hard to trust any of them? What if we told them that we needed their help to bring the religion out of its tacit acceptance and support of terrorism, and part of that help means supporting us vetting Muslims coming here more strictly until they are no longer statistically more likely to be terrorists than people of other religions and ethnicities? They’d go along with that and maybe realize we’re fixing a problem, not hating a people.

What would happen if we told women that feminism has all but killed modern marriage due to universal punishment of divorced men and that no punishment for false-rape accusers both makes men not trust women and insults any real rape survivor? What would happen if we told them that giving them jobs for their genitalia over their skills is destroying industries by lowering the only standard that matters, that of merit; that of excellence?

What if we told them that gender ratios and quotas may fix the macro view of sexism, but make the man passed over for the position solely because you were female pissed as all hell towards women and, when you do that to the majority of men, you’ll be just as successful, and just as hated by men as men were and were hated by you in years past? They’d realize that it’s not a competition, it’s a cooperation, and maybe skill should be valued over sex.

What would happen if we stopped all these divisive issues that really don’t do anything other than tear us apart and work on a better economy, on rights for all, on border security? What would happen if we simply looked at each other as Americans, and put us, all of us, first? What would happen if we ripped out the crap in the Federal government that overtaxes people, or deploys armed forces against our own countrymen? What would happen if we made the Supreme Court Constitutional again, and made term limits a reality for Congress? Maybe we could get a government for, by, and of the people again. Maybe America can indeed by great again like the man says.


I’m not in a special interest group. No President, outside of George W. Bush right after the September 11th attacks, that I can recall since my childhood, has been for me as an American. I’ve always been someone to be taxed, to be disarmed, to be hated, to be blamed. It’s not racism or bigotry to want us all to be treated as equals and not be penalized for real and imagined wrongs that occurred in the past before I was born, or more recently yet with which I had nothing to do.

I’m not part of the problem. I’m an American; the people who say I am part of the problem are the problem. Their candidate, mired in scandal, corruption, and treason, is Hillary Clinton. Mine, with a message of hope for the country, not just some groups in it, is Donald Trump.

Relampago Furioso #fundie returnofkings.com

Will There Be Riots In America The Day After Donald Trump Wins The Presidency?

(photo snapped in Ferguson as thugs burned the city down)

The above photo was snapped in Ferguson as thugs burned the city down. Could we see a repeat of that fateful event and perhaps a worsening of it soon to a city near you?

The election is the focus of every news channel ad nauseum. But few people are focused on the day after the election. No matter who wins this year’s presidential “selection” the possibility of civil unrest the day after election day and beyond is a real possibility. Are you ready for chaos if it develops?

The nation is so divided we are likely to run into problems.

The ugliest scenario for the day after election day plays out if Trump wins. If Trump wins, get ready for Black Lives Matter, the Black Panthers, The Race (La Raza) and other racially motivated anti-white groups to come out and possibly start burning cities down again. After all, they have been given carte blanche all year long to do so in Ferguson, Baltimore, Charlotte, and San Jose. A worrisome precedent has been set.

Of course, Trump won’t be in power the day after election day (we have to wait until Inauguration Day for him to clean up any potential messes) so Barack Hussein Obama is likely to give the racial hate groups the green light once again while the media whips out their collective Stradivarius, plays my heart bleeds for thee, and sympathizes with the devils destroying the nation.

If Hillary wins, there’s the real possibility of protests the day after the election, and the social conditioning of whites to be polite and docile even as they’re railroaded in what was formerly their nation may not hold this time around. A Hillary win means the chaos and possibly violence could wait until she starts stripping constitutional rights away. Then, we are likely to see conservatives finally come out and start raising some righteous hell. There could be racially motivated clashes on the horizon as white people standing up for themselves goes against a long-established narrative that they’re all evil racists.

Few people think of the effects civil unrest could have on their livelihood and well-being. It’s time for a little education on just how thinly stretched the American supply chain is, and what could happen with only a short-term disruption in it.

Here’s a scenario – just one of many possible scenarios. Video of rioters stopping and then looting a semi tractor-trailer in Charlotte is worrying because if trucks stop, America stops. If attacks on truckers happen often enough, truckers may decide it’s not worth the risk to their lives to continue moving freight around and stop driving. Within a day, bedlam could ensue as the supply chain runs on a razor’s edge in modern America and everything from food to medication to gasoline starts running out.

Supply Chain

According to the American Trucking Association (ATA) a disruption of 24 to 48 hours means hospitals and nursing homes would run out of food. Fuel supplies at gas stations would also run out in that time frame. Garbage would start to pile up. Most grocery and retail stores would start to run out of food and merchandise. ATM and bank cash supplies would also run out.

The tight rope the corporate system walks quickly breaks when merchandise stops moving.

As an example, the ATA tells us this is what happens during a hurricane. Imagine what would happen with days or weeks of rioting in major cities.

In a hurricane situation, supplies that would normally last a few days, such as water, powdered milk, and canned meat, typically disappear within one day. Given these inventory rates, this means that perishable goods could be depleted in a matter of days and non-perishables in just a few days. Runs on food and non-food staples during hurricanes, and even before big winter storms, provide a good example of how fast some retail inventories can be depleted during panic buying. The same quick depletion of inventories could occur if trucks stopped making deliveries for any reason.

Panic buying means no food on the shelves. When people don’t have food at home and then the grocery store doesn’t have food, rioting will intensify. Things could get ugly in a hurry as one small disruption leads to a domino effect, after which Bedlam ensues.

So, it is best to be prepared with non-perishable items just in case things get out of hand. Have at least several weeks food supply on hand. But, how do you stop people from coming and taking your stash?

Be Armed

Contrary to gun propaganda from the media, you absolutely want to be armed in the event the election and its aftermath don’t pass peacefully. What happens when stores no longer have food and gas stations no longer have gas? Gangs form looking for homes that do have those items.

They’re going to pick out the weakest home in the neighborhood and pounce.

A home with guns is a safe home. Just as this YouTube video shows, armed thugs may bust into a house looking for money or food, but they started jumping through plate glass windows and scrambling like cockroaches once the homeowner came out with guns blazing.

Several handguns with extra ammunition are advised. Know how to use them. Be steady with the trigger. And don’t be afraid to use them if looters come to your house.

The police will NOT be there to protect you as they’ll have their hands full with the chaos.

Better To Be Safe Than Sorry

With the meltdown of America happening right before our very eyes, we are entering an unstable period in the nation’s history, to say the least. No matter who wins the election the nation we once knew and loved is passing away. Trump may be able to turn things around temporarily, but even if he does the country now has so many immigrants it will be impossible to assimilate them all.

We are entering a period in which America will resemble a third world country more and more. The demographics of the nation are being changed on purpose so white people are diminished at the ballot box and Democrats will gain a lock grip on the levers of power in the nation in the coming years. Divisions between rich and poor will grow, and the evil media will be there stirring the pot with racial, class, and gender division every step of the way. Peace will become a thing of the past as squabbling factions compete with each other for dominance.

In this transition from prosperity to despotism, it is best to be safe than sorry. The day after election day will be telling in that it will set the tone for the next four years. It may be a somewhat peaceful turn towards Communism if The Bitch wins, or it may not be.

But my money is on a steady degradation of civil society in the coming years. Tend your own garden, as I know I will be tending my own. My military friends are already discussing what will happen in SHTF scenario. You should be thinking about it, too.

Michael Sebastian #fundie returnofkings.com

Voter Discouragement


Fivethirtyeight doing its best to discourage Trump voters.

Another way that that system is rigged is that the legacy media conspires to discourage Trump voters from going to the polls. One way they do this is to over poll Democrats to make it look like Trump is losing. For example, one recent poll placed Hillary 12 points higher than Trump. But even Obama was only able to beat McCain by 7 points even though he was packing stadiums of 70,000 people. And Hillary doesn’t command the sort of adulation that Obama did in 2008.

There is a huge motivation gap between Trump and Clinton. Recently, Trump held a rally in Tampa where 28,000 people showed up. Some of these people waited in line for 12 hours for the chance to see Trump. A day later, Hillary hosted a rally in Florida where only 1000 people showed up. And some of those were likely paid plants. Her running mate Tim Kaine did even worse barely getting 30 people to show up for one of his events.

Why does the legacy media report polls that show Trump losing by a landslide? Because it is designed to dishearten Trump voters.


Will Trump be able to overcome the rigged system? It will be a heroic achievement if he does. One thing is certain: This is not the time to give up but to fight with all of our might. The elites want us to be discouraged, to give up hope, to lie down and die. That is the one thing we will never do. Even if the host of hell rise up to oppose you, go to the ballot box on November 8th. Regardless of what you may hear otherwise, your life will be very different under President Trump than it will be under globalist pawn Hillary.

Win or lose, our battle to bring back the patriarchy will not end on November 8th. A Trump victory would give us breathing room to start restoring our society in the open. A Hillary victory, heaven forbid, would signal that our work will need to be underground. Either way, our battle is just beginning. In future columns I will outline the way forward for traditional men.

Michael Sebastian #fundie returnofkings.com

Voter Fraud

The first way in which the election is rigged is through voter fraud. In his Gettysburg address, Trump outlined some of the ways in which this occurs:

According to Pew, there are 24 million voter registrations that in the US that are either invalid or significantly inaccurate. 1.8 million dead people are registered to vote, and some of them are voting. I wonder how that happens? 2.8 million people are registered to vote in more than one state. These are numbers folks. These are numbers. 14% of noncitizens are registered to vote.

Liberals always object to any sort of voter identification requirement. They say that it negatively affects minority voters, who may not have any identification. But this is obvious nonsense. The real reason liberals oppose voter identification is because it would make voter fraud more difficult.

By raising concerns about voter fraud, Trump is firing a warning shot. He is saying that he will fight voter fraud, unlike prior GOP candidates who preferred defeat to calling out cheating by the other side. Simply putting the Democrats on notice may cause them to cheat less than they would have otherwise. The only question is whether Trump will be able to muster enough votes to overcome the amount of cheating that will take place.

The Lügenpresse

A second way that the system is rigged is through the legacy news media. These include the three oldest television news networks (ABC, CBS, NBC) as well as the newer ones (CNN, MSNBC, Fox). It also includes the remaining newspapers, especially the New York Times, Washington Post, and the Wall Street Journal. Of these, the only ones that are reliably conservative are Fox and the WSJ, both of which are owned by Rupert Murdock. But even here, it is more accurate to call Fox and the WSJ “neoliberal” rather than conservative as they both push the globalist message of open borders and unenforced trade.

Trump is very media savvy. He’s been in the public eye since the 1980s and his philosophy has been that no publicity is bad publicity. Trump has used this to highlight his policies. By making controversial statements, he has been able to force the media to cover his positions. Still, the nonstop smear campaign has hurt Trump’s numbers particularly among older voters who still get their news from legacy sources.

New media outlets like Return of Kings, Breitbart, and Danger & Play have been more favorable to Trump but the most highly funded new media such as Daily Beast, Heat Street, Buzzfeed, and Huffington Post all push the globalist message. The end result that Trump is fighting an ocean of disinformation with only a handful of allies by his side.

Michael Sebastian #fundie returnofkings.com

Donald Trump And His Supporters Are Fighting A Rigged System

At the third debate, Donald Trump was asked if he would accept the results of the election. Trump responded that he would have to look at the process to determine if everything was done fairly before he could accept it. The media went berserk claiming that Trump was undermining democracy. But is the US system really rigged? And if it is, can Trump overcome it?

Why rig the system?

Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. Revelation 12:12

It is human nature to want to accumulate wealth. It is also human nature to want to keep what you have. One of the ways that the wealthy do that is through influencing the political process to ensure it is favorable to them. A democratic republic is particularly easy to influence. The wealthy elite can “buy” candidates through donations to them or to their superpacs. They can make voting patterns more favorable to them by changing the country’s demographics. Or they can influence voters through the supposedly unbiased news media that they control. In the US, the wealthy elite use every one of these levers to rig the system.

For example, liberal voters often favor a progressive tax system where high earners pay greater percentages than those who earn less. It sounds like a populist policy but it is not. Progressive taxation is put in place to prevent middle class people from rising into the ranks of the truly wealthy who have already accumulated their wealth and are taxed at the much lower capital gains rate. Progressive taxation keeps the rich on top and keeps the plebs down. That’s why no matter which political party is in power, we are still stuck with progressive taxation.

Everything goes well as long as both parties don’t rock the boat. But once you get a true wildcard like Trump, the system must spring into action to stop the threat to the established order. That’s what we are seeing now. The elite are using every tool in the arsenal of the rigged system to ensure Trump does not upset their gravy train. The elite sense their time is short.

Steve McMahon #fundie returnofkings.com

Women Should Not Be Allowed To Vote

At the dawn of the 20th century, Britain had the greatest empire the world had ever seen. It stretched from the boreal vastness of Canada to the ice floes of the South Pole, from the scorching deserts of Egypt to the steamy jungles of New Guinea.

In 1900, British king Edward VII ruled over a quarter of the world’s population. His navy was the largest, most modern, and most ruthlessly efficient fighting force on the planet. His was the empire on which the sun never set, the undisputed global leader in science, technology, and commerce.


And then, in 1918, the British Parliament made a historic mistake. It gave women the vote. In 1920 the United States followed. Women’s suffrage rapidly spread around the world. Nearly 100 years later, how’s that working out for us?

Men were free in 1900
A man in Britain or the United States was free to say what he liked, subject only to the ancient laws on slander, treason, and incitement to crime. Men were the heads of their households, and they commanded respect as fathers and husbands. The majority paid no income tax. You were free to start a business without having to fend off legions of government busybodies. There was no welfare state, the only people who expected to live off their fellow men were beggars and drunks.

Western civilisation was unashamedly patriarchal and capitalist. Masculine virtues had propelled Europe out of the dark ages and colonised the New World, creating mighty new nations from scratch. Freed from feudalism and serfdom, the fertile mind of Western man produced an incredible series of discoveries and inventions. These allowed our forefathers to tame the forces of nature which had dominated and immiserated human beings since the first primitive hominids gazed in wonder and fear at a sunset on the African savannah.

