
Reason2012 #fundie onenewsnow.com

The courts do not have the right to re-defined religion, re-write the Bible, in effect creating their own religion and then making laws to establish this religion. It's why we have a First Ammendment. The moment the government gets involved in rewriting marriage, they are now on religious grouns, where the government should not be. Can't have it both ways.

Yet here you are also repeating the same things. As usual activists demonize others for doing the very thing they do.

Why do you also offer reasons why other perverse redefinitions of marraige should not be allowed while condemning others who do the same? Your behaivior is hypocritical.

Reason2012 #fundie onenewsnow.com

If you want the legal coverage of you being in a perverse relationship, then call it a union and ask for legal protections from the government.

But the fact that this is "not enough" for the activists proves it's not about the government providing the same "legal rights" but rather an attack on religion and God, trying to force their own false religion on the rest of us and trying to use the government to force and establish this false religion on society, passing laws to establish this false religion, to establish this false religious definition of marriage, all of which is a violation of the First Ammendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, which is exactly what they'd be doing if they pass laws forcing us to accept their new religion.

People do not have a "Constitutional right" to have the government force their religion of perverse desires on the rest of society and for government to establish this new religion.

You have legal rights via civil unions. That you demand the "right" for the government to make a new religion instead and make laws establishing it says it all and is the only true violation of the Constitution.

Robert Spencer #fundie onenewsnow.com

"Well, Al Green is nuts," [Robert Spencer] tells OneNewsNow. "He [is] talking about something that's essentially fictional. There are no Christians who are citing the Bible and using it to justify acts of violence and terrorism. There are Muslims all around the world citing the Quran and using it to justify acts of violence and terrorism."

Spencer also says Green was misinformed in asking why the committee did not investigate a blue-eyed, blond-haired, white female who had become radicalized.

"The only blue-eyed, blond-haired, white woman who has been radicalized in recent memory is 'Jihad Jane,' a woman in Pennsylvania who converted to Islam," the Jihad Watch director notes.

Bill Schu #fundie onenewsnow.com

[Two co-founders of Exodus International decided there was no way to cure homosexuality and have decided to be out as a couple.]

Gee maybe he was a plant from the beginning......Just saying. You homosexuals are know for you infiltration tactics. You know the AMA and their "study" that is neither provable or repeatable....Just saying....

Coleen Beisheim #fundie #homophobia onenewsnow.com

Jessie....religious marriage yes is very sacred, but when you and others of homosexuality forces the traditional marriage to become equal for the same-sex couples, how do you consider marriage to be sacred then? How do you consider that to be equal when traditional marriage is not equal to same-sex marriage? How does that qualify as equal? Everyone has those same equal rights now, but you are asking for special rights and you are discriminating against those who sees this type of agenda as unnatural, unhealthy, and demoralizing .

Seperate but equal, we do not wish to be second class citizens. Tell me Jesse, who made their decision to be a transgender, homosexual, bisexual, and so on. You and the homosexuals made your own decision to become this way, we didn't force you to become one. Yes, there were circumstances that lead to this, but in all you yourself made that decision to live your life that way. So it is yourselves that have and made you feel like second class citizens, we didn't put you there; you did. So don't be blaming others for what you decided to do with your life. So why should you have those same benefits from marriage when it wasn't set up that way in the first place.

