
Brian Niemeier #wingnut brianniemeier.com

[Responding to an anti-Trump open letter to the publishing industry: "As members of the writing and publishing community of the United States, we affirm that participation in the administration of Donald Trump must be considered a uniquely mitigating criterion for publishing houses when considering book deals."]

Now that the Death Cultists are feeling their oats over slaying their orange bogeyman, they're planning an unprecedented sacrificial orgy to appease their gods. In their primitive cosmology the only explanation for their 2016 defeat is infidels angering the spirits with their -isms, so atonement must be made by offering up the unbelievers.


The cultists do not hold the same standards as normal people. They don't even pretend to anymore. And it's not hypocrisy to harm your enemies and protect your friends. That's been the Cult's viewpoint for years, and that's why they've been winning.

That's also why smart authors who care more about money than validation now avoid oldpub like the plague. Note that the letter says nothing about how these publishers plan to reach more readers and sell more books. That's what sane people in an industry on the verge of collapse would do. Instead, they're purposefully alienating 160 million people. No Titanic tickets for traitors.

Some people still think that Cult-coopted industries are out to make money. A glance at the signatures on that letter should disabuse you of that fiction. Guys like [Chuck] Wendig and [Charlie Jane] Anders have no organic readership. They'll go back to the D list the second the Cult's influencers stop boosting their signal. If you're still an oldpub author at this point, your whole career is a humiliation ritual.

Brian Niemeier #wingnut #fundie #mammon brianniemeier.com

[After quoting from an article that says "Be it the middle-aged lady watching soap-operas all day, or the comic book nerds that just can’t stop simping for Marvel and DC, these guys will continue drowning in the quicksand that is the current entertainment industry"]

Sad to say, a not inconsiderable slice of the population, mostly hailing from Generation Y, willingly chooses to stay in the Cult. They really have enshrined Brand X at the center of their lives, where God should be. This decision was not made rationally, and there's no reasoning them out of it.

There's a darker side to so many people betting all their chips on progressively rising material prosperity. As the standard of living in the West declines to third world levels, and the flow of bread and circuses dries up, ever more lost souls will seek death to relieve what they see as meaningless pain.

But Christians know that temporal suffering is a chance to cultivate virtue and an invitation to unite our sorrow with Christ's saving Passion. Now that the political window for reversing the decline has closed, our top priorities as Christians should be growing in holiness--which should always be job one--and bringing as many others into the fold as God permits.

And now, more than ever, it's crucial to not give money to people who hate you. Find out how. Read now.

[Followed by a link to his book on Amazon]

Brian Niemeier #crackpot #fundie brianniemeier.com

[Note: in this post, he uses the word "witch" in reference to non-Christians who point out Christians' hypocrisy]

The point is to deploy the test as soon as the suspected witch tries to claim the high ground by co-opting Christian morality. In that event, declare the verdict; then block AS SOON AS SHE FAILS. Under no circumstances should you continue interacting with a confirmed witch. If she is the subject of extraordinary demonic activity, the demon can retaliate if your command could be interpreted as being directed at it--for which a case could reasonably be made if you've determined you're dealing with a witch.

I can't stress this enough: DO NOT TALK TO CONFIRMED WITCHES! Declare their lack of moral authority and block immediately!

Brian Niemeier #fundie #wingnut #racist brianniemeier.com

[Responding to tweets by William Gillis criticizing Lord of the Rings]

The Death Cult priesthood can't abide the thought of infidels enjoying the works their forefathers created. They hate those venerable authors for being ten times the men the Cultists are. They hate their works for being incomparably better than anything the Cult can produce. And they hate you for not being as petty and miserable as they are.

Most of all, they hate the Christ for being the sole means of salvation, contrary to their debauched pipe dreams.

If Gillis used his intellect instead of making an idol of it, he might realize it's his Cult that's cancelled his shiny, sexy utopia. Men of the West like Tolkien won the World Wars, went to the moon, and invented the internet. The heathens his side is flooding STEM fields with hail from societies that haven't fully mastered indoor plumbing.

Death Cultists are creatures of envy, and their envy fuels their hatred of truth, goodness, and beauty.

Brian Niemeier #wingnut #fundie #transphobia brianniemeier.com

These original pill memes made their way into popular use from the pickup artist scene, which ironically cribbed the imagery from a movie made by a fraternal pair of degenerates. Their dubious origins aside, the red pill and the blue pill are handy methods of quickly conveying more complex ideas, so they naturally caught on.


Ask a Conservative why he wants to win, and the most common answer will be, "So they'll leave me alone." The next most popular responses range from appeals to creature comforts to a shrug.

Ask a Death Cultist why he wants to win--not that you have to; they shout it from the rooftops--and you'll get a fiery sermon about the post-national, post-racial, post-Christian utopia in store for the world if we can just pile up enough corpses.

Yes, the latter is a horrifying vision, but it has the advantage of being a vision. The zealot can effortlessly dismiss your desires to be left alone, not pay taxes, and live with people like you as selfish impediments to progress.

Here's the ultimate truth at the heart of our current crisis: The triumphant Death Cult is a fanatical heresy fueled by stolen Christian zeal. It can be defeated if and only if enough people submit to the one true faith with equal zeal. Without Christ, you cannot hope to stand firm against the diabolically inspired Cult.

Brian Niemeier #conspiracy #wingnut brianniemeier.com

The 2016 presidential election will go down in history as the last. Now that one party can commit rampant vote fraud, and the other meekly accepts the fraudulent outcome, the US is a de facto one-party oligarchy. Simulated elections will still be held for show, but everyone will know them for shams. Tellingly, the only people trumpeting the integrity of the 2020 elections despite mounting proof of fraud are the same ones who shrieked about Russia rigging the 2016 race without any proof.


Don't mourn for Conservatism. At the last, it sold us out. Two-faced hacks like Ben Shapiro, Charlie Kirk, and Dan Crenshaw will slither off to their rewards at the megacorps that are crushing the people who trusted them. It will be interesting to see what kind of genuine opposition to the Death Cult emerges without Con Inc. gatekeepers policing the talent pool.

Brian Niemeier #wingnut #fundie #mammon brianniemeier.com

Our society has been wallowing in sins that cry out to Heaven longer than most of us have been alive. God answers those cries in one of two ways: the Sodom reply or the Nineveh reply.

Sometimes God sends a Hezekiah figure to attempt eleventh-hour reforms. We got that kind of reprieve in 2016. Instead of using the extra time to root out our own sins, we largely succumbed to the worldly distractions of infighting, grifting, and superstition.


Author David V. Stewart and I went on-stream together to talk about the elections, the Christian response, and my new top 40 Christian sci fi novel Combat Frame XSeed: S

Brian Niemeier #fundie brianniemeier.com

[Response to a description of a box containing an Ouija board apparently moving by itself]

In case you needed more evidence why playing with Ouija boards is a bad idea, Anon's story aptly illustrates the disordered desire for control that motivates attempts to invoke such forces.

God is in control of all. He grants us mastery of our individual destinies within limits, and efforts to impose our will beyond those limits are dangerously prideful.

There are powers that lie in wait to take advantage of that pride. Those powers mean us harm, and dabbling with a Ouija board is akin to laying out the welcome mat for them.

God's mercy is the white pill, which He graciously dispensed to Anon. We can and should be thankful for his conversion.

Take warning, though, that willingly indulging in sin with the presumption of that mercy is no less prideful.

Brian Niemeier #wingnut #homophobia brianniemeier.com

[From a list of reasons why Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure "is exactly the kind of movie you could never get made today"]

Strike two is what most readers probably thought of immediately, viz. historical content now deemed heretical by the Death Cult. It's problematic enough that the film focuses exclusively on Western history. The American, French, Greek, and German historical figures' onscreen portrayal as American, French, Greek, and German would be a bridge too far for today's guardians of public morality.

