Incels Wiki #sexist #crackpot #dunning-kruger

Over a hundred years ago, advanced technology and industrialization came around made by men, making jobs safer for women, and women joined the workforce. Now that women were comfy enough to claim taxpayer status, men gave women the vote and positions of power in politics and the workplace. This occurred before the 'feminist' or 'suffragette' movement even began. The first wave feminist movement mainly occurred in the late 19th century, with Denmark being the first country having a feminist movement starting in 1871. Women started getting the right to vote in the 1700s (in municipal elections in some limited jurisdictions, and in the short lived independent Republic of Corsica), the same century the industrial revolution started, and way before any suffragette movement.

Only problem with this new paradigm is that women usually aren't sexually attracted to men who are lower in hierarchies of social status and money than they are. So as women gained dominance in traditional male hierarchies, they complained a bunch about there being 'no good men'[1][2] aka the dwindling amount of men wealthier or more powerful than them to give them tingles. As fewer men gave them tingles more incels were created and more men were sent their own way. And as women gained more dominance in society they complained more about beta males, and "rape" etc...

Modern feminist movements

They even created campaigns against these increasing amount of men lower on the social hierarchy than them they are not sexually attracted to, with the most extreme advocating androcide. Movements like:

Anti Catcalling Movement: aka 'Men poorer than me better not hit on me in public'

Anti Manspreading Movement: aka 'Public transport users (people poorer than me, or people who have not yet proved they are higher status than me) should not make me think of their junk'

Metoo movement: aka 'Autistic and socially isolated ugly men who can't read social cues should be locked up or ridiculed as much as rapists'[3][4]



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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