Ike Riddle #fundie onenewsnow.com

Number one issue: THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. The First Amendment was put in to protect the church FROM the state, never the other way around.
Remember, the wording says, "Congress shall make NO LAWS restricting the free exercise of religion" period! There are no indications of any restrictions on our religious liberties found in ANY of our founding documents. A letter sent to the Danbury Baptists, in reply to their inquiry about whether or not there would be a STATE church like England had, was clearly stated by Thomas Jefferson that there would be no such denomination. Freedom meant that the state would have no control over mankind's worship in America. A bogus supreme court case many years ago got the atheists foot in the door and every case since has been based on a BLATANT LIE. This happens when church leaders sit on their hands and hold their tongues when blatant lies are allowed to become law.
The same is true on Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton allowing the wholesale MURDER of unborn CITIZENS of this nation. 53,000,000 babies have been slaughtered in butcher shops called abortion "clinics" across the USA.
When will the church of Jesus Christ have enough intestinal fortitude to end these lies? The vast majority of pastors in this land REFUSE to talk about abortion from their pulpits. Falwell and Kennedy were two heroes in our time on this issue, but sadly their voices are silent since they graduated into heaven. There are still a few voices out there fighting the good fight but they are few and far between.
Has life become so cheap that we can kill a child for about $350.00, often paid by tax dollars. Planned Parenthood gets over $300,000,000 yearly under the guise of women's health. HOGWASH!!!
This issue cuts my heart out and I will, with my dying breath, continue to cry out for the life of the unborn.
How long will the wrath of God be withheld when their blood cries out from the earth? He judged Israel for this very thing, shedding innocent blood.
Our liberties are challenged on a daily basis. What will be attacked next? This decision will be challenged before long, but we will never hear of other world religions being throttled in the same way.

William Rooks #racist onenewsnow.com

[On Karen Klein, the bus monitor being harassed by students on the bus]

Today's youth. They make you proud, don't they? And they will soon vote, if not old enough already. If Obama's "health care" program is not abolished, and government minions are making decisions about who lives and gets treatment, and who dies and goes without THIS crowd - this generation - will be typical of the new crop of government employees making those decisions. Makes you feel safe and secure, doesn't it? And if she had pepper sprayed that most annoying little mulatto behind her, she'd be in jail. They deserve worse than pepper spray. Their daddies need to kick the snot out of these brats, but if their daddies were doing their job, this kind of behavior would not have occurred.

Bill Schu #fundie onenewsnow.com

So now you have your way because prayer is out of school and all these children think like you do. The result of the lib mind set since the 60's has resulted in what we have now a failing Public School system that many graduate illiterates. You libs did a fine job with the school system huh? I believe we should do an experiment to prove who is really wrong. We should reintroduce the Pledge of Allegiance and prayer a see just what happens.

Ben Joyner #fundie onenewsnow.com

Well, Elizabeth, currently around 105,000 Christians are murdered every year by any number of non-Christian entities. Over 57 nations ban the preaching of Jesus Christ. Of those, a number ban the possession of the Holy Bible. In 'real' Islamic states, one born into a Muslim family who recants that and accepts Jesus Christ is considered an infidel and the 'family' is legally protected if they stone the convert to death.

So, tell me again why we should NOT ban religions in our Country that are actively engaged in genocide of the Christians in Africa, Middle East, and the Islamic crescent of states?

William Rooks #fundie onenewsnow.com

[Court rules NY town's prayer violated Constitution]

This court's ruling is bogus even if the town DID purposely emphasize Christianity. It's up to the town. Seems even the courts cannot be trusted to adhere to the 1st Amendment. You see, when a COURT dictates that a town MUST include muslim prayer, or atheist rants, or buddhist monks, then the government HAS established a religion. And, to full stop the argument that the court is "only" saying all religions must be accepted, that in itself is exactly a religion itself - the anti-christ's religion.

Coleen Bsm #fundie onenewsnow.com

[The White House asks all visitors to register in advance. Unborn children must be registered if they will be born before the visit.]

What in the world does an unborn child have to do with security? Headcount , that is about the stupidest thing I have heard. How does an unborn child pose a security threat to the White House when that child isn't born, and then once it is born it is still on the registered list if this what this list is about. How is the mother suppose to preregister her child when it is unknown what sex gender it is? Although they can see it on the ultra sound of which gender the baby is, some mothers wants to know before the baby is born, but there are some who don't want to know until the baby arrived. This is what he is paying our tax money for security by registering the unborn baby. Do you know how ridiculous and down right immature that is? My stars is this government afraid that this unborn child is carrying a concealed weapon inside the mother's womb, and once the unborn child is arriving going to come out shooting everyone it sees! Then will go and hunt down and shoot up the White House. By doing such a thing is just unconstitutional, and disrespectful for the unborn and its mother. How typical of such money being wasted on such stupidity.