That's leaving aside the multiple portrayals of Christian characters praying. It's startling to think that such scenes were included as a matter of course as recently as 1989, whereas today they're so rare as to stand out. The past truly is a different country.

That brings us to strike three. The first Bill & Ted movie takes traditional--dare I say even pulp moral themes--for granted, especially regarding love and romance. There is an unequivocal repudiation of homosexuality so blatant that I cannot believe it hasn't been censored. In the pulp tradition, Bill and Ted's love interests are a pair of princesses who must be rescued from odious arranged marriages.

Brian Niemeier #fundie #wingnut #racist brianniemeier.com

Savage mobs continue burning down American cities because America's ruling class considers the riots morally good. They are so culturally and spiritually divorced from their subjects that they don't consider billions of dollars in property damage and the loss of untold precious lives a problem to be solved. For the Death Cult, mayhem inflicted on innocent people is the solution.

As for Jefferson's tree of liberty, in the end it turned out to bear the evil fruit that expelled Americans from the earthly paradise they built. Founding a society on a freedom-based ethos is no more coherent than basing a societal ethos on money.

Freedom of religion in particular was a poison pill that has left Christians politically disarmed against hostile parallel creeds. It's no accident that the Death Cult's zealots are targeting churches and conducting street inquisitions to ferret out Christians.

The enemy has the media, the courts, and the banks on their side. The only way we will be able to surmount those overwhelming advantages is by taking God's side, and then we will be invincible. For if God is with us, who can be against us?

Brian Niemeier #fundie #wingnut #mammon brianniemeier.com

If you're unfamiliar with the creepypasta format, think of an urban legend told in serial format and often expanded by other storytellers from the audience. The creepypasta with which Boomers are most likely to be familiar is the Slender Man.


Whether the source of the terror is a rubber monster in the woods, a ghost girl who infests smartphones, or a cursed video game, each creepypasta reads like a deracinated rehash of the American remake of an early aughts Japanese horror film.

What's missing is any kind of internal logic for the plot to hang on. We don't even get the cheap anti-drug and fornication morality plays of 80s slasher flicks. The hauntings/curses/murders occur at random because the victims happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

It's also noteworthy that when some kind of background lore is needed to make the spooky threat intelligible, American Indian legend and prefab Wiccan claptrap are the go-to sources. Summoning a priest to conduct a house blessing or an exorcism is as rare as a Republican in Hollywood--whose fare is nonetheless put to shame by most creepypastas. At least the latter are honest efforts at entertainment.

The Millennials had their identities stripped from them and suffered a crisis of meaning which they collectively resolved by giving in. Zoomers are the first Western generation born and raised with no inherited identity and no awareness that there ever was a meaning to it all. The situation is going to get much worse before it gets better.

One reason for the dearth of contemporary Christian horror is the baffling paralysis that's beset most Christian authors. Christian horror shouldn't be a sermon dressed up in genre trappings. It should be a genuinely terrifying story told from a Christian worldview. Those are the best kinds of horror stories, anyway.

Want proof? Read my award-winning horror-sci fi series.

Brian Niemeier #wingnut brianniemeier.com

I'd often wondered how, when the enemy consists of soyfat, limpwristed, Xanax-addled heathens, we could possibly be losing so badly.

Now I know. First, the lunatic-to-autist ratio between the two sides is pretty much at parity. Second, Conservatives have been so deeply conditioned by the Death Cult and their Con Inc. accomplices that red pilling them to the true nature of the game takes herculean effort.

Hearing a Leftist pontificate on the need for some kind of government action elicits a Pavlovian response from the Conservative. He will immediately descend into the policy-level weeds and obstinately stay there while the Left consolidates its hold on the moral high ground.

I thought I understood the strength of this conditioning, but the glut of responses that selectively ignored my insistence on keeping to the moral and rhetorical levels were mind-boggling. A lot of folks just wanted to debate policy even after being shown it was a dead end.

To explain this one more time, no one is making policy proposals. Nor is anyone talking economics, and to do so is an idiotic waste of time when the Death Cult is on the cusp of utter triumph.

The point is not to stop reparations. There is no stopping them now that the GOP has proven completely spineless.

Neither is the point to negotiate favorable reparation terms. That's getting stuck on the policy level, which is where Conservatives have been for decades--just like the Left wants them.

Instead, think of the agree & amplify response to calls for reparations as a form of the Witch Test.

The Left wins by claiming the moral high ground. Thus, the way to beat them is by undercutting their moral authority.

When they say, "Give us reparations to atone for America's original sin of racism!"

And you say, "OK, if that means the slate's wiped clean and no more affirmative action, hate speech laws, or guilt-tripping white people in general, name your price."

Their defining morality, which is founded on absolution for racism being impossible, will compel the Cultist to silence, or to admit that racism can never be atoned for.

And at that point, you've gotten the Cultist to admit that his call for reparations is based on a lie, and you take the moral high ground, and you win.

We need to win, get it?

Not bicker over percentages.

Not wring our hands over the national debt.

Not snark about Liberia.


No one cares if this approach seems suspect "to your mind." Sperging over budget deficits is irrelevant. Unless you've come up with an anti-Death Cult weapon that's as effective as the Witch Test or Don't Give Money to People Who Hate You, stow your reservations and fight with the effective weapons graciously provided to you.

Or get ready to wash the feet.

Brian Niemeier #fundie brianniemeier.com

Star Wars is dead, the Witches who've co-opted the franchise hate us, and you know my take on supporting such.

That said, one of my mutuals on Twitter recently steered me toward an Orthodox archbishop's review of Return of the Jedi.

This review was written during the movie's original run, soon after His Eminence watched it in the theater. His keen theological explication of what I suspect were George Lucas' accidental spiritual insights gave me a new appreciation of the original trilogy's moral value.

Just as importantly, the Archbishop's glowing assessment of the original trilogy's sublime spiritual lessons drive home exactly how much the Death Cultists at Disney have taken from us. The vandals' evil is directly inverse to the splendor of the beauty they've defaced.


Time and again we see that the real battle is fought and won on the moral level. It was the irresistible moral force of Luke's self-emptying love that redeemed Anakin. Only by embracing and living such sacrificial love after the model of Christ can we defeat those who hate us for His sake.

The Death Cult knows it, too. That's why they spent billions to mar this iconic trilogy--especially the Christ figure's triumph at the end.


The Death Cult cannot countenance a redemptive ending like this, because in their twisted cosmology there is no and can be no forgiveness. That is why their imitation of Star Wars was both a clumsy remake of the first trilogy and a cynical hollowing out of it at the same time.

And Star Wars is far from the Cult's only victim. They're sullying and degrading every speck of beauty in Christendom.

But as the Archbishop shows, the minions of the Evil One can be stopped. Doing so will require you, me, and all Christians to deny ourselves, take up our crosses daily, and follow Christ.

Once the great moral victory is won, our temporal enemies will fall like dominoes.

Brian Niemeier #fundie brianniemeier.com

[Florida man arrested for driving into a church and setting it on fire]

It's possible that the perpetrator may just be suffering from schizophrenia exacerbated by anti-Christian hysteria. It's also impossible to discern over the internet whether or not he's demonically possessed. However, the two conditions aren't mutually exclusive.

Considering that he attacked a parish affiliated with FSSP--a priestly confraternity dedicated to celebrating the Latin Mass--ruling out demonic involvement seems imprudent.

