
Raza #fundie councilofexmuslims.com

If a husband expresses his desire for sexual intercourse with his wife, and asks her to fulfill his need, then she should fulfill her husband's desire, and she should not refuse him or deprive him of his need (unless of course if she is undergoing her monthly menstruation period or is down with illness.

Islam encourages and insists on chastity and fidelity. Islam prohibits and condemn illicit sexual relations, extra-maritial affairs, fornication, adultery, prostitution, pornography and promiscuity. It is for this reason that a wife is bound to fulfill her husband's sexual desires so as to prevent him form straying.

Raza #fundie councilofexmuslims.com

[When asked: Do you know of any examples where a few slaps have saved a marriage a created a happy home?]

First of all, you have to look at all the possible choices you have with a wife who neglects the kids, no meals after you come from work etc...
1) Divorce her
2) Stick with her
3) Hit her

[...] I would pick 3rd because this can avoid the divorce and also being with her won't be so bad. But again, I can't emphasise enough that this is in extreme cases; when confronting her and when giving her "incentives" to act her part. If this fails, you are left with 2 of the 3 worst choices.

[...] my parents have both hit me and I love them unconditionally, alhumdillah. And I sometimes feel good that my mother "knocked" some sense into me. I know the relationship between spouse and parents and children are different but I can't believe that love simply cannot exist after you hit your wife.

Raza #fundie councilofexmuslims.com

[about a report that Saudi Arabia has sentenced a 'Witch' to the death penalty]

Believe it or not, witchcraft is a serious problem in Pakistan; I believe in them completely and I think that they should be punished like this.
These types of cruel punishments have the biggest deterrence than any other punishment.