
jlgx50 #homophobia #kinkshaming forums.taleworlds.net

[I'm saying that not all gay couples practice anal sex, that you don't have to be gay to take it up the ass and that there is several ways to tango.]

so your saying that people that are in heterosexual relationships want anal sex ?

I really don't believe that, In many of my relationships I don't think any of the girls I have dated would like it or even allow that kind of thing, they would most likely give me a restraining order, and I would't be for it anyway

but if a man wants to give his wife or girlfriend anal that eather makes him physiologically gay or bi not heterosexual

anyway if someone is truely heterosexual there is no need for anal sex

Sir Saladin #fundie forums.taleworlds.net

Christians are the best vampire hunters and witch finders. Us Christians (I haven't been inside of a church or prayed in a long time but I was raised as a Christian) pretty much exterminated the vampires and if that ain't virtue I'll kiss your ass AND I'll eat my hat.

General_Specific #fundie forums.taleworlds.net


Sure, I may be dumb compared to them, but I have God on my side. That boosts my sides average IQ to... infinity.

Also, you only seem to be able to fight using mudslinging. I actually put forward proof. Try fighting fire with fire instead of mud...

General_Specific #fundie forums.taleworlds.net

I know I'm not wrong, because I know that God exists and that the Bible is his word. Sure, you can say, "There's no proof," and you can try to shove your so called "Scientific explanations," at me, but I know I'm right. Once a person has truly accepted the Lord as their savior, you can feel his presence. Some may deny it, but I know it's true from personal experience. I am tired of being laughed at, true enough, but I'll do it all my life rather than change my views and burn in hell. I can be just as stubborn as you are, and I'll never change my views. Keep trying to put me down. You might actually lower me a few centimeters.

Logic is a point of view. Your logic is polluted, and as such will be your destruction.

The laws of physics don't apply to God. What part of omnipotence do you not get?

General_Specific #fundie forums.taleworlds.net

The comet still lives!!! Ahem... anyway... I believe that the dinosaurs were on the ark. They took the small ones, and they grew, and maybe had babies, who knows, but I think that the climate change made the world unsuitable for them, and many species went extinct. I also believe that there are some dinosaurs alive today. Loch Ness OgoPogo (forgive the spelling), sightings in the Congo, there are hundreds of reports of dinosaur-like creatures every day. Just my opinion.

General_Specific #fundie forums.taleworlds.net

As for the discussion of Jonah and the great fish (just a note: the Bible never said anything about it being a whale), have you ever heard those reports of fisherman falling off of a whaling vessel and being found still alive in the belly of a whale? Run a search on it, it's a rather interesting thing. I saw one article of the sort that said the man's skin was completely bleached after his time in the belly of the whale. There's one reason that the people of Nineveh would have listened to Jonah: He smelled of old fish and had pure white skin and hair. Now THAT would have been freakish.

As for the dinosaurs, I was just saying my opinion as to their existence. As to whether they exist nowadays or not has little bearing on my beliefs.

Anyway, I'd like to point something interesting out. Suppose that I am wrong (and I'm not), I haven't lost anything. If this were true, I'd just blink out of existence when I die, just like you would. No harm done. That isn't why I'm a Christian, but it's an interesting thought.

I see your post (rather, posts), Lep, and I still don't think too highly of evolution. How is it possible that this world just pieced itself together? Where did the laws come from? What created gravity? Why did evolution occur? How did the intermediate creatures (AKA, missing links, which will remain missing unless frauds are made) survive? Why is there water on this planet and not on others? Why is it the only planet in our solar system with a breathable atmosphere? The theory of evolution is what created the search for extra-terrestrial life. There is no proof of any existing, yet we look for it anyway. Why? Evolution. The real reason for the national debt. Yes, America, your money is being spent on operations like the one they're running on Mars. Interesting, they still haven't found life. We never will.

General_Specific #fundie forums.taleworlds.net

Oh, I'm perfectly willing to fight for Creation against evolution any day. I know what evolution proposes. The big bang may not be a spontaneous explosion now, but it used to be. At first it was dust, now a singularity. At first a few millions of years, now several billion. And they basically believe that humans came from a bacteria. And I ask you, why don't we see evolution today? Oh, right, we're in the middle of one of those long periods of evolutionary rest again. *Sigh* I guess I'll never see evolution first hand. Say, how long is evolution planning to be on vacation, anyway? I want to see a dog with wings...

Oh, yeah, I've found the atheists bible! www.en.wikipedia.org

captianstripes #fundie forums.taleworlds.net

Can i ask a question? Thank you, what is the basic law of matter? Matter cannot be created! So basically for the "big bang" to have happened when one atom collided with another one creating a massive explosion or whatever, WHERE did those atoms come from????? And for evolution, men have wanted to fly for centuries so why don't I see birdmen? Or why don't I see Deer that have an eye in the back of their heads so they can see predators?? Why cant you just think "man I wish i had an extra arm" and your grandchildren progressively grow extra arms???? As far as I know man has looked the same for at least 5 thousand years and more. For anything to have happend their had to be a "beginning" so where did earth come from?? The planets? Why didn't all monkeys become humans? Why are their not 8 eyed Antelopes? And where did those molecules that form the world we see today come from?? To answer all those questions their is only one logical answer!! God!