Mohamad #fundie

Islamic law is stable, the Ulema have agreed in the past, the time of the Sahabah was the most just time mankind has ever seen. The Prophet told us of a fall of a caliphate and a return of a caliphate after a tyranical rule. He said, first dictatorship, then a push-over leader, then a righteous Caliphate 3ala manhaj al Nobowa, or however the Prophet worded it. Thus, If a Caliphate returns, it also means the Ummah will live under Sharia.

Do not forget, our children are pure, it only takes one generation of a Caliphate and effort to wipe out all this Secular, democracy, anti - "wahabi" "salafi" "extremist" Islamic "muslim' organizations.

How? Our children will be raised properly, without the brain washing corruption, because they will live in a Sharia state, they'll then multiply and all the "hypocrites" will live in the west and avoid going to the Sharia state, thus the True Muslims and these Muslims by names will be separated, and their children will eventually forget they're ancestors were ever Muslims and poof, we have a Pure Islamic society with few hypocrites and a clear understanding of the Deen.

How do you think the world became so corrupted? Tv, Media, and bad parenting and bad schools, likewise, Good Media, Good Tv, Good teachers, Good Parenting and Good schools will, with time, reverse the efforts of Dajjal and his army until truth is separated from falsehood and then Mahdi will appear to end tyranny and spread Islam to the "four corners" of the world, and all the Atheists/Kaffirs/Religion haters will group together under Dajjal.

And thus Good will be clear and Evil will be clear and the world will choose it's sides, then finally Good will prevail and 7 years of peace where a lion runs from a child will come. Then Allah will unleash Yajuj wa Majuj, or was it before? Allaho y3lam.

Nontheless, the same way Allah foretold of this corruption, he foretold of the peace after it, and with difficulty there is ease, and with difficulty there is ease. So, do not lose hope, the Promise of Allah is true.



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