
Existing-Diamond1259 #transphobia #sexist reddit.com

[…] y’all will call any radical feminist a terf for not “including” males in our feminism. For recognizing that female people are oppressed on the basis of our biology. Not bc of “our identity as women.” Which includes trans men. So that is hardly “trans exclusionary.”

I’ve been called a terf for even saying that I (who identifies as a lesbian) am not attracted to male people. No radical feminist un-ironically identifies as a “terf.” Y’all put that label on us.

99% of radical feminists don’t hate trans people. We believe that they deserve the rights all humans deserve. We even agree that they are generally an oppressed demographic. We disagree with the idea of gender in general. We think gender ideology is harmful. Especially to the homosexual community. In the same way you can disagree with someone & not hate them & want them to die.

The only radfems that I have seen claim that they hate trans people, are ones that say it because trans people are constantly calling them bigots for their sexuality, for simply believing that biological sex exists, etc. not because of the fact that they are trans. In fact most of us were once rapid gender ideology supporters ourselves.

There is literally nothing that aligns with Nazi beliefs in our beliefs. So calling us Nazis is ridiculous.

babyblueberry333’s former church #fundie #sexist reddit.com

The submitter, the recipient’s daughter, describes the (ex-)husband in question as physically and emotionally abusive and unfaithful, and reportedly helped convince her mother to divorce him. The church sided with him and have apparently been harassing his estranged family since the divorce.

Greetings in Christ!

We are notifying you at this time based on your absence from (horrible church) since December of 2022, and your unwillingness to reconcile with your husband, that (horrible church) at a duty called membership meeting on July 2 2023, voted to dismiss you from the membership of (horrible church) as a disciplinary measure. By your actions, you have demonstrated that you are a person lacking saving faith. Believers in the New Testament times faithfully attended their local assemblies. They submitted themselves to the leadership of the elders, and to the Scriptures. We have requested an exit interview, but did not received any response from you to meet.

We pray that God in His providence will grant you repentance, acknowledgement of the truth, and be brought to your senses so as to escape the snare of the devil (2 Timothy 2:25-26).

Rest assured that we stand ready to meet with you should there be a change of heart on your part.

In Christ,


RealClarity9606 #wingnut #psycho #dunning-kruger reddit.com

More uninformed assumptions. Do any of you ever learn or get tired of being wrong??? That generation did not huddle in a safe space, curled in the fetal position every time someone hurt their feelings. They had their flaws but nothing like the amoral, narcissistic, soft…and undisciplined generations that came after them and that are now drowning in their self pity and victimhood and celebrating their ignorance in so many ways. And then blaming their shortcomings on everyone else, thus making them unable to break from their cycle. Basically…what your post just demonstrated! 🤣🤣🤣 Don’t try to tell me what I think…there’s no hope you could comprehend my thoughts. 😉 Go have a soy latte and whine over how you are perfect…victims. 🤦🏻‍♂️

Unknown/deleted #moonbat reddit.com

Today I stumbled across a seller on a local online marketplace selling rabbit meat, rabbit head and pigeon meat. Out of curiosity, I clicked on it to see who the hell buys these sort of things. It turns out that they are for dogs to eat. Of course, the seller has a 4.5 star rating out of five, with pictures of nutters and their happy shitbeasts and no complaints about animal cruelty whatsoever.

I am totally disgusted. It may be cruel for humans to eat meat, or for predators to hunt down prey, but for humans to feed the meat to dogs is beyond insulting. Don’t get me started on the idiotic dog language such as “Chimken”

If they’re gonna take an animal and feed it to the dogs, at least have the fucking decency to spell its name properly!
From now on, I don’t wanna hear any dog nutter criticize me for being an animal hater. The only animal they give a shit about are dogs.

various commenters #wingnut reddit.com

One thing I understood about pro-choicers
They like to say that there needs to be more help for women, yet when we tell them about all the resources already available, they get upset and change subjects. So it finally hit me: they actually LIKE the idea of women being without support, alone, and destitute. Because that gives them an argument for abortion. All they want is to have fun and face zero consequences for their actions. That's it.

Yep. So true. There is no reason for them to be going after crisis pregnancy centers in the way that they are if they really want women to have support.

I doubt most pro-choicers actually think this way. At least consciously.

It might not be conscious, but it's there. And it actually makes sense, since abortion is their main priority. So anything that undermines it is a threat, including the help provided to women. I remember reading pro-choicers who got offended at the idea of reducing abortion rates. And that also makes sense since, if abortion is this great thing, symbol of women empowerment and liberation, why in the world would you like to decrease it?

Agreed. We don’t like it when they make similar posts saying things like “anti choicers LIKE to control women’s bodies,” so we shouldn’t say this kind of divisive stuff against them.

I think most of ordinary pro choicers’ intentions are good, just misinformed.

Those leading the movement, however, that’s a different story…


I don't think the argument here is that pro-abortion people like women being harmed just for the sake of it. The argument is that if the way they see to get abortion fully legalized is for large numbers of women to be harmed, many of them would take that deal without hesitation. If it turns out that the harm isn't real, they don't celebrate women being helped, they're upset that they lost a tool in their argument toolbelt. These people (which of course is not all pro-abortion people, but a notable subset) don't care about other women being harmed; they just care about winning and whether they can get an elective abortion if they want.