Electricity let us push back the night. The steam engine brought us factories, mass production, and railways, which made mass prosperity and mass transit possible for the first time. Modern agriculture eliminated the ancient evil of famine in every country that bathed in the light of Western science. The world began to knit together as the primordial forerunner of the internet—the telegraph—brought regions and then nations and then continents together in almost instantaneous communication.


The intellectual crowning jewels of the West lay in its universities, from the medieval institutions of Europe to the Ivy League. These were places where serious and ferociously bright young men studied law, philosophy, and science. Where the secrets of the atom were probed, life-saving medical advances were made, astronomers mapped the cosmos, and engineers dreamed of ways to take us there, one day, into space.

The Western world in 1900 was not Utopia. There was poverty, bigotry, and injustice, but opportunity was real and a man with grit and ability could make something of himself. Many of the richest and most famous men of that era had been born poor and were self-taught.

Where stands Western civilisation today?

Men are not free in 2014
Most Western countries have a labyrinthine code of laws designed to jail you for saying the wrong things. Even in the United States, which stubbornly clings to its First Amendment, a man’s career can now be ruined and his reputation traduced if he offends against the latest dictates of political correctness.

Half or more of your income ends up in the pockets of the government, thanks to its bewildering array of taxes. Fathers and husbands—when they’re not being ridiculed as the butt of every joke on television—are second class citizens. If your wife decides she wants to take your house and your children away from you, she easily can with the full force of the law behind her.

If you try to start a business, you will find that not only are you not free to hire whoever you want, but you must also satisfy every whim of town planners, environmental bureaucrats, and health and safety commissars—all of them paid for by you, the taxpayer, to tell you what to do.

Another thing that you, the taxpayer, are funding is the welfare state. The welfare state exists to allow lazy people who don’t feel like working to live off you without going to the trouble of begging you for your money. The welfare state pays single mothers to squat out feral kids by multiple men without having to hold down a husband to pay for it all. The welfare state means the government is substitute Daddy for these women and their bastard offspring.

One fifth of US households now claim food stamps. That’s 47 million Americans, living in the richest and most successful society that has ever existed, where food is cheap and plentiful beyond the wildest dreams of people living 100 years ago, who are supposedly so pathetic and helpless that they need the government to feed them, as if they were children.

Our universities have become a bizarre combination of daycare facility, pick-up joint, and grotesque circus of left-wing drama. Universities are no longer places for serious thinkers to hone their minds. They’re places where braying young idiots go to learn to parrot feminist and Marxist slogans before reality punches them in the face with the realisation that their joke degrees are worthless.


The days have gone down in the West. Behind the hills, into shadow.

How did it come to this?
The state of modern society is a disaster for many fathers. But of all the self-inflicted wounds perpetrated on Western civilisation, votes for women was the most easily avoidable. It must have seemed like a good idea at the time, in 1918 and 1920, when Britain stood at her peak and the United States looked to the century ahead with supreme confidence. But women are not like men. They don’t think in the same way. They don’t understand or value freedom the way men do. Women have a herd mentality. Rugged individualism, healthy masculine debate, and raucous male laughter offend their sensibilities.

As soon as American women were allowed to vote, alcohol was banned in the United States. The temperance movement had been a female dominated nuisance for decades, but now hopelessly misguided female busybodies had electoral power. It was a farce that turned a nation into lawbreakers and birthed organised crime on a massive scale.

Slowly but inexorably, the United Kingdom and the United States, and other societies that allowed women to vote, began to tilt leftward. Welfare states were created, largely because women feel that it’s not “fair” to allow people to succeed or fail on their own merits. And it’s not “fair” that a woman should have to rely on the father of her children to support her, when she can make men in general pay for her upkeep through the tax and welfare systems.

Government, which had once been small and limited, began to spread its tentacles like a rape-beast from the sickest Japanese anime porn until it penetrated the lives of every citizen. Taxes started to rise in order to pay for all these new entitlements and programmes, and an entire caste of useless bureaucrats emerged to run them. Family and divorce law gradually warped into the anti-male Kafkaesque nightmare it is today because of politicians chasing female votes.

As with most female demands, capitulating to women’s suffragists didn’t satisfy them. Not content with invading the traditionally male space of political affairs, women started insinuating themselves into every other masculine sphere. The universities admitted them, which is why male students today find themselves harangued about imaginary “rape culture”. They swarmed into the workplace, which is why working men today find themselves terrified of sexual harassment or discrimination accusations from spiteful female co-workers. Even the military became feminised and sensitised, with deleterious consequences for the fighting man.


The modern religion of the West—political correctness—is every feminine vice writ large: bossy, deceitful, petty, and false. Almost everything that is wrong with modern life can be traced to the decline of masculine virtues and their replacement with feminine vices. For civilisation itself is the triumph of masculine energy, vision, and courage.

For the sake of our civilisation, for the sake of all men and women, we must undo this historic wrong turn. Women have no business voting in elections for public office, let them stick to voting for things they understand, like the X-Factor. This may seem like a quixotic idea. But remember—so was women’s suffrage, once.

If you like this article and are concerned about the future of the Western world, check out Roosh's book Free Speech Isn't Free. It gives an inside look to how the globalist establishment is attempting to marginalize masculine men with a leftist agenda that promotes censorship, feminism, and sterility. It also shares key knowledge and tools that you can use to defend yourself against social justice attacks. Click here to learn more about the book. Your support will help maintain our operation.

Luke Stranahan #fundie returnofkings.com


The American Presidential election looms ever closer, with the liberal candidate Hillary Clinton seeming to still win the (rigged?) polls despite ever increasing scandals. I want to use today’s space to examine some of the apparent inconsistencies of the left, the underlying motivations of their views, and how those views are fundamentally incompatible with the ideas of us here at Return Of Kings.

Modern liberalism, or leftism if you prefer, possesses several contradictions that make it seem logically impossible to hold all their ideas at one time in your head without suffering from an extreme case of cognitive dissonance. Whether it be simultaneously embracing the gay rights movement and feminism while having sympathy for fundamentalist Muslims, or how you can be for gun control to save all the toddlers who were lucky enough to survive your pro-abortion policies, any liberal platform point is so weak that any rational person sees his point made and won with no effect at all; the lefty simple rattles on to their next talking point without having the good sense to know that they lost.

How can someone have an unreasonable political philosophy that is self-defeating and irrational and still hold their head up as a person of sense? They can’t, and the reason that they appear to do so is because we are mistaking modern day liberalism as a movement of rational thought and philosophy.

It’s not. It’s a religion. More accurately, it’s a cult.


What can you do?

You can’t reason with a fanatic. The greatest debates are had when there is either no proof, or there is, but one or more sides will simply not listen. We can extol conservative or libertarian values all day long and point out how they are backed up by reality, but, if they are blinded, they will not see.

If Trump wins, do not gloat to these people, for their machine will take a long time to dismantle, and even a headless snake is dangerous. If Clinton wins, do not lament around them either, for you merely mark yourself as a target.

The best thing to do is to get people of the left out of your life the best you can. Friendships can be stopped, and acquaintances through social activities can be distilled down to only interactions of that activity, though you should really ask yourself if a hobby that is shared with liberals is really worth keeping. Same thing with churches, although it is hard to find a church that is still traditional and not yet corrupted by feminism and liberalism.

Work will be a difficult one. We have covered being in a “man’s field” before, and that helps to a degree. Beyond that, simply not speaking with leftist coworkers other than necessary conversations for business should be your goal, and this will go double if you have one for a boss.


We’re in a transitory stage between reasonable and friendly disagreement and open physical violence being the norm. Open sabotage and various legal and illegal acts used by the left against their ideological foes is the order of the day.

We must be hard targets against the hate of the left, as there is nothing that a liberal hates more than a successful, middle-class, white, Christian, straight man. Do not allow them access to any vulnerabilities, but do not draw attention to yourself either. Great forces are at play during these current times, much can be accomplished by simply stepping out of the way at the right time.

Relampago Furioso #fundie returnofkings.com

The Media Uses A Strategy Of Reporting On False Rape Accusations To Destroy Men

When a politician isn’t behaving or going along with the elites’ master plan, a coordinated and underhanded rape attack is the first line of offense. The Marxist media, being prostitutes of the elite power structure, specialize in this type of character assassination. Posing as the Fourth Estate while really acting as “for hire” attack dogs is how they make their livings and curry favor with those in the corporate-government complex. When called upon, they collectively aim at a target and commence with “drive by” attacks in 90 second news stories.

It’s really quite easy to perform a character assassination on someone in a sexually repressed culture. Pick an emotional issue, like women being sexually assaulted in a culture that pedestalizes them, and then commence with endless attacks while ignoring Hillary’s endless scandals. That’s exactly what has happened with baseless accusations of sexual misconduct by Donald Trump, repeated and replayed ad nauseum in a last ditch effort to neutralize the threat to globalism posed by his candidacy.

The “Victims”

Suddenly, a senior citizen named Jessica Leeds, a former stewardess, pops up out of nowhere and is emotionally distraught by a groping that supposedly happened 37 years ago. Except her claim is baseless. She claims Trump “raised an armrest” on a flight she worked then proceeded to grab her, but the first class seats on that flight did not have adjustable armrests.

Not only that, an eyewitness said Leeds was throwing herself at Trump, as women tend to do around rich men but that she got rejected. The press would hear none of that because it would deflate both their agenda and ratings, and it would cast holier than thou females in an unholy light. Eyewitness Anthony Gilberthorpe told the press:

I have only met this accuser once and frankly cannot imagine why she is seeking to make out that Trump made sexual advances on her. Not only did he not do so (and I was present at all times) but it was she that was the one being flirtatious.

It seems the pain of that rejection led her to make up a false story.

Why do the marionettes in the media dig up these old hags and baseless sexual harassment claims? Because it works in a culture in which women can do no wrong. The media even pulled a sexual harassment character assassination attempt back in 2008 with the old battle horse John McCain.

Here’s how they did it. The New York Times did a hit piece featuring Vicki Iseman accusing John McCain of sexual conduct. Here’s the kicker: The New York Times later settled a libel suit brought on by Iseman after the campaign had ended. This is how big media and big politics operate.

The veracity of the claims matter little to a gaggle of “journalists” who would slit someone’s throat for a scoop. Similar to the documented practice of some fireman to set fires to keep their jobs, the media create scandals to gin up ratings and dehumanize those not going by the New World Order playbook.

Predictably, once one woman gets the ball rolling, a dogpile of victims ensues in a culture that lionizes victims instead of winners.

Mindy McGilliavray came out and told the press Trump “nudged” her. She told the fellow travelers in the media:

All of a sudden I felt a grab, a little nudge. I think it’s Ken’s camera bag, that was my first instinct. I turn around and there’s Donald. He sort of looked away quickly. I quickly turned back, facing Ray Charles, and I’m stunned. This was a pretty good nudge. More of a grab. It was pretty close to the center of my butt. I was startled. I jumped.

Hey, kino works that way, especially for billionaires. That’s assuming it’s true. It’s funny that instead of confronting The Donald immediately she waited 13 years to bring it up.

Kristen Anderson claimed Trump grabbed her vagina.

Apprentice contestant Summer Zervos claims Trump harassed her, even though she kept in contact with him and even sought out Donald’s help with her business. If she was emotionally scarred by Trump, why would she continue to associate herself with him?

A race is on to see who can turn being the worst “victim” into being the biggest winner of notoriety and 15 minutes of fame.

John Carver #fundie returnofkings.com

(part of an article titled "6 Reasons Progressives, Leftists, And SJWs Are (Literally) Hitler")

1. They Both Use A Stupid Looking And Impotent Arm Gesture

The Nazi salute or “Hitler’ salute was a gesture used as a greeting to powerful Nazi officials, and to glorify the German nation under the Third Reich. The salute was performed by extending the right arm to at least eye level, and straightening the hand so that it is parallel to the arm.

The George Soros-funded domestic terrorist group “Black Lives Matter,” which has a great deal of sympathizers and supporters from the political left, has also adopted their own (ultimately meaningless) arm gesture. Conservatives, libertarians, and the Alt-Right simply don’t bother with such try-hard tough and faux-fascist nonsense.

Progressives and SJW’s are (literally) Hitler!

2. They Both Want Heavy Firearms Restrictions Or Outright Confiscation

In the build-up to Nazi Germany going on the war rampage, Hitler made damn sure that the non-military German populace (Jew and Gentile alike) would be thoroughly disarmed of any projectile firing weapons, as to prevent any kind of civilian insurrection or rebellion against his fascist regime.

Progressives and SJW’s in the United States by and large hate guns, and repeatedly call for heavy restrictions on firearms or outright Hitler, Stalin, and Mao style confiscation.

On the other hand, conservatives, libertarians, and the Alt-Right (including neomasculinists) all respect and value the right to bear arms in order to stymie out-of-control criminality and keep government oppression in check. Not to mention it’s a damn good idea to have most of the population armed as a major deterrent against outside invaders.

Just ask Switzerland, who successfully avoided all of the chaos in Nazi-occupied Europe due to both their mountainous geography and by having the most strapped-up civilian population in all the land.

Progressives and SJW’s are (literally) Hitler!

3. They Both Blame All Of Society’s Ills On One Segment Of The Population

Despite being responsible for about 95% of all major technological and medical advancements for the past 600 years, and the upholders or creators (along with Northeast Asians) of the most advanced infrastructure, high-income, low-corruption, politically stable, and peaceful countries on the planet (i.e. highly desired for migration for people of all races and colors around the world), progressives and SJW’s almost never have anything positive to say about white males.

Every real or perceived societal issue must be caused by the white man and his “supremacist” outlook on life and his “racist” institutions, and no personal responsibility must be accepted for what plagues the African-American, Native American, or Chicano communities. The finger of righteous indignation can simply point straight back to heterosexual white males, who are “privileged” beyond all comparison.

