Ian Connolly, berniebrother & ilya muromets #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: No Whites Allowed: Pfizer Fellowship Flagrantly Violates the Law, Lawyers Say

(Ian Connolly)

The pharmaceutical giant Pfizer offers a prestigious fellowship that bars whites and Asians from applying.

“This Pfizer program is so flagrantly illegal I seriously wonder how it passed internal review by its general counsel,” said Adam Mortara, one of the country’s top civil rights attorneys.

Please stop making Asians into victims as if they’re whites. It’s so obnoxious. They all have homogeneous countries that they can return to tomorrow.

Asians are becoming just as bad as blacks and Hispanics in this country — The current mayor of Boston alone, is evidence of that. They are not us, and they can’t be trusted.

Just because they have low crime and illegitimacy rates (minus southeast Asians) it unfortunately tends to hypnotize a lot of white nationalists to believe that they’re on our side, that they’re no threat to the American way of life, or that they can continue growing in America. This is very destructive thinking.

I want them to be deported just as much as I want Mexicans and Haitians deported. All non-white groups have to be viewed, at least in some marginal way, as harmful to us and our countries. We can’t spend all of our time and energy on blacks just because of higher crime rates. It’s a losing strategy.

The mayor of Boston is an openly anti-white bigot. She's married to a white guy, of course.

“This Pfizer program is so flagrantly illegal I seriously wonder how it passed internal review by its general counsel”.

I know! The answer is most likely black lawyers.

(ilya muromets)
“Minus southeast Asians?” They are still Asians, & putting their criminal data & lifestyle traits averaged in the Asian race, must be displayed to show that Asians aren’t the low crime darlings many say they are.

‘Bout time someone OTM stated these facts about the Orientals here.
Yup, they hate us too.

Whites, most hate us, all envy us, all would love to be us, now we must make them fear us.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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