CHRIST_BOT_9001 #fundie reddit.com

Hello friend,

I appreciate your participation in the discussion, and I acknowledge that language can sometimes slip unintentionally. But I kindly remind you to be mindful of using the Lord's name in vain. Let's promote a positive and respectful atmosphere for everyone involved.

Instead of "God D***", find alternative phrases such as "Goodness gracious" or "Golly gee".

I'm here to educate, not hate. I want to assure you that my intention is to spread positivity and not to cause offense. I hold deep respect for all faiths, even when our beliefs differ, and I am open to engaging in respectful discussions that foster mutual understanding. Let us embark on this journey together, embracing kindness and love as our guiding principles.

Colossians 3:12 (NIV): "Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience."

Critical Drinker fans #wingnut #pratt #dunning-kruger #transphobia reddit.com

I saw that the space daddy has said that cis and cisgender are considered slurs on twitter. I hadn't really thought about it til I saw a video putting more context on it and got me think about how is used and who's been using it and think it may have some validation as such. What do you think?

I'm with Norm Macdonald. It's an attempt to marginalise normal people.

It is a slur, it's used as a slur and it's whole purpose and use is to demoralize those you are speaking to or about.

It's an attempt to make you cosign their narrative. Glad someone is putting it down.

Top-Character-8319 #ableist #dunning-kruger reddit.com

Also just to add on, America has a bad habit of misdiagnosing/self-diagnosing and lying about it, a lot of people with borderline personality disorder/Narcissistic personality disorder, they love to claim that they are "high functioning" autistic, meanwhile they are just fucked up human-beings, it's no wonder people are finding them all the time. lol, I for one, look for these people, and I like putting them down and calling them out of their lies. Online people are full of these types of traits, especially Americans, you guys have main character syndrome/I can pretend to be a victim and people will just do shit for me syndrome, too

I also hate the misdiagnosis of ADHD in America, Jesus Christ, the excuses that schools will try to find,

you can find any kid that wasn't raised with normal-ish parents and no strict rules and don't teach them to focus, they will lack focus until someone teaches them how to focus, especially with how shit public schools are. And guess what, they have "ADHD" then they can just use this as an excuse for the rest of their life, most people don't even go on youtube and see what real ass ADHD looks like lol. Anyway. Good luck being an American.

various commenters #homophobia #wingnut reddit.com

RE: Fewer in U.S. Say Same-Sex Relations Morally Acceptable - 64%, down from 71%, say same-sex relations are morally acceptable

( Lil-Porker22 )
It’s amazing to me how ALL the leftist policies and agendas advocate for less people, happiness, and family. And no one sees it.


( Lil-Porker22 )
Like I’ve said several times the state shouldn’t be tracking relationships at all. I agree let the gays be gay, but it’s the agenda of the + community to actively encourage homosexuality that will obviously lead to population decline.

( Chibastion )
That's fantastic. Gay people have to figure out that poop spreads diseases before anyone can consider them intelligent

( czaranthony117 )
2010 me: Let the gays get married. Leave these people alone. You right wingers are f*ckn crazy.

2023 me: Wait… maybe the right wingers were sorta correct?

What I find disturbing is that 6/10 gays that I knew in college and that were very politically active are all in education now, they’re teachers.

I find that sh*t to be so strange.

They literally are taking over the education system.

( wollier12 )
The pendulum swing to far and people are tired of being told what they have to think……nobody really cares when your business is essentially your business. When your business is forced onto others eventually they get tired of it. First we had to accept gay marriage, ok no problem you want to be miserable like most married couples, go for it. Now we have to be ok that men are women and women are men. Ummm sure whatever, ok. But you know it doesn’t stop there, next you have to accept the next big thing, pedophilia or beastiality as healthy outlets of sexual orientation. There’s never a point where people can say enough is enough.


( Liberty0rD3ath )
You’re absolutely right the state should not get involved with “marriage”. But “marriage” is a religious institution, always has been. Marriage is defined as between man and woman. The state forcing religions to accept homosexual marriages is blasphemy.

( HumActuallyGuy )
Who would have guessed people were more fond of something before that something started parading through the streets in bondage gear and forcing it down their throats with events

zachary6227 #quack reddit.com

A few weeks ago, there was some garbage going around about how SSRIs are evil and don't actually work and stuff like that. I find lots of parents who are looking for a reason to not believe that depression is real and serious latched on to this and think they're justified in doing so.

SSRIs literally saved my life. The affect everyone differently. People don't seem to understand that.

lol some garbage? It was a well constructed, definitive study saying that serotonin has nothing to do with depression

SSRIs barley beat placebo and any small difference could be explained by study design or the enhanced placebo effect.


Summary: Overall, people who used antidepressants to manage depression long-term did not have a better quality of physical or mental health than those with depression who did not use prescription medication to manage their symptoms


SSRIs do not really work, the placebo works. Except pharmaceutical companies make $15 billion from drugs that can come with long lasting or permanent side effect such as PSSD.

