
Just me and Jesus #fundie #racist #psycho wnd.com

(Background: the article was on the Satanic Temple opposing Mississippi’s replacement of the Confederate flag with one that said “In God We Trust”.)

Just me and Jesus: I verily hope that these slime never, ever repent. I am going to be having sweet dreams about the Day when I can watch them be cast into the Lake of Fire and enjoy eternity listening to their sweet screams of anguish.

Dudley Dorite: I wonder how many of you are going to end up in the same place, after defending the Confederacy, a traitor government that sought to perpetuate a system where raping little black slave girls was perfectly legal, where it was perfectly legal for a slave owner to amputate a slave’s limb with an ax for being “disobedient”, or whip and rape a naked slave woman for fun without fear of the law, a Satanic government if there ever was one. You should be grateful MIssissippi has finally removed that Satanic symbol from its flag, because that is exactly what it is.

Just me and Jesus: The Confederate States of America was a godly institution that explicitly stated in its Constitution that it was a Christian Nation that revered God before all else. Contrast that with the biblically seditious U.S. Constitution and its blasphemous First Amendment and “no religious test” clause.

Between an openly Christian Nation and a blasphemous one that permits heretics and pagans to hold public office, I know which one God would rather bless. As for the slavery, God’s Word quite clearly permits His people to practice it. I don’t think it was a sin to outlaw the practice, but it wasn’t a sin to keep it, either. In fact, the Bible states that God marked the descendants of Ham (the father of the Africans) and destined them to be eternal slaves of other people. Therefore, God Himself mandated that Africans and their descendants are not true humans, but are to be seen as the potential property of everyone else.

So yes, I would much rather live in a Christian Confederacy than a blasphemous nation that only has God’s wrath to look forward to.

drlarry gino #racist #psycho wnd.com

drlarry gino: This islamo/fascist/deranged black/racist/hateful/ignorant/praying to a false God in "allah", should be given 2 options. 1. Return to darkest Afrika, where maybe some black no non sense tribe of carnivores ( yes those highly evolved black folk)or 2. Be shot at sundown, and her body fed to dogs. Maybe Snoop Dog, the other black racist, could be called on to eat her up.

Dudley Dorite: Your post is outright racist

drlarry gino: Calling my post racist is very racist of you , you little racist twit. You are the most racist person for even implying that I am racist!! How racist can you get, you little twit racist. How racist can you get, you bigoted, pre-judging racist, racist.