As people convert en masse to a hostile heretical cult while many clergy preach worldly doctrines directly at odds with perennial Magisterial teaching, Satan will only redouble his attacks on Christ's flock.

Brian Niemeier #fundie #wingnut #mammon brianniemeier.com

What we're really seeing is positive proof that Christianity is true, and social arrangements contrary to it are doomed to end in tears. The Church has always claimed to have the inside track on human nature, and those claims have panned out over 2000 years of history.

That means going through, not back, isn't just the only way out of this mess; it's the best way. Liberalism is dashing itself to death against the rock or reality. The smart play is to not interrupt the enemy's mistake and at the same time, take a page from their book.

The Death Cult's weakness is that it contains an internal paradox. People turn to it for meaning, but being nihilistic, it has no meaning to give. At best, it gives members a convenient bogeyman to vent their existential frustration at. The Cult rose to power by creating a spiritual void in America's soul. Christians can likewise exploit the void that is the soul of the Death Cult.

Never forget that our enemies are the worst people on Earth, and sin dims the intellect. Right now, we've got a million little commissars each claiming to be his own pope--or in this case, Antichrist. A Cultist who demands that you change your Facebook avatar or publicly worship a particular demographic is applying the Cult's version of the Witch Test. His aim is to exert moral authority over you. The answer is to reject his moral frame and administer the real Witch Test.

All of this is to say that the Church had the right idea when it came to re-evangelizing the culture. Most people--even nominal Christians--are now heretics, Witches, or just plain tractable heathens. We are commanded to make disciples of all nations. Charity starts at home, and the break's over, so let's roll up our sleeves and get back to work.

That doesn't mean we can't have fun, though. To get your hands on a sci fi series that's both action-packed and eerily prophetic, support Combat Frame XSeed: S now on Indiegogo. All backers get the entire series in eBook, plus you can choose from a host of other collectible perks, so claim yours now!

Brian Niemeier #wingnut #fundie #mammon brianniemeier.com

The Left has gone from strength to strength while Conservatives wring their hands and posture about possibly thinking about looking into taking it under advisement to maybe do something after the next election. This is because the enemy has the confidence of their convictions, and our supposed leaders have neither confidence nor convictions.

Political and economic crises are collateral damage in the real battle between the West's foundational Christian faith and an invading hysterical death cult. Republicans tried to slow the rate of spiritual attrition with appeals to normal Americans' sense of disgust and the free market. They failed. Atomized individualists will fare no better with empty demands to be left alone to smoke and copulate according to their personal preferences.

The decision rapidly approaching us all comes down to a choice between eking out a wretched existence as despised tax cattle in a heathen tech-fiefdom or living in nations where public life is informed by Christian faith and morals.

You'd much rather live in the latter, I assure you. So would David Atkins.The last normal man leaving California will have to pry Dave off his ankle.

NB: Since we are now living in Combat Frame XSeed's back story, it behooves you to support the record-breaking XSeed: S crowdfunder to get all four prophetic books. We've got a host of new perks to choose from, including Series 4 Trading Cards, the Illustrated CF Tech Guide, and CFXS Card Game Playtesting!

We're also down to our last Build-a-Mech and Pro Editing perks, so claim yours now!

Brian Niemeier #fundie #wingnut #mammon brianniemeier.com

With the latest round of race riots providing an orgy of evidence for everything I've said about the Death Cult, it's no stretch to say that Witch hunting is in season. Since I disavow violence, unlike the Witches, the trials and sentencing will be conducted rhetorically.

That doesn't mean engaging Witches in online debate. True to its name, the Death Cult has shown itself eager to destroy the country in the name of its impossible dogma. People who blame white supremacists, pander to BLM, or turn their avis black cannot be reached by argument. You shouldn't interact with them beyond administering the Witch Test, screen capping the result, and blocking them.

The same goes, as far as is possible, for the rash of companies who've thrown in with the rioters against their own customers. It's practically every corporation except for Wendy's at this point, so boycotting all of them would take heroic effort. At the same time, complaining about corporate virtue signaling only serves to give them free advertising.

What should be done, then? It's simple. Talk about these entities, not to them. Screen grabs and archiving are your best friends right now. Amass a compendium of blue checks failing the Witch Test and fried chicken restaurants unironically declaring their dependence on black lives. Calmly and respectfully present this evidence to normie family and friends who remain bluepilled.

The current crisis has handed counterculture dissidents our best chance to date of opening normal people's eyes. Always remember that they are your audience, not the Witches.


Plus, don't forget to back Combat Frame XSeed: S! We've added lots of tantalizing new perks like Series 4 Trading Cards, an All of the Paperbacks bundle, and more! Help us fund the Combat Frame Tech Guide. Back the campaign now!

Brian Niemeier #fundie #wingnut #mammon brianniemeier.com

Until quite recently, there were still people who thought I was engaged in hyperbole by calling the malignant force that's swept our institutions a Death Cult. If this weekend's riots proved one thing to normal people, it's the reality that there's a militant legion of fanatics at enmity with them.

It's also impossible to miss now that the main thrust of the enemy's fury is directed against Christianity and Christians.


What the witches' newfound boldness tells me is that they no longer fear negative consequences for revealing their true motives. Conservatives over fifty could once be forgiven for assuming that the Left were sincerely wrong, but sincere nonetheless. The Cult's endgame was always bringing down Christendom, even if it meant a suicide run. They only maintained the pretext of benign intentions to lull their victims long enough to gain power.

The mask hasn't slipped; it's been torn off. That means the witches are confident they've amassed enough power to fear no opposition. Like old pulp villains, they revel in unveiling their master plan, since they see no chance of anyone thwarting it.

Brian Niemeier #wingnut #mammon #fundie brianniemeier.com

[On a video of a Black Lives Matter rally]

Watch this video. Only the most oblivious would call that scene a mere political rally. Politics is the art of the possible. The kumbaya session depicted in the video cannot possibly stop the race riots. Nor are we seeing an ideological struggle session. Ideology seeks temporal ends.

No, what that video documents is a congregation engaged in public worship. It's not a political rally. It's a liturgy. The Cultists truly believe in the original sin of white privilege, and they have faith that the Death Cult's sacraments can expiate it.

That's why the rioters have been torching churches. An invading people with their own religion always desecrate the enemy's temples to seal their conquest. Hence the media trotting out that old Judas James Martin on CNN. His job is to make the case for setting up the statue of Moloch in the sanctuary.

The relentless attack on Christianity staged by the Death Cult for the past fifty years is a backhanded compliment paid to the Church. They're more keenly aware than most Christians of how great a threat the Church is to them.

One other thing that video proves is man's need for religion. The Cult sold its bill of goods to secularists under the guise of atheism, but it's now clear that the shiny, sexy utopia the fedora-tippers were promised isn't coming. Many of the r/atheism crowd must know they've been had, but they continue to go along out of sheer inertia.

There's a glimmer of hope here. Like all crises, spiritual crises present opportunities. People are hungry for God. The Death Cult first starved them by cutting them off from Jesus Christ, then swept in to fill the void they'd created. But their demonic anti-faith can't satisfy the human need for meaning. No matter how many times they check their privilege, the Cultists can never be absolved of their racial guilt. They'll forever be Untouchables in the Cult's hierarchy without hope of salvation.

You beat a moral vision with a superior moral vision, and Christianity is the highest, most blindingly radiant moral vision ever revealed to man. The Cult wouldn't have had to spend several decades and trillions of dollars obscuring that light otherwise.

Christians have a peerless tradition of moral sanctity, philosophical genius, and historical charity. We could spiritually wreck the Cult Clowns overnight if 1% of us grew a spine. So that's what we'll have to do. Don't count on the out-of-touch and sometimes complicit hierarchy to swoop in and save the day. As has often been the case before, it's up to the laity. That's fitting, since it's the laity's vocation to consecrate the world to God.