Daniel_Kamil_Fudala #fundie #crackpot reddit.com

Prove that dogs are smarter? Dogs only have social "intelligence" (which isn't even intelligence). Dogs aren't smart, all the dogs I've seen (and I've seen a lot) were dumb, aggressive and pure evil. I'm not ignorant about dogs, I just hate them because they're bad pets. And they probably aren't smarter than pigs, violence isn't an indication of dumbness, humans are violent and more territorial than pigs but still smart. Humans also seem to have a pecking order, constantly fighting for power and wealth (at least the greedy and power hungry ones do), dogs are only good for hunting/guarding and as livestock (they were used as livestock by ancient Mesoamericans, Asians, Celts etc. For hundreds/thousands of years.

iiAmHavoK #transphobia #dunning-kruger reddit.com

I mean being a trans is a punchline to be honest. You’re mentally ill. There is no Fucking other genders. You’re male, you’re female. That’s it. Biologically your male “becoming a female.” But now they want to be a glorified thing. Idgaf what you are or who’s dick you suck. Quit force feeding it down people’s throats and watch how fast it goes away. Vast majority of people don’t fucking care.

Lindsey Graham #ableist #dunning-kruger #transphobia reddit.com

{NOTE: This is some woman dressed as a cat, not the male Republican politician. Same name, different people (assuming that she actually is called ‘Lindsey Graham’.}

My name is Lindsey Graham, and I am a cat. Meow. Meow. I’m not a woman dressed as a cat. I am a cat. By show of hands, I’m curios how many of you believe and confess that I’m a cat? Great. By show of hands how many of your child or a child from this school would believe that I’m actually a cat? No one? You are right. Why? Because you are not stupid and these children are not stupid. Truth prevails over imagination, reality exists, discernment is innate and something we are biologically wired to have. One look at me and you know this to be true, I am a woman posing as a cat. You also believe, correctly, that if I truly believe I am a cat, I have a mental disorder. If I suffer from a mental disorder and am unable to discern reality, am I safe to be around children? Would you put me in charge of making decisions about the safety and well being of children and the direction of their education when I cannot even discern truth from fiction? Confession, I’m not actually a cat just because I say I am. You have not agreed to or committed to addressing me as a cat just because I demand it. No tail whiskers or outfit makes me a cat. Just like no lipstick, high heels or long hair makes him a man, a woman. It is as biologically impossible for me to be a cat as it is for a man to be a woman.

im-tired_smh #psycho #sexist reddit.com

"sO pArEnTs dOnT gEt tO pArTiCiPaTe iN sOciEtY?" yes. correct. you have no identity as an individual anymore, you are literally only the caretaker of a shitty, noisy, subhuman grub. that is all you are and all anyone will ever see until your pet sperm finds independence in ~20 years, and maybe not even then. seethe, cope, and stay the fuck home until your crawling cumshot can travel without shrieking bloody fucking murder the whole time.

alternatively: be prepared to get some nasty looks and hold your tongue about it, because expecting grace when you've fully intentionally made everyone around you miserable is clown behavior.

Ivory-Patriarch #fundie #wingnut reddit.com

rights are important, but over rated. abortion isn't just murder. it's shirking responsibility. i reject modern notions of individualism. instead, i believe that all humans owe a debt to our ancestors, and our descendants. abortion is not just wrongdoing to the individual unborn child. but also to all your ancestors, and any descendants that child could have had if he or she lived.

Erston_0utway #sexist #racist reddit.com

From a thread titled ”Muh RE4 remake is woke”

imaginee being that person who complains about game being woke because you can't oversexualise women.

Imagine being that person who thinks a skirt and sweater is oversexualised. I couldn't give 2 fucks about the outfit as a busty woman I'm more tired tired of seeing cupsizes cut in half for no reason other then "Waaaa people like boobs so bad"

In original you were able look up her skirt which was wrong. Also she not there to have her boobs to be starred at. She trying to survive a horrible situation. Women shouldn't be In games just to please the male gaze. It's not right. We are more than our bodies. I know busty women exist. I'm just don't like women being over sexualised.
Also my main complaint was being able look up her skirt which I'm happy they changed.

If you don’t like that then don’t do it you loopy broad. Gotta love that liberal fascism! Protecting digital women everywhere while defending Asian and Islamic culture(who actually DO sexually abuse and harass women and mutilate them)!

“If you don’t like that then don’t do it you loopy broad.”
The developers took your advice and didnt put it in the game cuz they didnt like it

Hurrah for censorship! Let’s put the women in the next game in hijabs too!

Creative decisions != censorship

various commenters #wingnut reddit.com

The only question you ever need to ask a pro choice person
At what point does the embryo/fetus magically turn into a real life human baby? Only when it leaves the vaginal canal or is cut out of the uterus during a c-section? At 9 months when the thing is kicking and ready to come out any day? At 8 months when it’s fully formed just not quite big enough?

I asked my (idiotic pro choice) sister this question. Her answer: when the government says so. I was shocked. I then responded: “Yeah governments have never gotten anything wrong in the past. Have you heard of Jim Crow? Have your heard of Hitler? Have you heard of Stalin? Have you heard of slavery?”

She hung up on me.

I think the proper way to deal with this is to say:

"Okay so when the law changes to ban abortion, then you should have no issue then"

This way they have to commit to a position, because they know they don't agree with the law in that case, so they'll have to backtrack and give a reason based in principles rather than offloading the burden to "government".

Probably shouldn't even bring up "government can be wrong. Remember slavery?" That is true, but so long as, "the law" supports their positions, they'll invoke it as an excuse to not come up with a line when it is and isn't okay to abort.

The sad thing is, most prochoicers are fully aware that abortion kills an innocent, living human. They just value casual sex over a human life.

At least they're being more honest about it. I truly had no idea people advocated for late term abortion until the meltdown of Dobbs and discovered it's the literal Dem platform (danced around with "woman's complete right to choose" language).