(But please, keep it quiet that many Asian minority groups are economically outperforming white people and are being imprisoned far less per capita. Ok? You’ll ruin the leftist narrative.)

In similar fashion, the Nazi’s blamed just about everything that caused pain to Germany on the mannerisms, behaviors, and business practices of Jews.

Progressives and SJW’s are (literally) Hitler!

Davis M.J. Aurini #fundie returnofkings.com

(about what Donald Trump said in the 2005 video)

The milk sops who are attacking Trump over this comment are criticizing his lack of politeness—the meek language we adopt whenever we find ourselves in mixed company. If his statements had been made in public they might have had a point—a frank conversation about bowel movements belongs in the doctor’s office, not at the dinner table, and telling a woman you barely know that you’d like to “grab her pussy” is the sort of social maladjustment that suggests a temperamental problem—but this was nothing more than a small clip of a long conversation, all of which happened behind closed doors, and exclusively amongst other men. Nobody present was offended—Bush’s own replies affirmed and agreed with Trump’s—and any man who denies having had a similar conversation is a bald faced liar.

Yes, the conversation was rude, but rude is not immoral; the behaviour that married couples get up to in the marital bed is also rude, and yet St Paul commands married couples to do it well, and to do it often. If you walked into a confessional and told the priest that you wanted to kiss pretty girls, he’d give you five Hail Marys for wasting his time, and even a nun like Mother Angelica can enjoy a bit of rude humor: after reading a Galatians 15:21 on her television show, she joked, “—drunkenness, orgies, and other things—oh my; I’m curious about what these other things might be!”

What sort of world is this where we expect Donald Trump to be better behaved than a Catholic nun? And what sort of hypocrites make up the Republican establishment, if this off-hand remark offends them? Do the indiscretions of the Democrats in general, and the Clintons in particular, even warrant a mention at this point? Or can we simply state that we’re living in a world of puritanical hypocrites, who promote the most depraved and debauched culture seen on this planet since the fall of Rome, but who are more than happy to scream “Pervert!” at their enemy because he once patted his wife’s derriere while boarding a plane?

Davis M.J. Aurini #fundie returnofkings.com

(about what Donald Trump said in the 2005 video)

The rank hypocrisy of this pearl clutching is astounding. This form of locker room talk is the nothing more than simple, healthy, virile, masculinity. Since the dawn of humanity, men have sat around discussing the beauty of women, bragging about how popular they are with the ladies, and making crude sexual comments about what they’d like to do with them behind closed doors. While feminists might scream “Rape culture!” and “Objectification!” these are nothing but the ejaculates of diseased minds. Feminists have a pathological fear of healthy male sexuality, and so they conflate the admiration of beauty with the devaluation of personality, and the desire for a woman with the intent to take her by force.

It is a biological fact that men are the initiatory sex, and that women are the alluring sex. Throughout all of the animal kingdom, males have to prove their worth before a female will accept them as a mate, and it is the female’s alluring nature which drives them to compete in the first place. Locker room banter is just one of the many ways that the males of our species psych one another up in preparation. It isn’t just normal—it is morally correct.

Relampago Furioso #fundie returnofkings.com

A man with a functioning libido is public enemy number one in the increasingly bizarre United States of America, a debased nation that liberalism is destroying. Putting tampons in men’s restrooms is just fine, creating 600 genders out of thin air when every other species gets by with two genders is fine, but a rich and powerful man talking about having sexual desire for women and making accurate comments about how women let alpha males do whatever they want has caused the castrati in the media to call into session an impromptu kangaroo court of persecution. Trump is also being given the Julius Caesar treatment by his own party.

The same feminist nation that bought 80 million copies of Fifty Shades of Grey, a book women got hot and bothered reading that features far worse language and actions than the secret recording of Trump, is suddenly aghast when a real life billionaire is revealed to have been talking about trying to fuck some chick and making moves on women. Tepid comments have been enough to cause a stir in the Cucklican establishment, in which anything but gelded deference towards women is verboten. A recording of Trump made my a lowlife media jackal named Billy Bush caught him making the following thought crime comments:

"Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything. When you’re a star, they let you do it— You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait."

Any man with two functioning testicles and any level of experience with women knows Trump is exactly right. Women turn into instant sluts around rich and powerful men. Hypergamy is the most powerful force in the universe. They absolutely “let you do it.”

Trump is also being called a sexist for making these comments about Nancy O’Dell.

"I moved on her and I failed. I’ll admit it. I did try and fuck her. She was married. And I moved on her very heavily. I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look."

Why is this even an issue when it’s a recording of a supposedly private conversation? Do the sycophants in the media think Slick Willy talked any differently when he was discussing the women he was diddling when he was the governor of Arkansas and later the President? Or when he was flying down to a pedophile’s private island?

Even though Hillary’s obvious pathological lying, criminality and health issues have been swept under the rug, a man displaying a modicum of testosterone was enough to send the 2016 campaign into a frenzy, and the media into overdrive conducting one of their infamous witch hunts against those not in the Marxist/globalist claven.

They did not seem to be bothered by, and even glorified Fifty Shades of Grey, however, a book featuring explicit erotic scenes of dominance and submission, bondage and discipline and BDSM conducted by a sadistic billionaire. The irony, as usual, is completely lost on vapid mediaites.

Louis Stuart #fundie returnofkings.com


Hillary Isn’t Effective

Aside from his charisma and persuasive abilities, the reason Barack Obama was so successful in selling his “fundamental transformation of America” was because he was almost a blank slate. He arrived with such meteoric velocity that he was more myth than man. Comparatively little was known about him. In four years, he went from obscure Illinois lawmaker to President-Elect. People could fill in the blanks with whatever they wanted to.

Hillary Clinton lacks this too. Everyone’s known her for decades. Her image can’t change. Young regressives voted overwhelmingly against her in the primaries and her lead among Millennials is dismal at best. Even Bernie Sanders, who drew massive crowds, barely drew 200 for Hillary. Millennial turnout will likely drop with black turnout. It’s hard to get excited about Hillary. Her reputation is just as negative among Millennials as everyone else. What’s Hillary running on? What’s the aspiration she’s selling?

There are many indications that there’s such little excitement for Hillary that even if she were to win, she would be a terrible salesperson for the regressives. They don’t like her and her ability to rally them is doubtful.

The spread of social movements isn’t only related to their truthfulness, but often with the status they convey on adherents. Accusing someone of witchcraft centuries ago was a way to decrease the status of the accused and increase that of the accuser by showing his or her piety to the prevailing orthodoxy. It’s no different now when someone is accused of whatever label that regressives like.

Barack Obama had a “coolness” factor allowing him to elevate the regressive left in power and status, from which it could look down on benighted souls that dared to dissent. Hillary lacks much of this. She may promote the regressive left and will work on its behalf, but it’s far from certain that she’ll continue to make it “cool.” It is instead possible that regressives will lose status because of her sheer incompetence and terrible salesmanship.

In the meantime, the counter culture that we’re part of will grow because of the lame symbol that is Hillary Clinton. It is to this counter culture that you can position your enterprising efforts, and I’m hedged in that way because one of my projects will be more relevant if Hillary wins.

So while Hillary Clinton will legally strengthen the regressives, it’s far from certain that she will add cultural force to them. She may in fact wind up weakening them with her lame and incompetent administration.

'Just Chilling In Cedar Rapids': Hillary Clinton Sends Snapchat Video— And It's Awful

Warhawk Resurgence

The biggest danger Hillary Clinton poses is that she’s never seen a war she hasn’t liked. Hillary has repeatedly called for a no fly zone over Syria, which would mean shooting down Russian aircraft. Moscow considers her an existential threat, and she reportedly believes that Putin would “back down.”

In truth, the Syrian conflict is probably more dangerous than anything in the Cold War. You have two sides armed by opposing powers in conflict with one another, and aircraft from those major powers flying sorties in the same narrow airspace. This is not something I want Hillary Clinton, a warmonger and an incompetent one, anywhere near.

There’s a reason why the GOP’s neocons have lined up behind Hillary. If she wins, we can at the very least expect continued destabilization of the Middle East and possibly other areas, which means even more “refugees” imported into the West and an increased risk of terrorism.


A Hillary Clinton presidency must be avoided at all costs. It’s vital for every ROK reader who is eligible to vote to turn out. This year’s “gender gap” is a reversal of the norm—Hillary Clinton is having deep trouble with men. It may just be men like you and I that decide things.

But if there is a silver lining to the worst case scenario, it may be that Hillary’s total lack of persuasive ability and her thoroughly corrupt reputation shred whatever credibility the establishment has left. By any reasonable measure her presidency would be a disaster, but in disaster lies opportunity. Perhaps this is being overly optimistic, and I understand that sentiment. But as Scott Adams remarks, you can interpret almost anything as good or bad news, so I try to find what good I can.

Louis Stuart #fundie returnofkings.com

What Would Happen If Hillary Clinton Wins?

Although I predicted a Donald Trump victory last fall, and my confidence in this outcome is higher now than ever, we must still prepare for the worst. As he himself mentions in The Art of the Deal, “prepare for the downsides and the upsides will take care of themselves.” A Hillary Clinton victory is still a big possibility and still the favored outcome on paper. We must therefore manage our expectations. If the worst were to happen, how bad would it be, and what can be done to survive and thrive?

While a Hillary Clinton presidency represents several unmitigated disasters that must be avoided at all costs, there are still, in my opinion at least, a few surprising silver linings that enterprising men can take advantage of, as disaster has always provided opportunities to those who saw them.


Whoever wins this election will be the most unpopular person ever elected President. This will make it very difficult for that person to govern. However, unlike Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton has no charisma. The result will be a regime that is deeply unpopular and distrusted, and will remain that way.

While Donald Trump may be able to use his powers of persuasion effectively, Hillary Clinton has no such powers. The media will certainly be on her side, but the media is already overwhelmingly distrusted and declining in influence rapidly. The proof is in the money. “Journalists” barely sell books, and Hillary Clinton couldn’t even sell 3,000 in its launch week. For a presidential candidate of a major party with a united establishment behind her, this is utterly embarrassing.

Time and again, the pattern has been: the more the public sees of Hillary, the more it dislikes her. Truthfully, there’s no better symbol to discredit the establishment than Hillary Clinton, whose incompetence, corruption, and lack of charisma and persuasive abilities will be symbolic of its moral and intellectual bankruptcy.

As people look for alternatives, whether in politics or in their personal lives, opportunities will open, and there’s no better symbol to stage a contrast with than Hillary Clinton (a face is always the best thing to attach a thought to, as per Scott Adams, and her face is guaranteed to generate strong emotions).

Supreme Court

Regardless of how unpopular she is, Hillary Clinton, if elected, could end up filling two or three vacancies if some older liberal justices decide to time their retirement for the occasion. This will likely permanently realign the court and make it a rubber stamp for any “social justice” endeavor that the regressive left wants to pass.

“Social Justice” Culture Will Get Worse

Men, especially on college campuses, will have to take special heed. It may become necessary to record all interactions with women if, as seems possible, the “misogyny” pilot program underway in the UK expands. This is especially so if “misogyny” becomes paired with the increasingly nebulous concept of “harassment” (all words engineered to shut down critical thinking and operate on confirmation bias).

Black Lives Matter will increase in power. Violence against dissenters will become more open and encouraged through selective enforcement. Islam will continue to demographically expand through accelerated “refugee” resettlement. More terrorist attacks in the US and Europe are certain, and the creep of Islam in mainstream culture will accelerate.

Decrees mandating the increased presence of “social justice” related initiatives in college, at the workplace, and in your neighborhood could well be passed. It’s possible that cuckolding culture will take off, with media blitzes about how “progressive” and “not sexist” it is. What better way to control your “toxic masculinity” (and to promote female desires at the expense of men)?

David G. Brown #fundie returnofkings.com

Hillary Clinton Pulls Out The Lie Book To Try And Stump The Trump At The First Presidential Debate

Monday night’s first Presidential debate, held at Hofstra University in New York, lacked some of the rhetorical fireworks between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton that many had anticipated. Still, the performances of both candidates confirmed earlier assessments made by Return Of Kings. Republican nominee Trump highlighted how America is continuing to lose out economically, socially, and in terms of its national security to other states and organized groups, including ISIS. By contrast, Clinton deployed a series of diversions and straight-out lies to bait again those perennial victims brainwashed by Democrats over decades: millions of blacks, Hispanics, young people, and non-SJW women.

The First Presidential Debate: Hillary Clinton And Donald Trump (Full Debate) | NBC News

(starts at 26:00)

The problem with Clinton’s performance is that she relied on “zingers,” as the mainstream media calls them, which are considered factual and superb just because she says them. They are either inaccurate or, just as bad, banal platitudes about “justice,” “fairness,” and “equality.” These feel-good lines are devoid of either context or proof. Compare this to Trump, who zoomed in perfectly on the cancers afflicting the US: deference to rivals and enemies, failing to ask allies for proper support, and a basic refusal to act in the ways that are best for America.

Here are three key areas in which the Trump-Clinton divide was most prominent during last night’s debate:

Hillary can’t shake off her globalist past—and future

Trump astutely homed in on Hillary Clinton’s previous “gold standard” description of the toxic Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) “free trade” proposal, support which the Democratic nominee claimed to have backtracked on only months ago. He linked this praise to her fawning endorsement of NAFTA in the 1990s. NAFTA, as Trump pointed out, has led to the erosion of American manufacturing and the strange situation where Mexico is allowed to export its goods into America with much smaller financial barriers than the reverse. The TPP promises to do the same and, when it comes to US based-interests, will only benefit transnational corporations.

