Wyatt Junker #fundie libertydwells.com

The only real atheists are the ones who act upon it, by faith, and mow down a family of four in the living room on a home invasion. They really do believe there are no consequences, for when they die, it is truly nada, nothing, an oxygen vaccuum devoid of all repurcussions. I don't. I believe in an angry God, but also a loving One partly because of that same anger that is only quenched upon those deserving His wrath for their obstinate refusal to accept and/or believe Him and be their own god. Be careful out there. You are on your way to a death cult, namely, atheism. It is A BELIEF in nothing. And everyone who accepts it, falls victim at some point to their own meaningless lives of ennui and, eventually, destruction.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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