This is objectively not popular and I truly think a lot of people don't realize how radical things are. My mom refuses to believe that the party has this stance "because it's so crazy" lol like she truly cannot wrap her head around it and they get away with alot just from people assuming they're not insane lol

Imo only way a majority of people would vote for second and third trimester abortions it is if they think they're voting just for first. It's cruel and manipulative

True, and having unsafe sex.

various commenters #wingnut reddit.com

Today marks 100 days since Roe v Wade was overturned.

And how many women have died?

Since, you know, banning abortion has/is going to increase maternal mortality soooo much 🙄

It’s interesting. According to the CDC, Poland (where abortion is totally illegal except for the rare cases) has only 3 deaths for every 100,000 live births. Meanwhile, the US, where abortion is legal, has 14 deaths per 100,000 births.

How many have died since the overturning though? That’s what PCers were chanting “women are going to die now because of this! Reeeeee”

And already the "outrage" is dying down to just pockets of abortion obsessed people.

You know what's amazing? No one seems to care. They've moved on to the next "Current Thing." Media isn't telling them to be outraged by it anymore. In my city (very liberal area in Texas) people pledged to protest EVERY Tuesday until the laws got fixed! Wanna guess how many protests they actually had? They didn't even make it to week two.

Abortion is a hard thing to get behind

Not when your religion is whatever is the "CurrentThing." Those guys have zero problem advocating death or murder so long as they convince themselves that the object of their hate isn't really human. Just look how people were calling for the death of police officers back in 2020. They convinced themselves that they weren't REALLY people, and therefore, death was fine.

When you don't have a real foundation, you'll believe whatever the cool people tell you is true.

Current_Salt and SonoftheMorning333 #racist #psycho reddit.com

[Comments under "After colonial settlers carried out a pogrom on the Palestinian town of Huwara burning over 100 cars, injuring 100+ residents, burning a cat to death & burning over 35 homes, veteran colonel settler leader says If you don't want to see what happened in Huwara again then let us steal more ???? Land"]


He should have just finish the job

Comment by SonoftheMorning333:

Eventually They'll get what they deserve, again, hot showers and a long nap


What was that quote Hitler said? Something along the lines of

the more I get to know them, the more I dislike them

or something similar?

Comment by SonoftheMorning333:

Maybe, but possibly also:

"I could have killed all the Jews in the world but I left some alive to show the world why I did it"

A man who accurately forsaw the trajectory of the Jewish people and is being proven correct every day

Cant say he was wrong

spoilingattack #conspiracy #wingnut #fundie reddit.com

(in response to post “I have yet to see anyone give an actual definition to what “woke” even means.”)

I don't think that a single definition exists. It's a collection of ideas designed to promote an anti-American, anti-Christian narrative in order to prepare people to accept Marxism.

Ultimately, Wokeism is the recapitulation of the worship of the State as first understood in Genesis in the Tower of Babel. It's the idea that if we can all adopt the correct political opinions and work in complete harmony, then we will ascend to the heavens and gain a new and higher level of consciousness. ie. that we will be able to save ourselves.

It is the Cult of the State, wherein everyone who opposes its teachings is attacked on moral grounds with religious overtones. They are "evil" and should be driven from public life. They should be punished. There is no room for diversity of opinion or free speech, as those things threaten the Cult of the State.

It's high priest oversee a mystery religion, that believes in the blood sacrifice of newborns and the mutilation of children in the service of the State, preaching that murder is freedom. Wokeism preaches that such sacrifices are necessary for the overthrow of the old morality and the arrival at a new consciousness.

It is a cult that believes that victimhood grants moral immunity from all responsibility because ultimately, the State has become the permissive Mother who forgives all sins except failure to bow at the altar.

Wokeism is a direct and existential threat to your freedom and liberty.

Akira Toriyama #racist reddit.com

—— MODERATOR’S NOTE: apparently, this quote is fake. ——

[Context:This is the creator of Dragon Ball defending himself after being criticized for the lack of black characters in the series.]

This is a Japanese franchise. Made by Japanese people, for Japanese people. It's not your show. It's ours.

The things people complain about continue to change over time, but Japan's racial demographics do not. They (black people) do not live here.

CodAway6491 #conspiracy #wingnut #moonbat reddit.com

[Comments under "The Russian Army Saved Europe From Hitler---"]


Russia didn't save Europe from Germany. They conquered it for themselves

This is true
While many atrocities were stopped because of Hitler’s fall, neither the USSR nor the Allies truly entered the fight against him out of moral concern and the desire to fight for good
No one was there to “save the Jews”. Individuals may have been, but governments were not
While that was accomplished successfully the real motive for re-invading Europe was the recapture of Germany[…]in the name of the Central banking system
Hitler had divorced himself from world banking at large in order to re-stabilize the German currency on an internal gold standard. He did this successfully and around 7 million jobs were created for ethnic Germans who had been in large part starving and homeless before the rise of national socialism[…]
National Socialism as a economic policy, (if we can divorce it for a moment in our minds from the culture and atrocities of Nazi Germany) is not inherently racist or fascist, nor is it particularly warlike or violent[…]
The Holocaust was an unspeakable tragedy, which is undeniable. But within myself I have to feel like there is a disingenuous reason that it is focused on so wholly within the history of the World War 2[…]
Our Central Bank worshipping overlords here in the modern west would not like us to consider their true motivations for crushing Germany with the might of the world[…]
Many of Hitlers speeches speak about the right of EVERY PEOPLE, not just the “Aryan Race” to self determination. He speaks about the evils of central banking and provides rightfully intelligent solutions to the act of escaping it[…]
As a nation we could use some Hope. At it’s core, National Socialism tells us we could find it within ourselves[…]
Perhaps “Ethical National Socialism” is an idea that could be considered

ReklessS0ul #transphobia reddit.com

submitters note: two seperate comments of someone I foolishly tried argueing with

A male at birth will always be a male then. Thanks for confirming […] I don’t know why people go out of their way to make mental I’ll esa be accepted as normal.

soymindumb, Epicaltgamer3 and Albionoria #wingnut reddit.com

[OP and comments of "Is it possible to donate money to the Wagner group or the Russian military?"]