Clinton was unwilling to categorically rule out backing the TPP again if elected President and avoided criticizing Barack Obama for wanting it implemented. She also said nothing of substance in relation to combating China’s extremely anti-free trade behavior, most notably the constant devaluation of its currency. In the context of a $20 trillion US national debt and trade deficits that balloon ever more, the likely Democratic inaction on this front is alarming and only surrenders national, rather than corporate interests. What she did do was to try to placate those wanting a welfare state, promising things like “debt-free college” and a minimum wage rise. But how can those she will get the money from, “the wealthy,” pay for both these shopping items and simultaneously pay down the debt?

When the topic switched to terrorism, the Democratic nominee refrained from discussing how ISIS began its rise when she was Secretary of State, an inconvenient truth she was quickly reminded about. Expanding on this bad judgment point, Trump alluded to a related national security failure of the “experienced” Secretary Clinton: the United States’ persistent bankrolling of other states’ safety at the direct expense of its own. The whole point of NATO is that it is an alliance, but America always seems to foot the bill, just as it does in its relationship with Japan. In response, Hillary Clinton was unable—or simply refused—to articulate how this is either a desirable or affordable state of affairs. This is telling as nationalist vs. globalist arguments grow more salient within the current American political discourse.

Gender pay gap madness

Hillary Clinton unsurprisingly brought up the gender pay gap, a long-discredited myth that ignores how women, even those employed full-time, work on average less hours than men. This political fiction, one perpetually drawing in millions of self-victimized female voters and emasculated white knights, fails to acknowledge the greater presence of men in higher-skilled and therefore higher-paying industries as well.

Despite the certainty that this kind of argument would be raised, Clinton took it to a new, far more delusional level by suggesting that women deserve the same pay for inferior work. She claimed that Donald Trump “said women don’t deserve equal pay unless they do as good a job as men.” He actually did not say this, as a fact check used in a [i]USA Today[/i] article illustrated months ago.

Yet even if he had made the statement, this is perhaps the least controversial soundbite, real or imagined, that anyone has ever used to try and discredit Trump. The falsely attributed words are one hundred percent in line with the idea of “equal pay for equal work.” If your work is not of the same quality as your peer, you should not get equal pay. How, for example, is a junior female lawyer who brings in less clients and billable hours than her male counterpart deserving of equal pay? What Trump did say is that he favors paying employees based on performance.

Necessary corrections aside, Hillary Clinton’s line is merely a prelude to the affirmative action she will unleash upon the American economy if elected. Having already implied that women deserve equal pay even if their work and performance cannot be described as equal, expect concrete legislation that will force employers to hire women over men, irrespective of their credentials, socioeconomic backgrounds (preferential treatment allows many Middle American men to be leapfrogged by women from privileged families), and the real requirements of the job.

Race-baiting— again

Hillary Clinton reverted to re-peddling the tired old fantasy that 2016 is the new Jim Crow laws era. Forgetting that countless non-blacks are in jail for non-violent offences, too, she falsely portrayed African-Americans as the victims of police harassment and racist hysteria over crimes that are not murder, rape or serious assault. To boot, she pushed aside the higher involvement of blacks in violent felonies. Clinton further outlined how outright (white) racism, not certain cultural values and black-on-black brutality, purportedly explains almost every conceivable problem confronting African-Americans today. Plus, she did not ever call out the truly deplorable rioters in Charlotte, nor condemn overall the opportunistic troublemakers that comprise Black Lives Matter.

Trump absolutely schooled his opponent, however, when it came to the astounding rate of violence in Chicago, Clinton’s city of birth. In a metropolitan area where gun laws are amongst the most restrictive in the nation, black-on-black crime especially has decimated African-American communities. Clinton’s crude racial politics quickly became stuck and the candidate herself appeared to be flustered. After all, Chicago, which Trump was using as an example of the general malaise of crime found across the country, is controlled locally by Democrats, like most major cities.

The desperation of Hillary Clinton, a representative of a party which has failed America’s minorities and made them poorer, became evident when she mentioned a racial discrimination lawsuit, not a finding of guilt, brought against Trump forty years ago. With nothing to offer blacks and Hispanics, other than the same old dud policies on a national and municipal level, she had to invent a boogeyman to distract people.

But the media still lauded Clinton

Regardless of her cheap antics at the debate, almost every mainstream media editorial from CNN’s to the LA Times‘ waxed lyrical about Clinton’s supposedly epic performance on Monday night. That sycophancy will only grow from now until election day. But if takes so much concerted, stooge-like media support to help her win, what does that say about her as a candidate?

Right now, though, we should be both proud of and amazed at where Trump is at the moment. Only six months ago, people were bellowing that he would still lose the Republican nomination. He could never ever win, the experts said. Moreover, just a year ago, his candidacy was considered a laughing stock by elites and nearly all supporters of the Democrats.

So who’s laughing at Donald Trump now? Not many people, and certainly not a very concerned Hillary Clinton.

Max Roscoe #racist returnofkings.com

Asians are naturally thin, petite, and healthy—IN ASIA. The country with the longest lifespan is Japan, which is one of the most isolated Asian nations, physically, culturally, and economically. The average Japanese person lives until age 80 for males and 87 for females (America is ranked #34). However, when Asians move to the west and adopt our culture, diet, and lifestyle, they become overweight, slutty, and often mutilate their bodies and experiment with gender fluidity.

Michael Augustus #sexist returnofkings.com

Women Would Rather Be Raped By Invaders Than Stuck With Beta Males

She is dying for you to put her in her place, beneath you. A woman wants to be conquered, she wants to submit to power, she wants to give up control, but first she has to test to see if “it” exists within you. To submit to a lesser man is rape, to submit to a superior man is harmony. Feminism and other female SJW endeavors are societal shit tests. If you fail, they’ll push the boundary again, and again, and again… If you give them an inch, they’ll take a mile.

The female imperative was never supposed to be 100% successful, though. Eventually, some man somewhere is supposed to not put up with her shit and put her in her proper place: beneath him and one half-step back. A woman’s job is to see you fail. For if you fail, you were never “worthy” in the first place. Western culture is now embracing that very failure.

The Beta That Broke The Western Cultures’ Back

Betas occur naturally in the wild, but over the past several decades, governments, corporations, media, and academia have attempted to artificially manufacture them en masse beyond natural levels with the assistance of female nature (stated earlier). They’ve indoctrinated man into believing blue pill sexual strategy that women despise. They’ve stripped fathers from the home and had females infiltrate male spaces containing masculine role models. And they’ve legally restrained a man’s ability to discipline and properly set boundaries in the home, the very same discipline and boundaries that women instinctively seek. All with the proud help of women.

So what’s left? A whole generation of men raised by women and the state, taught to be pussies and supplicate to females and authority.

Now, the feminization of man has hit critical mass and women’s amygdalas notice. Women are unknowingly witnessing their own creation and are left disgusted, wondering, “Where have all the ‘good men’ gone?” Now women are seeking another tribe…

The Invaders

“[…] women actually want strong male authority figures in their life.

But will deny it until the day they die.

If they admitted to it, it would allow non male authority figures (beta men) to emulate alpha qualities.

They want men that just get it. Even if that means takeover of Western European / u.s. Culture by Islamic militants.”

• /u/antariusz (Source)

Europe is currently witnessing female nature being expressed freely on a societal level without a civilized, masculine balancing factor. The truth of the matter is, women have no in-group loyalties. Whoever the powerful are in that moment, women drift their way with their asses bent over, knees quivering, and legs dripping with tingle juice. They want to be conquered, but they don’t care by who. Whether it’s daddy government, her father, a boyfriend, Chad Thundercock, violent criminals, or a horde of rapefugees doesn’t matter.

In times of war, women are constants. Men and boys are killed off, but women are simply transferred and assimilated into the new tribe to be the sperm receptacles of the victors.

Observing the weakness of many European men, women want a different set of male suitors. They call this initiative “diversity” or “multiculturalism.” In plain terms, women want to import men they perceive to be powerful and masculine to replace the weaklings they are stuck with. Women LOVE playing multiple men against each other to battle for her vaginal affections. It’s basically the plot of a every rom-com and romance novel.

Thanks to the 1984 police state, politicians and social media titans like Angela Merkel and Mark Zuckerburg, that new tribe so happens to be the biggest group in history to never reform itself to Western society: Muslims (over 2 billion of them). They give absolutely zero fucks about Western Civilization and their inhabitants. They never back down. These people are not just willing to die and be imprisoned to defend their beliefs, but kill: “There is no law, but that of Allah.”

This is attractive to women. Women LOVE violent males. Women love their conviction. It’s extremely arousing to them. The fact that it’s backed by a mental illness doesn’t matter. These Muslim immigrants are violent, they don’t break frame, and are becoming powerful. That’s seen as masculine. That’s sexy.

Most modern Western man doesn’t stand a chance. Rape and sexual assault has skyrocketed since immigrants have been allowed to settle into Europe, yet women and feminists were silent on the subject. Why? Because they would rather live under the threat of rape by invaders than settle with skinny beta manginas protesting at slut walks and minoring in gender studies. There are even instances where European girls refused to report their immigrant sexual assailants in the name of multiculturalism and fighting Islamophobia or just because they felt bad for them. But that’s bullshit. The power of the rapists gave her tingles and then she tried to rationalize it.


With Open Gates: The forced collective Suicide of European Nations - Watch with Audio below

You see that, betas of Europe? That’s your future.

The only thing saving North America from being Cologne, Sweden, or Britain is that there are two oceans separating us from Africa and the Middle East. But Obama seeks to change that by importing thousands of Syrians into small traditional family towns (view: Roosh’s video). Not to mention the education system, specifically the colleges here, are getting brainwashed to the max with anti-white “diversity.”

Betas of the United States and Canada? Keep it up, and women will encourage the same thing to happen here, embracing the enemy with open legs.

Michael Sebastian #fundie returnofkings.com

Let’s face it. Humans, like other mammals, have a pecking order. Everyone knows that sometimes a person is “out of their league” when it comes to romance. Although every woman wants to be married to an alpha male, alphas are by definition scarce. So most women know they will have to settle for a beta or a gamma if they want to get married.

Everything about Trump triggers these women. He is everything that they want but know they cannot have. He is tall, fabulously wealthy, and even at 70, still pretty handsome. He’s a man’s man. Even though he has an Ivy League education, he can converse comfortably with plumbers and construction workers. He’s virtually fearless and he’s knocked off 16 of the GOP’s best candidates while fighting an unfriendly media.

What is worse is that Trump is married to a gorgeous model who is 24 years younger than him. In other cultures, a 24-year age difference is not scandalous, but it is in the SJW-controlled United States. This is enormously triggering to dowdy women because they know in their hearts that even if they were able to marry an alpha, he would eventually leave them for a younger, more beautiful woman.

Trump’s entire family is an affront to these women. His daughter Ivanka is a reminder that a woman does not have to be fat, even after they have children. And his handsome sons are painful reminders to a dowdy woman of what her children would have looked like if she had been able to score an alpha.

What recourse do these women have? The best revenge in the world: Trump’s opponent is a fellow dowdy woman. That’s why they will support her even though they know she is corrupt.

Roosh Valizadeh #fundie returnofkings.com

Hillary will be far worse than Obama

Obama was the “race” president, and look how badly he has damaged race relations in only eight years. Hillary will be the “gender” president. The future we have in store should be absolutely clear to you if she happens to defeat Trump.

Not only will she move to establish a techno-matriarchy where men are second-class citizens to any female, but she will ensure that no movement or organization will be able to challenge her or her establishment cronies ever again. This isn’t a trivial matter of getting banned from a web site like Twitter or Youtube—many of you will be forced to escape the country for no other reason than you happening to be a man who found himself on the wrong side of the establishment.

Many men say that Trump is controlled opposition. The evidence to that has been wholly uncompelling based on the genuine establishment attacks he’s received, but even if he’s lying about all of his policies, including building a wall, the one guarantee we can make about him is that he won’t attack men. There’s absolutely nothing in his candidacy or behavior in the past 40 years of his life that suggests it.

If Trump happens to win and does attack us, I will proudly wear egg on my face, with the depressing realization that our last hope for some semblance of normality has been destroyed and the dark age will be brutal for us all.

A vote for Trump is a vote for self-preservation

My vote for Trump is based on self-preservation for myself, my brothers, and all the men who support me. If Trump wins, I’m confident that we will be able to exercise our free speech without unfair persecution and not be wrongly tried in courts for masculine behaviors. If he does only a scrap of what he promises, we’ll be able to pursue our constitutionally given freedoms without fear of destitution, imprisonment, or worse.

I predict that a masculine renaissance will occur upon his victory, where men can once again focus on their own individual goals with Trump as a patriarchal role model. I would devote more of my energy to helping men successfully pair bond with women, like I started my writing career with, instead of having to play political defense as masculinity becomes retroactively classified as hate speech.

But if Hillary wins, we’re doomed. I’m not saying this out of emotion but out of careful consideration of the globalist master plan and the increased speed of their advancement in the past ten years. What you saw against us in February is just a warm-up of what will come to hundreds of individuals and organizations on the right, all while the justice system pushes genuinely insane laws that force all men to prove they are not rapists after their sexual encounters. I do not look forward to how my life will be like if Hillary does win, or having to wake up every day to see if the “big” attack has started against us or not.

I therefore urge all American readers of mine to vote for Donald Trump on November 8, 2016. While I am skeptical of some of his promises, and wonder if America is too far gone to make it great again, Donald Trump must win so that the pause button can be pushed against this nightmare of insanity that is already crushing men. He will allow us to regain our footing after being forced to watch in disbelief at all the negative changes that have been recently forced upon us. Let us all breathe a sigh of relief if he wins, and pray to God for safety if he doesn’t.

Roosh Valizadeh #fundie returnofkings.com

If Donald Trump Doesn’t Win, We’re Screwed

In the past year we’ve been the target of establishment attacks. Since then, I’ve had the privilege of speaking with insiders who understand the globalist master plan. Combining my own analysis with those discussions lead me to conclude that if Hillary Clinton wins the 2016 Presidential election, attacks against us and ideologically similar right-wing groups will explode in number, with the goal of shutting down our counter-narrative platforms and ensuring a Donald Trump figure never gets populist support again.