So get out there and get consecrating.

You can start by rejecting the pop culture propaganda the Cult uses to proselytize. Don't fund people who hate you, and make sure to support creators who want to entertain you. The crowdfunding campaign for my new mecha-military sci fi book is the perfect chance to do just that!

Brian Niemeier #fundie #wingnut brianniemeier.com

Death Cult Lexicon

One surprising insight uncovered by yesterday's post on the T-Witch is that some among the counterculture still mistake the Death Cult's ritual cant for normal, if jargon-riddled, English.

A vital aspect of Cult behavior that normal folks must always keep in mind is that all of a Witch's faculties are wholly given over to serving the Cult. That includes the gift of speech, which the Cult perverts from its original purpose of worshiping God to demoralizing and manipulating His children.



Trust & Safety = Death Cult compliance office.

Discussion = Satanic sermon.

Community = Cult congregation.

Healthy = Sickly, brainwashed, and spiritually dead.

Brian Niemeier #wingnut #mammon brianniemeier.com

Modern Leftists aren't Bolsheviks whose end goal is implementing socialism. That's just a means to their true ends. In reality, they're unholy crusaders seeking to imminentize the eschaton of their heretical Death Cult. What the freedom-loving Conservative's worldview won't let him see is that the Cult doesn't hate freedom. It loves it with an untamed abandon he can't even contemplate. Unlike the Conservative, the Cultist takes absolutizing freedom to its logical extreme. Reality itself stands in the way of unrestricted license, so reality is the ultimate foe to be defeated.

You can see it in Leftist memes--or what passes for them. Memes are symbols, and symbols convey complex meaning in simple images. As Catholic author Dean Koontz once said, stained glass windows don't have subtitles.

But to be of the Left is to be at war with reality, and thus with inherent meaning. Their stock in trade is using language to obfuscate ideas. Thus we have "gender" instead of sex, "undocumented migrant" instead of illegal alien, and "gay marriage" instead of sodomy. Because their whole game entails replacing simple concepts with overwrought fabrications, their attempted memes end up as word salad walls of text.

It's also why the Pop Cult's IP agitprop factories can't produce art--or even tell a coherent story. Effective storytelling relies on tropes, which could be called literary memes. Attacks on established tropes are favored tactics in the Cult's war on meaning. Think of all the bluehairs on YouTube decrying good vs evil plots, damsels in distress, and orcs.


Thanks in part to Corona-chan, indie has its best-ever shot at replacing oldpub. Attaining market dominance over dreary message fic may not win the war on its own, but politics is downstream from culture, so it will be a major step back from the precipice.

You can help indie creators take back pop culture by supporting us instead of people who hate you. I wrote a #1 best seller to that effect. Buy it now!

Brian Niemeier #wingnut #mammon brianniemeier.com

The Cultists in charge of our entertainment are laboring under a form of self-induced schizophrenia. They really believe that casting cape flicks with disabled lesbian Eskimo Wiccans will usher in an earthly paradise free of straight, white, Christian men.

Herein lies another danger, but a danger with opportunity. As folks on our side keep repeating, reality doesn't go away when you stop believing in it. Having billions of dollars to run damage control helps delay the inevitable, but in the end reality always wins.

New York publishing was probably the first entertainment sector to fall under the Death Cult's sway. They've been pushing agitprop disguised as literature since at least 1937. Oldpub has been limping along, mortally wounded for years. Now Corona-chan has administered the coup de grace.

The Pop Cult is about to meet its long-overdue reckoning with reality. That means most of the corrupted IPs that members of Gens X and Y and the Millennials are addicted to will soon implode. That's a crisis, but it's also another opportunity for independent creators. Amazon sped up Oldpub's demise through creative destruction. Indies should be getting ready to leave the sidelines and rush in to fill the cultural vacuum the Pop Cult is about to leave.

For a more in-depth treatment of the coming indie Renaissance, check out the latest episode of Geek Gab where I join Daddy Warpig and Dorrinal to discuss what comes next.

And for practical advice on how to escape the Pop Cult and have fun in the process, read my new best selling book!

Brian Niemeier #wingnut brianniemeier.com

Anime Has Fallen

Contrary to many anime fans' hopes, the fanatical, totalitarian Cult that's usurped pop culture isn't letting a little thing like an ocean get in the way of their conquest.

Funimation, the American dubbing and distribution house that made news last year thanks to a defamation lawsuit brought against them by voice actor Vic Mignogna, now has a seat on the production committee of three anime series slated for 2020.


Unfortunately, the American collaborators the anime studios chose are infamous for injecting Death Cult agitprop into the series they handle. And if the Mignogna affair is any indication, they've got a major hate on for Christians.

Non-Cultist anime fans are well advised to learn from the fall of print sci fi, comics, movies, TV, and games. Skip the first four stages of grieving and go straight to acceptance. Dodge the nostalgia trap. Understand that the hobby you loved in your youth is gone, and it isn't coming back anytime soon. Ripping the band-aid off will spare you the long-term pain and humiliation of getting jerked around by the Pop Cult.

Brian Niemeier #wingnut #mammon brianniemeier.com

[Note: the David Stewart mentioned here is David V. Stewart, not David J. Stewart]

Even more encouraging is that 2016 Trump seems to have jettisoned the neocon doppelganger who replaced him in 2017. After briefly parroting "It's just the flu!" cope posts, he's gotten serious and is proposing the sorts of populist measures that got him elected.

The revelations aren't limited to our elites, either. Social media is still rife with folks in the denial stage. Skim a MAGApede's timeline, and you'll find retweets of establishment pundits wagging their fingers and warning that the death toll had better spike, or the folks who blew the whistle on the virus are in big trouble!

That's just irrational coping. It's tantamount to scolding someone who calls the fire department when your house catches fire and, as firemen are desperately battling the flames, warning him that your house had better burn down, or he's in for it!

Pursuant to this topic and others, I joined authors Jon Del Arroz, Yakov Merkin, and Rawle Nyanzi on David Stewart's stream last night. Watch as we talk Corona-chan, crowdfunding, and whatever else enters our hypoxic, White Claw-addled heads.

Also, David's putting a Corona-chan anthology together. My story ties in with my Combat Frame XSeed series. Book 1 is just 99 cents, so buy it now and get a head start on the collection!

Brian Niemeier #wingnut #racist #sexist brianniemeier.com

Yesterday I stumbled across this compilation of TV commercials someone had taped on a Saturday morning […] What's most striking after the initial wave of nostalgia subsides is how different--i.e. degraded--Current Year TV programming is compared to 30 odd years ago.
Yes, your dad could say the same about TV 60 years ago. That should be a wake-up call.

Here's what stood out to me:

* No cuck-mercials. The trope of the befuddled manlet husband standing knee-deep in water while the kitchen sink geysers behind him and his omni-capable wife rolls her eyes had not yet darkened our screens.
* Looks like America: The US was 70% white in 1984. That was the year Reagan won the kind of landslide the GOP will never see again. The commercials reflect those demographics. Most of the actors in them are white, with a black or Asian kid thrown in the mix. Absent are families composed of Anglo trans lesbian dad, disabled Maori mom with Indian kid and Laotian kid living in Wisconsin. The ads come off as mainly trying to sell products to their audience, not demoralize them.
* Commercials aimed at boys depict action, conflict, and camaraderie. Commercials aimed at girls portray nurturing, consensus-building, and emotion-primary communication.
* The seeds of destruction had already been planted, though. True to the 80s stereotype, these ads push unmoderated consumption and materialism. One Barbie commercial sells girls the lie that they can "have it all" with hassle-free corporate success, romance, and a family.

