
Alex M. Vikoulov #crackpot #god-complex ecstadelic.net

The CTM model, a proposed version of the theory of everything, I'm currently working on, is an integral multi-disciplinary ontological model that allows to draw a wide variety of predictions and deductions from the intersections of two or more foundational axioms therein.
Fractality: As above, so below. Nature is now known for layering – repeating patterns of complexity like the filaments of dark matter that connect galactic superclusters together and the synapses that connect billions of neurons in the brain – there is a fractal reiteration across the magnitude of scales akin to the Mandelbrot set based on a simple underlying formula. Self-similar fractal systems are ubiquitous in Nature. Our world is geometrically fractal throughout as if rendered by computation.
Phenomenality of Emergent Mind: Intersubjective reality is an agreed upon mass illusion. Objective reality, on the other hand, is supersubjectivity, the infinite cosmic mind, quantum field from which the phenomenal mind springs into existence at increments of conscious instants (cf. the Conscious Instant Hypothesis; Digital Presentism). What we call the "Multiverse" is some kind of "matryoshka" of entangled conscious minds. Physical reality isn't really physical except that we perceive it in that way (from within a rule-based [self-]simulation). This idealist perspective might be striking for some but this is the direction of intellectual progress we're seemingly headed.

The Universal Mind: If we were to demystify a curious and ubiquitous phenomenon of emergence to the best of our current understanding, then we would clearly see that both Nature and Mind interact as many experiencers to become one again, at a higher meta-system level. What some people call “God,” or the mind at large in which we all are embedded, becomes intelligible through the natural phenomenon of emergence: Universal consciousness is said to emerge somewhere ahead of us in hierarchical space-time, however, it transcends our conventional dimensionality and is already here within each of us. This also implies that all information is integrated at one level; all our individuated experiences are simultaneously observed from a higher level and integrated in a single experiential self – the Universal Mind. There’s really One Mind, the one we all share.*

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