It’s easy to stay apolitical as long as political forces leave you alone, but the second you become a threat to the existing order, politics will become a painful part of your daily existence as pressure increases on your speech and behavior. Many young men in universities are finding this out right now as false rape and harassment charges ruin their lives before it gets started while men working in corporate America are already aware that they are one “sexist” or “homophobic” statement away from losing their livelihoods. The fact that many men are now recording their consensual sex encounters shows how badly men are being targeted.

Hillary will attack us on multiple fronts

If Hillary Clinton wins, there will be a huge increase in “acute” attacks against individuals and groups. At the same time, there will be a rapid introduction of dystopian new laws that serve as the leading edge of the “chronic” front. All men will be negatively affected under a Hillary presidency in one way or another, meaning that the globalist boot is fast approaching our faces.

The acute attacks will be witch hunts from the media, local politicians, and the Federal Government. They will target us, the alt right, alternative media, patriot groups, survivalists, traditionally conservative groups, and anyone else who strongly supports Donald Trump, tradition, or masculinity. The purpose of acute attacks is to psychologically break down, impoverish, and imprison those who have a powerful ability to counter the narrative or those who have the strength and organizational skill to resist tyranny with arms.

If the media can’t take someone down through their focused lies and distortions, like with what happened to me in February with the meetup outrage, the task will then be handed off to the Federal Government to pursue bogus “hate speech,” “extremist speech,” and “incitement to violence” charges, as is already being done in Europe (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7). The IRS will be involved to wear down groups with targeted audits, like they did with the Tea Party, while the FBI will infiltrate and subvert groups that are meeting physically using COINTELPRO tactics.

The chronic attack phase will include passage of unconstitutional hate speech laws (or malicious interpretations of previously banal laws) that a compromised Supreme Court will not stop. A stricter variant of “Yes means yes” laws will be passed nationally, making every man who has consensual sex guilty of rape until he can definitively prove otherwise. Just as globalist insider Ezra Klein stated, the goal is for you to feel a “cold spike of fear” when interacting with women. So it shall be done.

Talking to girls in public will be illegal harassment or “hate crime,” and be enforced any time you make a girl feel bad for whatever reason, even if you merely stare at her the wrong way (such laws are currently being beta tested in the UK before wider rollout). Blatantly discriminatory “gender equality” laws in the workplace will lower the incomes of all men so that less qualified females can receive job positions and promotions at male expense.

In addition, the law will be selectively applied to maximize pain against men. Those who break the law against you will be allowed to walk, just like Hillary did after the charade of her FBI investigation, while you will be prosecuted for the most minor of missteps that the other side gets away with. The veneer of justice will be removed and only raw power will remain.

Bob Smith #fundie returnofkings.com

10 Words And Phrases Girls Habitually Use That Prove They Are Mindless Robots

Have you ever noticed that most liberal Western women utilize the following 10 words and phrases as the mainstays of their vocabulary? They utter these words and phrases in the exact same ways, using the exact same vocal inflections:

1. Amazing

(Spoken as, uh-MAYYYYY-zing)

2. Oh my god

(Spoken as, OHHHHH my god or OH. MY. GOD.)

3. So good

(Spoken as, SOOOOO good, or SO. GOOD. – as in, “That chocolate dildo tasted – SO. GOOD. – right after I banged myself with it.”)

4. Thank you

(Spoken as, THANG-cue, or THANG-kuh yoooo-WUH)

5. Like

(Typically utilized in conjunction with the other four words above, such as in the following sentence, “OH. MY. GOD. – like, that orgasm was—SO. GOOD. It was uh-MAYYYYY-zing! THANG-cue.”)

6. Really

(Spoken as, REEEEE-lee, and typically utilized in conjunction with the other five words and phrases above, such as in the following sentence, “OH. MY. GOD. – like, that orgasm was—SO. GOOD. It REEEEE-lee was uh-MAYYYYY-zing! THANG-cue.”)

7. Right

(Spoken as, righ-EET?, and typically utilized in conjunction with the other six words and phrases above, such as in the following sentence, “OH. MY. GOD. – like, that orgasm was—SO. GOOD. It REEEEE-lee was uh-MAYYYYY-zing! Righ-EET? THANG-cue.”)

8. Cute

(Spoken as, CUE-wut, or KEE-ute, and utilized in conjunction with the other seven words and phrases above, such as in the following sentence, “OH. MY. GOD. You’re so CUE-wut. Like, that orgasm was—SO. GOOD. It REEEEE-lee was uh-MAYYYYY-zing! Righ-EET? THANG-cue.”)

(Thanks to ROK reader Andrew, who pointed out that I had forgotten to include No. 8 above, in my original list of words and phrases.)

9. Awesome

(Spoken as, AWE-sum, and utilized in conjunction with the other eight words and phrases above, such as in the following sentence, “OH. MY. GOD. You’re so CUE-wut. You’re so AWE-sum! Like, that orgasm was—SO. GOOD. It REEEEE-lee was uh-MAYYYYY-zing! Righ-EET? THANG-cue.”)

10. No

(Spoken as, NO-wuh, and typically utilized separately from the other nine words and phrases above; such as in the following, extremely common man/woman exchange – Man: “Did you get banged last night while you were supposedly visiting your sister, Sunshine?” Woman, pouting: “NO-wuh.”)

The 10 words and phrases above are often utilized whenever a woman is trying to deflect attention away from her sexual shenanigans. By strategically utilizing them at critical junctures, she maintains an innocent, teenage-girl vibe, while pretending to be really into you—above all other men.

This greatly appeals to your nurturing, protective side, not to mention your ego, and might allow her to distract you from the curious matter that exhibited itself only a few moments earlier.

She will often bust out the above words and phrases if she suddenly exhibits new physical skills that she didn’t used to possess, such as snapping a bath towel, or being able to play a brand-new type of card game, which are overt signs that she is a cheating slut who has picked up new tricks from some random dipstick she has been banging on the side.

These robotic, mindless, incessantly jabbering sluts are as common as crotch crickets and are literally everywhere, and you can quickly replace one with another, just by going down to the corner bar and telling some other vacuous broad that your great-uncle left you $10 million dollars which you will be collecting in 12 short weeks.

At which point, your newest bimbo-of-the-week will utter the same 10 words and phrases listed above, while simultaneously complimenting you on your good looks, your sense of style, your incredible scent, and your great sense of humor, shortly before whisking you off to her place.

Like, amazing!

John Carver #fundie returnofkings.com

It Doesn’t Matter If Women Win Gold Medals At The Rio Olympics

The U.S. mainstream media is hailing the record number of female athletes which are heading to Rio de Janeiro for the Olympic Games, with a total of 292 out of the 555 American competitors being women. Because you know, gender gaps are worthy of congratulations and applause just as long as there are less men and more women stepping up to the plate.

In truth, this is actually a sad state of affairs. It means that the U.S. Olympic team will have less than a 50% chance of seeing a real champion, rather than a 2nd rate gold medalist from the weaker sex, achieving athletic glory on the world stage.

I’ve said it before in my previous article “Anything Women Can Do, Men Can Do Better,” and I’ll say it again in 2016. The best females can never outclass the best males in sport and athleticism.

Denial Is A River In Lefty Land

Feminists always love to espouse that women can be “just as good as any man” in sports, but this has always been a preposterous falsehood. The average women only has roughly 60% of the strength and muscle characteristics of a comparable man, and the greatest gender difference in upper body strength can probably be attributed to the fact that women tend to have a significantly lower proportion of their lean muscle tissue distributed in the upper body.

In other words, women will NEVER reach the stratospheric heights of the best male boxers, weightlifters, javelin throwers, hammer throwers, rowers, swimmers, pole vaulters, and a host of other Olympic events where upper body strength is pivotal to reaching the podium.

But what about feats of agility and stamina where upper body strength is not quite as vital? Such as Association Football (Soccer) and most running and jumping events at track and field? Well grab your adult coloring books and head to your “safe space” SJW’s, because the best male runners at the marathon (the biggest combo test of speed and stamina) are routinely faster than the best women.

“At every distance up to the marathon, the gap between men’s and women’s world record times is nine to 10 percent—and it’s a similar or even higher percentage among recreational runners.” – Runner’s World, April 2015 Edition

Get it? Due to irrefutable biological characteristics, women just don’t have the strength, speed, and physical fortitude to run faster or perform better at the same sport than the best men. Case in point, the Australian national women’s soccer team (which is participating at this Olympic games) was absolutely humiliated earlier this year by a 7 – 0 loss to the Australian national under FIFTEEN’s boys side (which is not participating).

Even in Olympic events which do not require overt displays of speed, stamina, or brute strength—such as gymnastics—denial dwelling SJWs and white knights may resort to saying that female gymnasts are more “graceful” and agile than their male counterparts.

Oh really? I beg to differ. Just watch British freerunner Will Sutton take a stroll around the Isle of Man, combining incredible acrobatics, athleticism, speed, stamina, and landing dangerous jumps that not a single woman has been able to emulate thus far.

Authoritative Quotes On Male And Female Physiology

‘Agility depends upon the ability to decelerate and accelerate fast, and men – because of their larger muscles – will always have an advantage,’ – Harry Brennan, Exercise Physiologist

‘There was a period in the Seventies when women equaled or broke more world records than men, but that was before the fall of the Berlin Wall.’ – Harry Brennan, Exercise Physiologist

(Translation: this was the era when Eastern Bloc coaches were feeding female athletes steroids like sweets. They were outright cheaters.)

‘The male skeleton is bigger and gives them an inherent advantage – larger bones are generally stronger,’ – Ignac Fogelman, Endocrinologist Professor

‘Faster men’s times for 100 to 800 meters are mostly due to men, on average, having greater muscle mass—and a larger portion of it is fast-twitch, which allows them to generate greater force, speed, and anaerobically produced energy’ – Chris Schwirian, Biological Sciences lecturer at Ohio University

World Athletic Records Men Vs. Women

100m Dash World Record

9.58 s – Usain Bolt (Men’s)

10.49 s – Florence Griffith Joyner (Women’s)

High Jump World Record

2.45 m – Javier Sotomayor (Men’s)

2.09 m – Stefka Kostadinova (Women’s)

Hammer Throw World Record

86.74 m – Yuriy Sedykh (Men’s)

79.58 m – Anita Wlodarczyk (Women’s)


Whenever female athletes are awarded a “gold medal” at the Olympics, it should just be a giant knockoff of that cheap Hanukkah gelt (chocolate gold coins) that Jewish children get for the holiday season. After the brief surge of excitement that they have won “gold” (and attention whore themselves with it on Instagram), they can peel off the tin foil and feast on the chocolatey goodness inside until it’s all gone. “You go girl!”

After all, since women are ultimately just big children, they merely deserve to have big children’s candy. The REAL gold medals should be allocated to the real champions of a sporting discipline’s top tier, which will always be men.

Unfortunately, “equality” obsessed feminists and SJW’s will be absolutely thrilled when women take home gold medals at the Olympic games, even though their competitive talents and event completion times will be noticeably worse than many male athletes who will return home with nothing.

So best of luck to all the male athletes in the Games of the XXXI Olympiad! Go for gold! (And I do mean the real kind).

Matt Forney #fundie returnofkings.com

In the days after Wikileaks released the emails, leftists went berserk, claiming that the Russians were behind the hack (with no proof whatsoever), accusing Vladimir Putin of trying to influence the presidential election, and even accusing Donald Trump of being a Manchurian candidate for Moscow. Curiously, none of them have taken note of the multitude of other countries who are also sticking their hands into the American cookie jar, most notably Mexico, whose government has been funding riots at Trump’s rallies.

It’s quite telling that the only country that leftists don’t want influencing the government is a white, traditionalist, Christian one. The left’s anti-Russian hysteria isn’t simply repugnant: it’s a throwback to the anti-communist fervor of the early 1950’s. The difference is that while Joseph McCarthy’s claims that communists had infiltrated the government had validity, the left’s hatred of Russia is rooted entirely in their paranoia and hatred of healthy, prosperous societies.


Before and during the Cold War, leftists were in love with Russia. The Soviet Union represented the end goal of leftism: total state control over every aspect life. Because of this—and also because the Soviets extensively funded efforts to infiltrate Western institutions—the American and European left sided with Russia at every opportunity. For example, during World War II, leftists promoted the idea of opening a second front in Europe with the goal of taking pressure off of the Soviet Union, when the militarily smart move would have been to let the Nazis and Soviets destroy each other. The Normandy invasion was completely unnecessary; all it did was enable the U.S.S.R. to colonize much of eastern Europe.

Similarly, in the 1950’s, leftists in the media and government smeared Senator Joseph McCarthy when he courageously pointed out that Soviet agents were deeply embedded in the State Department and other prominent federal agencies. The Venona Papers—a collection of decrypted messages from the Soviet Union’s intelligence agencies released in 1995—later vindicated many of McCarthy’s claims. Later, in the 1980’s, leftists vociferously opposed Ronald Reagan’s aggressive stance towards the U.S.S.R., claiming it would lead to war; Ted Kennedy even begged the Russians to intervene in the 1984 presidential election and help defeat Reagan (irony).

The love between the Western left and Russia died when the Soviet Union collapsed. Since the end of the Cold War, Russia has transformed itself from a failed socialist state into a patriarchal, traditionalist one, reasserting its place as a world power. Christianity has been revived and takes a central role in Russian life, open homosexuality is frowned upon, and George Soros-funded front groups have been banned from the country. The reason why Russian (and other eastern European) women are known for their femininity and beauty is because these nations resist the moral turpitude of the West.

All this naturally makes Russia an enemy of the degenerate left. Anti-Russian feelings among leftists exploded in 2012, when members of Pussy Riot, a Western-funded leftist agitator group, were arrested after they broke into an Orthodox church and disrupted a mass in process. Leftists began foaming at the mouth a year later when the Russian government formally banned homosexuals from distributing propaganda to minors. When Russia began attacking ISIS last year—and actually made progress towards dismantling the Islamic State—Barack Obama shit a brick and “moderate” Republicans such as John Kasich and Lindsey Graham began speaking of war with Russia.