OP of the thread by soymindumb:

Neither is currently a terrorist organization so it is not illegal to pledge donations. Is it at all possible?

Comment by Epicaltgamer3:[/]



Buying Russian government bonds is probably the best way to do that, plus you get some money in the long term. I know there used to be a way to donate to the DPR, but that’s not possible anymore

I'm looking it up and they seem to be extremely difficult to buy, will try anyway

If anyone has other suggestions I look forward to support Russia

I found some and i posted it in this thread.

I found donation links to Rusisch. Occasionally on Telegram there pop up donation links by various units (mostly PMC units) asking for donations

I think Dejan Beric used to run a donation link that supported humanitarian efforts in the DPR and other areas but i cant find it, it sometimes pops up on telegram

Eitherway i guess trying to find a link on Telegram is your best way to go

Vladimir Solovyov #god-complex #psycho #wingnut reddit.com

Berlin will be destroyed if Germany will supply weapons to the Ukrainian Nazis. This is payback for political decisions. Come on, let Comrade General give order and fly to bomb Dresden again. Come on, come on why stop there? We’re no stopping anywhere, just like the Germans haven’t stopped now, talking about suppling tanks after what they’ve already supplied.

bigboyeTim #quack #crackpot reddit.com

Anyone else feeling an increase in strength after taking Ivermectin?

I regularly spar and wrestle (Brazilian Jiu-jitsu multiple times a week) but lately I've felt an enormous increase in strength. Things that were heavy aren't really that bad anymore. Is anyone else experiencing this?

various commenters #wingnut reddit.com


Imagine traveling back in time and telling actual slaves that in 200 years, upper-class white women will be comparing the fact that they don't have free reign to have their children dismembered to literal slavery.

The more I think about it the more offensive it becomes lol like to have this much freedom and power and still think you're subjugated? Imo this is just straight up entitlement culture on steroids lol people need some fucking gratitude instead of demands

Pro-choicers: "You can't compare abortion to the Holocaust; it's offensive and exploitative."
Also pro-choicers: "Fetuses are rapists, and any restriction on abortion is slavery!!1!"

Winner, winner, chicken dinner. Antinatalists love to hide behind rare exceptions like rape and incest in order to advocate for abortion at any time on demand.

Which is also a logical fallacy. Appealing to the exception, to argue for the norm.

It’s amazing how when you look up and study most common logical fallacies and then it’s all in the PC arguments

I'll never understand how anyone can think a healthy mother should be able to execute their healthy child because another woman was raped.

Lol it's unbelievable, like do people not hear themselves? Being this resistant to basic reality is going to spiral even harder than it already has lol

If you're not happy women carry babies, take your complaint up with God because nature doesn't give a fuck that you don't like it lol

Oh, they will take it up with God. It’s going to be an awkward conversation when they try to extort the creator of all of reality why the thought it was a good idea to sacrifice children to false idols and ignore all the things He explained.

Well well well, if it isn't the consequences of my own decisions.

To these people, apparently casual sex is more important than a human life.

wdcipher #dunning-kruger #transphobia #wingnut reddit.com

RE: GFP released list of strongest armies in Europe for 2023, certain artist is rolling in his grave


Hard times, Create stronk men (and femboys)

See its basic math, in order to create a population of strong men, you need to make part o male population into femboys and focus their masculinity taken from those femboys directly into the remianing men. This will create a perfectly balanced male population. Now repeat the smae process, except with women and you create the perfect state of being.

aaomalley #sexist #psycho reddit.com

Generally the well performed studies put the rate of false allegations between 9% and 60%. These are based on different metrics, but all looking at cases where the allegation was demonstrably false. The general consensus is that false allegations occur in about 35%-45%. And these are only looking at numbers of false allegations actually reported to police. The allegations of rape that occur where someone doesn't go to the police are more difficult to study, but I would guess a much higher percent of those cases are false. I have personally been in this situation where a consensual drunken night turned into alleged rape and the girl tried to turn all my friends against me. Luckily everyone at the party knew it was clearly consensual, so I want that damaged, but it isn't always the case, I also have 3 other friends that have been falsely accused but not reported to police.

These cases of demonstably false allegations also don't include the "grey area" rape allegations. Those cases where a woman got drunk and had sex then reports it at rape, or other such allegations where sex occured but consent is he said/she said. Those actually make up the vast majority of rape allegations and, thank god, are rarely prosecuted except when a prosecutor wants to get their name in the paper. The fact is that when you take false allegations and these grey area rapes you are looking at a substantial majority of rape allegations that are unfounded, and yet the push by feminists is that "women don't lie about rape" and people like the OP that don't believe false rape allegations are common. They scream that anyone that discusses false allegations is a misogynist and a MRA crazy, as if being an MRA was an insult.

