
Jeanice Barcelo #racist birthofanewearth.blogspot.co.uk

Dear friends - What I am about to share with you is an important data base of information that people should keep on hand. This information has been compiled in response to a woman I recently met who was generally very impressed by my work, but who did not appreciate the information I share about Jews. She is half Jewish herself and was obviously bothered by some of the facts. And so she asked me if there was a way I could tone it down a bit so as not to put people off. Below you will find my response which clearly indicates there is no way to dilute this information. It absolutely must be shared because lives and souls are in danger.

Please do explore the links below and pass them on. Everyone should be privy to this information.

PS - Please keep in mind that most Jews are NOT Semites. Palestinians are true Semites. Most Jews are not. The charge of "anti-semitism" is just another mind fuck used to control discourse.

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Dear friend - I wanted to respond to you at some length in the hopes that we can have a meeting of the mind and heart. This is such a difficult topic and yet I feel it is one of the most important topics of all time. I hope you will take the time to hear me out and explore some of the information I share with you below so that you can better understand my perspective.

I want you to know that when I first began to hear about this thing called "the Jewish issue," I was completely put off by it and refused to give it any attention. I grew up with many Jewish people in my life and both my best friend growing up, and later, my best friend on Maui, were both Jewish. I never had a bad thought about Jewish people in all my life as this is not how I was raised and not something I would have ever found acceptable.

I am telling you this in the hopes that you will understand that the things I speak about today have not been easy for me to integrate and accept. In fact, it has been incredibly difficult. For years, I had people bombarding me with information about the Jews but I refused to look at it. Finally, I read the Howard Rosenthal interview and my eyes were opened. I knew that I must begin to look more deeply into this topic. Please consider reading the interview for yourself so you can better understand what I am talking about: http://birthofanewearth.blogspot.com/2014/09/interview-with-howard-rosenthal-on.html.

Please also understand that the reason I speak out so passionately and without censoring myself on this topic is because I think non-Jews are in grave danger. This is especially true in the United States but is also true for countries like Germany and Sweden, where Jews have seen to it that dark-skinned, Muslim refugees flood these predominantly white Christian nations because (i) they despise Christianity and want to destroy it, and (ii) they have an agenda to destroy the white race. They believe (and Howard Rosenthal mentions this) that filling these countries with brown-skinned, Muslim people will cause inbreeding and the ultimate demise of both the white race and Christian culture and values. If you have not heard anything about this topic before, please take a quick look at this very important blog which I created to warn people about the Jewish agenda to destroy the white race: http://birthofanewearth.blogspot.com/2015/09/jews-want-to-destroy-white-race-refugee.html.

Regarding Hitler – he did not just want the Jews out of Germany because they had power. He wanted them out for the same reason that 109 other countries wanted them out (see http://birthofanewearth.blogspot.com/2014/10/on-jews-being-despised-and-kicked-out.html), i.e., because everywhere they go they steal the wealth, bankrupting nations through trickery, deceit and usury. They also pervert sexuality in the most extreme manner. Please have a look at this article to learn more about what Jews did in Germany prior to the rise of Hitler – https://www.darkmoon.me/2013/the-sexual-decadence-of-weimar-germany and note that this is exactly what they are doing in the United States today.


Not surprisingly, the United States has become one of the most sexually debase countries in all the world and this is, in huge part, a result of Jewish influence. The dastardly Common Core curriculum was masterminded by Jews (see http://www.dailystormer.com/the-insane-jews-that-created-common-core/), and has succeeded in moving pornography and all forms of sexually debase information into the schools where it is being peddled to children as young as 3 and 4. I have documented this extensively in my talk on pornography.

On top of all this, it must be noted that Jews have a very long history of human and animal sacrifice, and this is another reason they have been kicked out of so many countries. Wherever they go, children tend to go missing. Some are later found having been ritually murdered, with holes punched in their bodies in the shape of the kabalistic tree of life. The Jews responsible for these atrocities drain the blood of their victims (just as they drain the blood of animals) and there are many pictures to attest to these horrifying acts.