These commercials from long-lost America will likely serve as inkblot tests for those who view them. What do you see through this window to the past?

Giant robot action torn from classic 80s anime!

Brian Niemeier #fundie #mammon brianniemeier.com

In all seriousness, religious liberty was a truce reached between Christian denominations to help people who are in 99% agreement live peaceably together. It's absurd to extend those terms to death cultists bent on the destruction of Christendom.

This is why Enlightenment thought is a spent force in the West. Liberalism--including Classical Liberalism--is a suicide pact in a world where no one else is playing by the Enlightenment rule book.

For a gripping vision of what that world's post-future might look like, buy my military thriller Combat Frame XSeed now for just 99 cents!

Brian Niemeier #fundie #wingnut #mammon brianniemeier.com

America's early Puritan settlers not only shunned religious imagery, they embraced anti-traditionalism in regard to Sacred Tradition.

We see this same suspicion of art and tradition in today's Conservatives. It's to be expected since those ingredients were baked into the cake.

The Death Cult represents individualism, iconoclasm, and anti-traditionalism taken to their logical extremes. They idolize personal preference as absolute. They seek to stamp out the very image of God through abortion, euthanasia, and sterilization. They hold the past in contempt and revile all truth as an external imposition on their license.

One can't help but notice a stronger resistance to the Death Cult among certain Old World countries. Poland, Russia, Italy, and Hungary in particular are staging counterattacks with varying degrees of success.

The current order will not avail us. Those seeking to lay foundations for something new would do well to heed the example of the nations above.

Brutal mecha action in the post-future! Buy it now for just 99 cents!

Brian Niemeier #conspiracy #mammon brianniemeier.com

As the world braces for the looming coronavirus pandemic, scattered details are emerging of a deliberate and sinister motive behind the outbreak.

Kudos to internet sleuth Mister Anti-Bully and Metokur's Sweetie Squad for piecing this horrifying puzzle together. Jim's friend's Twitter feed has gained a well-deserved reputation for breaking news on the virus days before the mainstream media. Their theories and predictions have proven correct so often that I recommend the feed linked above as your go-to source for coronavirus info.

Their latest hypothesis, which looks to be bearing out, concerns the shadowy Shincheonji church of South Korea. The recent explosion of infections in that country has been traced to the church's location in Daegu.

It's worth noting that Christian leaders in South Korea consider Shincheonji a heretical pseudo-Christian cult. The cult's founder, self-described "messiah" Lee Man-hee, claims to be the second coming of Jesus and to have secret knowledge of how to interpret Scripture.


Whether deliberate or not, the Pop Cult and the original Death Cult are issuing calls for omnicidal solidarity with the Coof Cult.

If there's a silver lining to the coronavirus pandemic, it's that people are realizing our rulers' incompetence and yes, their nihilistic courting of death.

Civilization may survive Corona-chan, but the tottering edifice of globalism is unlikely to pull through.

For more gripping theological horror, buy my first captivating Soul Cycle book, now just 99 cents!

Brian Niemeier #wingnut brianniemeier.com

The recently concluded stage of the battle for Western civilization saw one side drop its mask and effectively admit they want to destroy Christendom. The other side also made a bold change of tactics by actually fighting back.

Perhaps the most significant dimension of the culture war's 2010s escalation was that many of the battles were not fought for the future, but over the past.

The archetypal form of these engagements was #GamerGate, a consumer revolt staged by exasperated video game enthusiasts fed up at being lied to and lied about by the gaming press. Though GG ultimately failed to reform games journalism, it exposed the hysterical Cult that's hijacked the entertainment biz as a vehicle for nihilistic anti-culture propaganda.

That the Gators and SJWs were fighting over video games is either taken for granted or glibly dismissed by most commentators. But both vantage points miss a key aspect of the conflict. On one side stood gamers who'd enjoyed their hobby since childhood and liked it the way it was. On the other massed invaders who demanded that gaming change to comport with their progressive creed. If you spent any time in the hashtag ca. 2014-2016, you couldn't escape the refrain, "I just wanted to play vidya." Gators, by and large, longed for a return to the status quo ante where they'd be left to indulge their favored pastime in peace.

In this light, #GamerGate can be seen as a conflict between those who love the past and those who are infatuated with a utopian future.


The real dynamic behind #GamerGate and similar anti-SJW reactions was Gen Y's spiritual emptiness splitting two ways. Of the great mass that tried to fill the void with nostalgia, many swelled the ranks of gamers. The Pop Cult did its evil work on roughly 25% of Ys, whose desperate but misguided quest for meaning led them into the Death Cult's belly.

Tragically, Gen Y witches may have the same motive as their peers caught in the nostalgia trap. The former try to recreate the joy and richness of their beloved childhood IPs, but their abandonment of the vestigial Christian worldview that made those properties work dooms them to forever produce hollow knockoffs tainted by Death Cult propaganda.

Again, it makes sense. Millennials wouldn't try to remake She-Ra or Thundercats. They have no attachment to either. Millennials, as the name implies, are consumed with chasing an illusory utopian future without history or memory.

There's an important lesson in the Gen Y witches' victory over their Pop Cultist siblings. A firm moral vision--even a warped one--trumps hazy nostalgia. The Outer Party can't beat the Inner Party. You don't show up to a holy war without a religion.

In the next round of culture wars, the Millennials, having finally come into their own, will rush to realize their utopian fantasies. They will face opposition from red-pilled Zoomers. Gen Y will have the chance to share their lessons from the school of hard knocks with Gen Z. By embracing their vocation as world-weary mentors, Ys may find a last chance for redemption.

Brian Niemeier #wingnut #transphobia brianniemeier.com

Here's how far out of touch the GOP has veered from normal Americans in its mad dash to stay one step behind the Left: Stopping quacks and child abusers from mutilating young boys is now deemed an act of government overreach. Protecting kids from being turned into gelded freaks now violates the sacred Conservative principle of small government.

The vapid quislings in charge of the Republican party are not serious people. They do not stand in opposition to the Left. They are a soulless suicide cult bent on enabling the most twisted Death Cult enormities.

Conservatives may talk a good game about standing up for the principles of limited government enshrined in the Constitution. But not only has the government ballooned on their watch, what's the point in shrinking government when you still allow that government to destroy the posterity the Framers intended to defend?

The Republican party no longer represents the posterity of America's founders. They are nothing but coat holders for the Death Cult that is busily driving the United States over a cliff and into Gehenna.

If the American nation is to survive, GOP delenda est.

Brian Niemeier #fundie brianniemeier.com

[Responding to tweets saying that atheists are more familiar with the Bible than Christians]

It's a foreign concept to most people reading this post, but Christians were once willing and able to impose a cost--though more economic and social--for violating the moral traditions of the Church.

What happened? Christians in the West spent so long living among other Christians that our defenses atrophied--much like people who are never exposed to pathogens develop weak immune systems.

Now that the social and economic costs are being levied against Christians, lukewarm and nominal hangers-on are boiling off. Those who remain are like survivors of a plague--immune to the same attack. And the enemy has only one tactic.

The increasingly shrill--and yes, desperate--babbling from the Death Cult betrays their awareness of this dynamic. To their credit, they do have a base, animal sense of which way the wind is blowing which keeps them more in tune with the currents of social change than most Christians.

The tweets above, and the myriad others like it, don't arise from triumphal gloating over a cornered foe. They are the nervous mutterings of inmates who are locked here with us in the civilization we built.

You can impose your own costs on the Death Cult. Don't give money to people who hate you. Support Christian authors who want to entertain you. The first book in Glen Sprigg's Cameron Vail Mysteries is now only 99 cents. Buy it now!