William Rooks #fundie onenewsnow.com

The biggest and most important thing we can do is rescue them from the public school system and the homo perverse agendas inflicted on them IN the public schools system. In my opinion. Public schools have become satanic, immoral, criminal enterprises. Drugs, gangs, "bullying" which is just a way of saying blacks behaving badly, satanic programs like gay clubs, marxist clubs, anti-government clubs, anti-christian clubs (FFR bunch), and very little actual learning going on. Test scores and achievements are at all time lows and lower than pre-WWII. Our kids are indoctrinated and stupid, but they know all about how to put condoms on, that oral sex isn't really sex (until you get HPV of the throat and throat cancer), that it's okay to "experiment" with all kinds of sexual license and perversion, that redistribution of wealth is the highest goal of government, and the Christ is just a myth.

In other words, sending your kid to public school is one of the worst abuses of children you can imagine. In my opinion.

Bill Schu #fundie onenewsnow.com

[Judges are not supposed to be accountable to the majority, that is the legislature. Judges are accountable to the law.]

What lib school did you attend?There are 3 branches of government that are beholden to the constitution. Now please google the constitution and tell us the FIRST THREE WORDS of the constitution. Wow you just got the education on the lost information you missed attending a homo function.

William Rooks #fundie onenewsnow.com

[Christians can also pray in school, as long as the school doesn't organize it.]

Oh really? TRY IT. Unless it's a Christian school, ain't happening until they are directly threatened with a lawsuit. And even then lower court judges can rule against it. There have been cases of kids, on their own time, trying to pray around the flag pole being told they can't. And many more examples of the secular fundamentalists who own our schools now forbidding even the display of a cross necklace in the open.

Kevin Williams #fundie onenewsnow.com

["PeePee" is his clever euphemism for Planned Parenthood]

"Grooming" is what child abusers do initially, preparing their prey for more sinister things to come, and it is a very appropriate word here. I've seen PeePee clients visit the clinic to pickup their contraceptives monthly. This makes it a little easier in the months to come, when the contraceptives fail and they consider an abortion. That drive to the abortuary will be well practiced, thanks to the grooming.

Coleen Bsm #fundie onenewsnow.com

Hey, you people was saying that this SB 48 was to educate kids about the history and literature of Homosexuals, that you are a part of our society. So why is the California Department of Education trying to not let the parents find out if it isn't going to dominate our children as you all said it won't, because once those parents fnd out what what is being taught in schools they will pull their child/children out of that school an put them in a private school or home school. I mean come on you people are so darn well determine to supposedly educate kids on your immoral ways and you have to hide the facts away from parents. So don't you even say that that is NOT what you are doing is brainwashing children and dominating children to your perverted ways, BECAUSE THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE DOING! So all in all you are trying to dominate everything that you want. You people are so evil that you are trying to change America to evil just like the Muslims want.

June Reis #fundie onenewsnow.com

[and what is the dogma held by all atheists?what are the rituals followed by all atheists? i've known some for years. i haven't seen any core beliefs, strictures, etc. they have no buildings set aside for their followers, no special sites,(land wise). what are their basic books?]

Dogma=there is no god; rituals=ridicule those who believe in any diety; buildings=clubs, libraries, science labs or anywhere that man can trump God in their eyes; basic books=anything made by Man that opposes God. Sad lot.

Dr. Michael L. Brown #fundie onenewsnow.com

(Headline: "Did gay activism play a role in the murder of Lawrence King?"}

After all, it is gay activists who constantly remind us that LGBT kids are bullied and even beaten up at school. They tell us how dangerous the school environment is for kids who identify as LGBT, and yet at the same time, they praise kids like Larry for coming out at 10. They even want more Gay Straight Alliances in our middle schools, where pre-teens can declare their gay identity to their peers and faculty advisors without their parents' knowledge. Why? So they can become targets of hatred and potential violence? If our schools really are so "homophobic" and dangerous, why not encourage these kids to keep their sexual orientation to themselves until they're in a safer environment?