Just last year, in September of 2015, some 50,000 chickens were sacrificed on the streets of New York City for a cruel and sadistic Jewish ritual called kaporot (see https://www.rt.com/usa/315485-orthodox-jews-slaughter-chicken-kaporos/). The streets of Brooklyn were running red with blood as a result of this very sick, cult activity – and it was all completely “legal” because Jews also control the legal system in the United States (see http://birthofanewearth.blogspot.com/2016/01/talmudic-law-has-infiltrated-america.html and http://www.realjewnews.com/?p=338).


In addition to human and animal sacrifice, some Jews are also involved in cannibalism and blood drinking. These extreme satanic perversions are not that uncommon and are alive and well in places like New York City, where more than a dozen infants got herpes from a mohel who sucks blood off the infant penises after he mutilates them (see [url[http://birthofanewearth.blogspot.com/2015/03/rabbi-admits-to-sucking-25000-baby.html[/url]). These rabbis are aware that they have herpes yet persist in sucking baby penises as part of their “service.” Naturally, they are passing on herpes to the infants, several of whom have died, while others have gotten permanent brain damage. And, of course, it’s all perfectly “legal” because these same satanic forces control the legal system.

Even worse are Jews that fight over infant foreskins because they want to eat them believing it will make them fertile and have a baby boy (see http://birthofanewearth.blogspot.com/2016/07/jewish-canniabls-fight-over-who-gets-to.html).

As if all of this were not enough, I also feel compelled to mention that Jews are responsible for at least three genocides in the last 100 years alone. They are wholly responsible for the Bolshevik revolution in Russia (see https://www.darkmoon.me/2013/the-mass-murder-of-russian-christians-and-the-destruction-of-their-churches-by-lasha-darkmoon/ and http://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch001626.htm) which killed more than 66+ million predominantly white Russian Christians.

Additionally, 15+ million Germans were starved, tortured, and slaughtered during and after WW2 by the Jews and their allies, yet somehow the Jews have been able to invert the facts and make themselves out to be the victims (see http://holocaust-of-world-war-two.blogspot.com/). The idea that 6 million Jews were murdered in gas chambers is a complete fabrication (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SF5m0Eh1wrU and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkQ6J5F01Do) and Jews work tirelessly to keep the facts hidden so they can continue to reap millions of dollars in “reparations” from the very people they worked so hard to destroy (i.e., Germans). See https://www.quora.com/Why-is-Germany-still-paying-reparations-to-Israel-for-the-Holocaust, http://nationalvanguard.org/2015/04/how-the-holocaust-was-faked/, https://archive.org/stream/JewsDeclareWarOnGermany1933/JewsDeclareWarOnGermany1933_djvu.txt and http://www.sweetliberty.org/issues/wars/witness2history/10.html.

In addition to attempting to genocide Russians and Germans, Jews are also responsible for attempting to genocide the Palestinian people while simultaneously stealing their land and claiming “God” has ordained for this to happen.

All of this evil has happened in just the last 100 years, and if you look closely at the Bible you will find that land is repeatedly stolen and entire civilizations destroyed and burned to the ground again and again wherever members of this particular race/cult happen to go.

Furthermore, the history of America is wholly intertwined with this type of evil because its beginnings are connected to Jews. Christopher Columbus himself was a crypto-Jew (i.e, a Jew pretending to be a Christian) and his “discovery” of America was financed by Jews who were in search of somewhere to go as they were being kicked out of yet another country. Christopher Columbus was a complete and total psychopath who played a huge role in the genocide of Native Americans. In fact, it is said that he murdered 500,000 Native Americans himself.