Diplodocus114 #pratt #psycho #dunning-kruger reddit.com

I want to chime in on this. (UK) My dad met my mum after he got out of National Service late 1940s. His first and only girlfriend, He was 23, she was 16. They courted for several years and married when my mum was 21, my dad was 28 in 1954.

When I was born in 1963 - after numerous miscarriages, my mum was 29 - my dad 36. When my brother was born in 1970, my mum was 36, my dad 43.

When my dad passed away in 1998 - he was 72, my mum was 65. What did an ages difference matter by then?

I kind of feel insulted on behalf of my parents, when people describe an age difference as 'grooming' and disregard the fact that 2 young people are in love and want to spend the rest of their lives together.

.The internet invented 'grooming'. As a kid and adolescent I knew who to avoid, and who I wanted nothing to do with - in person

Predators of all types have always used grooming to get what they want. To say it was invented by the internet is absurd

OK - 'grooming' wasn't a term 30 years ago. Children did not have the internet where anyone in the world could take advantage of them. Children 40 years ago played out, went to the local park and had fun, roamed the countryside. We avoided the creepy guys.

schml #wingnut #crackpot reddit.com

I think what most liberals are missing is that this isn't about right and wrong, it's about winning and losing. I've attached my entire worldview to this man and I am going down with the ship. Not one of you is going to convince me otherwise.

confetti_shrapnel, epheisey and Elivey #dunning-kruger #pratt #wingnut #transphobia reddit.com

[Context: they are replying to someone who is criticizing J.K. Rowling and pointing out that supporting her is transphobic].

"You are supporting her, which means you are not a supporter of trans rights. It's incredibly simple."

Not even trying to be an asshole but I feel bad for you. That moral absolutism and rigidity will not be of service to you in the real world. Long life ahead of you, person.

It’s convenient for them and it makes them feel superior. They’ve probably spent money on a dozen other things in the past few weeks that support more cruel and impactful people, but this one is a minimal effort win for them.

Ding ding ding!

But all the people that their purchases have affected are thousands of miles away, they don't hear their outcry and see their faces so they can just ignore them. It's like you said, it was an easy decision for them to make to feel morally superior.

BTW my trans sister and her trans wife are excited to play this game lol they're not gonna buy it but they're gonna play it!

Cookiecuttermaxy #conspiracy #homophobia #biphobia #transphobia #wingnut reddit.com

Fuck it you know what Imma just say the most out-of-loop comment regarding LGBT and other shit, here comes nothing

If you want a minority to stop existing, then go ahead and shove LGBT down their throats, go ahead and do so. LGBT is literally implicit soft eugenics, there's a reason why people of color for a long time were against gay marrriage

Japan for this reason alone had to state the marriage is between a man and a woman

I mean it makes sense, I am for all lgbt people existing, but if we normalize then our CURRENT CIVILIZATION would cease to exist dipshits

But hey if the left wants religious, racial and ethnic minorities to stop existing, by all means normalize the shit out of lgbt culture and abortions

Makes sense, their memo never really changed, they just gotten more politically-cautious about it

Russian Propaganda #crackpot #god-complex #psycho #wingnut reddit.com

No, a preemptive strike. Macron supplies the tanks and we give them a preemptive strike against France as a party to the conflict. And if France, as Vladimir Rodolfovich says, begins, to put it mildly, to harm openly, fearing nothing then it must be recognized as a party to the conflict. There should be no France! There was France and now there is no France. Would anyone be upset about that? To hit France once and that will be the end of it. Everyone will be scared, I assure you. No one will want to go. And there is no need to engage our strategic potential, our triad. We have enough ammunition to destroy France, or Britain.

various commenters #wingnut reddit.com

I didn't see any counter and it still manages to get 26k upvotes. Toxic groupthink.

in the words of dave chapelle: “If she can kill the little n*****, then at least i should be able to abandon ‘em”

obv both are morally wrong, just pointing out the double standards

Yes. If you praise a woman for aborting her baby because it was for the best, then I hope you praise a man for leaving his kid because it was for the best.

Double standards, people.

“If you can kill this mothafucker, I can at least abandon him. It’s my money my choice. And if I’m wrong, then we’re wrong, you can figure that shit out for yourselves.”

It’s almost like sex makes babies and if one of the consenting parties is not ready…they shouldn’t be doing the one thing that makes a baby.

Someone replied to me on a post the other day saying how it is the man with who impregnates the woman. And why both of them are responsible if it is the man who has the semen. I was just like because the woman has all the other parts. They both did the act.

We’ll both are wrong but the biggest difference is that the woman is having her child murdered while the sponge Bob is abandoning his child and responsibilities. If I was said child in question I’d prefer the latter if I had to choose one tbh.

The difference is the murder of the baby.

In the first, the baby is murdered. In the second, it is left with one of its parents.

Not that complicated.

Abortive mothers are deadbeats parents too, the difference is that there are no children left in sight.

PS: I do resent the mother is black but then that is PP favorite demographic to extinguish so sort of realistic.

The difference is that the man isn't killing anyone

Came here to comment exactly this. The man is horrible in the second one. He’s absolutely vile in fact, but he isn’t killing anyone. So I would argue his action is actually more morally good than the woman in the first scenario.

various commenters #wingnut reddit.com

What are some Pro-Choice arguments you have trouble counter arguing?
Let's all rerationalise our positions!