Brian Niemeier #wingnut #mammon brianniemeier.com

[On Barnes & Noble reissuing classic novels with ethnically diverse covers for Black History Month]

Everybody knows what's really going on here. The Death Cultists who run oldpub are launching another orgy of iconoclasm against the false idols that might tempt true believers to seek truth and beauty instead of nihilism. A book's cover is 80% of buy decision. Plastering great works of Western civilization with blaxploitation movie covers is a great way to confuse people out of reading them.

No cult can exist without a satanic foil, and the Death Cult has fixated on the white devil. Unfortunately, the rank and file of the Cult didn't get the fatwa their high priests issued.


If this debacle is any indication of future results, James Daunt's much-touted resuscitation of Barnes and Noble looks to be DOA. Giving each store in the chain the freedom to operate like an indie doesn't help if those stores are independently run by delirious witches.

Stock tip: Sell B&N and invest in popcorn futures.

And as always, don't give money to people who hate you. New book on that coming soon!

In the meantime, buy books whose covers accurately reflect the fun inside--like my mind-blowing Soul Cycle!

Brian Niemeier #conspiracy #mammon brianniemeier.com

[On the coronavirus outbreak]

We don't know how or exactly where the outbreak started, and odds are we never will. Too many people in high places are invested in saving face. That's part of the problem, since serious people are considering the possibility that this is an escaped bioweapon.

Could the presence of not one, but two infectious disease research facilities within a short train ride of the first reported case be a huge coincidence? Sure, but Chinese officials' frustrating habit of keeping vital details close to the vest isn't helping to resolve the question.

This virus could just as easily be a freak product of the unsanitary preparation of bizarre foods as a black project cooked up to muzzle pesky Hong King protesters. The folks in charge aren't telling us. Even the World Health Organization was bafflingly slow in taking the outbreak seriously. Add in the possibility of cloak and dagger shenanigans involving the Canadians of all people, and the news starts to look like a dime spy novel.

That's the real cause for alarm. We knew the global ruling class was peopled with mediocrities going through the motions of operating machinery built by better men. Now they appear too dull-witted and effete to even pull the levers they long ago stopped understanding.

Corona-Chan probably isn't the harbinger of the apocalypse, but she has revealed that when the actual happening comes, our rulers will have no idea how to respond.

If you want an intelligent, exciting, and fictional spy story, check out Combat Frame XSeed!

Brian Niemeier #fundie brianniemeier.com

Expanding the First Amendment beyond the Christian denominations was a mistake.

The 1A was written to keep Christian denominations who are in 90% theological agreement from killing each other over what the sacraments mean. Anyone who thinks it suffices to keep adherents of alien creeds from over the horizon at peace is contradicted by logic and history.

Zaklog the Great #fundie #psycho #wingnut brianniemeier.com

[On James Fields' murder of Heather Heyer in Charlottesville]

Why do they spend so much time insulting Christ and Christian symbols/heroes? Because it's demoralizing and psychologically painful to us. The lesson: We do the same to them. Anyone they try to turn into an SJW saint, we mercilessly mock.

For instance: I'm still not sure Fields was trying to hit Heyer. I think he may have just realized he didn't have enough gas to drive around.

Fields was just trying to spare her a long, slow death by type II diabetes. It's a mercy kill, really.

Brian Niemeier #conspiracy #wingnut brianniemeier.com

Everybody remembers the disastrous Charlottesville rally from back in 2017. Not everybody remembers it the same way.

Ask most people, and they'll tell you how a bunch of neo-nazi troublemakers descended on the town and started a riot that ended up getting innocent people killed. The Left loves this narrative, and they wave it around as a call to action against the fascists they say are overrunning the country.

People who actually investigated the debacle have a vastly different picture of what took place. They know, for instance, that officials herded the right-wing protesters into what was essentially a kill box with only one way in or out. Police stood down, putting the protesters in direct contact with the Antifa counter-protesters, who were conveniently bused in for the occasion. A Lefty with a gun spooked James Fields, who drove into a crowd. Soon afterward, a morbidly obese girl died of a heart attack. Fields was duly made an example of with a life +419 years sentence.

If it looks like it, sounds like it, and smells like it, you call it what it is--a setup.

A setup that worked so well, the powers that be are now roping a new set of protesters into round two. Only this time, it won't be twentysomething dissidents, but NRA Boomers, in the Left's kill box.


Unfortunately, the mainstream media coverage of Charlottesville was tailored to keep guys like Van Cleave from learning anything that might actually help defend the second amendment. So in all likelihood, we'll see another riot with the blame placed squarely on "gun nuts".

The up side is that power-drunk Leftists don't realize that giving Joe Boomer and his AR-15 the same treatment as torch-bearing weirdos won't play well on Main Street. Dissenters' main problem right now is that not enough normies understand that our rulers hate them. A big swath of them are about to learn.

For a thrilling fictional account of underdogs fighting back against an oppressive nanny state, read my explosive military thriller series!

Brian Niemeier #fundie brianniemeier.com

Game of Thrones proved HBO's allegiance to the Pop Cult. The smirking blasphemy on full display in The New Pope documents their purposeful funneling of viewers into the Death Cult.

If you still subscribe to HBO, you are a proximate material cooperator in grave intrinsic evil worthy of the eternal torments of Hell. I trust I don't have to spell out what to do.

Brian Niemeier #wingnut brianniemeier.com

Conservatives are fond of invoking the Ring of Power from J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings as a symbol of government power. It's easy to see the attraction that metaphor holds for them. Having raised individual liberty and limited government to cardinal virtues, a talisman of ultimate control fits their image of the shadowy, vaguely superhuman bureaucracy in Washington.

In Tolkien's masterpiece, the plot was a type of anti-quest wherein the heroes had to overcome long odds--not to recover some powerful artifact, but to destroy it. Meanwhile, a Dark Lord seeking world domination was after the same prize. The spoils were winner take all with no silver medal for second place. Those conditions set a nuclear doomsday clock-sized timer that kept the tension high.

Conservatives' penchant for equating the One Ring with government explains itself when you consider that it lets them cast themselves as the underdog Fellowship striving to destroy the source of tyranny--or in their case, return America to Constitutional government. It's a highly flattering image.

There are a couple of problems with that allegory, though. First of all, the Fellowship's goal wasn't placing checks on the Ring. They were out to destroy it, specifically because its power was illimitable. Following the analogy to its logical conclusion, Conservatives actually propose something more along the lines of Frodo's original idea: managing the Ring by keeping it out of the wrong hands. Due to its corrupting influence, that also meant refusing to use it himself.

Tolkien staunchly resisted attempts to frame Lord of the Rings as an allegory, and here we have a good reason why. Plugging "government" into the story for all values of the Ring results in something more like anarchism. The story itself contradicts this reading, since one of the good guys' victory conditions is crowning a new king. Tolkien's opus can more readily be seen as two groups of monarchists slugging it out with a small faction of distributists deciding which monarchy wins.

The other issue is that it's far too late to destroy the Ring. Proposing a return to the Constitution is closing the barn door after the horses have not only left, but have been shipped to China for stew meat.


The Conservative project might've had merit while there was still a chance of bringing the state to heel through grassroots organizing and voting in the right people. Now, by their own measure, Conservatives are about as relevant as the Whigs. The folks running establishment Conservatism know this. That's why their operation has shifted toward milking Boomers for cruise money while pushing butt stuff on college kids.