The left’s fear of Russia is simply their fear of normality, of white heterosexual men taking back what’s theirs. They’re aided by clueless cuckservatives who still think the Cold War is on and Russia is the Red Menace. Additionally, a large number of Russian Jews in the American political establishment, such as neocon Max Boot (a prominent #NeverTrump Republican) and radical lesbian activist Masha Gessen, have spent their careers agitating for more conflict with Russia. (Ilya Sheyman, another Russian Jew, is the head of MoveOn.org, which was behind the riot that shut down Donald Trump’s rally in Chicago last March.)


Common Filth and other commentators have quipped in the past that the U.S. will start World War III with Russia over the issue of gay rights, and those predictions are disturbingly close to coming true. The left’s irrational hatred of Russia combined with our constant meddling in their internal affairs (for example, see Ukraine, where we helped instigate an anti-Russian coup right in their backyard) ensure that tensions with Putin will continue to escalate.

This is lunacy. Beyond the fact that Russian society is one that we should aspire to emulate, Russia is a superpower with a nuclear arsenal. Vladimir Putin is not some tinpot potentate of a third-world hellhole; he’s a crafty leader with a strong military and a nation of hundreds of millions behind him. Hillary Clinton will almost assuredly escalate tensions with Russia, possibly bringing us to war, destroying what is left of America with it.

The left hopes to distract Americans’ from the Democrats’ corruption and malfeasance by ginning up a Red Scare 2.0, and we can’t let them get away from it. Leftists’ hatred of Russia, combined with the apocalyptic ramifications of war with Putin, are too significant to ignore.

John Hydenius #homophobia #biphobia returnofkings.com

Study: Homosexuals And Bisexuals Are More Likely To Be Mentally Ill, Drug Abusers

It’s summer now, and in Sweden that means it’s pride parade season. One thing that’s different this year is that the very gay Milo Yiannopoulos is coming here to lead a parade on July 27th. The reason is that this particular parade will go through Tensta, a suburb comprised of mostly immigrants, a lot of them Muslim. We’ll see how that goes.

In other gay news: a new survey has found excess health problems in gays, lesbians and bisexuals. These groups reported more health problems than straight men and women.

More prone to smoking and heavy drinking

The study was done in the US, with nearly 69,000 participants. The National Health Interview Survey has been around for many years, but in 2013 and 2014 it included a question about sexual orientation for the first time.

The researchers conclude that gay, lesbian and bisexual adults “were more likely to report impaired physical and mental health, heavy alcohol consumption, and heavy cigarette use, potentially due to the stressors that (they) experience as a result of interpersonal and structural discrimination.”

The results show that lesbians, compared to heterosexual women, are 91 percent more likely to report poor or fair health. Lesbians are also 51 percent more likely, and bisexual women more than twice as likely, to report multiple chronic conditions, compared to straight women.

Gays, lesbians and bisexuals are more likely to indulge in heavy drinking and smoking. 26 percent of gay men and about 40 percent of bisexual men reported at least moderate psychological distress, compared to about 17 percent of heterosexual men.

In the case of women, about 22 percent of heterosexuals had at least moderate psychological distress, compared to about 28 percent of lesbians and about 46 percent of bisexuals.

Gilbert Gonzales of the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Nashville, who worked with this study, thinks so-called “minority stress” may account for health differences between heterosexuals and gay, lesbian and bisexual people. He thinks bisexuals have it worse than the rest because they may not always be accepted by gay, lesbian and transgender communities.

Right off the bat, you know the researchers aren’t exactly unbiased in this matter, since they talk about “structural discrimination” of these minority groups in America, a country where they are constantly praised in the media and by the elites. But leaving that aside, their study does show some interesting results.

I can’t say that I’m surprised. There are many possible reasons why the LGB (and likely also T) community is having more psychological problems than heterosexuals. One reason could be that some people do treat them badly on account of them being so strange (there’s a reason why they’re called queers). If they insist on acting act out their weird sexual desires in public, it’s understandable that some will take offense to that.

Some might even go so far as to discriminate against them. A business owner with more traditional values might deny them service—for instance, refuse to be the host of a gay wedding. That could well cause the gay couple to feel distress. (Although I would say that that’s the business owner’s right in a free country.)

But I would argue that there are other factors that affect LGBT people’s mental health more than real life discrimination, which can’t be that common in Western countries. The fact that their situation is often described as a lot more bleak than it is, is something that surely must affect them in a negative way. If they’re constantly being told about how oppressed they are by white, cisgender men, and “the religious right” (but not Muslims, we can’t say that), then of course they’re gonna be worried about their safety and future.

In the same way, if you tell a black person enough times that the police are after him and want to shoot him to death, for nothing more than walking down the street, eventually he’s going to believe it and start resenting cops and society in general.

Why celebrate sexual deviance?

But there’s one other factor that I want to bring to this discussion. I’m not a scientist like Gilbert Gonzales, and I’m definitely going to sound like a prejudiced asshole saying this (although it wouldn’t be the first time), but I think there’s something fundamentally wrong with gays, lesbians and bisexuals. Wrong in the sense that they weren’t created as they were supposed to be.

People are, like all animals, supposed to mate with each other, otherwise we wouldn’t still be here. Hence, we’re meant to be heterosexuals. Ergo, gays, lesbians and bisexuals were born with a faulty constitution. And since they’re faulty, it’s no wonder if that reflects on their mental condition.

I’m not saying that there’s necessarily something morally wrong with being gay, just that they’re a small minority of the populace for a reason. It’s not something we should encourage people to be—the results of the study presented above support that case.

Should someone feel pride over being born faulty? Should it be paraded around in the street like it’s something we should celebrate? Should we embrace a condition that impedes our species’ ability to survive? I’m not sure I can agree with that.

Jon Socrates #fundie returnofkings.com

Patriarchal nationalism is a political and social framework based on red-pill wisdom, articulated by ROK’s own Roosh Valizadeh and Michael Sebastian. This framework is an antidote to the poison that has corrupted virtually every facet of Western civilization, now drawing ever closer to systemic collapse. If you haven’t already, you should read the article on patriarchal nationalism now.


Liberalism in the most general sense is an ideology of individualism, in which the individual is paramount. For classical liberals, a man’s active self is sacred, such that individual labor, opinions, speech, liberty, equality under the law, and safety from others are valued by society, which serves as a policeman. For modern liberals, a man’s passive self is sacred, such that individual needs, desires, feelings, equality of outcome, and safety (including from natural consequences) are valued by society, which serves as a nanny.

Liberalism is an ideology in which society exists to serve individuals; how adult or childish those individuals are expected to be is merely a secondary consideration. The first sin of liberalism is its myopia, its doctrine that individuals are the only fundamental, essential units of the human species.

The second sin of liberalism is its idealization of individual morality and reason as the foundation of society, the faith that the individual as an institution is strong enough of mind and character to hold as the center around which all other facets of society revolve. Such an idealization grossly underestimates how much people can value taking over contributing, being over doing, feeling over thinking, and wishing over seeing. Sufficiently degenerated, men will beat their plowshares into televisions; they will forgo the sowing season to glut upon seeds.


Through the myopia of liberalism, individuals are seen as the fundamental units of the human species, while all larger units are merely groups in which individuals participate in order to achieve useful results. Families are formed in order to secure companionship and to share burdens. Tribes and nations arise in order to facilitate trade and collective security. For the liberal, the larger units are only utilitarian arrangements for individuals.

The benefits of larger social units are obvious. However, a more careful analysis reveals that these larger units, the family and the tribe, are not just useful, but are essential to the survival and thriving of both human individuals and the human species.

Aurelius Moner #fundie returnofkings.com

Let me first state that any philosophy allowing for rights in abstraction from the norms of objective morality, is Liberal—and this includes almost all of what calls itself “Conservatism” in the Anglosphere (and, increasingly, beyond). At the heart of Liberalism, aka Modernism (in the technical terms used by Catholics such as myself), is the incoherent and irrational endowing of error with rights, often consequent to an incorrect valuation and application of the good of tolerance.

The first manifestation of this new philosophy in the West was Protestantism, which as Don Felix Sarda y Salvany said, “begets by nature tolerance of error.” I do not say this to be offensive, but descriptive; it was the first manifestation of the feeling that men are entitled to their own opinions on ultimate questions, and ought to be “free” to act in accord with their conscience on these opinions—and that, therefore, authority must yield more or less to individuals’ rights of conscience.

[Picture of Liberty Bell with "Freedom of Conscious" and "Freedom of Religion," with the caption "Concepts as Flawed and Broken as the Bell that Stands for Them"]

One can see that there is essentially no difference between this and the maxim of Justice Kennedy, which he penned to uphold worthless whores’ rights to murder their children without so much as notifying their husbands, the fathers: “At the heart of liberty is the right to define one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life.” I spit upon such damned nonsense; this is literally a carte blanche to do whatever the hell you want. The story of Western Civilization from about 1500 A.D. to the present, is the story of how this absurd idea has played out in successive waves of incoherence and irrationality.

The only limit on this “right to define one’s own concept of existence” is the flimsy protestation that “your rights end where mine begin,” or, put otherwise: “don’t inflict your morality on me!” This sounds good to the person who has not analyzed it critically, but in fact it is a complete impossibility. We all live together in society. Any view that one enshrines as the societal ideal is automatically and inevitably going to inflict itself upon everybody in that society, and will frustrate or contradict their own “concept of existence,” to some extent.

Indeed, it is a wildly tyrannical idea, because it is tantamount to saying that everyone who does not consider their concept of existence to be totally private, relative and arbitrary, has no right to implement their views in society. Yes, as we see, even Libertarianism advances this radically hegemonic principle, squelching all opinions and beliefs that reject the relativistic premise. For, even to advocate that one should not inflict his moral views on someone else, is already an attempt to inflict one’s moral views on someone else! And in the absence of an objective norm of morality, there is really nothing stopping the Supreme Court from interpreting the Constitution to mean that your right not to bake cakes for sodomites, ends where a sodomite’s right to demand cakes of you begins. That this is even an issue, is proof of the absurdity of our system.


I, for example, believe that there are objective principles of morality, and a moral and rational role for the state; I believe it is absolutely right and just and salutary for society to be run on these principles, and that this means making definite judgments upon certain ideas and behaviors, “inflicting” this system upon everybody. I also believe that I am morally obliged to prefer this system of governance, and to reject a Liberal one.

The Liberal, Libertarian or “Conservative” will recoil in horror; but, they are reacting to the mere candor of my position. The fact, is that their viewpoints also require me to shut up, forsake my dearest religious and moral principles, and submit to a society organized along their preferred principles, which I know to be not only immoral, but also impossible and irrational.

When members of society install a form of specious relativism as their governing principle, they are inflicting their moral view upon me. They limit the scope of my social and moral action; they compel my submission to what they accomplish via their appeal to the mob; they shackle me to the moral drift and societal decline of a state piloted by the demagogued masses. They are denying my moral view that a just, rational and even divine social order should reign over society, and that, far from according “power to the people,”

I should hold the uninformed dissent of infidels and fools in contempt, regarding this latter as the infallible source of civilizational decadence. If they succeed in preventing me from implementing my moral vision and living in the society I would form for myself and others, they have succeeded in inflicting their moral vision upon me. They have nullified my moral and social aspirations. They have compelled me to live in a State where a chimerical relativism bulldozes my sublimer views without scruple.


That’s the heart of all this. Since we no longer believe that the only basis of rights is objective uprightness, and since we no longer orient our society towards this (allowing the masses, instead, to simply assert their whimsies as “rights”), and since we have founded a society based on the irrational attempt to accord rights to this tangled abyss of error, we are doomed to pretend that we are not inflicting ourselves on each other, despite the fact that any set of social norms—even the norm of pretending to reject norms—inevitably inflicts itself upon everyone. Unless we repent, this already bitter crisis will keep playing out to the bitter, bitter, bitterest end.

I used to think people would wake up. Yet most still seem oblivious to the manifest inevitability of “inflicting a view,” despite the steadily escalating clash of moral inflictions in the name of forbidding moral inflictions over five centuries. This has now entered a critical stage, because, having moved on from disagreement about less obvious points like the Trinity and Papal Primacy, sane people are now being asked to acquiesce even to palpably absurd ideas: collusion in sodomy = holy matrimony; Bruce Jenner = woman; up = down; square = circle.

The only thing for it, is to stop worrying about inflicting “a” view, and to start worrying about inflicting the right one. Until men with just convictions no longer fear to take up the sword of a righteous authority, and to smite those who demand the right to dissent from justice and just authority, the West will continue to tear itself apart with a specious and manifestly prevaricating, passive-aggressive, intolerant “tolerance.”

Rex Infidelis #fundie returnofkings.com

How Fast-Approaching Sexbot Technology Is Making Women Fearful

I just had a funny experience that illustrates the imperious power of the female narrative in our society. I was sitting in my living room with a 25-year-old, who we’ll call Teri, watching a technology documentary when a segment came on about sex-bots and the technological advancements that are making ever-more realistic ones possible.

At first she seemed intrigued and amused at the sight of dozens of featureless rubber torsos hanging from hooks, waiting to have nipples painted on before being attached to jointed metal frames; but a moment later, there was an interview with a guy who had journeyed to the shop to help design a mechanized companion that was being made just for him, and Teri’s expression changed. Here was a man, neither creepy nor overtly awkward, and exhibiting no outward sign of disability, stating without shame that he would rather pay $7,000 or more for a silicone-and-circuitry simulacrum of a woman than take a real live one out to dinner.

She wasted no time with subterfuge (I like that about her), her id marching indignantly to the forefront as she huffed, “I don’t know about all this. It seems like they could just replace women with those things.” As you might expect, I failed fantastically in my attempt to stifle the ensuing chuckle.

