Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

Coronavirus means Nibiru must be very close

Isn’t it obvious?

- They’re locking us all inside.
- They shut down the economy.
- They’re spending obscene amounts of money that will never be repaid.
- The lockdowns are indefinite. Australia now saying 12-18 months.
- It seems they want people inside their homes, with military presence around them for when the first big event happens. Not out of kindness, but rather they want to make a clean escape without being ravaged by thousands of people as they leave.
- Trump wrote in his letter to Schumer today about private companies helping make supplies. “They know something is coming. That’s all they need to know.”

It seems like they’re planning for something that will never end.
It seems like... they know it’s over. They know no one is coming out on the other side of this.
The lockdowns they’re suggesting are longer than the 1918 Spanish flu which was far more deadly.

What do I predict?
One of three things, or any number of mixes of them:

1) Nibiru is seen by astronomers and leaked to the public. Mass chaos ensues, martial law is declared and the military is already stationed.

2) Nibiru appears suddenly, like it does in the Bible, and as well die. Or, some live to see it before they die.

3) Nibiru isn’t seen until months later, but causes a massive earthquake, perhaps the biggest one in human history happens... which starts off the end times events.

I feel it in my bones that this is the reason for this virus. It’s not about ATLAS comet, it’s about something much, much bigger that’s getting very close to us.

For Astro, I understand Kepler’s laws. I understand gravity. I understand if Nibiru abided by these laws, the solar system would already be torn apart.

Either ST in BG is right, or my theory cannot be true. I understand. I just ha e a feeling that ST in BG is right. Hopefully I’m wrong!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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