Some of the teachers in Larry's school, along with his adoptive father, specifically accused former assistant principal Joy Epstein, an open lesbian, of encouraging Larry's flamboyant behavior in order to promote her "agenda." If there is any truth to this, it is not just irresponsible, it is reprehensible. (At the least, there is no indication that she discouraged his pushy, sexual behavior.) How could an experienced educator act in such a way, especially with a boy who had such a troubled history? And is it possible that Larry could have benefited from ongoing counseling about his sexuality? Yet gay activists adamantly oppose any form of counseling that does not affirm homosexuality.

What about the other administrators? Why didn't they prevent Larry from dressing up like a girl when teachers reported to them that it was causing disruption among the students? The official school answer is that California law, passed at the urging of gay activists, prevents discrimination based on gender identity or expression, and so Larry was able to come to school wearing women's accessories and makeup. Was it fair to push this on Larry's classmates, themselves young teenagers sorting through their own issues of sexual identity? Was it fair to Larry?

And what is to be said of this memo sent out to the entire eighth grade? "We have a student on campus who has chosen to express his sexuality by wearing make-up. It is his right to do so." In eighth grade? His "right?" What a travesty! Yet this is a "right" gay activists aggressively fight for, as if this somehow makes our schools "safer" and provides a better learning environment for all the kids. Nonsense.

It is true that Brandon McInerney murdered Larry King in cold blood, but gay activism is complicit in his death.

The "Discrimination Now!" Award

For excellence in the field of shit that has nothing to do with you.

Matt Barber #fundie onenewsnow.com

The law provides exemptions for pastors, religious institutions and non-profit corporations affiliated with religious organizations, but The New York Times suggests those are unnecessary. So Matt Barber of Liberty Counsel Action advises the Times to take a closer look at the Constitution.

Mainly, he notes "our First Amendment rights of free speech and freedom of religious expression. This is troubling, but not surprising that The New York Times is once again publicly...editorializing about the need to trample on individuals' religious liberties," he laments.

Barber goes on to argue that the religious exemptions are worthless, as the only intent for their inclusion was to convince fence-sitting senators to vote for the legalization.

"The true motivation here is not for marriage equality; the true motivation is to, under penalty of law, ensure that all Americans are compelled to embrace the demonstrably destructive and immoral homosexual lifestyle," the attorney points out.

In order to accomplish that, any opposition must be silenced. In truth, Barber does not think the religious exemption goes far enough because it does not protect individual people of faith, especially those in business who oppose homosexuality.

Jerry Cox #fundie onenewsnow.com

Jerry Cox, president of the Family Council Action Committee in Little Rock, sees a double standard in public schools, as officials refuse to honor Christian leaders.

"On the other hand, if a person has left-leaning philosophies, a left-leaning theology, a left-leaning view of the world, then it seems that it's always in vogue to honor those people and to have a special holiday for them," Cox notes.

Children will be required to participate in exercises that honor Milk, which could include mock homosexual "weddings" and cross-dressing contests, as well as writing or reading activities. The pro-family leader decides that public schools are failing to promote good role models for students.

"What we ought to be doing is holding up the lives of people that were truly great, people like the Founding Fathers -- the ones who have exemplified all the good in mankind in their life," Cox contends.

Don Feder #fundie onenewsnow.com

After the courts delivered a series of body-blows to marriage over the past four decades -- with no-fault divorce, abortion, the de facto legalization of pornography, and legitimizing cohabitation -- the justices thought: Oh, what the h_ll, what harm can there possibly be in opening the honorable estate to members of the North American Man/Boy Love Association and Dykes on Bikes?
Pardon my hate-filled rhetoric, but when exactly did homosexuals become a division of humanity instead of a sorry collection of individuals (connected only by their carnal appetites) caught up in a perverted lifestyle?

That which once was properly shunned is now celebrated as a glorious form of diversity -- promoted in the schools, subsidized by corporate America, pampered by government at the state and local levels, and pandered to by politicians -- witness the Democratic gay presidential debate last August, sponsored by the Human Rights Campaign, where Clinton and Obama preened before representatives of the community like singer Melissa Etheridge.