A New Enemy Emerges

While most females will never be as direct as Teri, preferring instead to couch their arguments in talk of “dehumanization” and “exploitation,” the truth is they are scared of the competition. It’s bad enough that we already have FleshLights and RealDolls, but the thought of a fully functional female shaped robot who walks, talks, laughs, fucks like a pornstar, and (if designers are smart) knows how to cook and clean?

Plus you never have to feed it, take it shopping, meet its parents, or listen to it cry? Now the ladies are starting to sweat. They know that access to this sort of technology will compromise their bargaining power with men. While you may be tempted to point out that women have had access to dildos, vibrators, and even more complex contraptions involving power tools for quite a while and it has failed to replace us, you would do well to remember that women don’t want the same things from men as men want from women. Men look to women to be their companions, keep their homes, and provide sex. Women, on the other hand, look to men for everything else.

Narrative Under Attack

If women en masse had some way to meet their needs for shelter, protection, child-rearing resources, and status without trading their beauty, companionship, and homemaking skills for it, the power of a man to secure himself a desirable woman through the cultivation of superior provisioning skills would be greatly diminished.

Oh wait— that already happened. If men succeeded in leveraging half the power through technological innovation that women have managed to through modern governments and their myriad social justice programs, the dynamics of the marketplace would tip dramatically in their favor. Basically, the mass production of sex-bots with all the above traits could cause as tumultuous a tremor in the sexual market as the advent of feminism itself, only this time with men getting the better half of the deal.

In today’s world, the men we call betas and deltas, or those who actually produce all the wealth SJWs are so busy redistributing, are incentivized toward all this surplus production by the dream of having a woman to love who will both admire them and help raise a family in their image. While this American dream remains attainable for a select minority, modern society and its many forms of “progress,” feminism chief among them, continuously drive that goal farther into the realm of fantasy for the average man. As women gain more and more “freedom” and use it to pursue and attain (briefly) the minority of men who they desire, your average Joe must submit to ever-intensifying erosion of his bargaining power if he is to even scavenge the leftovers.

As the MGTOW movement illustrates, men have already been feeling the squeeze for a while now, and many are starting to drop out even with the knowledge that this will likely lead to childlessness, loneliness, and a lack of a support network in old age. If that’s already the case, how many men will join them once sophisticated robo-lovers and artificial wombs consign these worries to the dustbin of history? Is our society prepared for the potential results of a precipitous drop in its productive and innovative capacity? The next generation of men could turn a century’s worth of social engineering on its head by dropping out and refusing to produce the wealth that feeds the various organs of the globalist machine.



We live in exciting times, to be sure. The war of the sexes, like all other wars, has long been influenced by technology. Females of late have been given a huge leg up from male-made technology in the form of birth control, egg-freezing, and in-vitro fertilization. But while women love to shout about how independent they are, deep down they realize they are only afforded a soapbox by the same “patriarchy” they so disdain and the men who pay the taxes to run it.

If sex-bots become as ubiquitous as some hope and others fear, men may find themselves with less and less incentive to maximize their productivity as they opt in large numbers for cheap robots over expensive families. Women better hope the Campaign Against Sex Robots is successful (it won’t be), lest the next generation of men truly go their own way, leaving women to prove how capable and independent they really are.

Bob Smith #sexist returnofkings.com

9 Secrets About Female Nature Told By A Hot Girl Dying Of Cancer

Many years ago, I became friends with a very hot blonde in her early 30’s who was dying of cancer. Due to her impending death, she decided that it was okay to relay a vast amount of inside information to me, regarding what women were really all about. She volunteered this information. I have never forgotten what she told me, and it has served me quite well over the years.

Here is a summary of the ten things she told me about the true nature of women, which were related to me over the span of a couple of weeks, shortly before her passing:

1. Women are exactly like little children

We are constantly poking, prodding and testing a man, in order to find out what his boundaries are. If he has no boundaries, we will destroy him, especially if he loves us. A man has to have boundaries, and he has to outline them precisely, and he has to force us to adhere to them with the power of his conviction and the power of his action. If he doesn’t do that, we will beat him over the head with his weaknesses (his lack of boundaries) until he breaks.

2. Women put up a false front about virtually everything

Our faces are fake (makeup), our hair is fake (dyed), our boobs are fake (some of us), everything about us is fake. Most especially when it comes to what is inside of us. We lie constantly, because we are far worse, character-wise, than even our closest friends or lovers will ever know, and we desperately fight to keep all of that hidden.

We are looking for our true daddies, basically – the idealized daddies that we never had – somebody who can see through all of our false fronts and call us out on our bullshit and put us in our place. The problem is, those type of men are very few and far between.

3. If a woman ever tells you, “If we don’t have trust, we don’t have anything,” she is either cheating on you or planning to cheat on you

There are no exceptions to this rule. We use that as cover, to try and make the man feel guilty for questioning our fidelity. What we are really saying here, is, “I will fuck whomever I want and you’d better keep your nose out of it or I’ll cut you off from my pussy and I’ll ruin your freaking life if you keep pressing the issue.” If we really cared about you, and if we really weren’t cheating on you or planning to cheat on you, we would tell you something like, “I am not cheating on you, I love you, and I would never do that. I don’t care if we have to stay up all night, for the next week, and go over every single shred of doubt that’s currently troubling you about this. I have nothing to hide, I would never cheat on you, and I don’t want you thinking these things about me. Please tell me exactly why you think I am cheating, point by point, and I will do anything and everything that I have to do to prove to you that I’m not cheating, in order to ease your worried mind.”

4. Women are much hornier than men

Vastly, exponentially, hornier than men. A woman will do just about anything, sexually speaking, so long as she is fairly certain she won’t get caught. For example, we will occasionally go out of town in order to rendezvous with a man we’ve been longing to fuck, and/or to have multiple sex partners in the same evening, and/or at the same time.

This is something that hot women do, most especially. In our minds, it is a natural desire, and a natural thing, and so long as nobody else finds out, it’s “game on”. Women are receptacles for cock, that’s how we have been biologically designed. Nothing feels better to us than being completely filled up with multiple penises, than being the center of sexual attention, than being the object of unbridled group lust. Since it’s something we can’t risk doing on our home turf (don’t shit where you eat), we have to think outside the box, in order to get our boxes completely satisfied. And you might find this shocking, but many women – many, many women – have sex with dogs on a routine basis. This is just one example of how insatiable we truly are.

I can see why you might not believe it, to which I say, look really hard at all of the women you know who have dogs. Look at women who have dogs whenever you see them out on the street, in the act of walking those dogs. Or at the park. You will notice that most of them have male dogs – the vast majority, in fact. This isn’t a coincidence. And look at all the female teachers who are exposed in the media for having sex with underage students. We have no self-control when it comes to sex – or anything else, for that matter. To our way of thinking, losing control is what makes sex great. Doing anything that is taboo is what makes sex great.

5. Women do not have female friends—they have female competition

We lie to our so-called female friends and pretend we are loyal and faithful to them, just like we do with the men in our lives. Secretly, we are jealous of each other, and we want all of the desirable things that other women have—most especially when it comes to our female friends’ things.

And we consider men to be things. If one of our friends has a hot man, we want him to want us. We will do everything we can to seduce him. Not because we really want him—we don’t really want anybody. We do it because we are rarely happy, and we don’t want our girlfriends to be happy, either, and we want to boost our own egos more than anything else.

And after we get him to fuck us, when our girlfriends find out that he has had sex with us, that’s when we finally get what we wanted in the first place. If we break up the previously happy couple, that’s fine, too. It’s all about our pussy, not hers. It’s about winning.

6. Women always lie about the number of sexual partners they’ve had

They also lie about not wanting men with large penises. If we told the actual truth about the number of different men and women we’ve slept with, and if we told the actual truth about our fervent desire for big dicks, our pool of potential suitors would shrink drastically, to the point where it would completely dry up. So we lie. Most often, we will claim that we’ve had between three and eight sexual partners in our lifetime. And, to our way of thinking, it isn’t a lie, because if we had five sexual partners last Saturday evening, and our man asks us how many sexual partners we have had, and we answer, “Five”, well, technically, we aren’t lying.

7. All women dislike themselves

And because we dislike ourselves, we fervently hate any man who doesn’t see through our bullshit. The more a man loves us, the more we hate him. The more he overlooks our sins, and the more he fails to see how corrupt we are, and the more he gives us the benefit of every single doubt – the more we despise him. We will escalate our bad behavior until we finally break him and he wakes up and realizes how worthless we are and what a fool he has been for believing in us.

8. Women want what they can’t have

We want a man whom we can’t have. We want a man who honestly doesn’t give a fuck about us, who doesn’t care if we come or go. That’s the kind of man we will pursue. Call them bad boys or call them whatever you want, that’s the kind of man we want – period. The kind of guy who will make us orgasm, crudely, and give us a huge sexual thrill in the bedroom, and then discard us like used toilet paper, and fuck our female friends afterwards, just because he can. (Just like we would do with his male friends.)

9. All women are masochists

And all hot women are narcissistic masochists. We hate it when things are going well, especially if they continue to go well for long periods of time. We know down deep that we are fucked-up and not worthy of anything that is truly good. So when things are going well in a relationship, we eventually sabotage it. We just can’t help ourselves in this regard.

We could have the greatest, most handsome, most well-hung husband in the world—a one-of-a-kind man who makes all of our girlfriends jealous; we could have the greatest children in the world, who are beautiful, well-behaved and ambitious; we could have the most enviable career imaginable; we could have all of the money and prestige and the truly good things in life, and we could repeatedly tell ourselves over and over, and believe, on the surface, that we would never cheat on our husbands. But down deep we know that it’s a lie. Because one day, we could walk into a grocery store, and some bad boy could whisper just the right combination of words in our ear, and the next thing you know, we’re at the Motel 6 getting it in the ass. That’s just how we are, and any woman—especially a hot woman—who says otherwise, is a liar.

Over the years, my deceased friend’s words have proven to be spot-on, in the vast majority of cases. And if they ring true from your own personal experience as well, then I am more than happy that I shared them with you here today. I know that my deceased friend would be thrilled to know that I have shared this information with the manosphere. After all, she used to be a hottie, and she’s now dead, and by giving me the inside scoop on her female competition, she continues to beat them—she continues to “win”—even from beyond the grave.

Jon Bergeron #fundie returnofkings.com

Hillary Clinton’s Socialist Manifesto Shows Why Women Shouldn’t Be Involved In Politics

It is no surprise that most men are inclined towards freedom and individualism, while most women are inclined towards security and collectivism. Building on this dichotomy, we have many examples of women finding the preference of security and collectivism illustrated in large, bloated welfare government.

For one, the Pew Research states “Women lean Democratic by 52%— unmarried women 57%”. In a similar article, “Since 1990, women have been consistently more likely than men to identify as Democrats or lean Democratic.” Nothing is closer to socialism and statism in modern America than the American left and the Democratic party. In case you didn’t know, they have an actual socialist running in the primaries. The Democratic party continues to represent women and their beliefs of security and collectivism.

You Must Love Big Brother

The ultimate caricature of the left, Hillary “the woman” Clinton, illustrates her ideas of collectivism in her creepy 1996 Communist Manifesto, It Takes a Village. The title of her book itself should give you shivers. The book illustrates its eerie socialist message of collectivism and state security. An excerpt from the Chapter “Brave New Village” from Jonah Goldberg’s book, Liberal Fascism, exemplifies Clinton’s idelogy of state controlled community accurately:

"—(the) notion of the ‘common good’—she (Clinton) indisputably draws her vision from the same eternal instinct to impose order on society, to create an all-encompassing community, to get past endless squabbles and ensconce each individual in the security blanket of the state. Hers is a political religion, an updated Social Gospel- light on the Gospel, heavy on the Social- spoken in soothing tones and conjuring a reassuring vision of cooperation and community—The village may have replaced ‘the state’, and it in turn may have replaced the fist with the hug, but an unwanted embrace from which you cannot escape— (Goldberg, 357)"

The idea of women embracing the left and socialism is not new to modern America, either. Throughout history we have many examples of such behavior from women. In John Derbyshire’s 2009 classic “We Are Doomed” (a must read), he explains:

"The ‘gender gap’ in political attitudes has been remarked on since at least 391 B.C. That was the year Aristophanes staged his play ‘The Assemblywomen’ (Ecclesiazusae). In the play the women of Athens, disguised as men, take over the assembly and vote themselves into power. Once in charge, they institute a program of pure socialism:

‘Everyone is to have an equal share in everything and live on that; we won’t have one man rich while another lives in penury, one man farming hundreds of acres while another hasn’t got enough land to get buried in—No one will be motivated by need: everybody will have everything—the children will regard all older men as fathers—’

The play wright grasped the essential point— Women incline to socialism much more naturally than do men.” (Derbyshire, 88)"

Mr. Derbyshire continues:

"George Orwell, whose insights into these matters were very deep, also noticed this (women’s inclination to Socialism)—Winston Smith, the protagonist of 1984, observe(s):

‘It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of orthodoxy— ‘

I (Derbyshire) saw the same thing myself when living in communist China in the years just after Mao. If you wanted to hear a total-credulity, utterly unreflective parroting of the Party line, a woman was always your best bet.’ (Derbyshire, 88)"

In America, when women were granted the right to vote, it opened a solid voting bloc for Left statists for years to come. Ironically, gyno-con Ann Coulter (a brilliant conservative woman; yes, they exist, but rare) states:

"It would be a much better country if women did not vote. That is simply a fact. In fact, in every presidential election since 1950 — except Goldwater in ’64 — the Republican would have won, if only the men had voted. – “An appalling magic” in The Guardian (17 May 2003)"

Gentlemen, it all went to shit when we gave them the right to vote. We even hear it from a woman, Ann Coulter. Women became a huge and powerful voting bloc that rarely change its tune—the numbers show very little fluctuation in their leftist leaning, as explained earlier.