Point this out to Conservatives, and they'll often quote from Lewis' Abolition of Man or Tolkien's line about fighting the long defeat. That attitude makes sense coming from British men of letters who held a vestigial fondness for pagan stoicism and who'd seen the two apocalyptic 20th century wars. One wonders what they'd say if they saw that England will be minority English by next century and heard that the state can rip children from their fathers' arms for summary castration.

Tolkien never showed us what would happen if Sauron won. Now we're seeing it firsthand. Clown World thwarts the Ring metaphor.

Perhaps an alternate timeline sequel to LotR would have seen a daring burglar stealing the Ring back from under the Dark Lord's nose. 2016 actually gave Conservatives the chance to play out that scenario--to try Boromir's way and use the Ring now that all bets are off--or else destroy it. They squandered their last chance to do both. The urge to languish on the sofa and sigh about the long defeat proved irresistible.

Conservatives' utter and repeated failure has taught us at least one thing: The Ring can be wrested from its wielder's hand. Unlike Tolkien's preternatural talisman, government is a human institution meant for human use.

The rising tide of dissenters won't make the same mistakes. Our task is to slowly scale the mountain until we stand where Boromir did. And this time, we'll use the Ring.

For a story where the heroes put this strategy into practice, check out Combat Frame XSeed: CY 40 Second Coming.

Brian Niemeier #fundie #racist brianniemeier.com

Not only are atheists already a tiny minority, their ranks overwhelmingly consist of white men, whose numbers are steadily dwindling relative to the overall population.

If there's any consolation to be found in the browning of America, it's that it's also the de-atheisting of America. And our smrt atheist friends have no one but themselves to blame:

It's an old story. A people turn their backs on God, and He raises up their enemies to chastise them.

Europeans conquered Aztecs who performed industrial-scale human sacrifice; now the tables have turned as Europeans who perform industrial-scale human sacrifice are conquered by Aztecs.

I'm sure the fedora tippers will have great success plying the new majority with flying spaghetti monster memes.

Then again, they wouldn't have to if Christians weren't the better Darwinists.

Possibly related:

[Chart showing higher rates of autism among non-hispanic white children than among black and Hispanic children]

Brian Niemeier #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon brianniemeier.com

It is equally ironic and predictable that Liberal democracy would end in an orgy of tyranny to make a decadent French nobleman balk. Democracy thought to solve the problem of tyranny by letting the people replace their leaders, but our leaders circumvented that check by replacing the people.

It's no coincidence that nobody pays more lip service to democracy than the Leftist Death Cult. Having just completed a century-long project designed to insulate them from the consequences of their depredations, the Left are feeling their oats and accordingly embarking upon a totalitarian spree once reserved for Soviet puppet states.

After spending the past few decades constantly testing boundaries like sociopathic toddlers, the Death Cultists are now confident that they will face no serious pushback against their insane edicts and will suffer no punishments for their enormities.

You can tell because they're not even bothering to hide the election tampering, treason, and human sacrifice anymore. The Epstein debacle was the final proof. You had an international scumbag who furnished child sex slaves to other international scumbags and lived like a pharaoh until he slipped up one time too many. Then his former benefactors pushed a button on him with matching sloppiness.

Time was, the ruling party would put some effort into coming up with a cock and bull story to mollify the NPCs. Now, instead of lone gunmen and magic bullets, we get tacit admissions that foul play is afoot but zero follow up action from law enforcement. That's why the Cult didn't offer up the usual ablative meat shields over the coup against Trump. No need to sacrifice scapegoats when there are zero consequences for ignoring the cries for justice.

This casual wickedness has even trickled down from the thrones in Washington to the Cult's Hollywood priesthood. In just two years, Kevin Spacey has gone from facing jail time for alleged shenanigans with an underage boy to flaunting his case's dismissal in a bizarre Christmas video.

More than bizarre, Spacey's message took on a sinister new subtext when one of his accusers died in an apparent suicide the day after it was posted.

Is it a coincidence that Spacey's accuser died one day after the disgraced star invited viewers to kill detractors with kindness? Possibly, but if so, it's the most uncanny example of prophetic TV since Quantum Leap called the 96 Super Bowl.

Now consider that Spacey has close ties to the Clintons, including at least one trip with Bill aboard Epstein's Lolita Express.

It's hard not to see one epic humiliation ritual behind the whole sordid affair. And the meaning of that ritual is clear: "We're in charge. Our control is total. We can do anything we want, and we can lie, cheat, and kill with zero repercussions, so think twice before getting in our way."

Our rulers have moved beyond simple corruption and into the chilling realm of supervillainy. Voting won't stop them any more than it would stop Lex Luthor or Keyeser Söze. Democracy is based on negotiation, and there's no negotiating with people who are in a position to dictate terms.

It's worth remembering, though, that the ruling classes of old adopted noblesse oblige out of enlightened self-interest as much as Christian charity. Our current rulers have neither Christian virtue nor the practical sense to give the mob a few token concessions. If history is any guide, they may learn to their sorrow that their predecessors practiced a degree of restraint for their own protection.

For a glimpse at a future conflict against an aloof, tyrannical state, check out my military thriller series Combat Frame XSeed.

Brian Niemeier #fundie #racist #mammon brianniemeier.com

Walking into that church felt like coming home. Of course, no one in the West is allowed to have that feeling anymore. Hence that church's upcoming closure. Hard-working Irish, Italian, and German families pitched in a hundred years ago to build it and the school across the street. That demographic mix remained intact into the mid 90s. Within ten years of my graduation, the student body became overwhelmingly Hispanic, enrollment cratered, and the school closed.

The new wave of immigration destroyed what the prior immigrant wave had built. The symbolism isn't lost on our elites.

It is, however, lost on the Catholic Church's hierarchy. The USCCB gets 40% of its funding from the government for helping to resettle migrants in the US. The thinking among bishops and Catholic charity administrators alike is that they can skip the hard work of catechesis and evangelization and simply import new parishioners from majority Catholic countries. Getting paid for it is the cherry on top.

Meanwhile, the children of those imports suffer the same 40%--there's that number again--apostasy rate as native Catholics, and once thriving parishes merge into multi-church clusters presided over by one or two itinerant priests.

A recent YouGov poll shows that 40%--anyone else seeing a theme, here?--of Catholics are practically agnostic. If the bishops don't see a connection between these figures, they're even more out of touch than we thought.

None of this should be surprising. The Church's hierarchy is staffed by human beings who are susceptible to the same vain apathy that's beset all the West's institutions. The story of the West over the last 60 years is the story of leaders who inherited noble legacies from better men. Instead of safeguarding and handing down this patrimony in their turn, they tried to refashion it in their own image. Instead of consecrating the Modern world, they left a colossal mess for their successors.

Some point to these disastrous failures of leadership and declare the death of the Church. Their predictions are myopic at best. Christianity isn't going away. It may, however, be going back East.

Don't count Western Christianity out just yet, though. Generation Z is already more religious than the Boomers were at the same age. Those Zoomers who are staying with the Church crave the ancient doctrines and traditions which are their birthright and which they've been denied. And they're doing something about it.

What we're seeing in the Western Church is a process called boiling off. The Modernists and Christmas and Easter Christians are leaving as being Christian increasingly comes with a social cost. Those who remain are committed to the faith in spite of the cost. That's the stuff from which crusaders are made.

My military thriller series Combat Frame XSeed depicts a world in which such a crusade took place. Read it now!

Anthony Pacheco #wingnut #sexist brianniemeier.com

I have two Generation Z kids, and they are red-pilled as fuck, and I can only take half-credit for that (we homeschooled them). They have instant communication with their peers and their peer groups (using non-centralized and distributed communications technology), and for the most part, are not on social media.