The slide down the slippery slope accelerates at breakneck speed. What awaits us at the bottom isn't gay marriage alone -- which is merely a way station -- but a sexual totalitarian state (replete with Diversity Gestapo) in which dissent from the gay agenda will be ruthlessly suppressed.
Conscience and intimidation aside, gay matrimony will turn marriage into a free-form institution. If two men or two women can tie the knot in California, why not two women and two men, or a woman and her brother, or a man and a chicken, or Al Gore and the ozone layer?

Absurd, you may say. No more so than the idea of same-sex marriage 20 years ago.

By divorcing marriage from the potential for procreation (life doesn't come from the things homosexuals do in the privacy of their bedrooms, or at rest stops, or in public parks in Amsterdam), by compelling us to endorse the fiction that a couple who are sodomizing each other somehow constitutes a family, by telling a husband and wife who are struggling to raise a family that in the eyes of society they have exactly the same standing as those who a few short years ago were called degenerates, we will end up destroying an institution that predates political correctness, human rights commissions, the California Supreme Court and government itself.

Anonymous Commenter #fundie onenewsnow.com

We need to bring down the ACLU they are distroying our Nation. It's time a President shut them down. There should be no such group anyway. If a person feels wrongly accused then hire an individual attorney to handle their case. Who are these creeps anyway and how did their Moral compass get so twisted the wrong way. The Bible says in end times people will believe what is right is wrong and what is wrong is right. We know where ACLU stands.

Anonymous Commenter #fundie onenewsnow.com

[Rifqa Bary, a Muslim-to-Christian convert, will remain in foster care, despite the fact that there has never been any evidence that her parents wish to harm her.]

I never see my comments on here and if I don't start I'm going to stop making any. Isalm 'demands' its followers to kill those that convert to another religion who will not convert back. There young lady had a justifiable fear that her parents, if they're good Muslims, would attempt to harm her. They would be bad Muslims if they did not. So, once again, the Religion of Peace is a proven religion of blood and fear. Why do you think their symbol is a sword? Duh!!!

Anonymous Commenter #fundie onenewsnow.com

[Women are earning more in the workplace.]

Sadly, the feminsta women who have abandoned their children (and the husbands who have encouraged it) to being reared by virtual strangers are largely responsible for our society going down the tubes as fast as it has (and no, I am not a man - I am a SAHM and proud of it - and will continue to be one). The women are the ones that caused the welfare/government programs to be set up to the extent that they are now. They are the ones who want someone to "help" take care of them when they decided men were not important to them (thank you old line feminists), so they turned to the government. It is so sad that women have turned to a JOB to find happiness in their lives. If they are Christians, it is doubly sad because they have ignored what God wanted for the family (and yes, I realize women "worked" in the Bible, but not like they do now),

Anonymous Commenter #fundie onenewsnow.com

[Cindy McCain posed for a pro-gay marriage ad]

Sounds like McCain needs to go home and get this out of control situation back in control! Who care what she thinks anyway, she is a nobody but probably has homosexual kids, friends or relatives but that is her problem not WE THE PEOPLE! No to fake sexual deviancy marriage ever.

[60% of voters under 35 believe that same-sex marriage ought to be legal.]

To the 35 and under crowd - you will understand when you are adults and this is adult business. My kids are under 35 and do not agree to this perversion as does no one else not influenced by perversion.

Anonymous Commenter #fundie onenewsnow.com

Oh, so now we are going to subsidize (with our tax dollars of course) education and jobs in troublesome Islamic countries? We ALREADY allow muslims to come to our country to attend college. They thank us by radicalizing our campuses. Typical liberal assumption that violent men will be tamed with kindness. Stupidity. Obama has won the incompetence award and taken if away from the previous winner, Jimmie Carter. But then, in another light, Obama IS a muslim regardless how he tries to paint himself. That "christian" church he attended had nothing to do with Christianity and everything to do with radical hatred of America.

Anonymous Commenter #fundie onenewsnow.com

[After divorce, a judge granted a woman the right to move cross-country to take the kids to live with her lesbian partner.]

I certainly hope this is appealed all the way and these children should be removed from this supposed mother! It is sickening this paid off judge would put these children in such peril - who knows what the lesbian partner or supposed mother really wants. The father should go all the way to the Supreme Court or take his children away to a safe place rather than allow this atrocity to happen to his children.

