Jeanice Barcelo #conspiracy

Dear friends - I am writing this special blog for the people in my online community who seem to despise President Trump and who resist, often with great venom, the possibility that Trump may actually bring very beneficial changes to America. In response to the naysayers, I have put together a list of things that have recently occurred thanks to President Trump. These changes have occurred in just the last few days, with President Trump being in office only four days. Although this list is not all-inclusive, if he can do this much in 4 days, imagine what he can do in 4 years.

I have also gathered a few links below filled with Jewish hysterics and kvetching -- all indicating that many Jews are terrified of a Trump presidency. From where I am sitting, this is a very good thing. If organized Jewry does not like Trump, that is all the more reason for true Americans to love him.

Please glance through all the links, read the ones that seem important to you, and share, share, share. If you have links that you think I should add, please email me at [removed by submitter]

Also, at the very end of this blog, I have included a heartfelt request. If people join me in this request, I am certain that things in America are about to move strongly in the direction of The Good.

Here are the links. Please do read through to the end and join my in my heartfelt request. Thanks!



Friends - I am about to make a heartfelt request. There are many in my facebook and online community who absolutely, steadfastly believe that no good can possibly come from a Trump Presidency or from anywhere inside the U.S. government or from any government at all, no matter where it is and no matter who is involved with it. Despite these belief systems, we have evidence on our planet today that governments CAN and DO move toward The Good, and in fact, this has happened in Russia thanks to Vladimir Putin who has now banned GMOs in Russia, is giving away free land to any Russian family that wants it, and is supporting the growth of Russian families by giving away $500,000 rubles to each family every time they have a child after the first. Putin plans to make Russia the leading producer and exporter of organic and healthy foods. He and his government have moved to ban at least two major porn sites. He has kicked George Soros out his country, and he has spoken out about vaccines and the dangers of pharmaceutical drugs. He has indicated in myriad ways that he is working in service to the energy of Love, despite the fact that he is a politician and despite the fact that he is a leader in government.

The reason that so much good is happening in Russia today is simple. It is happening BECAUSE THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE BELIEVED IT WOULD HAPPEN!!! They read the Ringing Cedars books, they felt the Truth of what was being shared in their hearts, and they moved to create a bright future, including using the power of images to bring that future into form. The Russian people are doing this with the help of their government and this is exactly what needs to happen BASED ON WHERE MANKIND IS IN CONSCIOUSNESS AT THIS TIME. It is likely that governments will fall away naturally in the future as we move more and more in the direction of our pristine origins. But right now, we need to work with the governments of the world in order to effectuate positive change.

And so for those who insist that no good will ever come from a Trump Presidency or from any President or any government whatsoever, and for those who feel compelled to prove that their dark vision of the future is correct by posting all manner of negative and hateful images and videos that are aligned with the dark future they have envisioned -- I ask you to please consider that by your actions and thoughts, YOU are contributing to the creation of an evil future for America and the rest of the world. Every time you post a hate-filled video, comment, or picture insisting that the dark forces are controlling everything and that things are going to get worse and worse, you are calling that future into form. Every time you use images and videos and words to assert and/or try to prove your point that evil is in control, this only serves to bolster the power of a dark future for America and for other parts of the world. Every time you insist that the good people of the world have no power and are stupid to even imagine that we could make a difference, you are empowering the dark side and you are making things harder for those of us who dare to imagine a bright future for America and who dare to imagine that Trump may be able to contribute to creating this.

I ask that instead of using your energy, words, and visuals to bring a very dark future into form, why don't you sit down and write out a beautiful vision for America's future? If you are an artist, why don't you draw a beautiful vision of what America might look like in the near future? Why not consider using your words, time, and energy to imagine and visualize a bright future for America instead of focusing so much energy on hideous thoughts and dangerous expectations for our future?

What I am asking for is so simple. Please just start using your power to create The Good and STOP allowing the dark forces to use you to create the future that THEY want to bring into form. Every time you have an expectation that evil will prevail, and especially when you speak it and post things to bolster that thought -- you are aligning yourself with that future and making it harder for those of us who are trying to bring The Good into form.


This outcome can only happen when the good people of the world make a choice that they are DONE with evil and will no longer allow it in their lives or their world. We have been much too complacent - much too accepting - much too compliant - and denying our own power. We must all get on board with a bright vision for the future and in so doing, we will override the dark forces vision of Armageddon.

If great things can happen in Russia, they can happen here too. Please do your part to envision The Good.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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