Ledev and holocaust21 #sexist holocaust21.wordpress.com

Ldev says: I THINK its worth bearing in mind the following in regard to the age of consent and the inbred paedophilia that has occurred throughout the British Establishment- in particular with the ‘Royals”-who are the biggest organised crime mafia on the planet.. Professor Richard Wortley and Professor Stephen Smallbone, both of whom state that prior to the 1900s girls married very young,
“In Medieval and early modern European societies, the age of marriage remained low, with documented cases of brides as young as seven years, although marriages were typically not consummated until the girl reached puberty (Bullough 2004). Shakespeare’s Juliet was just 13, and there is no hint in the play that this was considered to be exceptional. The situation was similar on the other side of the Atlantic; Bullough reports the case in 1689 of a nine-year-old bride in Virginia. At the start of the nineteenth century in England, it was legal to have sex with a 10 year-old girl.” [2]-AND King Richard II in 1396 when aged 29 year of age married 6 year old Isabella of france—KING Edward III, aged 13, married Philippa of Hainault when she was AGED 55—. CURRENTLY- usa- 1957 a 22 year old Jerry Lee Lewis legally married his 13 year old cousin—In the state of Virginia, it is officially still legal for girls as young as 12 or 13 to be brought to a courthouse with evidence of a pregnancy and wed, a practice that has come under increased scrutiny ..In Virginia itself, according to state health statistics, more than 4,500 minors were married between 2000 and 2013, including about 220 who were 15 or younger.the minimum legal age of marriage for girls worldwide reveals that the US is one of the lowest on record, with several places – including Massachusetts – allowing girls as young as 12 to be wed with the consent of a judge.

holocaust21 says: Thanks for the information. So this shows that it is COMPLETELY NORMAL throughout the ages for older men to have sexual relationships with very young girls. Thus the case for abolishing the age of consent is a strong one.

Ldev says: clearly thats your interpretation- the point i was making is that for centuries there have been child raspists making LAWS in the usa and uk and that continues today-satanists have always been at the head of this-the only connection to feminism is the Rockefeller Foundation who began sponsoring it in th e1960’s and introduced ”intersectionality”- intersectionality is the racist and sexist notion that only black women can be oppressed and that all white people have ‘white privilege’ and therefore a white woman is never oppressed as much as a black woman—complete divide and conquer rhetoric that does as it aims to do- divide people and move the emphasis away from who is reallly doing the expolitation and oppression= the banking plutocracy and zionists who are actually satanists and who rape children because their ninth circle satanist beliefs are that it replenishes them through taking blood and sexual power from the young who have the most to give them that-DO THE RESEARCH..http://www.vanderbilt.edu/ICI/director.php

holocaust21 says: What you call “child rape” is actually normal male sexuality. It can’t be rape if it’s not forced.



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