Anonymous Commenter #fundie onenewsnow.com

The post, “I wouldn't want my child to read the bible unsupervised anyway, too many passages with mass killings and other mayhem.” sounds prejudicial. While there are some confusing passages in the bible, a parent can readily relay (or provide a study guide) the overriding positive message of the bible in terms of salvation, care for the poor, social justice, etc. In contrast, look at the killings that atheistic regimes (Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot) have brought to society in the last 100 years, not to mention that secular-driven abortion policies annually kill 46 million worldwide! Which future vision do you want for your children?

Anonymous Commenter #fundie onenewsnow.com

Porn is porn, it is sick, it is immoral, it is not right. But for people who watch porn, it is like watching horror, you get bored with the same thing and you want something that goes further and further, it feeds a lust in you. So absolutely there is a link between adult porn and child porn. Only a fool could not see that. Just b/c you watch porn doesn't mean you want to rape children, but if you want to rape children, chances are you got your start watching adult porn. How is that so hard to understand? Porn is an evil world no matter where it is coming from.

Anonymous Commenter #fundie onenewsnow.com

All you have to do is move to a state that recognizes same sex marriage and any stranger can take a child away from their biological mother. Pretty cool advantage for the gay agenda. People with children beware. If this is allowed then anyone choosing that lifestyle will be putting their children at risk. You may need to sign a prenup on the kids. What an unholy mess. You think maybe God knows all this and that's why His word speaks about this abomination so plainly?

Anonymous Commenter #fundie onenewsnow.com

This country needs to wake up. Everyone that claims to be a Muslim and practices their faith should be considered a potential terrorist and deported. Hassan was just following the dictates of his faith; we Christians are infadels in their eyes.

Anonymous Commenter #fundie onenewsnow.com

The “equal rights” slogan misses the point. No one is denying anyone the option to marry (the opposite sex). Instead, this movement asks for a new special legal form of marriage that never existed before, even though it lacks the complementarity and procreative qualities of natural marriage. Research has shown that same-sex relationships do not have the stability of heterosexual counterparts (granted there is room for improvement among heterosexuals here too). Unlike “Will & Grace,” 75% of same-sex couples do not stay together for more than 7 years, and monogamy is uncommon (which is also a contributing factor to the disproportionate rates of STDs, etc.). Children need and crave stable families. It’s not a matter of hate, but debate. I don’t want to see people hurt in the long-run.

Anonymous Commenter #conspiracy onenewsnow.com

I hope folks are taking note on who is behind the gay movement. The same folks who were behind the miscengenation movement, and are always behind the "hate Christians" movement, behind the "freedom from religion" movement, behind the ACLU, behind the SPLC, behind the abortion movement, and behind the feminist movement. Names like Goldstein and Kruger keep popping up as CEOs and high stakes supporters. Get it yet? WHO is behind the cultural revolution?

Mat Staver #fundie onenewsnow.com

The American Civil Liberties Union is threatening an Alabama school district over prohibiting a lesbian from taking her girlfriend to the prom.

Tharptown High School near Russellville told Cynthia Stewart she could not attend the prom in March with her girlfriend in tow. On behalf of the 17-year-old junior and her guardian, the ACLU is now demanding that school officials reverse their decision.

According to Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel, the case is typical of the ACLU in that "anything that is anti-moral, anti-religious liberty, and anti-freedom, you can always find them on the other side."

Anonymous Commenter #conspiracy onenewsnow.com

We do have the best health care in the world. To the poster who said we're ranked 39th, I would ask why he/she would trust anything the "World Health Organization" has to say. Its just another corrupt arm of the horrendously corrupt U.N. I bet they have Cuba and Venezuela as having better care than us.

Matt Barber #fundie onenewsnow.com

[On the hate crimes bill]

Barber views the legislation as something akin to a muzzle. "Unfortunately, it places Christians -- people of faith, people who have traditional values relative to sexual immorality...in an untenable position," says the attorney.

Barber goes on to say that the federal bill "will chill religious liberty and free speech -- and that is its intended purpose, not to protect anybody from hate crimes."

