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RE: China overtakes the US in terms of research quality, finds study

China is also the most favored scientific destination in the world. Smart people know where they can have a good life and act accordingly.

I still remember when delusional western propagandists claimed that China dominating all PISA tests and international competitions wasn't important, that China's education being superior to such high degree wasn't relevant, etc. The depression and panic caused by China's superiority among western colonial circles is beautiful to see. Unlike China, not a single colonial western regime ever developed without plunder, they just don't have what it takes, from resources to capabilities.

regimes and societies that never developed in a sustainable or competitive manner can't ever hope to compete with China. This is a fact widely known internally by colonial western regimes, hence their desperate behavior that keeps only accelerating the terminal collapse of western economies (e.g. the "trade war" they waged against China resulted in brutal permanent losses for western economies). At the end of the day, anti-competitive western plunder can't found a civilization or reach prosperity because plunder is ephemeral, it collapses on its own as we see today. On top of it, plunder doesn't produce smart people at all, but the opposite, it promotes corrupt, incapable, incompetent people across all these colonial societies. There is a reason why China avoids remotely becoming like a western colonial hellhole, why would China choose a vastly inferior system when China can do much better like it has already proved it?



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