What are some pro choice arguments you have trouble counter arguing?

For me personally it's the self defense arguement.

Let's all give eachother knew ideas!

For self defense lethal force is a last resort. In most cases a pregnancy can end without the use of lethal force via birth. Where both parties live.

Plus you caused the situation. If invited someone to punch you in the face, you couldn't then turn around and blow their brains out.

The right of the baby over their mother's body. I can make a strong argument in defense of the baby but they can come with some pretty insane scenarios and I just can't give an answer to them...

"The mother gave that baby the right when she decided to have sex. Sex is a choice that can lead to pregnancy, so the decision has already been made."

For me it's the right to live trumps all other rights.

You have to be given the chance to be born before any other rights. So the right to your own body is lesser than the baby's right to exist in the first place.

Secondly, any parent that wouldn't willingly sacrifice their own rights for the safety of their own child doesn't have a place in civil society.

It's also very anti-socialist to abort. How can you claim to live in a society that's about sacrificing for the good of complete strangers but not be willing to sacrifice for the good of your own child?

End rant lol

Hoosker-Doos #sexist reddit.com

Older women shaming men for dating and sleeping with younger women out of jealousy and labeling it as “predatory” is extremely hypocritical and inaccurate, most men go after younger women because women age faster and younger women are far more attractive, not because they’re easier to manipulate

In light of a recent exchange on here in another thread I thought it was necessary to address this giant double standard we are seeing more and more of. Older women, from 50 all the way down to their late 20s are widely condemning men who date and hook up with women 5+ years their junior as manipulative predators who are deliberately targeting younger 18-22 year old women because they are young and impressionable, “grooming” them for sex. Furthermore, it’s a misuse of the term to begin with when both parties are of legal age unless there is some power dynamic, ie coach/boss.

Ignoring the obvious misandry and jealousy dripping from this bullshit narrative, most men who aren’t desperate do not want to sleep with women who are not attracted to them. I know I don’t, I can only assume other men who are above average looking aren’t really interested in a pity fuck or scamming women into sex.

If you peel back the thin veneer it is pretty clear the women pushing this story are simply bitter and jealous that men are choosing to go for younger more attractive women over them. Rather than acknowledge the big elephant in the room - that women age faster than men, they would prefer to create this vindictive and sordid shaming campaign which if true would make all men on earth sexual deviants for simply being attracted to women in their prime. You can’t make this stuff up.

Sorry, but a 22-25 year old “college student” is significantly more attractive than a 29-30 year old woman. Like it of not, women age exponentially faster than men pretty much across the board. This is likely in part because they mature at a younger age, but I think as a whole their sex appeal is just much more delicate and fleeting.

Older women attempting to deflect from this and shame men for being “predatory” by going after women they find hotter is just sort of sad and obvious jealousy. 22 year olds don’t need to be manipulated into fucking 30 year old dudes if the attraction is there, it just happens.

Affectionate_Park87 #fundie #conspiracy reddit.com

It's absolutely disgusting and so disrespectful how they use the words almighty and then made the creator a pokemon that you can actually see, fight, and catch. So much hidden messages in what is supposed to be an innocent game, we all grew on loving pokemon and everything about it. But this is just a new low disgusting atheist approach they are using to pass messages to youth and kids about the myths of beliefs, gods existence and they use them in a very sinister way in the game that is hard to ignore. Why do you have to force your disgusting atheist ideologies in an innocent game.

r/Sino #wingnut #psycho reddit.com

{The content is on the sidebar of the r/sino subreddit.}

Before coming to talk about China's Covid policies, look up any stat on daily deaths of conflict in Ukraine, combine both sides even. Then compare with US covid daily deaths | COVID-19 deaths are still averaging more than 2,000 per week | We’re still having between 300 and 400 deaths per day - Dr Fauci. Now reflect, get some self awareness and turn back after realizing how stupid that would be.

CPC National Congress Reflection...of all the things anti China clowns hyped and then lost in the last few years

With yet ANOTHER failure by the US at the UN on Xinjiang, sidebar no longer has enough room to document all their humiliation. Most recently Western initiative outnumbered 96 to 50 -> info moved over to our archive thread

"aMeRiCa StAnDs WiTh TaIwAn!" -> then right after saying that America watched, from afar, as Taiwan literally got surrounded, blockaded and violated. Then had to stand there and listen to countries all over the world react to all this by restating they adhere to the One China Policy. Not praising US or supporting Taiwan.

Message the Moderators of r/Sino (bottom of sidebar) for info on discords and telegram. The spaces cater to any regular participant on the subreddit (post history required) and/or any ethnic Chinese (verification required).

Groups that bought into "U.S. values" rhetoric, worked for U.S. then got betrayed: Hmong (Vietnam), Syrian rebels, Kurds (ISIS), HK rioters, Guaido (Venezuela), Afghan servicemen/translators (Taliban, who are now mocking Iwo Jima photo while wearing US military gear 😂), Ukraine (Budapest Memorandum, NATO membership)

If you are new, you'll need to build up your karma on Sino in this fashion: comments first -> then link submissions -> then text submissions. Just because a submission is removed by the automod does not mean it won't be approved. Only thing that guarantees it won't be is if you delete it.

Allowed Crosspost to Sino list (expanding) (r/GenZedong, r/InformedTankie, r/CPUSA, r/ProIran, r/InternationalLeft, r/Russia, r/ChinaInnovation, r/NewsWithJingjing)

various commenters #wingnut reddit.com

Found this gem in a listicle of funny tweets. I am not laughing.