And as for pastors? "There is a very weak exemption in [the bill] which is totally illusory, and a religious exemption is not going to protect pastors," responds Barber. "Renegade prosecutors and politically correct leftists in positions of authority can subjectively determine what is or is not a hate crime." And then move on to prosecution, he adds.

Austin Nimocks #fundie onenewsnow.com

For ten years, two women lived together in a lesbian relationship, during which one of them -- Barbara Maniaci -- solely adopted two children. But in 2006, Maniaci left her roommate and the homosexual lifestyle, and later married a man. Following the break-up, the former roommate sued for -- and now has won -- parental rights.

Austin Nimocks, senior legal counsel with the Alliance Defense Fund, tells OneNewsNow that Montana's highest court decided to uphold the demands of a legal stranger.

"What the Montana Supreme Court did was give a third party -- the parent's former roommate and girlfriend -- parental rights...," says the attorney. "And it runs contrary to clear precedent dating back several years in Montana and the United States Supreme Court. [It's] a very, very disturbing decision."

He says that historically courts have upheld the rights of "fit natural" parents. "When we undermine the rights of fit natural parents, it causes harm to families and children," argues Nimocks. "Giving strangers and third parties access to kids is not in the best interest of children or families."

Anonymous #fundie onenewsnow.com

So much ignorance of the First Amendment. "Congress shall not pass any laws respecting the establishment of religion, nor prohibit the free exercise thereof." Did congress pass a law? Did Congress prohibit freedom? People who say a person cannot express religion of any sort in government or public is ignorant of first amendment! By the way secular humanism/atheism are religious as well. Atheist believe there is no God. secular humanist believe there is no God, just evolution. Both are faith based.

Anonymous #fundie onenewsnow.com

Unbelievable!! All legal citizens of this country need to respect the FACT that this country was FOUNDED on Christian beliefs. What is so hard about that? We respect other religions. Why can't people just respect this as a part of our country. The other religions or even the atheists do what they want to do. I just don't understand why everyone can't get along when it comes to religion.

Elaine Donnelly #fundie onenewsnow.com

A conservative military watchdog says she disagrees with the recent recommendation by several high-level members of President Obama's defense team that the ban on women serving on submarines should be dropped.

Elaine Donnelly, president of the Center for Military Readiness, says besides putting women in a very confined area with dozens of male sailors, the constantly recycled atmosphere creates a health risk.

"In the very early days and weeks of pregnancy, the recycled atmosphere [in a submarine] includes elements that are very unsafe for an unborn child," she notes.

"So let's suppose three weeks out [to sea], a married sailor discovers she's pregnant. And the ship commander has two choices -- either [he] violate the stealthy status of the submarine by surfacing for a dangerous evacuation, or he tells her that she will have to remain as she is throughout the deployment.

"This is an impossible dilemma that can and should be avoided," says the military watchdog.

Anonymous Commenter #sexist onenewsnow.com

I work with a submariner. He thinks it is crazy to put women on subs, too. The amount of money required just to add a bathroom is over the top. The bad air and pregnancy problem is also quite real. Me being a female in the military, I just don't see why women would want to force their way onto a sub when it is not in the best interest of the country they have sworn to protect and defend.

Anonymous Commenter #fundie onenewsnow.com

Women absolutely should not be on subs for these and other reasons not stated here. Sad that some people think it is okay to put a child at risk because they want "equality in the workplace". There are some jobs that women should not be doing and the same with men. Get over yourselves and your "I want what I want" stuff. Be a woman - quit trying to be men.

Anonymous Commenter #fundie onenewsnow.com

Research has shown that same-sex relationships do not have the stability of heterosexual counterparts. 75% of same-sex couples do not stay together for more than 7 years, and monogamy is not so common. Heterosexual couples have also had some marital stability issues in recent decades, but not to this extreme. It is a myth that legalizing same-sex marriage won’t impact the heterosexual folks. Countries that have legalized same-sex marriage have seen fewer people entering ANY type of marriage, probably due to a psychological message that the procreative and unitive significance of marriage has been underminded. Children need and crave marital stability. Marrying the opposite sex “until death do us part” is a public good that remains available to all adults (even though many choose not to marry for various reasons).

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