Moreover, Jews are hugely responsible for American slavery, although they have enjoyed blaming “the white man” for this atrocity and getting others to believe this nonsense. See http://wethoughttheywerewhite.weebly.com/jews--the-slave-trade.html, http://rense.com/general76/ssje.htm, and http://www.rense.com/general69/invo.htm.

There is much, much more that I could share with you as I have barely scratched the surface in this email and have not even touched on the devious and methodical way Jews took over the American medical system and have been using sorcery and deceit to systematically poison and slowly kill non-Jews – but not before draining all of their wealth and subjecting them to myriad tortures, including circumcision.

The United States is hated around the world because of the evil that our government is involved in. However, at this point, our government is almost wholly controlled by Jews.


Jews are responsible for the creation of nuclear weapons and for giving birth to other abominations like Monsanto. They have also financed both sides of every war for the last several hundred years.

Sarah - I have been very, very honest with you here because I would like to be your friend and I think it is important for you to know that I am not "a racist," but rather, a very well informed individual that cares greatly for Mankind and our planet. I see the Jewish agenda as a major threat to life and although there are likely many Jews that would prefer that I shut my mouth, I cannot, in good conscience, keep this information to myself. I would be negligent if I did and a traitor to my own people, who are in grave danger because of everything I have outlined here. This is especially true for non-Jewish children who are being groomed for pedophilia and encouraged to engage in perversions of all kinds.

I realize that, at some level, you have identified yourself with this Luciferian cult and therefore feel the need to defend it and its members. However, when a person is born into a Luciferian cult, it is urgently necessary for them to (i) separate themselves from the cult; and (ii) speak out about what its members are doing. Many, many people have been born into Luciferian cults and subjected to myriad forms of mind control which are necessary to keep them loyal to the cult. However, more and more of these people are breaking free of the spell and speaking out in an effort to alert others to the danger. This is what I feel the Jewish people also must do, lest they too be held accountable for what this wicked cult has done and continues to do around the globe. People like Henry Makow, Miko Peled, Gilad Atzmon, etc. – all are Jews who are speaking out about the evil, and in so doing, have separated themselves from the cult and aligned themselves instead with The Good. This alone has the potential to save their soul.

Please know that Jews have been kicked out of countries 109 times not because non-Jews have an irrational hatred of Jews. Rather, they are being repeatedly expelled from country after country because of the evil they bring with them everywhere they go. If things keep going the way they have been, it is only a matter of time before the next pogrom happens. And it would not surprise me in the least if this pogrom takes place in the United States where an avalanche of Truth is now being disseminated.

I earnestly await your feedback on this material hoping we can find a way to still be friends.


Jeanice Barcelo #conspiracy birthofanewearth.blogspot.co.uk

Dear friends - I am writing this special blog for the people in my online community who seem to despise President Trump and who resist, often with great venom, the possibility that Trump may actually bring very beneficial changes to America. In response to the naysayers, I have put together a list of things that have recently occurred thanks to President Trump. These changes have occurred in just the last few days, with President Trump being in office only four days. Although this list is not all-inclusive, if he can do this much in 4 days, imagine what he can do in 4 years.

I have also gathered a few links below filled with Jewish hysterics and kvetching -- all indicating that many Jews are terrified of a Trump presidency. From where I am sitting, this is a very good thing. If organized Jewry does not like Trump, that is all the more reason for true Americans to love him.

Please glance through all the links, read the ones that seem important to you, and share, share, share. If you have links that you think I should add, please email me at [removed by submitter]

Also, at the very end of this blog, I have included a heartfelt request. If people join me in this request, I am certain that things in America are about to move strongly in the direction of The Good.

Here are the links. Please do read through to the end and join my in my heartfelt request. Thanks!



