
gettes #fundie content.usatoday.com

[re: DC marriage equality law and the District's 3 day waiting period after issuing a license:]

Three day waiting period for a gay marriage. Five day waiting period for the gun so you can shoot yourself when you realize you married a dude.

allknowingone2 #fundie content.usatoday.com

hind sight is always 20/20. I tend to believe the earlier stories about the Christian young adults and their Faith in God.
But we still have not learnt anything. Why didn't God prevent the murders? Simply because God is not allowed in out schools. We fail to remember that our entire public school system was started based on God. Our great universities were founded as Seminaries to prepare men and women to spread the Love of God. Yale, Harvard, Trinity, Columbia were started as Seminaries.

Deneh #fundie content.usatoday.com

Some things are just that....a theory. Scientific evidence or proving a theory into a fact by repeated experimentation can not be done on subjects like this. Therefore, they will always remain in the realm of ideology and conjecture. Simply, one cannot prove the big bang theory as it violates the first and second laws of thermodynamics. One cannot prove the dwarfs are a separate species either. Evolution states that man came from monkeys, but there are still monkeys around and they have not changed since.
Actually, some people do come from monkeys however....I have seen the results in some folks and how they think, and they may have a point in this one.