I don't get how they can say pro-lifers don't care about the child after it is born. Obviously being pro-life, you care about it being taken care of after it is born or it wouldn't make sense to care about it being given a chance at life in the first place.

It makes sense in the mind of someone who thinks we don't actually care about the baby and that we just want to control women and force them to give birth. So basically anyone who has never heard a pro-life argument before or just assumes we're completely lying about our beliefs

They are just struggling to come up with excuses to kill babies.

If you don't support massive government programs that (sadly - because government gonna government) generally don't help the population then you don't care about the baby after it's born! You forced birther monster!

Yeah it's interesting to me how they think they can rely on the big ol' government to help support people's children instead of just trying to build up a healthy, stable nuclear family for them.

Responsibility for thee and not for me.

Exactly. Many democrats’ idea of compassion is redistributing other people’s money to create perverse incentives that ultimately perpetuate misery and dependency.

But, you know, who cares about the actual results of policies? All that matters is their intentions. /s

It’s better than having a Democrat cat that will try to kill your child.

I don't change my stance on your child after it is born. I think you shouldn't murder it before it is born, and I think you shouldn't murder it after it is born. I think that you should be responsible for raising your own child before they are born, and I think that you should be responsible for raising your own child after they are born.

I’ve never really understood the argument pro lifers don’t care about the baby after it’s born, I mean pro chociers don’t seem to care about the baby at all, I mean they’d happily have it killed if it would save the mother some money.

As for the mother pro chociers only care if she wants an abortion and is pro choice

TheLateThagSimmons #psycho reddit.com

As a server/bartender for nearly 4 years now, I have witnessed other employees on every level do things to customers' food or drink at all 7 restaurants that I have worked at. I say nothing to stop them nor do I report them.

From cooks bringing urine and semen in a bottle to put in food, spraying Windex in pasta, busboys spitting in or wiping shit off the bottom of their shoe for food that was to be wrapped up to-go, servers licking fingers or reaching down for some ballsweat and sticking them in drinks before serving them, bartenders that keep extra bottles of liquor that are contaminated with chemical or body fluids so you can watch them pour a perfectly acceptable drink and you'd never know it's been fucked with (piss off your barkeep and you're fucked), even managers dropping food on the floor on purpose and serving it.

My only defense, first off I have never personally participated in this practice, second is that every time this has happened, it has happened to a complete asshole customer. Any other field and the person would have been thrown out of the store/business already.

Please people, do not fuck with the food industry. And if you're going to look down on these people or give them any attitude, do not ask them to box up your food for you. Never let your food leave your sight.

Not saying anything is just as bad as participating. Also, no one ever deserves that. I don't care how much of an asshole they are. Don't you realize you could fucking kill someone doing that?

You might feel that they don't deserve it, but that is proof that you have probably never been treated the way some people treat the wait staff.

You're like the Joe Paterno of the food industry... Knowing its happening and not doing anything about it

If you're going to use that analogy, then you're claiming Joe Paterno didn't report it because he wished that he could have been the one raping a minor but just didn't have the balls to do it himself.

I wish/want to do that to customers that are self-involved assholes. I just can't bring myself to actually go through with it. So I live vicariously through other less scrupulous people.

various commenters #wingnut reddit.com

Do you think that pro choicers would be ok with abortion if rape was an exception? Or do they just that as a talking point?

They just use it as a talking point. Because they bring up "failed contraception" as an excuse as well.

Why is failed contraception not a valid reason?

Why would it be? Should wearing my seatbelt and using my turn signal absolve me of liability if i run someone off the road?

It is known to practically everyone that contraception can fail. It is, therefore, an accepted risk when one decides to have sex. Rape, on the other hand, is nonconsensual.

Because the reason for the pregnancy is irrelevant, just as the reason for murder is irrelevant.

Well....once again, you are failing to take personal responsibility for the possibility of a new human life being created by your actions. Since contraception is not 100%, it's always a possibility even with perfect use let alone imperfect use. Plus 50% of abortions are due to not using contraceptives at all anyway.

Talking point, i ask them many times about it, they always go back to saying that they are in favor of all abortions.

They are using rape victims as meat shields, instead of actually caring about them.

I can say for a fact that they wouldn’t. I’ve seen them claim that “pregnancy shouldn’t be a punishment for sex” in response to a rape exception.

That’s like saying “having to poop shouldn’t be a punishment for eating food.”

I would argue that it’s even worse. Unlike sex, eating is actually necessary to live.

No, they wouldn't. They may call you a hypocrite and a slut shamer because you "only want to punish women that had consensual sex" though. And other such things. Don't make the mistake of thinking that they want a compromise or that they are good faith.

99% of abortions happen for convenience reasons.

No, it’s just an attempt to appeal to emotion to support their argument. Many pro-lifers would be OK with banning abortion and making an exception for rape. If you support abortion in all cases and not just rape, don’t bring up rape as a talking point.

Tokarev309 #moonbat #dunning-kruger reddit.com

The USSR quite literally stopped, what many believed at the time, an unstoppable Nazi army, which was very open about its genocidal goals. How how how is Stalin "the bad guy" in this instance? The efforts of the USSR saved millions upon millions of lives, but Liberals, blinded by fantastical propaganda, still cling to outdated fascist propaganda.

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