Friends - I am about to make a heartfelt request. There are many in my facebook and online community who absolutely, steadfastly believe that no good can possibly come from a Trump Presidency or from anywhere inside the U.S. government or from any government at all, no matter where it is and no matter who is involved with it. Despite these belief systems, we have evidence on our planet today that governments CAN and DO move toward The Good, and in fact, this has happened in Russia thanks to Vladimir Putin who has now banned GMOs in Russia, is giving away free land to any Russian family that wants it, and is supporting the growth of Russian families by giving away $500,000 rubles to each family every time they have a child after the first. Putin plans to make Russia the leading producer and exporter of organic and healthy foods. He and his government have moved to ban at least two major porn sites. He has kicked George Soros out his country, and he has spoken out about vaccines and the dangers of pharmaceutical drugs. He has indicated in myriad ways that he is working in service to the energy of Love, despite the fact that he is a politician and despite the fact that he is a leader in government.

The reason that so much good is happening in Russia today is simple. It is happening BECAUSE THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE BELIEVED IT WOULD HAPPEN!!! They read the Ringing Cedars books, they felt the Truth of what was being shared in their hearts, and they moved to create a bright future, including using the power of images to bring that future into form. The Russian people are doing this with the help of their government and this is exactly what needs to happen BASED ON WHERE MANKIND IS IN CONSCIOUSNESS AT THIS TIME. It is likely that governments will fall away naturally in the future as we move more and more in the direction of our pristine origins. But right now, we need to work with the governments of the world in order to effectuate positive change.

And so for those who insist that no good will ever come from a Trump Presidency or from any President or any government whatsoever, and for those who feel compelled to prove that their dark vision of the future is correct by posting all manner of negative and hateful images and videos that are aligned with the dark future they have envisioned -- I ask you to please consider that by your actions and thoughts, YOU are contributing to the creation of an evil future for America and the rest of the world. Every time you post a hate-filled video, comment, or picture insisting that the dark forces are controlling everything and that things are going to get worse and worse, you are calling that future into form. Every time you use images and videos and words to assert and/or try to prove your point that evil is in control, this only serves to bolster the power of a dark future for America and for other parts of the world. Every time you insist that the good people of the world have no power and are stupid to even imagine that we could make a difference, you are empowering the dark side and you are making things harder for those of us who dare to imagine a bright future for America and who dare to imagine that Trump may be able to contribute to creating this.

I ask that instead of using your energy, words, and visuals to bring a very dark future into form, why don't you sit down and write out a beautiful vision for America's future? If you are an artist, why don't you draw a beautiful vision of what America might look like in the near future? Why not consider using your words, time, and energy to imagine and visualize a bright future for America instead of focusing so much energy on hideous thoughts and dangerous expectations for our future?

What I am asking for is so simple. Please just start using your power to create The Good and STOP allowing the dark forces to use you to create the future that THEY want to bring into form. Every time you have an expectation that evil will prevail, and especially when you speak it and post things to bolster that thought -- you are aligning yourself with that future and making it harder for those of us who are trying to bring The Good into form.


This outcome can only happen when the good people of the world make a choice that they are DONE with evil and will no longer allow it in their lives or their world. We have been much too complacent - much too accepting - much too compliant - and denying our own power. We must all get on board with a bright vision for the future and in so doing, we will override the dark forces vision of Armageddon.

If great things can happen in Russia, they can happen here too. Please do your part to envision The Good.

Jeanice Barcelo #conspiracy birthofanewearth.blogspot.co.uk



You make the call!

Pictures on the left are General George Patton. Pictures on the right are President Donald J. Trump. Does anyone else see the resemblance? I do believe we have a case of reincarnation here. Keep in mind that General Patton fought against the German people in World War 2. Toward the end of the war, he said that the U.S. fought the wrong side and that the German people were the only good people left in Europe. Not surprisingly, the psychopath that some refer to as "Ike the kike" Eisenhower promptly had General Patton killed. To learn more about Eisenhower, see below.

Lucky thing for us, times have changed and the energy of The Good is reclaiming the Earth (with our help of course!). So Donald Trump will not be killed. Instead, any creature that makes an attempt on his life will be promptly exposed and executed.

So sayeth Jeanice!