One can only imagine a country where statists, leftists, cuckservatives, and neocons might not have existed if women had not been granted the vote. Whatever the case, a large statist government is now a pressing issue, with much of it being the responsibility of idealistic, dumb, and dangerous policies supported by women and feminized SJW men.

To take this a step further, the world becomes more feminized each day and traditional sex roles get reversed—look no further than the new Star Wars and Mad Max to see the effects of this feminization. In modern culture, we have women being glamorized in roles of power and “strong, independent, women” that can do what men do. This propaganda easily translates to the ballot box.

The feminization of everything is a weak attempt to indoctrinate young men to believe that women are leaders and that women are masculine. In response, weak men are followers of their causes and beliefs. This is something men, young and old, should strive to be conscious of every day.

We, as men, must be aware of this political bloc illustrated in the Democratic party. As we can see in the chart previously discussed, men tend to fluctuate their vote based on the individual, women vote based along strict party adherence. Women are one solidarity voting bloc for large government and Democratic party lines.

This is dangerous, because it is determining the fate of our country and our future. We are now on a path to destruction and drastic change must occur. The fate rests in the hands of men, not idealistic, statist, Leftist women, nor SJWs.

We must take back our country, if not by the voting box, then by any means necessary.

Jack Package #sexist #wingnut returnofkings.com

Black Cricket Player Fined $10,000 For Asking White Reporter Out On A Date

Over the past week, another example of non-issue hysteria has been created in the Australian media, further feeding the need for female indignation. The following interview is what started the response:

Chris Gayle Flirts With Reporter Mel McLaughlin During Live Interview in Big Bash League

The man being interviewed is Chris Gayle, a professional cricketer from Jamaica. The interview was held shortly after Gayle left the field after being dismissed in a T20 match for Melbourne vs. Hobart. Gayle currently holds the record for the highest score in a domestic T20 game of 175 not out. This is only one of the many records that Gayle currently holds. His full player bio can be found here.

Off the field, Gayle has always been known as a smooth “ladies’ man.” It is his on-field performances, and his laid-back attitude and flamboyant lifestyle off the field, that have made him one of the more known and likable characters in world cricket today. It is also because of his character that he behaved in this way in the interview with Mel McLaughlin

The response from Mel McLaughlin

The response in the days after the event from the journalist who interviewed Gayle has to be applauded. McLaughlin could have easily used this to set herself up as a professional victim. However, her take on this is that while she was uncomfortable at the time, it isn’t a big a deal. Notice in the interview here she was continually trying to get those interviewing her to get over it as she wanted to talk about what she is actually paid to talk about— cricket.

Even though McLaughlin has accepted that Gayle didn’t mean to cause offence and she wants to move on, others in the media couldn’t accept this and are continuing with their assault on Gayle. While pretending to care about the welfare of McLaughlin, the people interviewing her in the video above don’t seem to care that she was feeling uncomfortable in continually having to answer the same question as to whether she felt harassed or not.

The media response

Chris has currently been fined $10,000 for this “offence,” but even the most novice of fortune tellers could have predicted that wasn’t the end of it. There are currently countless articles vilifying Gayle’s actions from a plethora of media channels on this issue, but the worst of all these is that the most respected source for cricket news the world over (ESPNCricinfo) has published these articles.

Much in the same way that Gamergate began with articles claiming that “gamers are dead,” cricket journalist Dan Brettig is also trying to lecture to men that we need to bend over backwards to accommodate women into another section of what used to be a male space. This was then backed up by a “cricket feminist” claiming that women’s cricket is just as good as men’s, as well as the usual garbage of wanting to introduce quota systems onto cricket administration boards.

Out of fear of becoming the next target for feminist sabotage, the chairman of Cricket Australia Jamie Sutherland has shown support for those wanting harsh penalties on Gayle. The media are currently and quite successfully calling for Gayle to be sacked, and it is now likely that Gayle won’t be part of the next season. Similar to how Bill Cosby had his name tarnished by claims of harassment in the name of publicity, so too has someone come out months after the event allegedly occurred to say that Gayle exposed himself to a female journalist in Sydney during the Cricket World Cup in February 2015:

This journalist is from the same company (Fairfax media) where Gayle was previously employed as a guest columnist. Even though Gayle has denied the allegations and there hasn’t been a single piece of evidence shown to prove this allegation, we can safely assume that Gayle won’t be employed to contribute any columns to this paper in the future.

The public response

The public response to this has been much polarized. After reading the comments sections from various new sources, there have been a surprising amount of people who are getting sick of being lectured to by leftist PC thought police. A lot of people are seeing this “incident”—a man complimenting a woman and then asking her out for a drink. There are, of course, those of the public who have joined the media in blowing this out of proportion.

People are now rightly so comparing this incident to one of Maria Sharapova flirting with a male journalist in a press conference:

Sharapova flirts with Aussie journo

This issue has nothing to do with whether Gayle made the journalist uncomfortable or not. The PC zombies are instead outraged that a man would take steps to fulfill his own sexual strategy rather than passively waiting in line so that women have full control in fulfilling theirs. Gayle putting a woman on the spot scares women and manginas because he is showing that they don’t always have full control. This is also why the red pill is so offensive to most women.

This issue will more than likely blow over in the next couple of days. However, with more and more examples of issues like this coming up each day, it might have the same effect of opening the eyes of a number of men to the feminizing of society.

Jean-Batave Poqueliche #conspiracy returnofkings.com

12 Methods America Is Using To Turn France Into A Globalist Nightmare

Uncle Sam eats your children and you pass him the salt

Recently, Roosh shared with me an article in three parts on a conference that took place in Paris in 2010, initiated by the US ambasador to France, Charles Rivkin and aimed at many influencal figures of the state. The goal of this confidential conference was to deconstruct the French identity and sovereignty through different actions.

The document was released on Wikileaks and can be found here. It is a written proof of the will of the American government and investors to interfere in the domestic affairs of our sovereign state, something that we see in our daily lives. Here are the fields on which the multicuturalist and globalist decisions maker focus:

1. School

Being a former teacher, I noticed the introduction of constant changes since my youth and the education I received. An even stronger cultural masochism is taught to our kids at school. Racist and racism are the almighty go-to words that instantly discredit the hour-long argumentation of anyone, even when backed with research and scientific proof.

Educational lobbies are changing the school programs to teach the glory of African kingdoms and the expansion of Islam, instead of French history and civilization. Leftists call anyone who wants to focus on native history and its figures a “neo-colonialist.” As French polemicist Eric Zemmour puts it, destroying “the French National epic” and its heroes is the goal. The Rivkin program also includes redefining French history in the school curricula to give attention to the role of non-French minorities in French history.

The decision of teaching more about Arab kingdoms than French kings belongs to the current Minister of education, formerly Minister of Women’s rights, Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, a short-haired Arab woman born in Morocco who became French because her dad worked in France. She is fighting against sexism and inequality, is pro-abortion and stumps for the rights of the gay and transsexual lobby. I am obviously expecting an unbiased decision.

Rivkin states in the report of the conference, that the 1,000 American English language teachers employed at French schools will be provided with the propaganda materials necessary to inculcate the desired ideals into their French pupils.

2. Kids shows

The earlier the better. Back when I was a child, the cartoons I watched depicted mighty heroes crushing the enemy, often bloodily. There was a conflict between good and evil and a lesson taught. The story had a beginning, a chain of events, and an end. Now every episode has too many characters (all diversity-approved) who are often weak, but that’s ok because everyone is nice and worrying about the unknown is intolerant. The creators teach children that being a weakling is not a problem and that working on your looks is not important because true beauty is in the heart.

As the son of an ambassador, Rivkin had no experience in foreign policy and diplomacy. He was appointed because he had experience in including multiculturalist propaganda in kids’ shows and being the CEO of the Wildbrain company, which created Yo Gabba Gabba! among other things. Watch an extract of the show if you don’t know it, you will understand what I mean.


4. Food

The phenomenon of “malbouffe” (junk food) is smearing our rich culinary culture and became an essential part of our young people’s social life and diet. Coca Cola, McDonald’s, and other giants advertise everywhere and fast food “restaurants” just pop out of nowhere, even in the remote countryside. So does liquid sugar merchant Starbucks and its open support to homosexuals.

Our national agrarian system is now invaded by pesticides and automated agriculture. The opponents of it are quickly silenced. With the GMOed Frankenstein turnips and corn created in American labs, the plants mutate and the people will soon pay the price.

Small local producers disappear and the large companies put what they want in the food. We are still slightly protected by our national laws on food quality and protected labels. But for how long?

5. Influence on native youth

The Hipster-loving, tattoo-sporting, slut-celebrating culture as reached them and they love it. It makes them feel so special. So did lesbian and pansexual attention whoring of the girls, taught by pornography and the Hollywood crowd.

Promiscuity is on the rise, thanks to apps such as Tinder, the fashion of selfies, likes, attention-whoring, nudes sent on smartphones, Sex In The City, Instagram and the promotion of the hook-up culture, even if the young girls become more feminists. It goes only one way: against men.

The destruction of the nuclear family model and healthy relationships between men and women is the objective. The global culture turns our girls into unfuckable modern art masterpieces and our lads into fragile chicken-legged boys in skinny jeans and snapbacks for the urban predator to rob and attack.

6. Hollywood culture

The Hollywood sphere keeps unloading its filth in France. Open homosexuality, metrosexuality, narcotic abuse, along with Pitt-Jolie and their adopted African kids, brought around like a new handbag are everywhere in our tabloids. Everything they do is cool—changing religion like you change underwear, becoming a woman because you are bored, mudsharking, being gay as a three pound note. The words they say are followed by the mass like the bloody Gospel.

7. Destruction of nationalism

The civil rights and feminist movements that trampled the ideas of freedom of association and patriarchy inspired the plague that are the anti-whites of SOS Racisme (oh, the irony) and the anti-heterosexual male feminists of Ni putes, Ni soumises (“Neither Whore nor Submissive”).

Regionalists and nationalist movements and their sympathizers are filed by the police and intelligence services like they supposedly do with the potential jihadis.

Observe what happened in Corsica lately. The police services are moving heaven and earth to find the handful of men that broke into the Mosque and smashed the kebab place, but leave the youths that attacked the two firemen and the police officer that sparked the gatherings of the patriots in the first place. When a handful of Corsicans show more patriotic balls than millions of hand-holding JE SUIS CHARLIEs, there is an issue.

The objective detailed in Rivkin’s report is to monitor and counter any party that does not satisfy their agenda, namely nationalists and traditionalists, dubbing them “racist” and “xenophobic.” The words verbatim: “focusing on the decrease in popular support for xenophobic political parties and platforms.” This is to ensure that the program is working as it should to block the success of any “extreme” or “xenophobic” party that might challenge globalization.

8. Consumption

The consumerism brilliantly orchestrated since the end of World War II started with GIs distributing cigarettes and chocolate to French children after four years of rationing during the Occupation, and continues with the giant American corporations pushing us to purchase things we don’t need. Inside every French, there is an American trying to get out.

The explosion of advertising budgets of the likes of Pepsi, Kellogg’s, or McDonald’s shows it. Some courageous peasants lead by Jose Bové, seeing the threat, tried to take McDonald’s influence apart physically, by crushing one of their joints with their tractors. They failed, as they had limited means compared to the gigantic reserves of cash the corporation had.

Before, the French were champions of recycling and inventiveness. Now they throw away without repairing. There is an obsession with novelty and the newest gadgets. This also helps them collect your data and know your taste so they can propose more things to buy. “Oh you bought X Item, you will also like Y and Z item! Buy, buy, buy!”

9. Influence on non-native youth

The Quick burger chain in France now wants to have the cool halal image and will only serve halal meat in a few years. McDonalds France already serves halal meat but does not advertise it and admits serving it without explicitly warning their clients. So do KFC France and Flunch.

The halal market is a gigantic and lucrative one, as the client that buys it pays a tax directly to the mosques and their private funds on the pretext that they are the authorities that validate every kilogram of halal meat produced. Some large chains of supermarkets focus more and more on their halal clientele. In addition to the sanitary risks of halal slaughtering, the problem is that the natives have to adapt to the non-natives’ diet in the name of equality.

There is also a strong phenomenon of “thugization” of the black and Arab youths in the housing estates of the big cities. All of that thanks to the rap and gang culture, brought by American television shows and the gangsta clips on MTV.

10. Communication tools

The tablets and smart phones reach us younger and younger each year. Every schoolkid that can barely read already has a smartphone, an open door to porn, and the rest. Every family has one, and they replaced the baby-sitters.

Your position is always known thanks to your phone and they will listen to what you say if they want to. They know how many of you are in the house, what is your daily routine, what you buy, and what you read. The algorithms and data are kept.

The policy of “état d’urgence,” initiated following the Paris attacks, allows the government to bypass all the laws about digital privacy on the internet and is directly inspired by the Patriot Act that followed 9/11.

With the development of smartphone video games, more entertainment online, more immersive and time-consuming games where the mind is put on pause, you have fewer people thinking and questioning whoever is in charge.

11. Celebrations

Ah, Halloween. Another hardly disguised consumerist celebration. Occulting the autumn equinox and All Saints’ Day, trampling the tradition of family meals and flowering the graves of our loved ones, one pack of cheap lollies at a time. Overpriced costumes and diabetes for the kids, slutty behaviour and bad decisions for the grownups. Well, at least the pumpkin farmers thank you.

Santa Claus, invented by Coca Cola, pulverized Saint Nicolas that my father used to sing about and greet as a child. The cries of ungrateful brats under the Christmas tree because Barbie’s caravan does not include the picnic table replaced the Christmas carols. My grandfather used to say “When I was a child, we got an orange and a candy stick for Christmas. If we did not behave, we got a bag of coal. So don’t complain.”


Don’t be fooled—you are next on their list. Their end game is to submerge us into one big melting pot of global consumerism, to uproot every individual from an identity and heritage and replace that with the global shopping mall, and the “global village.”

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