Zoomer groups police their own relentlessly. They openly mock cuck behavior and use "Beta Cuck" as a grave insult almost on par with "Boomer" (I've heard "OK, Boomer" well before it went central meme).

I've heard zoomers tell other zoomers, "unless you go STEM college is a fucking scam, bro," and my favorite "Captain Save-A-Ho always dies at the end of the movie."

Zoomers have a moderate mistrust of Millennial and Millennial women in particular, but in general, think of that age group as taking one for the team and mostly a lost generation screwed by their forebears. Where Millennial men sink when the opposite sex acts almost contrary to what they expect, Zoomer young men and boys have a dramatically lowered tolerance for inter-gender shenanigans.

All is not well in Zoomer Land, however. They need a solid moral community to guide them and watch their backs. Subversive movements like MGTOW nibble away at their fortitude. Previous generations need to unlearn much to provide accurate guidance. Many are doing well only because they swam rather than sank.

Trying to Think #wingnut brianniemeier.com

[On banning pornography]

This is an important battlefield. Forcing Death Cultists to defend pornography exposes the bankruptcy of liberalism and "muh free speech."

The memetic potential is off-the-charts too: e.g. “With liberty and hardcore porn for all” superimposed over a painting of the Framers.

Brian Niemeier #fundie brianniemeier.com

[On a letter by Julien Bertrand about traditional Catholicism vs the “chasm of nihilism” with drugs, alcohol, and pornography]

Reason to ban porn #878.995: It serves as a distraction and artificial release valve that keeps men from taking action to make their and other's lives better.


The government-sanctioned persecution of white men, the Vatican II generation's abject failure to hand on the faith, and the Church-assisted invasion of the West are three catastrophic crises which the hierarchy remains deafeningly silent on.

These aren't just political matters. All of these evils are combining into a perfect storm that's crippling the Church in the US, Canada, and Western Europe.

God bless Julien Bertrand and the letter's cosigners. He's probably right that their call for our wayward shepherds to actually tend their flock will fall on deaf ears--this time.

But what if the bishops received a hundred more letters just like it? How about a thousand?

It's also worth noting that the letter's main author belongs to Generation Y. His example tends to support the position often advanced here that Ys who manage to overcome their learned helplessness can rise to become capable leaders.

I'm doing my part in the literary sphere. Please consider supporting my work.

Brian Niemeier #fundie brianniemeier.com

When witches and cowards cravenly urge Christians to "Not judge" and "turn the other cheek" in the face of vicious attacks on Holy Church, remind them that Christ has personally endorsed flipping tables, whipping, and punching as possible remedies.

Glory to God through Saint Nicholas!

If you're looking for a gift to give the masculine Christian in your life, consider my explosive military thriller Combat Frame XSeed!

Brian Niemeier #conspiracy brianniemeier.com

Cryptid researcher Bob Gymlan presents a detailed account of a truly chilling missing persons case: the disappearance of six-year-old Dennis Martin from the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.


Though he does list Sasquatch among the potential suspects, he readily considers more mundane culprits.

In light of the recent Finders revelations, I've developed an alternate theory.

Let's look at some known facts:

1. The CIA sponsored a hippie network called the Finders, which was involved in kidnapping young children.

2. An unusual number of disappearances take place in national parks. The National Park Service doesn't keep an official tally, but independent researchers estimate the figure at 1600 on the low end.

3. Public lands play host to extensive and well-organized criminal enterprises. It's been an open secret among law enforcement for years that the cartels keep large marijuana farms in national parks.

4. It's also a barely kept secret that large hippie communes--some the size of small towns--have become fixtures in national forests. They're not confined to the US, either. These hippies were caught squatting in an Australian national park. Guess how they were funding their lifestyle.

What if a hippie offshoot subculture is entrenched deep in a number of national parks? What if they funded their activities through a combination of government sponsorship and the drug trade? What do the glow-in-the-darks get in exchange for giving these hippies money and protection? How about a steady stream of abducted children for their foreign and domestic clientele?

The value of a model depends on how well it explains observed phenomena. In this case:

* Finders style child trafficking rings based out of national parks would explain a percentage of the missing children cases.

* Hikers who stumble upon illegal drug farms and are quickly sunsetted to hush it up would explain some of the other missing persons reports.

* The relative ineffectiveness of law enforcement in solving these cases may be partly due to CIA secret classifications and Do Not Prosecute orders, as were issued in the Finders case.

* The seemingly preternatural ease with which some of the victims are abducted could be attributed to feral hippies' far greater familiarity with the terrain. Generations of these people may have been living in these forests since the 60s, giving them a decisive home field advantage.

Brian Niemeier #fundie brianniemeier.com

Sixty percent of Americans claim to be Christian. If one percent of us found our spines like this man did, the Death Cult would be overthrown tomorrow, and Clown World would be reduced to a cautionary tale of what happens when effeminacy weakens a people's fortitude.

For those who haven't yet heard, a Christian man attended a Drag Queen Story Hour (Death Cult humiliation ritual) with Bible in hand. During the Q&A, he asked the child-scandalizing pervert how he will explain his sins before God's judgment seat.

In so doing, this man applied the Witch Test to the entire room. As the video clearly documents, they failed spectacularly.

Lest you doubt that this man exercised heroic virtue, bear in mind that the Death Cult so jealously guards their shame liturgies as to station sniper teams atop the libraries (temples to Molech) where these rites take place.

In addition to a stirring profile in fortitude, this man's example shows how groyper tactics can be effectively deployed directly against the Death Cult.

Drag Queen Story Time protesters who openly demonstrate outside libraries are arrested or menaced by snipers. Clandestinely attending the event, suffering through the debauched ritual, and then giving the Witch Test during the Q&A has proven far more effective.

Brian Niemeier #wingnut #sexist brianniemeier.com

Western civilization now stands in a state of war. It is always a culture's hale young men who are called upon to defend against the barbarian at the gate.

In this case, the barbarians are already inside the gates, and many of them are our own women.

Relevant to this issue, the female preference for the Death Cult isn't as pronounced among married women.

Yes, young men are being asked to jump on a grenade that has a 50/50 chance of being live. Young men have been asked--and expected--to do the same throughout history. Society calls upon men to sacrifice our fortunes and lives because, biologically speaking, we are the expendable sex.

Complaining about that fact won't change it. That's why, however pure their intentions, MGTOWs will always be viewed as whiners by society at large.

Now, there's a big factor in the marriage vs. MGTOW debate that everybody misses. They miss it because it's a spiritual dimension, and as late Moderns we've been conditioned to regard spiritual matters as tertiary concerns at best.

That overlooked dimension is the matter of a man's vocation to a particular state in life. If your're working from a default view of man as a bald ape produced by blind chemical processes, marriage doesn't make much sense.


One big sign that God may not want you to marry is that you simply have no desire to marry. I'm not talking about cads who just want the milk without paying for the cow. I'm talking about the rare breed of men who aren't interested in fornication--or any form of sexual immorality, and can get along just fine without female company. Our licit desires and dispositions are good indicators of God's will for us because He uses them to lead us onto the path He's set. You might ask, "Why don't these guys just go be priests?" The reason is that if a man isn't properly disposed to be a temporal father, he's not disposed to be a spiritual father.

Rare cases aside, most MGTOWs do have sex drives but have sworn off marriage to avoid getting raked over the coals in divorce court. In the spiritual context, it's not hard to see that this movement is largely a result of the vocations crisis following Vatican II. A lot of MGTOWs are probably guys with frustrated vocations to the priesthood or religious life.

The point is, you're never going to find fulfillment by exclusively pursuing your material self-interest. True fulfillment only comes from sacrificing yourself for others.

Meanwhile, a key part of my literary legacy is still on sale for 99 cents!

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